Operation Heartbreaker

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Operation Heartbreaker Page 7

by Thomas, Christine

  Well, bullshit! He should’ve been shocked that he, barely twenty years, played this fucked-up game so well. But it didn’t. In the end it was just a game–one he won too quickly for his taste.

  He was bored out of his mind. Before a new conquest he hoped to have found a worthy opponent. And every time he was disappointed again.

  The worst kind were the ones that pretended to be aloof in hopes of seeming more interesting, when really it was just one variation of the same strategy.


  A woman who’d be able to capture him, had to be real–no games.

  It was time to find out what kind of stuff this Ally was made of. And how long it would take for her to become wax in his hands. Smirking, he put the photo back into the file.

  He gave her a day, maybe two.

  When Danilo knocked, Viktor’s mood had lifted. In the end they all fell into his lap, Ally wouldn’t be an exception. With one last look at the photograph he closed the dossier and turned towards his head of security, whom he purposefully didn’t offer a seat. He wasn’t supposed to be comfortable, a good preparation for this conversation.

  Injured, that was the word he’d been looking for to describe the expression in Ally’s eyes.

  Well, too bad. Injured girls were an easy prey.

  ~ * ~

  The Le Bristol turned out to be a super duper luxury joint near the Champs-Élysées, which explained Julie’s sassy grin on the bus. As soon as they’d reached their suite Julie threw herself onto the king size bed and fell asleep within seconds with a smile on her lips.

  Ally on the other hand was wide awake. First, she put together her cell phone and realized she’d missed a half dozen calls, all of them from David. She didn’t call her mailbox. He was probably livid and threatening to ground her until the end of days. She could do without that. What she wanted were answers, and they were somewhere in that lappy. She only had to find them. She turned it on, typed in the password and entered different search functions: Cole, CP, OSK and her name. The contents seemed to be encoded, but from Cole’s last messages she gathered that he was always moving in a specific pattern. He never called from the same location twice. Instead, he changed positions counterclockwise. The first call came from the Nineteenth Arrondissement, the second from the Eighteenth, the next from the Seventeenth district and so on. If he continued like that, next time he’d call from the Fifteenth Arrondissement, the largest district of Paris.

  It was a strange feeling that he might be just a few blocks away from her. She’d never come this close to him before.

  After having looked for clues for two more hours she got tired and fell asleep over her work.

  ~ * ~

  The ringing of her cell made her sit up with a start. According to the position of the sun it was early morning, but it still felt like night. Damn jet lag. Ally rubbed her eyes and glanced at the display. Judging by the number, the call came from somewhere in the city. Interesting, since she didn’t know anybody in Paris.


  “Alienor Reynolds,” an unknown voice said. It was a guy. Apart from a slight French accent, he spoke perfect Oxford English.

  “Who wants to know?”

  “It wasn’t a question,” he replied. He must be about her age. Carefully she opened up to his energy. If he lied, she’d sense it.

  “I’d really like to chat, but unfortunately I have to be brief.”

  “Good to know.” He laughed in response, which relaxed the tension a bit. It was a nice laugh.

  “My name is Jean Lacroix. My father and your uncle are close friends. The SIM card of your mobile allows Mr. Reynolds to track you down.”

  Ally’s jaw dropped. The energetic signature told her he was telling the truth. But then again, maybe he was a certified liar like David. He’d lied to her all the time and she’d never noticed.

  “Remove the SIM and break it into bits and pieces otherwise you’re traceable.”

  “And I believe you, because…?”

  “We don’t have time for that. Get rid of that chip then get in touch with me.”

  He gave her a Skype address, which she hastily scribbled down on Julie’s notepad.

  “I’ll wait exactly three minutes. If you don’t call you won’t learn anything about your father.”

  “Hey, wait a minute!”

  “Tick tack,” he replied, then the line went dead.

  Ally stared at the display, too confused to think straight.

  Who was that jerk and what kind of game was he playing? Did he really think she’d kill her phone just because he asked her to…? Damn it! Without consulting her brain, she went with her guts and threw the smart phone onto the ground. After stamping her heel on it she took the SIM card, went to the bathroom, snapped the chip in two and flushed it down the toilet. After that she closed her eyes and hit her forehead with one hand. If this guy had pulled her leg, he owed her a phone, that much was certain.

  With a sigh, she tinkered the iPad out of her bag and opened Skype. Jean logged in as soon as she was online. He had pale skin, hazelnut colored eyes and short brown hair.

  “Two minutes. I’m impressed.”

  “I wasn’t quite awake yet, otherwise I’d never have let you talk me into this.”

  He smiled in response, which looked good on him. “Now you’re awake.”

  “That doesn’t make it better.“ Ally wrinkled her brow. “And what’s this supposed to mean anyway? What do you know about my dad?”

  The smug smile disappeared and his expression became serious. “Your dad was like my father.”

  Her questioning look was written all over her face.

  “I’m talking about the SK-Operation, the Special Skills,” he added impatiently. “My father was one of them just like yours, n’est-ce pas?”

  “One of what?”

