The Emerald Key

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The Emerald Key Page 14

by Vicky Burkholder

  A half hour later, he felt nearly human again. He emerged into the living room and stopped, a smile on his face as he found Cass sound asleep on the sofa.

  Nic quietly added a couple of pieces of wood to the fire and shut the door on the stove. Then he turned to Cass. Dark circles under her eyes told him as much about her exhaustion as her sound sleep. He went on a search and found pillows and quilts. He spread one blanket over Cass and put the others on the floor between the stove and the sofa. The bed in the bedroom looked much more comfortable than the floor, but he wanted to be close to Cass. He lay down, but, although Cass slept soundly, Nic didn’t feel like a nap.

  He rose and took a quiet tour of the cabin. The place had modern conveniences like electric heat and a stove and indoor plumbing, but the building itself appeared to have a lot of years. On the outside, the logs looked as if they’d been hand-hewn, and he figured the plaster chinking had been replaced several times. He spotted square head nails in a few areas, and knew they had to have been handmade, not purchased at any modern home improvement store. On the whole, the place came across as a blend of both ancient and modern melded to offer comfort, serenity, and peace.

  He discovered a small bank barn at the back of the cabin. Inside he found an array of tools matching the cabin for discrepancy in time. Next to a gas-powered chain saw, he found an old-fashioned two-man saw. Sharp axes and wood splitters hung on the back wall along with gardening implements. A side wall held smaller tools on a pegboard above a heavy, scarred workbench.

  Nothing took up space in the center of the barn, and he judged the area large enough for his truck. He grabbed his keys and strode around to the front of the cabin and drove to the back. The extra security would help keep him and Cass hidden. After leaving the barn, he noted the pile of unsplit logs in the yard and shrugged. A little physical activity would help work off some of his nerves. The last couple of days had been rough. He needed to take the edge off.

  * * * *

  William stood on the raised steps of the small stage and looked over the room. At one time, he’d faced hundreds of his people; now, less than a couple dozen gazed back at him, most of whom weren’t even descendants. Of them all, only two or three had any actual power, but even that had been watered down over the years to no more than a dying spark. Soon, that would all change.

  “My friends, welcome to this, our final meeting in this place.” He waited for the grumblings to die down. “The time we have awaited has finally arrived. In two days, I will once again have the doorway between realms open, and power and rule will revert to us.”

  This time cheers erupted from the group. Weak, but still cheers. While he spoke, Sheila moved through the group. Her usefulness came into being at this time. Like a bloodhound, she searched out those who had true power, separating them from those who believed but did not really belong.

  As she wandered, she touched each one with power, and they glowed with an aura only William could see. When he finished speaking, he would separate the ones with power from the hangers-on. And their power would be his. They thought he would take them with him. What idiots. The keys belonged to him alone. None would share in his victory. He glanced at the woman. No one. Hers would be the sweetest death. And the last before his beloved Cassandra joined them. Sheila would lead the group to the cavern, where they would all drink a toast to their victory. A very special toast he’d prepared. One that would immobilize his sacrificial flock, but leave them very much aware of his actions. After all, the power peaked when fueled by strong emotions, especially pain, fear, and hatred.

  William turned his attention back to the group. “We have a few more details to take care of. You have each been handed a card on which you have your assignment and the timetable. If you feel you cannot take care of your part in our glorious victory, let your group leader know now so we can find a replacement.”

  He waited a few seconds and when no one moved, nodded at them. “Very good. In two days, we will gather at the holy spot and drink a toast to our victory. But first, I have a wonderful duty to perform. Will the lucky couple please step forward?”

  Sheila and his lieutenant stepped up onto the stage. William took their hands and joined them together. “Judge Ormond? If you please?”

  A portly, gray-haired man stepped up with them, a book in his hand. “We are gathered here today, in the presence of these people, to join these two together…”

  William’s mind wandered as the judge intoned the inane ritual. The aura surrounding both his lieutenant and the woman shone stronger than any others in the room. He had chosen correctly, of course. Their union would combine their powers and he would be the one to benefit. He smiled widely and clapped when they touched lips to the cheers of the onlookers.

