Her Doctor Daddy

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Her Doctor Daddy Page 11

by Shelly Douglas

  In the meantime, all local protection agencies are stressing that everyone stay vigilant, and young women are being warned not to venture out alone. Reporting live from the Pompano Police Department, this is Meredith McDonough.”

  * * *

  After taking another drag from his water pipe, he jutted his strong arm forward to turn off the television.

  Fucking redheaded reporter cunt—I ought to do her next. Just because I was off my game one time is no reason for them to think they’ll win the next round. And that young girl that was heading to the pool for an evening swim? They’ll never find her! I’m much smarter than that barrel of monkeys they call a task force.

  Contemplating his next move, the man’s dark narrowed eyes darted around the room as a dangerous smirk played upon his lips.

  Though my cat and mouse game has been extremely satisfying with women who were strangers, it would be even more delicious to hunt down a lady friend. I can’t wait for our eyes to meet right before she gasps for her last breath.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “Hey, Katie. Would it be okay if I took you to work tomorrow morning and borrowed your car for the day? Raul’s birthday is coming up, and I wanted to run to the mall to buy him a present.”

  Looking up at the ceiling, she deliberated before responding to her sister’s request. “Normally, I wouldn’t have a problem with it, Lex. But haven’t you heard the recent news reports? I don’t think it’s safe to be out there alone.”

  “What happened to my hippy dippy sister? You know, the one I grew up with that was young, carefree, and rebellious? The stories she told about hitchhiking instead of taking a bus to high school were hysterical!”

  “The last time I checked, your older sister is very worried about some maniac serial killer on the loose…”

  “Come on, Katie. Raul’s been so wonderful to me and I want to buy a little something for him on my own.”

  “Why can’t I go with you after work?”

  “Because I’m going to need to sleep. We don’t work the same shift, remember?”

  “Okay, okay—I get it,” she said nervously. “Just promise me you won’t stay out too long.”

  “Thanks, Katie. You’re the best sister, ever!”

  “Uh-huh. Just don’t tell your overprotective boyfriend that I lent you my car to go shopping alone…”

  Lexi’s blue eyes glimmered. “It’ll be our little secret. I promise.”

  * * *

  Approaching the young woman behind the fragrance counter, Lexi’s smile was bright and wide. “Oh, my God, my boyfriend loves cologne!”

  “We have some wonderful new scents. Does your man like a spicy aroma or something clean?”

  “He’s always been a fan of Old Spice, but I’m sure something new would be fun. It’s a gift for his birthday.”

  “Aramis and Brut are also big sellers,” she said along with an animated gesture, reaching for the sample spray bottles. “Would you like to see what their scent is like?”

  “Could you give me a minute to think? I’m just trying to remember if he’d dropped any hints about his cologne preferences.”

  “Take your time—don’t rush. I see that there’s someone that needs help at another counter. If it’s okay with you, I’ll be right back.”

  As she watched the salesperson walk across the aisle, a deep, dark voice whispered into her ear from behind. “I’m a Brut fan, myself.”

  As Lexi jumped, her heart instantly hammered out a couple of double-time beats. “Oh, my God, you scared me half to death. What are you doing here in the middle of the afternoon?”

  Slipping hands into his pockets, the clean-cut-looking man swiveled his neck, checking out the scene for anyone watching them. “For your information, I have the day off. Did you come with your sister?”

  “No, she’s working. I talked Katie into borrowing her car, so I could come and buy a present for Raul. It’s his birthday this weekend.”

  “I hate to scare you, but there was a guy with a wire hanger trying to break into a white VW Bug in the parking lot. At first, I thought maybe he left his keys in there, but now that I’m seeing you…”

  “Oh, my God, I hope he wasn’t trying to break into my sister’s car.”

  “Listen, I’m happy to go with you and check. And if you find that anything was stolen, I could drive you to the police station.”

  “Thank you so much. It really would make me feel better if you came along.”

