CHASED (A Standalone Billionaire Romance Novel)

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CHASED (A Standalone Billionaire Romance Novel) Page 17

by Kristina Weaver

  And…he’s got my name inked into him, as if I’m supposed to be there-

  “I had it done about a year after I left. I didn’t want to forget.” He says, making me startle.

  My fingertips stroke back over it and I breathe deep and bite into my lips before speaking.

  “It looks like a bloody wound.”

  “Yes, because at that stage of my life I felt raw and wounded.” He says softly.

  Ah, so this is what he never said last night. And maybe I was expecting it because I feel no surprise at his words or their implication. Chase felt hurt and wounded by me. Maybe not physically, but his ordeal is a direct result of knowing me. If not for me and my ‘self-examination’ Chase would have gone through school and graduated. He’d have been there for his dad and even shared a lot of time on college and all the usual things that young men do.

  I’ve taken a part of him away without realizing it and it freaking hurts to know that I did so much harm to him that he felt the need to ink me into his skin.

  On one hand it’s flattering, but really, I can’t ignore the clear message there. Chase, no Alex, bled for me, just for knowing me.

  “Don’t Remy. Don’t do that babe. I did this a long time ago, before I knew the whole truth.”

  I pull my hand back and lean into the headboard, feeling a little sick, and so far away from the bliss of before that I can’t think past the ache in my chest.

  Chase flips over and grabs my wrist, pulling me down and into his chest.

  “I, it was my fault they hurt you so bad. If you’d never known me, if I’d just stayed on my side instead of hopping that fence you could have stayed in Washington with your dad and been happy. They wouldn’t have hurt you.”

  “Oh babe. No.” he murmurs, pulling my chin up so he can look straight into my eyes. “They did it because they’re cowards. Bullies. Idiots. They saw one of ‘their own’.” He sneers at the words. “Being more than an empty shell and that pissed them off. Never apologize for wanting more than the stupid role they set for you. You never belonged with them.”

  He says that last part so fiercely that I have to smile because I know, hope I know what’s coming next. He doesn’t disappoint.

  “You always belonged to me.”


  “Chin up Rem. Time to roll.”

  I grimace and primp at my hair when the house of one Terry Gruber comes into view. Fuck I hate these assholes and yet I feel a thrill of excitement too at the prospect of being here to witness the second part of my plan.

  Just two days ago Brick and the guys made a phone call to Brian, letting him know that ‘we know what you did to that girl in high school. How do you think the American public will feel if they ever see this tape senator?”

  That had been the beginning but gosh, when I’d seen Brian the ass running out of his house in frantic panic, I’d turned to Chase and laughed so hard my belly ached.

  “Now that was well worth the wait.”

  Chase laughed too, despite the fact that we sat in the car for twenty minutes before Brian made his move. Dec had followed him right to Knox’s house and while I have no idea what went on there we know that there were outgoing calls to Gruber, Denton and Velos. All the players are now engaged and Lord above am I looking forward to tonight’s fundraiser.

  All of the players will be there and I’ll get to watch them unravel one by one as Brick and Neil make phone calls to each of them. I’m so chuffed at the thought of watching them flounder I can’t sit still as we pull into the driveway of the stately mansion that still belongs to Gareth Knox Sr., the house Jr, now lives in too thanks to Chase bankrupting him.

  Word is that his wife Eileen isn’t too happy with him right now but I suspect that’s got more to do with those photos Chase sent to her of him and his mistress screwing in his car.


  I almost float along beside Chase when the doorman announces us, and we enter the house. I feel great, look great in my deep blue ball gown with black crystals stitched into flower designs all over the skirt, and most of all I feel powerful as Chase rests his arm over me and pulls me close, his face a study of satisfaction.

  “You ready babe?” he asks, giving me asqueeze as we step into the ballroom and people start approaching.