  As he followed the couple down the steps, William stumbled, catching himself before he fell. He glanced around to make sure none had witnessed his slip. No telltale grins or wide-eyed suspects. He drew his coat around him and strode out. Tired. So tired. He needed rest. He needed his Cassandra.

  He’d nearly reached his room when he felt a sensation of someone watching him. He twirled around, but the hall showed no one there. Where had the feeling come from?

  “The witch! It has to be her.” William walked faster to his room, his energies flagging even more. Once inside, the sensation stopped and he relaxed. “She may know the general area, but she can’t see exactly where I am, especially here.”

  He stretched out on the bed. “Rest. I need to rest. Then all will be well.”

  Chapter 12

  Cass woke to a series of “ka-thunk” sounds, followed by several thuds. “What in the world? Nic?”

  When he didn’t answer, fear leaped into her heart, and she jumped from the sofa. She grabbed the fire iron and searched the cabin. No Nic. She looked out the front windows—nothing. Not even the truck. Where had he gone? Had he had enough? Would he use her so easily, then abandon her?

  Ka-thunk. She followed the sound to the back door and looked out—and stopped breathing.

  Then she sucked in a deep breath. Nic stood in the middle of the yard, wearing a flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up above his elbows, ax in hand, a small pile of split logs at his feet.

  Ka-thunk. Muscles bulged as he struck the wood.

  Ka-thunk. He wiped sweat from his forehead as snow flurries swirled around him. Cass grabbed a heavy jacket from a peg near the back door and stepped into boots kept there.

  She waited until he laid the ax down to make her presence known. “Wow. You’ve been busy.”

  “Oh. Yeah.”

  He winced as he stretched, and Cass bit back a grin. She bent to pick up the logs, adding them to the pile next to the back porch. “You didn’t have to do this, but I do appreciate it. It’s my turn to add to the pile.”

  “Your turn? No wonder you lift weights.” Nic grimaced as he picked up a log. “I needed to work off some energy.”

  She wiggled her eyebrows at him. “Gee, you didn’t get enough of a workout earlier?”

  He grinned. “A different kind of exercise.”

  “Uh-huh. And tell me how your shoulders feel?”

  “My shoulders?”

  “Yes. At least you wore gloves.”

  “Just because I’ve never done this before doesn’t mean I’m an idiot.”

  “You’ve…” Cass studied the pile of logs, split as well as any expert. “Never?”

  “Well, not in this lifetime.”

  Cass laughed. “Could have fooled me. Go inside. Now. I’ll be in as soon as I get this stacked.”

  “I can—”

  “I said go inside. You’re done.” It didn’t surprise Cass when he didn’t listen, but at least he left the wood alone. He picked up the tools, cleaned them, and disappeared into the barn while she stacked the wood. She caught a glimpse of his truck parked in the barn and nodded. Good idea.

  A short time later, she added a few sticks of more aged wood to the fire. Nic sat on the floor in front of the futon. Sh
e noted the way he shifted around and rolled his neck, and she bit back a smile. He had to be hurting pretty badly. She moved to sit behind him and grasped his shoulders, kneading the knots that refused to give way. When he tried to pull away from her, she knew her ministrations hurt him more than helped him.

  “Stay still. I want to try something.”

  “I’m not sure—”

  “Trust me. Please.” Cass pulled her amulet out, placed it on his right shoulder, and covered the stone with her hands. Then she closed her eyes, and envisioned his shoulders and back as healed while she whispered a prayer to the angels of healing.


  Cass opened her eyes. “What?”

  “You’re glowing.”

  “I’m what?” Cass stared at her hands and arms. A white light emanated from them. She jerked back from him and the glow faded. “What was that? That never happened with Aunt Minerva.”