  * * *

  “Well, there doesn’t seem to be anything missing from Katie’s car,” Lexi said, cupping her hand as she peered into the window.

  “Maybe we should go inside and take a closer look,” he responded nonchalantly, his narrowed eyes darting around to see if there were any busybodies in close range.

  “No, everything seems to be in its place, and I really need to make a purchase for Raul and get going. My sister will expect me to be in the hospital parking lot at 3:00 to pick her up from work.”

  He was no longer smiling. His jaw was rigid and he seemed a million miles away. “Far be it from me to hold you up.”

  “Is everything okay?” she asked as they headed back to the mall entrance. “You almost seem unhappy that we didn’t need to go to the police station.”

  Stopping at the door, he chuckled and scuffed his tennis shoe on the ground, trying to hide his disappointment. “You always have such a great sense of humor. Shucks, no—everything is cool. Perfect, in fact,” he lied, wondering when he’d get another opportune moment alone with her again. “Well, I guess we’ll see each other around, right?” the tall, slender man with the handsome young face asked, clasping his hands together.

  “Of course we will. Keep in touch…”

  * * *

  His nostrils flared as he watched her walk away. Maybe it was for the best.

  That cunt behind the fragrance counter might have seen me approach her from behind, and then there was that damn local artist who put together the ridiculous drawing that doesn’t even resemble a distant cousin of mine. I should’ve shoved that blond bitch in my car instead of walking her back to the mall. Next time I’ll be more careful. Yes, next time it will be your turn, my dear Lexi, and things will go smooth as silk. Until we see each other again, my love. It will be our first and last date.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “So, he appeared out of nowhere?”

  “One minute I was talking to the salesperson, and the next he was standing behind me whispering in my ear. He scared me half to death.”

  “It sounds to me like he followed you to the mall. I don’t like this, Alexa Lynn. I don’t like this one bit,” Raul said, driving her home from work the next morning.

  “The odd thing was that he thought he saw someone trying to break into Katie’s VW with a wire hanger. But when we got there, the car didn’t seem to be touched. There wasn’t a thing out of place.”

  “I know he always seemed to have a crush on you, but so do a lot of guys,” Raul said, angling his head toward her.

  After parking the car, he grabbed her hand and they walked up to her apartment. Opening the door, Raul quickly checked inside and kissed her on the cheek. “Well, you’re home safe and sound, young lady. But there’s still the little matter of you going out alone yesterday, when you know you weren’t supposed to.”

  “Aren’t you coming in?”

  “I have to run an errand first, and then I’ll be right back. I’m thinking a good hard spanking over my knee with a brand new hairbrush might be a long-lasting reminder not to venture out again until this lunatic is caught.”

  “Are you serious? You’re going out to buy a brush to punish me with?”

  “I think a square wooden version coming in contact with that luscious bare behind of yours should do wonders for your memory next time.”

  “Happy shopping and hurry back now, y’hear?” she said jokingly in a southern twang. “I’m off to take a long, hot shower.”

  “This is not a funny matter, y
oung lady, and I’m not amused.” His tone was low and somber as he stared into her eyes. “Lock the door as soon as I leave, mi querida. If you’re still in the shower when I get back, I’ll let myself in.”

  * * *

  Exhausted, Lexi pivoted on her heels and headed for the bathroom, while sweeping her long blond hair up into a ponytail. She immediately turned on both the hot and cold faucet knobs, pulled out the metal shower diverter and quickly slipped out of her work clothes, which she promptly threw into the hamper. After satisfactorily testing the water temperature, she stepped into the white tub and closed the curtain.

  * * *

  Ahh, the moment I’ve been waiting for. We’re finally alone, my lovely.

  Creeping out of the shadows, he turned the corner to find that Lexi hadn’t closed the bathroom door all the way, and though thick steam emerged from the hot shower, he was still able to get a bird’s-eye view of her reflection in the mirror through the clear vinyl curtain.