  The first to approach us is Helena, my rat bastard, loose limbed cousin. I paste on a radiant smile though I’d like nothing more than to grab her head and knee slam her face.

  “Remy. I, I am so glad to see you. You look lovely.” She whispers and I see a bit of a tear twinkle in her eye.


  Her name comes out a hard hiss and I feel Chase’s fingers dig into my hip slightly. He’d cautioned me not to raise trouble but hell, I’m only human. And any normal woman would drop kick her skinny butt for such a gross betrayal.

  But heck, she did me a favour by banging Brian didn’t she? Maybe I shouldn’t hold a grudge.

  “You look great too, though a little skinny.”

  Chase strokes my hip and I see Helena relax and give me a tentative smile.

  “There’s something I need to talk to you about Rem. It’s really…oh there you are darling!” she says suddenly, her voice a cheery quiver that makes my skin crawl.

  Or maybe that’s just the fact that Brian has walked up and is standing in front of us in all his pomp and glory.


  Oh gosh. Really?

  “Carson, I don’t believe I’ve yet had the displeasure of meeting you. Chase Marshall, Remy’s husband.”

  I flat out grin and have to stifle a good giggle at that. Possessive oaf. Brian turns a dark shade of crimson bordering on purple and I glimpse Lena sucking her cheeks in and glancing at me surreptitiously from the corner of my eye, her own dancing with glee. I pause for a second, thinking I may have to have a talk with Chase since that just made me sound like a quick trigger lightskirt but then shrug.

  Who cares what these people think of me?

  “Pretty soon to be married isn’t it Remington? The ink hardly had a chance to dry.”

  Oh no you did not Brian.

  “What can I say Carson, she knows a real man when she sees one. Now if you’ll excuse us.”

  He doesn’t qualify or say anything more before nodding to Lena and steering me away. I see a lot of old faces as we make our way through the throng, not excluding my mother with her pinched look and the very obvious way she snubs me by turning her back to me as we approach.

  “Remy girl, there you are.”

  “Hi Dad.”

  I lean in for an uncomfortable air kiss and then Chase shakes his hand. I see dad wince a little and refrain from giggling. Men.

  Mom is still not budging on the cold shoulder and I feel Chase tense beside me before launching into a dreary recap of the business market or something like that.

  My gaze starts roaming and I spot Dec’s blonde head towering over the crowd where he’s currently flirting with some chick I’m sure I should know but can’t quite remember.

  Brick’s perusing the buffet and Hensley, while I don’t know where he is, I’m pretty sure he can’t be more than a few steps away. The guy is always close by me and I can honestly say besides Liv, he’s one of my pals.

  “Remy babe, let’s go get something to eat.”

  “Bye dad.”

  “See ya later honey.”

  I almost laugh at the sniff mom let’s off.

  “Christ, you survived gestation in that?”

  Then I do laugh because I’d had that very thought a time or two.

  “Yup. Stop scowling Chase, we’re supposed to be having fun. Just think about the chicken coop and the flying feathers.”

  “You know how I like to take care of chickens Remy, and I can promise you it in no way involves watching.” He growls, handing me a plate and positioning me in front of him.

  Tonight’s event is a ‘simple’ get together whereby patrons of various charities have come together to lend
their support and shine a spotlight not only on the charities, but how much suffering and need there is, just in our small little speck of the world.

  In realty it’s a mediocre buffet while the rich stand around gossiping and showing off their millions in jewels and accessories. Sad but true that those who ‘give’ actually can’t understand the first thing about needing.

  “Aaah, look babe.”

  I’m pulled away from examining shrimp and some dried leafy stuff when Chase leans in and whispers into my ear, his voice a soft caress against the skin at my nape.

  I follow his direction to see all five players simultaneously answer their phone.

  Oh glory, the looks on their smug faces!

  I watch as they go stiff and seem to listen just that much closer and I almost bust a gut when they start looking around almost frantically, their gazes eventually coming to rest on me.