  Nic handed her the amulet and rolled his shoulders easily. “I’d say the light is part of whatever you do. Interesting.”

  “Interesting doesn’t begin to cover this.” She took the amulet back. “What is this? And why am I the one to have it?”

  “Because you are the keep—”

  “Keeper. Yes, I know. I’m the Keeper and you’re the Protector. Of what? This? Why? Why me? Why us?”

  “Why not you? Why not us? This isn’t the first time you’ve had this job.”

  “I know. Nor you. But how do we know that? And if we did have other lives, why can’t we remember them?”

  “Maybe we’re not supposed to. What if we made some mistakes in the past? By starting over, it’s possible we won’t make them again.”

  “Or we just keep making the same ones over and over again.”

  Cass’ cell phone rang, making them both jump. “It’s Aunt Minerva,” she said to Nic and put her on speaker. “Aunt Minerva? Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine, dear, but there are some things happening that mean I won’t be able to join you. I assume you’re safe?”

  “Yes, but—”

  “Yes is fine, dear. Listen carefully. The solstice is in two days. You must be at the gathering place on that day.”

  “But Aunt Minerva—”

  “Do not interrupt me, Cassandra. Be there. Do not fail me in this.”

  The line went dead. Cass held the phone out, and stared at the instrument as if blaming it, but her battery showed a full charge and the signal strength strong.

  “What did she mean by the gathering place for the solstice?” Nic asked.

  “This is the gathering place. Aunt Minerva and her friends bring me and their wards here for weekends and parties and stuff. We four started calling it the gathering place and the name stuck.”

  “Four of you—all orphans?”

  “Yeah. It’s strange, we all have similar circumstances. Phoebe and Dori are cousins whose grandmother, Alma, adopted them. Chloe, Kyrie’s mother’s best friend, raised her. Aunt Minerva had me. Our parents all died about the same time. And we’re all the same age.”

  “And me with no family. Nor does Greg. All orphans or alone? I wonder if that’s some kind of requirement. Do you all have amulets and powers?”

  “Yes and no. We all have necklaces, but I’m the only one with powers, I think. Remember what Aunt Minerva said? Even she doesn’t know. We never really talked about it.”

  “I’d be willing to bet you all have something. And you’re all Keepers. Why haven’t you ever talked about it? I’d think friends would talk about things like this.”

  Cass shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess the subject never came up.”

  “Or your aunt had you under some kind of spell not to talk about them.”

  Cass swatted at him. “Now who’s being weird?”

  “Are you good friends with the others?”

  “You know Dori. We’re best friends—have been since elementary school. We pretty much grew up together. Kyrie owns a small bookstore closer to Philly, and Phoebe has a bar. We all live within an hour of here, so we get to see each other pretty often.”

  “When’s the last time you talked to Phoebe and Kyrie?”

  Cass frowned. “About a week ago. Kyrie’s out of state picking up stock at a store that’s going out of business. We all get together for the solstice, then it’s back to the insanity until after the holidays.”

  “The solstice is in two days. So all we have to do is stay here for two days and we’ll be fine.”

  “I have the strangest feeling it won’t be that easy,” Cass said.

  Nic blew out a heavy breath and studied the amulet hanging once more around Cass’ neck. “I’m more than a little inclined to agree with you.”

  While Nic did a quick recon outside, Cass threw together an evening snack. Canned soup along with Nic’s remaining biscuits followed by canned fruit. It didn’t have the expert touches that Nic had come up with, but it would fill their stomachs.

  She glanced out the window. The flurries had changed to snow. A quick glance at the pictures on the wall showed snow falling there as well. “Stop that. I’ve got enough problems without you doing stuff like that.”

  The snow in the pictures stopped, but Cass heard giggling in the background. “Honestly, it’s bad enough he thinks I’m strange. Adding you to the mix would put him over the edge. I don’t think he’s ready for faeries or pixies yet.”

  This time, she definitely heard giggling but at least the pictures reverted to their previous view. “Thank you.”

