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Darkest Temptation_The Dark Ones

Page 14

by Rachel Van Dyken

Immediately, a few locals looked our way.

  I tried to stay calm.

  Tried and failed, as the few that saw me and Cassius became many. There was a reason immortals stayed in the States, a corrupt country with a selfish race of people who’d rather spend time on social media than look at the world around them.

  They were obsessed with money, fame, themselves.

  Scotland had its faults. It also had its stories.

  Namely, its legends.

  And as I walked toward the castle, a tourist trap if I’d ever seen one, hand-in-hand with Serenity, Cassius nodded to people who passed.

  And I knew.

  My time was up.

  Maybe it had been up all this time.

  All the secrets. All the loneliness. All the shame that had welled up within me was bursting free with every step I took toward my destiny with my mate at my side.

  The final puzzle piece.

  The last of the mated immortals, taking my rightful place that I’d ignored for centuries.

  Because it hurt too deeply.

  But now… now I had Serenity.

  I had peace. I clung to the peace as hard as I could. And when I felt like I couldn’t take another step, I did.

  More and more locals poured out of the shops. Their minds were abuzz with the phrase, “It has begun.”

  Cassius kept his gaze focused ahead.

  I followed and then jolted to a stop when I heard someone utter, “The Great Wolf has returned.”

  Serenity gasped next to me.

  Someone stood taller from the crowd; he had dark brown hair and jet-black eyes. I recognized him immediately.

  And my heart cracked inside its chest as my brother very slowly weaved his way toward me and stopped.

  I was a foot taller than he.


  Different… and yet the same.

  I had the pieces of red in my hair that hadn’t been there before, but all he seemed to focus on was my eyes.

  “Why’ve ye returned?”

  “To take my place.” I said it with such finality, and he flinched. Fear laced his eyes as he looked from me to Serenity.

  “And the woman?”

  “My mate.” I growled.

  A few people gasped around us.

  I turned away and kept walking.

  He called for me.

  And I ignored him.

  He was younger, born a hundred years after me to my father’s new wife after the death of my mother. My father had no longer wanted me, not cared for me. Even the times Cassius brought me back to visit, I’d been unwanted, until the day I took my place and then lost my mate.

  Lost it all.

  My mind, my sanity…

  And now… returned.

  “Do not let your fear turn to hate,” Cassius whispered as we walked to the front of the castle gate.

  A few men stood watch as they always did against the outside world or a drunk wandering tourist who went into the wrong tunnel at the precise right time.

  I watched and waited as slowly the five men came forward and addressed us with a single nod of their heads.

  I let out a breath, and we followed them south around the castle and then down a flight of stairs into a tunnel that had a giant sign in front of it. DANGER Do Not Enter.

  We walked through.

  The tunnel continued on for a mile before we descended the stairs and were brought into the first throne room.

  “Mason,” Serenity said at my side, “why are we in a castle underneath a castle?”

  I shook my head then hung it in shame.

  “Royalty,” Cassius answered for me. “I thought you knew he was a king?”

  “I did,” she said quickly. “I just thought that was a fancy word for Alpha or that he was King of the Wolves.”

  “Nae…” A warrior stepped forward. “He is King of the Land.”

  “Land,” Serenity repeated.

  And Cassius whispered, “Earth.”


  I closed my eyes as Serenity’s breath hitched beside me, finally cluing in to how important my job had been — and how severe my absence had hit my clan. And noat just my clan, but every warrior guarding the earth, spread around the world.

  I didn’t recognize the warrior in front of me.

  He stared me down for a few brief seconds before muttering, “He’s nae gonna wanna see ya.”

  “He,” I stated boldly, “doesn’t get say, now does he?”

  Cassius smirked next to me.

  “And who are ye?” He gave Cassius a disgusted look.

  Cassius’ eyes flashed white before his wings spread out behind his back. With a little shrug, he said, “Oh, nobody.”

  The warrior stumbled back and made a cross over his heart while I tried to keep from laughing.

  The wolves had always believed that when an angel visited, it only meant death, and maybe this time that was true, because the only way I was going to be able to claim my right…

  To lead my people…

  Was to kill the one I’d left in charge.

  My own flesh and blood.

  My father.


  I was dumbfounded.


  We walked hand in hand down black marble stairs as the room opened up into a larger room where an actual throne made out of black marble sat in the middle of the floor. The air smelled like dirt and life. I shivered as Mason pulled me closer.

  For some reason, I’d been thinking that we were going to the castle I’d seen in the vision, or maybe to a small village.

  Never in my wildest imagination had I thought we would be stepping into pure royalty.

  Wolf guards lined the walls as we made our descent, and with each step we took, they bowed out of respect for who Mason was.

  How was it possible that I’d had it so wrong? That any immortal was this clueless to the power the wolves held, the responsibility.

  Suddenly my chest hurt, because if Mason turned away from this— His grief… it must have been so great, life-altering, destroying…

  To walk away from everything.

  And have nothing. On purpose.

  Because of a choice.

  A broken heart.