  Oh, this is just too good to pass up. What difference does it make if she sees me now?

  With a deep, satisfied breath, he edged a little closer for a better view. Emanating from his pupils was a dark, cold stare—a maniacal cocktail of lust and anger as he watched her long fingers seductively slide through her soapy hair, tenderly kneading her scalp. Lexi’s eyes were tightly closed and her head was tilted back as the gentle jets of the shower poured over her, rinsing away the stress of the day. And after bending forward to turn off the water, she used her delicate hands as though they were a squeegee over the length of her body…

  Like a vicious snake contemplating how to strike his victim, he silently slithered around the corner and waited patiently for her to walk into the bedroom.

  * * *

  Wondering if Raul was home yet, Lexi promptly dried herself with a large, fluffy towel, wrapped it around her body, and headed straight into her room. As she stood frozen in the doorway, her quick, punctuated gasp was audible, the pressure in her neck almost strangling her with fear.

  His deep-throated chuckle emerged as he lifted his head to meet her terrified eyes. “I just love his little Spanish pet names, mi querida,” the calm, nefarious voice mocked. “Don’t you?”

  Her feet felt like weights were attached to them as she watched him causally cross his legs, dressed in his Sunday best as he sat on her bed. His hair was brown and wavy as usual, but the moustache definitely wasn’t real.

  “What’s the matter, kitty got your tongue, Alexa Lynn?”

  “Jesus, Rich. How in the hell did you get in here?”

  “Well, let’s see,” he responded in a dark calculated voice, while tapping slender fingers onto his thigh. “Your sister is engaged to my brother, and he still has a key to this place. Remember, she used to live here?” In a quick minute his demeanor changed, and as he angled his head, his fiendish eyes seemed to sear a hole through hers.

  Remembering the news reports, Lexi’s stomach dropped as her heart thudded wildly. The Ft. Lauderdale Lady Killer is tall and slender with dark, wavy hair and sometimes wears disguises…

  Though her voice was shaky, she crossed her arms in an attempt to appear nonchalant. “Raul will be coming right back, so you probably should leave now.”

  This is not the time to fall apart. Be cool and stay focused.

  Straightening his head, he clucked his tongue at her. “Now, now, we both know that your boyfriend was on a mission to buy a brush to spank your naughty little backside with. I don’t think he’ll be returning for quite a while,” he said with an evil lopsided grin. “But before I kill you, we probably should have a little chat. That way, I can count this as a date,” he continued, pulling a small caliber gun from the inside of his blazer.

  Lexi backed up slowly toward the door.

  “Don’t even think about running, girlfriend, because as much as I’ve dreamed about strangling your skinny little neck, I will shoot you, just to get the job done. I should’ve stuffed you in my car when you arrived at the mall yesterday instead of concocting that ridiculous story about someone breaking into your sister’s VW with a wire hanger.”

  “Please let me go. I won’t tell anyone,” she begged as the tears filled her frightened blue eyes. “No one needs to know you were here…”

  “All I ever hear from women are lies! You’re just a whore and a tease like all the rest!” he yelled, aiming the pistol at her chest with one unwavering hand.

  She heard a key turning inside the lock right before the front door abruptly swung open. “Drop the gun and put those hands behind your head,” Detective Justice demanded in a booming voice.

  “I haven’t done anything, officer. The gun is registered and I’m completely innocent,” he said in a cool, even tone, dropping the small weapon onto the green shag carpet as the detective approached.

  Lexi turned and ran into Raul’s protective arms as relief flooded over her. “How did you know?”

  “I didn’t. But something about him suddenly appearing behind you in the mall didn’t sit right with me, so I went directly to the police station. After Detective Justice showed me the artist’s composite of the killer, I decided that there was a strange likeness to Rich. And as much as I didn’t want to believe he was the serial killer, it worried me that I’d just left you alone.”