  He looked at her in disbelief. “One of the test subjects, what else?” At her obviously confused expression, he leaned in. “Don’t tell me you didn’t know about it.” He narrowed his eyes to slits. “Why else would you be here?”

  Ally’s throat became dry and she had to clear it a few times before she could utter her next words. If she’d let it slip how clueless she was he might not tell her anything. If they were on the same eye level, her chance of getting information increased. At least so she hoped. “O-of course I know about OSK. Well, there’s a project straight for the trash.” It was supposed to sound cool, but her voice sounded unnaturally high.

  “One could say that,” he replied grimly. “So, what are your skills?”

  Um. “You first.”

  He grinned and squinted his eyes. “Is that a vase in your back?”

  She turned around, and yup, there was a bouquet of lilies on the side table against the wall. She nodded and turned back to the screen when something crashed behind her. The vase was now in pieces on the floor.

  “What the…”

  Jean lifted one corner of his mouth. “Telekinesis.”

  Oh. My. God. He had just destroyed a vase, big as a pumpkin, in her hotel room–via remote control. If that was so easy-peasy for him, what else was he capable of?

  “And, what’s your specialty?”

  Ally’s brain was running at full speed. What should she tell him? Julie decided this very moment, to enter the lounge. Her eyes were a bit puffy from sleeping and the blonde mane looked like a crow’s nest. “What’s going on?” She tiptoed around the broken glass and yawned.

  “Um,” Ally started, but Jean interrupted her.

  “You didn’t come alone?”

  “She’s okay, I mean…this is Julie, my best friend. She’s helping.”

  “Is she in the loop?”

  “What do you think? I’m practically the brain of this operation,” Julie replied and ran her hand through her hair. When she noticed her bedhead, she shrieked. “I’ll be right back.”

  Her interruption helped Ally to sort her thoughts.

  “Apropos ‘being in the loop’: How did you get my n
umber and who told you where I am?”

  She liked it better when he was the one answering not the other way around.

  “David informed my dad about your disappearance and set him onto you. I overheard the phone call. Your uncle said you’d terminated the contact.” There was a pause. “He’s quite concerned,” he added more quietly.

  She felt a twinge of remorse. She didn’t want him to worry about her and regretted the grief she was causing him. Deep inside she didn’t believe he’d harm her on purpose, though she couldn’t explain the staged assault. But every defendant got the chance to plead and she wouldn’t deny David this opportunity.

  “Listen,” Jean interrupted her thoughts, “I’d love to chat with you, but we’re running out of time.”

  “Just answer me one more question: How does your father know my uncle?”

  “My dad is the head of the department Central Services of the GIGN. That’s a special forces unit, similar to your SWAT-Team.”

  Strictly speaking, he hadn’t answered her question.

  “Now it’s my turn.”

  Ally swallowed her anger, but nodded. She wouldn’t be able to bug him with questions forever. Also, she had to keep him in a good mood to get information.

  “Where is Cole?”

  Her heart skipped a beat. Of all the questions he wanted to know the whereabouts of her father? “Who?”, she asked to buy time.

  “Stop the bull. I know your father is in Paris right now. When the project blew up in the government’s face he went into hiding like everybody else. But he’s been here for a couple of weeks, n’est-ce pas?”

  Julie reappeared at this moment. Freshly coiffed, she sat down cross-legged next to Ally, giving Jean the sweetest smile.

  “Does she have to join?” he asked annoyed.

  “No idea who you are, but there is nothing going on without me!”

  Although the situation was anything but funny, Ally had to grin. Without her friend she’d be lost. Her presence alone gave her the strength to stay calm.

  “Alright. Couldn’t care less. All I’m interested in is Cole.”

  Ally opened her mouth, but Julie took her hand and briefly squeezed it.

  “And why should we tell you of all people where he is? We don’t know you and, between ourselves, you don’t exactly look trustworthy.”

  Jean’s jaw was grinding and for a moment she feared he’d do something stupid, like smashing a vase over Julie’s head. At least that’s what his energy told her, which darkened all at once. Luckily, it was over as quickly as it had come. He took a deep breath and shook his head. “I don’t think you get the situation. You don’t stand a chance alone. They’ll get to you, it’s only a matter of time.”

  They looked at each other, then back at Jean, who was busy hacking at his keyboard.

  “I’m sending you some photos, maybe you’ll understand then.”

  A moment later, half a dozen of images opened up in fast sequence. All of them showed pictures of places where something had blown up. Ally had seen stuff like this on the news before, the typical pictures of destruction. Charred car wrecks, dazed people walking around confused and disoriented. What did that have anything to do with her?

  “What you see here is Cole’s work.”

  “Are you implying that my dad is a terrorist?”

  Jean shrugged as if it wasn’t a big deal. “It’s his way of thanking the government for destroying his life.”

  “Are you mental?”

  Another shrug. “They’re all doing this.”

  “Who the heck are all?”

  “Well, the survivors of course. Merde, I thought you knew.”

  “That my dad is supposed to be a murderer?”