  “I dinna like that face,” Mason whispered in my ear, his Scottish burr tickling my skin. I wanted to point out how he sounded more at home and looked it in this place, but I didn’t want to scare him off before he had to do what he had to do.

  And because he still left me in the dark and closed that tether between us out of respect, I let him lead me without knowing exactly what we were walking into.

  The throne came closer into our view. It stretched from floor to ceiling, glistening with power, glory, as if it had been dropped from the heavens itself.

  Cassius leaned over and whispered, “A gift from The Creator, for the protector of the very earth he created. It was formed out of the rock, and it remains without blemish to honor him until the Heavens meet the earth again.”

  I gulped.

  More warriors gathered around us, their golden shields held by their feet, spears in their right hands, and masks in the shape of wolves over their human faces.

  The sound of thunder rolled through the room.

  And then, someone walked from behind the throne and sat.

  The man from my vision. The man with dark hair and dark eyes.

  At least seven feet tall with muscles surrounding his body.

  He was wearing the same armor as the guards, only he had no mask. His expression was more of an angry grimace, as if he was just waiting for the perfect time to attack.

  His eyes took in Mason with disdain and then turned to me.

  I cringed as they moved over my body with distaste and then flickered away. “You dare bring an abomination into this court?”

  “I dare.” Mason growled loudly. “I am the rightful king.” Whisperings commenced, “I once gave you the throne, and I’m here to take it back.”

  “Kill the woma
n, and I’ll allow it.”

  “You allow nothing, old man.” Mason’s teeth clenched. “Speak of my mate again like that, and I’ll rip your head from your body.”

  His father sighed and then grinned. “You’ve always been so serious… As long as she means us no harm, she can stay.”

  “Harm?” I said aloud. “I’m his mate. All I want is his happiness.”

  “You’re nae welcome to speak!” He spat.

  I jerked back against Mason.

  He took a step forward, fists clenched.

  “Enough,” Cassius said in a bored tone. “I think this is a conversation that should be held… in private.”

  Mason’s father nodded and moved his hand. Suddenly warriors flanked us on every side, and we were escorted behind the throne into a smaller room with a long black marble table and leather chairs. Flat-screen TVs made a banner around the room. Different cameras played areas of the castle and what appeared to be different places around the world.

  Children played on some of the screens; others showed remote villages, a few smaller castles.

  And then there was one camera set on a forest.

  I frowned and took a step closer.

  I remembered the vision from earlier. The forest that the goddess had walked out of.

  My mother?

  The one who had given me life?

  A pang I didn’t know possible split my chest in two as I yearned for someone — anyone — to walk out of the trees.

  To want me.

  To claim me.

  And then I remembered I had Mason.

  He was all I would ever need.

  I glanced back at him and smiled, just as another door opened and the man from the street waltzed in.

  He stopped right in front of Mason then pulled him in for a huge hug. He slapped his back multiple times before releasing him. The man had jet-black eyes and dark brown hair that was pulled back into a low ponytail.

  I’d always thought men with long hair looked ridiculous.

  But the way Mason rocked his shaggy locks…

  The way it felt to tug his hair when he pressed into me…

  I shivered a bit as Mason growled under his breath next to me, as if I needed to stop distracting him from his purpose.

  Cassius gave me a small smile before Mason’s father cleared his threat and said, “Shall we begin?”

  “There is nothing to say that hasn’t already been said.” Mason shrugged, his voice cool. “I’m here to lead my people. You are no longer needed.”

  Mason’s father slammed his hands onto the table as he looked between his son and me. “And what of her? Do you truly think your people will accept anything other than a human mate? One chosen for you so you can have children?”

  I frowned. “Who says I can’t?”

  “Lass—” Mason’s brother gave his head a small shake.

  Cassius grinned as if it was the best day of his life.

  “What?” I crossed my arms. “I’m not just a vampire—”

  Mason hissed out a curse.

  “Abomination!” his father yelled. “She is both vampire and goddess. She cannot rule by your side. It is forbidden.” Something flashed in his eyes before he turned and stomped off.

  Mason’s brother sighed and held out his hand to me. I took it while he kissed the inside of my wrist. “I’m sure his mother would have loved you.”

  Mason tensed.

  “When did she die?”

  He gave me a funny look, “She dinna—” He hung his head. “—she—”

  “Tell him.” Cassius leveled Mason’s brother with a glare. “Tell him, Tarick.”

  Tarick went completely pale.

  Mason frowned. “Tell me what?”

  Tarick collapsed into one of the chairs and leaned over the large marble table. “She dinna get murdered, Mason.” His expression was bleak. “She took her own life essence when father pushed you to mate, to become king. His intentions… they were not in the right place, and she knew it, it is what was passed down to me in hushed secrets after her death, after you left.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Tarick cursed under his breath. “He was trying to prevent you… from finding… her.”

  All eyes fell to me.

  And suddenly, I was sick all over again.

  More pieces of the puzzle came together in a wave of memories, in the dreams I’d had searching for my wolf.

  In the dreams every year that had haunted me.

  Until this year.

  When I’d finally found him.