  “When Raul told me about the family connections to this apartment, I thought he might have access to a key and didn’t want to take any chances,” David Justice confirmed before reading Rich his rights under Miranda. After clamping a set of heavy metal handcuffs on his wrists, he bobbed his head toward Lexi and Raul. “I’m going to need a statement from both of you.”

  They nodded and hugged each other tight. “Thank God I also had a key, mi querida.”

  “I’m innocent, I tell you,” Rich said as the detective led him to the front door. “This is all a terrible mistake—I was just kidding. Honest. It was all an act. I’d never hurt anyone.” Firing out the staccato-like sentences, his dark eyes shifted from Lexi to Raul.

  “We’ll call Ronnie and let him know where you’ll be going. That way, your one phone call can be to an attorney. You’re obviously going to need a good one.” Raul’s head dropped as David led Rich outside in handcuffs. “Come on, Lexi. Let’s get you dressed and gather your things—it looks like neither of us will be working tonight.”

  “You’re going to take the night off? Can you do that?”

  “I’ll put a call into the hospital as soon as we get to the station. I’m sure one of the other doctors will fill in for me and understand that I need to be there for you, sweetie.”

  “Can we sleep at your place tonight?”

  As his arm slipped around her waist, he pulled her close against his side. “I won’t be letting you out of my sight any time soon.”

  * * *

  “Thank you both for coming right down to give a formal statement. Mr. Antonelli still insists that he’s innocent of any crimes committed, but the witness that helped us put the composite together is on her way over. Hopefully, she’ll be able to successfully pick him out of a line-up.”

  Lexi took a deep breath and let out a heavy sigh. “I just talked with Katie. She and Ronnie are on their way down here, and they were hoping to take Rich home.”

  David’s fingers combed thoughtfully through his hair. “Considering what he’s being charged with, it’s doubtful that the judge will allow bail. But we’ll know for sure after his arraignment.”

  “If you’re done taking our statements, detective, I’d like to drive her home,” Raul said before putting a protective arm around Lexi’s shoulders. “I promise we’ll go over to Ronnie and Katie’s later, but right now, cookie, you look exhausted, and I’d like you to lie down and get some rest.”

  “I guess there’s no point in arguing with my doctor, is there?”

  He quirked a dark eyebrow. “No, that would be a bad idea.”

  As they walked out of the police station hand in hand, Raul’s pager beeped. “It’s probably Dr. Rodriquez l
etting me know that he’ll fill in for me tonight. I’ll call my service as soon as we get to the boat.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  “But Daddy, I’m clean. I already took a shower today.” Lexi said with a hand on her hip, standing beside Raul as he kneeled down on the floor to run the water.

  “I thought a bubble bath would help to relax you,” he said, checking the water temperature. But as he watched her dramatic eye roll, his gentle voice turned stern. “Do you think your daddy knows what’s best for you right now, Alexa Lynn?”

  Although she nodded, he sensed reluctance in her awkward stance. Since Lexi never had a daddy who took care of her before, he knew that undressing and bathing her might prove a bit embarrassing and reveled in the fact that she was going to put her full trust in his caring touch. “Hold your hands up to the sky, princess, so I can slip your dress off.”

  As she raised her arms, Lexi closed her eyes and waited for Raul to effortlessly slide her cotton shift upward and over her head. Looking down at her small but full breasts, she immediately crossed her arms in embarrassment over her pink nipples that were stiff and hard as bullets.

  “Your arousal is nothing to be ashamed of, sweetie. Come on, let’s take those panties down now.” His voice was low and inviting as he patted her bum before hooking his fingers on either side of the elastic and lowering the lacy fabric to her ankles. Holding onto his strong shoulders, she lifted one foot at a time and stumbled a bit while he removed her underpants from the bottom of each foot.

  Peering down at her nakedness, a hot blush permeated her face while he held his hand out to lower her into the large white tub. As her beautiful round buttocks descended into the warm water, he squirted some liquid soap under the gushing faucet, instantly creating myriad rainbow bubbles.


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