  “What do you expect? That’s what he was trained for. And, contrary to the government, he only kills the ones responsible. You should thank him, after all they are responsible for your mother’s death.” More quietly, he added: “My mother was taken away, that’s why my father’s hands are tied. But believe me, he prefers Cole’s way and would love to give these bastards what they deserve.” He shook his head. “Your father must have gone bonkers when he heard you came. He kept you hidden this whole time and now you’re running right into the line of fire. Now they’ve got what they’ve been looking for all these years.”

  “What?” Ally asked under her breath, though she knew the answer.

  “A leverage,” he said. “If they get you, Cole is finished. Then everything was in vain.”

  Ally took in a shaky breath.

  “Well, then tell me why I should lead you to him?”

  “I…have to talk to him.”

  “Sorry, but that’s not good enough.”

  Jean rubbed his neck. “Let’s just say, he has something I really need.”


  A blood vessel in his temple began to throb, but even without that she knew he was boiling inside.

  “Do you even know where he is?”

  She tilted her head back and forth. “Maybe.” Who was this guy and what did he want from her dad?

  “What exactly do you have to offer?” Julie piped up.

  “Your protection. If you tell me where I can find him, I’ll bring you to a safe house. At this very moment almost every government on this side of the equator is after you, Ally.”

  “Because of the bombs my dad supposedly laid?”

  Jean made a grunting sound, a sign of his frustration. “Are you really this dense or do you only pretend to be? Because of your skills, of course. They’re also after me and they want Cole as well. After all, they aren’t interested in a premature death. But the biggest problem is the current elections in the US.”

  The elections? This was getting better by the minute. And it was all Greek to her.

  “What does that have anything to do with Cole?”

  He leaned back, shaking his head.

  “I’ve told you enough already. You’ll get more info if you tell me where I can find your father.” He crossed his arms in front of his chest and threw her a furious glance. “What do you say?”

  She felt Julie next to her, getting tense. Ally pursed her lips. “Now listen up, Jean Lacroix. You’re not half as smart as you think. If I don’t feel safe, I’ll do the same as my dad and go into hiding. By the way, I can also get your so-called protection from your father.” Thanks to the info Jean had given her, she knew that his dad was the head of Central Services at GIGN. Any concierge could tell her where she could find their headquarters, she didn’t need Jean for that.

  He looked as if she’d just punched him in the gut. “You’ve got no idea who you’re messing with,” he snapped. “The CIA is the least of your problems. If the Mafia gets wind of you being in town…”

  Ally lifted her hand, waved her fingers and breathed a “bye bye” into the camera before she cut the connection.

  “We’re screwed,” Julie remarked while still starring at the screen. “Or this guy is completely loco.” She frowned and tapped her index finger against her lower lip. “I think I prefer the second alternative.”

  Ally plunked herself down on the couch and sighed. “I can’t believe it. My father is a terrorist!”

  Julie grimaced. “Better than being a lawyer.”

  “A Bomb-er!”, she said as if her friend was dense.

  “So? There are crazies everywhere. You have the misfortune of it being your dad.”


  “We don’t even know if it’s true. Who knows how Cole is really involved. Just because this guy sends you a bunch of pictures doesn’t prove your dad’s involvement. I mean, maybe he’s a spy or something like that.”

  Ally hadn’t thought of that. What did she know? David had fed her lies for years. So far they had nothing but claims. Records, pictures, files…

  Where was the proof?

  The only person who knew the truth was Cole. Only he could tell her why he’d left her.


  Thanks to the jetlag they’d slept t
hrough half the day. That’s why Ally didn’t have much time left to prepare herself for the interview in the afternoon.

  She hadn’t intended to show, she’d needed the tickets to get to Paris. Moreover, Renée had fired her, so why should she talk to Viktor anyway? At the moment, there were way more important things on her to-do list, and the Russian wasn’t really on it.

  But after the chaos that was threatening to drown her, the prospect of something she’d actually enjoy was like a silver lining. Besides, it would only take an hour. Afterwards, she’d be back in the same trouble that’d be patiently waiting for her. So what?

  For weeks the thought of this day had lifted her up. She couldn’t count the times she’d changed her questioning tactics. She’d fine-tuned every single sentence until she was able to present it like an anchor woman on the news. She did it because she wanted to come across professional by all means, not like the beginner she was, a seventeen year old, still going to high school. And then she got herself canned.

  While she was mentally preparing herself, Julie was going through the data files. In between, they ordered room service, little patties as well as sweet cake called Tarte. And coffee. Lots of it, to be exact. As it seemed, Julie had developed a weakness for this strong stuff that tasted much different from the watery glop that they were being served back home.

  After they stuffed themselves with delicious cookies, Julie leaned back into the soft lounge sofa and sighed satisfied.

  “I wish Andrea could see us now.” She was beaming, her eyes wandering through the suite.

  Ally crinkled her nose. “He’ll find out soon enough that his credit card is missing. After the interview we’ll have to look for a new place.”

  “I was afraid you’d say something like that.” Julie pouted.

  “I’m sure you’ll find something new...”

  “I had hoped you’d say something like that,” Julie interjected, “and I’ve already found something.”

  “Maybe this time you won’t pick such a fancy place.”


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