  I almost collapsed against the wall. “No.” I gave my head a shake, hoping to get the betrayal out of my skin. It was a poison. My own family? “Why would he do that? Why would she let him?”

  Cassius stood to his full height. “When one makes a deal with an angel… when one sells his soul… blood must be spilled. A life for a life. When Bannick saved you, fused your blood with Serenity, he bonded your lives together. Together you’d have strength beyond your wildest imaginations. Apart, you would always thirst, always yearn for more. You would experience an emptiness in your soul.” Cassius nodded. “I finally understand. I can finally see.” His eyes were white as he looked to Mason and whispered, “You must fight.”

  He disappeared in a flash of light, much the same way he came.

  Tarick’s mouth dropped open. “He always do that?”

  “Unfortunately.” I licked my lips and tried to think. “Tarick, how many of the men are loyal to me?”

  He braced himself with the chair. I hadn’t noticed how much he’d matured and grown, from this awkward wolf to warrior himself, from his wise tawny brown eyes to the way he braced himself around me, as if he was ready to do whatever it took to draw blood on my behalf. Every sinew of muscle flexed with the ability to kill, to maim effortlessly.

  His jaw clenched. “All of them.”

  “Tarick…” My voice held warning. “I won’t punish them if they side with my father. I abandoned our people, but I need them united now. The Watchers—”

  “So it’s true?” His eyes lit up with shock. “Is that why your hair has those funny red streaks? Never seen sooch colors on a wolf.”

  “Long story,” I mumbled, sharing a cautious look with Serenity. She had questions, and I had no answers. And I was sick with the thought that all of my life I had never questioned those around me, questioned authority, or even questioned the mating process. I’d done my duty blindly.

  And stupidly.

  I had not been fit to rule then.

  I hoped to The Creator I would be fit to rule now.

  “Come.” Tarick slapped me on the back. “You’ll want to get cleaned up for dinner.”

  He led us down a black marble hallway. The walls were lit with torches while lights shone overhead. Edinburgh Castle had been built to honor the wolves, but after years passed, it had turned into something for humans.

  We’d allowed them their separate space.

  Taking jobs as warriors and protecting them as was our duty for the earth, but that didn’t mean we didn’t try to grasp modern technology.

  I gripped Serenity’s hand. “The last time I walked these halls there wasn’t even electricity.”

  “Grumpy old wolf,” she teased under her breath.

  My throat caught on a laugh as I pulled her closer. We rounded the corner to the family suites, each of them over three-thousand-square feet.

  The door to mine was locked shut.

  The picture of my wolf shone across the wood grain. I ran my hand over it and shuddered at the power that sizzled beneath my fingertips.

  “Dinner’s at six,” Tarick said and then seemed to want to say more; instead, he slapped me on the back again and walked off.

  Serenity gaped when I thrust open the doors. A massive four-poster bed was pushed against the east wall. A large in-ground tub took up half the space in the middle of the bathroom, and petals swirled around the jets. There were no windows, but we were use
d to living within the earth. We didn’t need to see outside of the dirt to know its secrets. There wasn’t any need to see the sky when creation, when the dirt itself, covered us in its splendor.

  Serenity gasped out. “It’s beautiful.”

  “It was mine. Or it is mine.”

  She walked over to the bed and stared. “Did she share this bed with you?”

  I’d known the question was coming. It hadn’t made me any more prepared. “No.”

  Her shoulders sagged as she leaned back against me. “Good.”

  “Jealous?” I nipped her ear. How had I ever thought I could survive without a partner? Without love?

  She turned in my arms so fast I almost stumbled backward. Her green eyes flashed with hunger, and they pierced through me to my soul. “You’re mine.”

  I leaned down and took her lower lip, squeezing it between my teeth before whispering, “Then claim me.”

  Within seconds, her clothes were discarded. I didn’t pay attention to where they went. All I knew was that my mate, my true mate, the one meant for me from the beginning of time, was standing in my room naked.

  I worshipped her mouth while I kicked down my jeans, my need so strong that my release was already pulsing. Our tongues twisted while her fingers scratched my head, digging, tugging. I pressed her onto the bed, the one I swore I’d never return to, just like that damn room.

  I’d thought it was all evidence of what I was no longer worthy of.

  But she made it worth it. Made me feel like I had the strength.

  There was no insecurity in her arms, and when she pressed me against the wall with her lithe body, there was no doubt in my mind, no fear that I would hurt her or that she would call me heavy.

  Or a brute.

  No, if anything, my mate wanted me hard against her; she wanted her nails scraping down my back as I licked pleasure through her skin, as I laved up the taste of her skin and spread it across my tongue.

  My eyes rolled back when she gripped me in her hand, her touch firm, then soft.

  I grabbed her wrist and tugged her into my arms, turning her back against the same dirt wall, and we joined together. As we mated in the very castle where years ago I’d been born.

  The dirt around us began to shake.

  I clung to her body as we broke apart.

  Tiny diamond-like pieces of dirt began to break away from the walls. It twirled in the air and then surrounded us in a circle of light and dark.


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