  Nic came in the back door shaking flakes out of his hair and stomping his feet.

  “Hey! Stop that! You’re getting everything wet.”

  Nic grabbed Cass around the waist and swung her around in a circle. Cass squealed and batted at him. He stopped and let her down until her feet barely touched the floor. Nic looked down at her. Her shiver had nothing to do with the snow.

  “Nic?” Her voice emerged as a bare whisper.

  “Shh.” His mouth came down on hers. He tasted of mint and the outdoors—a clean, crisp sensation that seared her all the way to her toes. She lost herself in his kiss. When he pulled away, a numbness went through her, as though a part of her had pulled away.

  “Which room is yours?”

  “To the right.”

  Nic picked her up and carried her to the room she usually shared with Minerva.

  “Tell me now if you don’t want this, Cass.” Nic laid her on the bed.

  For an answer, Cass drew his face to hers. “You are my past, my present, and my future.”

  He tipped her head back and spread kisses down her neck. His touch held magic. If nothing else told her they belonged together, this impression of completeness she felt when they came together did. She would never get enough of him.

  Cass sighed as Nic’s mouth claimed hers, promising much more to come. Her fingers sought out the buttons on his shirt, easing them open. She pushed his shirt down until she could touch his chest and back. His heart beat a thunderous rhythm against her palm. As her hands flowed over his back and chest, he kissed her more deeply. Heat built in her center, flowing outward, sensitizing every nerve in her body.

  He tugged at her shirt, breaking away for just a second to pull it over her head. His mouth closed over one breast, teasing it to a taut peak while his fingers teased the other. Cass arched against his hand, her body on fire. He moved lower, tugging her jeans off. Their few remaining clothes quickly disappeared. Nic took a second for protection, then restarted his assault on her senses. His fingers moved lower and Cass gasped as heat built to an intolerable peak.


  Nic moved over the top of her, his mouth reclaiming hers. A moan of pure pleasure emerged as Nic sank deeply into her. Their rhythm built to a wild tempo. When the shudders of her orgasm shook her, Cass felt as though she’d broken into a thousand wonderful pieces. Nic quickly followed her, calling her name as he reached his own peak.

  * * * *

  Much later, Cass turned over to
find Nic gone. The chill on his side indicated he’d been up for more than a few minutes. She grabbed a heavy robe and went out to the main room to find him sitting on the sofa, staring at the fire.

  “Nic? What’s wrong?”

  Nic looked up at her. “I’m sorry, Cass. I thought you wanted me as much as I wanted you.”

  Cass blinked at him. “You what? How could you think I didn’t? This felt even better than that seedy hotel. I experienced a deep connection to you—deeper than I’ve ever known.”

  “Don’t lie to me, Cass. I know better.”

  “Nicodemus Amandine! How can you say such a thing? Especially after what we just experienced!” Tears clogged her throat. How could he not know how much he meant to her? That what they’d shared was unique because they connected on such a deep level?

  Nic’s shoulders slumped. “What we shared was so special, I can’t begin to understand it or believe it. But I know it didn’t mean as much to you.”

  “You…you know? How?”

  “Look at you now. You’re holding back, aren’t you? Otherwise things would be shattering.”

  “Holding back?” Finally Cass understood. The tears spilled over, but in the midst of laughter. “This is all because the windows didn’t shatter?”

  “Well, yes. You said when you’re emotionally involved, things break.”

  Cass sat down beside him, trying to control her laughter. “Nic, this is a very special place. There’s a reason why Aunt Minerva and her friends gather here during the equinoxes and solstices. Have you ever heard of ley areas?”

  “No. What’s that?”

  “They are very special places where the laws of physics may not necessarily follow what is known. I know you’ve heard of Stonehenge.”


  “Well, in addition to Stonehenge, there are other places in the world where strange is the norm. There is a road in Florida where cars roll uphill. Or the Bermuda Triangle. Or other places where geophysical phenomena occur.”


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