Darkest Temptation_The Dark Ones

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Darkest Temptation_The Dark Ones Page 16

by Rachel Van Dyken

  One stepped forward and pulled her hood back before looking to the right and smiling. “Daughter.”


  “Danu,” I whispered my mother’s name. She was the one who’d given birth to me, and now I slowly walked to her outstretched arms.

  She smiled and opened them wider. “I have waited centuries to finally see you.”

  “Why?” I choked back my tears. “Why did you wait?”

  Danu looked over my head to Cassius. “I was not allowed to intervene. The Creator made it so, but when you finally found your mate I was released from that promise. It should have been centuries ago. It was, after all, promised to me.”

  “You know nae what ye do!” Mason’s father was still bellowing as blood spewed from his throat. “The Watchers will come! They will destroy us! They are awake!”

  People grumbled around us.

  I tried to hide my smile.

  Mason turned to his father. “And the rightful king — the Watchers listen to him.”

  “It will nae matter, as long as Bannick lives!”

  Danu’s eyes fell to the ground as if she too believed the lie.

  “Bannick is dead.” Alex stepped away from the warriors. “Or at least, he’s suffering and wishing he was. He was taken to the abyss.” He shrugged. “You’re welcome, by the way.”

  Mason’s father sputtered, “Impossible!”

  “Your fear has controlled you for too long.” Mason shook his head, “Release it before I send your soul away.”

  “Nae!” He shook his head left and right. Blood caked his lips. “You canna do that! You dinna know how!”

  Danu reached for my hand and squeezed. Then she turned to Mason and gave a single nod as she and the others stepped out of the way.

  Mason outstretched his hands as dirt began circling his wrists, and then all at once, he spoke in a booming voice. “Those who watch! The king demands your presence by order of The Creator. You are summoned!”

  The halls shook.

  I gripped Danu’s hand tighter as the sound of thunder filled the room so loudly I had to cover my ears.

  And then… pitch-black.

  No lights.

  Until… a flicker of light.

  And another.

  With each flicker, one more being appeared.

  Until every single one of the Watchers faced us, with their black and red hair and menacing faces.

  And when I looked down at their feet…

  I saw pieces of black feathers that soon turned to ash.

  Danu sucked in a breath. “It has been… eons. And yet their beauty strikes me again, just as it did before. Marked by the Creator, they are both holy and fallen, trapped in a purgatory of their own making. May the Creator have mercy.”

  It was Armaros who stepped forward first, his expression stern. He stood chest to chest with Mason, their height matched, their strength equal.

  Very slowly, he bent a knee and hung his head.

  Every single Watcher followed.

  Until they were all kneeling before the rightful ruler.

  “King of the Earth. protector of humans, we ask for your blessing.”

  “And you will fight with us, not against us.” Mason said it as a statement.

  Armaros looked up and whispered, “Only if the Creator will restore our song to the Heavens.”

  Danu sucked in a breath next to me. “He has no right to ask that.”

  “And yet…” Armaros turned his attention to Danu. “…I am, goddess.” He shook his head as a haunted expression filled his face, and then he looked to me. “For what it is worth, Serenity, I am sorry for our part in this. I am sorry that our desperation took us far enough to look the other way when our own used his power to seduce your mother, when one of our own used his own blood to create a bond between you. But our power is limitless. His is divine.” He pointed up, “And we have been separated from it for too long to not go mad. A voice, a simple voice, a song… it is all I demand. The songs of old, so we can communicate with the Heavens again, while serving our time here.”

  Mason held out his hand over Armaros’ head as pieces of dirt fell from his hands and touched Armaros’ face. A silver tear ran down Armaros’ cheek before a loud ripping sound was heard.

  When Armaros stood, red, black, and white wings spread wide across his back. His stunned expression said it all. And then more silver tears joined the first as he turned to see his brothers all had the same wings.

  “What have you done!” Mason’s father roared, throwing all his energy into getting the stake out of his body. After he removed it, he staggered to his feet to see every set of eyes on him.

  “Take his soul.” Mason eyed one of the Watchers who, with one nod, walked forward.

  “No!” his father bellowed. “I am KING!”


  I felt pity for my father.

  For the first time in my existence.

  It was the only reason his soul wasn’t going into the abyss where we’d sent Bannick for his evil.

  “I will take him.” Hanim walked forward. “The Creator will not let me see His face, but I can take him to the angels gathered at the place where souls rest.”

  I jerked my attention to Cassius, whose eyes had suddenly turned white, his hair glowing, and then the room was filled with the music of the Heavens as angels descended one by one flanking the Watchers and every single warrior in the room.

  Stunned and in utter disbelief, I watched The Creator walk forward, no longer in the image of a boy.

  But a man who looked much like the Watchers and Cassius, with jet-black hair and skin of every single color, changing with each movement. Just like his eyes never fully decided on a shape — almond, circular, slanted — it was impossible to focus on His face because of the way it glowed and shifted, the way it moved to show every ethnicity ever created.

  His hands, however, were outstretched.