  I give no outward sign of noticing, instead enjoying the way that Chase’s hand comes up to my hip to pull me closer and peek at them out of the corner of my eye.

  “I’m enjoying this almost as much as this morning babe.”

  I blush and dig my elbow into his side, scowling at his chuckle and the soft caress he gives to my hip because yeah, this morning was spent with his head between my legs and a very instructive tutorial on how to have sex in the shower.

  “Oh, I dunno. I think this morning was untouchable but I’m kinda liking those looks of horror I’m getting. Think we can drag this out enough that they’ll actually go a little crazy?”

  We’re at the end of the table by this time and I turn to see Brick grinning at us like a loon. Yup, phase two complete. Now all we have to do is watch as the five Stooges start boinking each other on the head.

  We’ve given them the hammers now all they need to do is start swinging.

  The best kind of entertainment.

  “So now that that’s done what say we go home? My feet are killing me and these damned undies are trying to eat my ass.” I grump, already losing interest when Brian seems to get a good handle on himself and the rest follow suit.

  “Okay babe. Let me just go round up the guys.”

  “M’kay. I’ll go to the ladies room and meet you out front, and no, I won’t be alone since Hen keeps following me around.” I mutter, kissing him before making my way out of the room and down a long hall to the left.

  I take care of business and exit the toilet section to go wash my hands when a hand lands on my shoulder almost giving me a stroke.

  “Sssh Rem, it’s just me.”


  “Sssh, whisper, I don’t want anyone knowing we’re talking.”

  “Ooookay. Are you alright Lena?” I ask, double checking the lock on the door when she keeps glancing behind her and staring at the thing like it’s a snake about to strike.

  “Rem, I need to tell you something.”

  “Okay.” I mutter, leaving the door to walk over to the sink and wash my hands.

  The action is two-fold. I really need to wash my hands because not washing after wiping is beyond nasty but also, I need a little distance from her.

  Lena is still the woman who betrayed me, forgiveness or not and my bucket list doesn’t include shmoosing with my ex husband’s booty call.

  “Remy, this is important!” she hisses, tripping over to the door and double checking the lock.

  Her movements are jerky and I suddenly become aware of the fact that Lena is not just nervous but seems a little afraid.

  “Lena, are you okay?”

  I finish washing my hands and start inching my way to the door, feeling less than comfortable when she nods jerkily. Her actions are not fluid and I’m not sure that being alone-

  “I know I don’t deserve forgiveness or trust because of the way I betrayed you Rem, and believe me I understand if you don’t listen to a word I say and walk out that door, but I have to tell you…something hokey is going on with Brian and I think he’s planning something.”


  “He’s been raging about you and Chase. The committee called him in on Wednesday and…they had these photos of him and me when you guys were still married and…it doesn’t look good for his career. He’s real mad Rem.” She breathes, casting another glance at the door before taking my hands in hers and taking a deep breath.

  I don’t really want to listen to a word she has to say because yeah, I don’t trust her and just the fact that she’s still fucking Brian tells me that she’s not worth a thought from me, but gosh, her eyes as she looks at me, so nervous and jumpy.

  “I heard them the other day Rem.” She whispers, lowering her voice another decibel. “I was so confused at first, still am but…I heard them saying how somebody knew what they did to you. Brian was so mad Rem and he and Gareth were almost yelling at each other. And then he called someone and said they needed to take care of things. For good.”

  Say what now?

  “Lena, are you telling me that-”

  “At first I thought he was talking to….but then the other three showed up and they weren’t dressed for golf, you know that Brian, Knox and those other three lackwits are still attached at the hip and…but they were all there eventually and then Brian made this call to someone and it sounded like he was taking orders and…what did they do? I know it’s something bad-”

  I’m not even listening anymore as she keeps babbling and the first thing that springs to mind is that my cousin is alone and unguarded in a house with that madman.

  “I have to go. Get away from them Lena and stay away.”

  “I’m leaving right now. Daddy got me a ticket to Greece to go visit uncle Costa. I, I am so sorry for everything Rem, I need you to believe that. I’m not good or kind or even really very smart but I’m not interested in hurting you…I think Brian wants revenge for whatever is going on between you, him and Chase. You need to be careful Rem, he isn’t a very nice man.” She breathes tearfully, her eyes imploring me to give her a little measure of the trust I had before.

  “I know Lena and I plan to see that he gets his. Now listen. Leave, don’t even go back to the house for your luggage. Just get out of here and get as far away as you can..things are going to get a lot uglier and I don’t want you caught in the middle.” I warn, almost bolting from the bathroom.

  Before I can open the door she grabs me and hugs me hard, her face a study of remorse when she pulls back and takes a deep breath.

  “Be careful Rem.”

  “I don’t need to be, I have Chase.” I say, pushing her away as I force my lips into a tight smile.

  “Good bye Remy.”

  I don’t answer as I open the door and meet Hensely where he’s leaning against the wall, his pose relaxed even as he scans the hallway for threats.

  “You okay Rem?”

  “Not yet, but I will be.”

  Lena doesn’t know what she’s just told me, hell, my family had played the whole incident off as me having a nervous breakdown so no one knows what really happened to me, but I now know something very important, something that Chase needs to know.

  There’s a number six to consider in our plans.

  I just need to find out who that is.

  Chapter 37

  “Are you sure?”

  I watch Chase’s eyes narrow before he starts pacing again and I lean back into the headboard with a sigh, feeling completely wrung out and flummoxed by the nights revelations.

  Lena had been so afraid and I honestly think she was just trying to warn me, but Chase is not so forgiving and instead of trusting her words he had Dec pick my cousin up and take her to a secure location. For questioning.

  While I hate to think of Lena alone and afraid cause yeah, Dec is one scary dude, I can’t help by feel a measure of relief that she’s with one of ours.

  “That’s what she said. Brian was talking to someone else about ending the whole thing while the rest of them were there in the room with him. I don’t know…even when I realized that it was them, it
still struck me as odd. You remember them in school hone, they’re not exactly leaders. Hell, Brian was only QB and captain because his parents put the screws to coach Reyner. The man can’t lead a donkey, even dangling a carrot for the beast.”

  Chase starts muttering again and I lean back to watch him stalk and prowl around, his hair standing on end from minutes of combing through it in frustration.

  “You’re right.”

  That’s all that he says before he flops down beside me and stares at the ceiling. We remain quiet for a long time, just thinking, considering angles, I don’t know, just trying not to let it go unanswered and then he’s rolling into me and regarding me with a frown.

  “You know that this has to be connected to what happened to you and Liv.”

  “Yeah, but for the life of me…they made it sound like this was about you and Gabe.”

  “Because it is in a way. We’ve been dismantling their shit for months, years even, and whoever is behind this knows that our only weakness is you. It was a message but I’m beginning to suspect that it was to throw us off the trail and keep us distracted. Whoever started this was not happy. And they were definitely worried.”

  Yes, but that in no way clears up the mystery.

  “You know, Lena could just be…”

  “I’ve considered that.” I huff, turning to look at him from an angle.

  He’s propped up beside me and so sexy in his tux bottoms and nothing else that I kinda regret telling him anything before we got home to have sex.

  “So, what now?”

  Chase grins down at me and starts gently tracing my features, his eyes going lazy when I peek my tongue out and lick at his fingers when they glide over my bottom lip.

  “Now we step things up a little and see how they try to cover their asses. Brick is on Brian, he even managed to get a full tap on his phones and Dec has the others covered.”

  I accept his words and force myself not to worry or think about any of this because at the end of the day, no matter what happens I am safe here with Chase. He won’t let me go again and I don’t want to.

  Even if he still hasn’t told me he loves me.


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