  He faced the Watchers and solidified into a normal=looking man without flaws, a man who looked like He smiled often, if the crinkles at His eyes were any indication. It was a form He took, for what purpose I had no idea. Maybe so nobody would weep in His presence or run screaming in terror.

  “The songs of old are sacred,” The Creator said, His voice carrying like a song across the wind. “They are also old.”

  Was that a joke?

  Nobody laughed.

  But His lips twitched as if He was amused with himself. “You all were given a choice. Bannick chose wrong, and he is suffering greatly for it. But you, being stuck in this world, stuck in a purgatory of your own making, you chose the very king I put in charge of this realm, of the earth and all its goodness. You did not choose out of selfish ambition. You chose to be reunited with me. How could I look down on my children and not see the beautiful disaster you created, only focusing on the beauty, not the mess?”

  Armaros swayed like he was going to pass out.

  “Ah, you are a mess.” He put his hand on Armaros’ shoulder. “But I would rather see a mess than perfection. This world is not perfect. But Armaros, it is good, and you have not been forgotten. Not a day goes by I don’t think of you. I think of the goodness you brought on the mountain. I think of your beauty, and I think of your dedication. Your punishment must be served, but I think it is time the ban is lifted. You have finally restored what was broken here, in this room, with the immortals without knowing it by following the very soul you were blessed with upon creation.”

  He stood back and then pressed a hand to Armaros’ head and very slowly made His way to each Watcher, saying similar things about their talents, their character, going as far as to kiss their cheeks and hug them as if they were long-lost children who’d finally found their way home.

  And maybe they were.

  Stunned, I watched as The Creator turned and made His way toward me.

  I wanted to back away. To run from certain judgment. I was the least perfect. I had done things. I had run from my position. I had done so many unforgivabl
e things. And I felt my shame like a blanket choking my body.

  “Mason…” The Creator inclined his head. “…it seems you’ve finally found your mate.”

  Hadn’t expected that.

  I nodded again.

  He held out his hand to Serenity.

  Slowly, she walked toward Him and placed her hand in His. Danu followed after her.

  “True love will always be worth it, even when you wait as long as you have,” He put her hand on mine and winked. “Take care of the earth I created, the dirt beneath your feet, the animals, the humans. Take great care of the immortals.” He hesitated and looked over His shoulder. “And Alex, try not to make Cassius’ life so difficult every day.”

  Alex’s jaw nearly came unhinged, and then he shrugged as if he’d think about it, but not before nodding slightly.

  The Creator’s eyes fell to Danu. He reached for her with His free hand and tilted her chin toward him. “Do you wish to return to your realm or remain?”

  Her eyes widen. “I cannot speak for my people. I speak only for myself. I wish to remain.”

  Someone took a step forward. “We remain with our queen.”

  “You will be stripped of your power if you stay,” He said carefully, “But you will remain immortal.”

  “I accept…” Danu nodded. “…gladly.”

  The rest nodded their heads.

  The Creator finally looked down to Mason’s father and shook his head. “You are lucky your son has given you mercy, I would not have been so generous.” He placed a hand to His chest, and with two breaths, Mason’s father died, his body lifeless.

  The Creator held out his hand to Armaros. “Bring his soul.”

  In a flash, they were gone.

  And suddenly, a song so beautiful filled the air. I could hardly breathe with the sound of it.

  Every Watcher was singing in an angelic tongue that swept its way through the room with such force that a warm wind slapped against my cheek as I stared down at my mate, my life.

  With a smile, she very slowly knelt in front of me, grabbed both hands, and whispered, “My king.”

  The entire room followed.

  Including every angel, before they vanished, leaving the room less happy than before, less holy.

  But no less powerful while the song swirled around me.

  “I’m not worthy,” I whispered.

  It was Cassius who finally said, “Those who are chosen never are. That’s why He chooses them.”


  “So…” Alex cleared his throat. “…are we still going to have dinner or—”

  Hope smacked him in the chest and then pulled him in for a kiss. “Never boring with you, is it?”

  “I’m hungry.” His eyes lit up. “Hey, here’s a thought. Feel free to say yes immediately, I’ll just devour you until—”

  “Stop.” Ethan shook his head in disgust. “It was bad enough listening to you last night.”

  “Then stop listening.” Alex shrugged. “I’ll remember noise-canceling headphones for Christmas.”

  “Or you could buy your own place?” Ethan suggested.

  “And part from my brother? Never.” Alex winked.

  Ethan looked ready to strangle anyone who dared talk to him next.

  I just laughed and linked arms with Mason. “Should we eat?”

  He shrugged as people gathered around the broken table and then ordered the servants to present dinner.

  The Watchers stayed, and although none of them ate, they did stand around by the warriors and do what they did best. What they were born to do.

  They watched.

  And it felt like something had been restored in their souls as they looked on, each of them smiling. Doing exactly what they were born to do.



  Hours later, people were still running around, talking excitedly, telling stories, drinking wine and laughing. The Watchers hadn’t moved from their spots even though Alex begged one of them to blink and tried to go all “I’m so attractive you’ll start weeping” on him.

  He did flinch.

  But that was it.

  Until Cassius threatened to strike him with lightning.

  “Serenity…” Mason gripped my hands. “…there’s something you should know. Your parents… they left you in order to help release you from the curse. They chose to die so that you could live. I didn’t want you to go through the rest of your existence thinking they didn’t care about you, or that they cared more about each other. My father said some things before he died. He became a very bitter man. A man full of terror is a scary thing to behold. They do things out of character, out of fear. And anything done out of fear is uncontrollable in the way it impacts those we love the most.” His eyes went to Tarik briefly before coming back to me.

  Tears welled, and one escaped as I stood on tiptoe and kissed Mason’s parted lips, tasting wine, tasting him. “Thank you. I have you now, and even if that wasn’t the truth, I’m whole. Because I have you.”

  He sighed like he was relieved. “And I you.”

  “What happens to him?” I nodded to Tarik, who was standing in the corner. His face was smiling, but his eyes weren’t. He looked sad.

  “I’m asking a favor” was all Mason said.

  “Oh?” I looked to Cassius, who nodded slowly in our direction and then stepped out of the room. “Can he do that?”

  “Cassius can do much that he won’t tell us,” Mason said in a distant voice. “Much that he does not want to burden us with.”

  I spread my hands across Mason’s chest. “Just like the secrets you hold from Gadreel.”

  “Yes.” He grabbed my hand and kissed my fingertips.

  Suddenly, Cassius was back with Timber next to him, Timber looking less-than-pleased, if the state of his hair was any indication.

  Timber nodded his head, gave Cassius an odd look, then nodded his head again and made his way to Tarik.

  Mason smiled. “Timber is just as lonely as Tarik, though he won’t admit as much to us. He was desperate enough to seek a roommate, a human roommate.”

  I tried not to laugh.

  Mason chuckled. “Idiot.”

  “He would probably end up accidentally killing the roommate and feeling so guilty he’d mope for days.” I shook my head.

  “Ah, but a wolf-mate…” Mason chuckled at his own joke while I hit him. “…that he can’t kill.”

  “Unless they kill each other.”

  “Tarik isn’t the violent type, and Timber is too…” Mason frowned and looked at Cassius. “It seems Timber is feeling useless now that everything seems solved.” Mason stilled. “Oh hell.”


  “I know that look.”

  “What look?” I glanced between Cassius and Timber.

  Cassius looked angrier than I’d ever seen him.

  And then one of the goddesses walked right over to Timber and offered him a glass of wine.

  Cassius turned and winked at us.

  “That look,” Mason confirmed. “You know, for being an archangel, he does seem quite happy matchmaking, like The Bachelor.”

  It was my turn to give Mason a look. “You watch The Bachelor?”

  He looked away and took a long sip of wine. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”


  “Blame Hope! Between that and Disney, it was the only way she’d go out of my rooms some days.”

  “I’m glad she did.” I grabbed his hand.

  “Me too.”

  “Now, I really am Lion King.” He seemed overjoyed at this. “Or Wolf King, but it’s practically the same thing.”

  Alex just happened to walk by and start singing the African theme song but not before Cassius snapped his fingers and lit part of Alex’s leather pants on fire.

  Hope dumped her wine on them and laughed.

  “The world is in good hands.” I smiled into my wine glass.

  Mason turned his eyes to me and held my
gaze. “Yes. It is.”

  Hours later, I heard the howling, the singing as Mason said. He gripped my hand in his and guided me outside to the trees, a few of the goddesses were gathered around a campfire smiling into the flames, as men and women shed their human skin.

  And looked to the moon.

  Wolves. So many of them. Eyes closed, singing to the stars as they shone down on all of our faces. I’d never seen so many stars in my life. Thousands, millions of them seemed to be shining just for the wolves.

  In honor of creation.

  Mason brushed a kiss on my cheek and whispered. “Listen.”

  He was the most massive of them all, wolves parted, like the royalty he was as he walked through, transforming into the massive beast I’d come to love just as much as the man, and when he lifted his head to the Heavens to howl.

  All I heard was music.

  The songs of creation, coming from a deep, gorgoues voice that sent chills down my spine.

  He spoke of the stars.

  Of the earth.

  Of secrets I was too afraid to think on too long for fear they would get set free into the universe.

  He was glorious.



  And when he finished the song, a beam of light singled him out as pieces of dust lifted into the air and twirled around each wolf like the earth was dancing.

  I smiled as he gave his fur a shake and then glanced back at me with nothing but love in his eyes.

  Our future was uncertain.

  Our love, however.

  Was not.

  “Thank you,” I whispered towards the skies, hoping my parents were listening, “Thank you for him.”


  The ache intensified in my chest — yet I knew my soul was present. I knew it just like I knew I was breathing. The temptation to turn toward darkness was always present, and I knew the more I isolated myself the more it would pull at me. Two different races — one good, one born for evil.

  I took a staggering breath as I looked around the room.

  What had possessed me to take Tarik under my wing? A wolf?


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