The Bridal Candidate 2 (Heart Connections)

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The Bridal Candidate 2 (Heart Connections) Page 19

by Linda Verji

  “I’ve missed you so much, baby,” he whispered as he pressed his forehead to hers.

  “I’ve missed you t-” Her words met a fast death on her lips when he pushed his lower body into hers again. Moaning, she lowered her hand to his ass and urged him to do it again.

  He did, but this time he gripped the back of her thighs, spreading her further apart before he ground his cock into her pussy. Electricity rippled through Aiko; it pulsed from her lower body into the rest of her, lighting her up until she was sure that if he didn’t give her more, she would burst into flames.

  Damián pressed his lips against hers for a hard kiss before trailing his mouth over her chin, her neck, her upper chest and between her breasts. Aiko hated that her dress was between them because she couldn’t feel his kisses as they journeyed down her torso and her tummy. She started to pull her dress up, but he stopped her with a firm grip on her wrists.

  “Patience,” he whispered. What for? It felt like it’d been forever since they’d been like this and she didn’t want to be patient. She wanted to have him now – right this moment. She tried to pull her arms from his grip but he denied her escape. His hands were like manacles, pining her arms to the sides of her body as he made his way determinedly down to her body.

  She started to protest, “Damia-” but her breath caught in her throat when he kissed the top of her mound. Even with her panties in the way, his lips seared into her, burned her. Her insides knotted in tension, she watched him place a kiss on her inner thigh and smooth his hands upwards to the sides of her panties. The shadowed stubble of his cheek rubbed against her skin and made her shiver as he kissed her other inner thigh.

  Then he was pulling her panties down. With one deft move, he slipped the fabric off her and threw it somewhere behind him. This time when his mouth found her most private place it was without a barrier and it left her moaning his name. “Damián - please.”

  She pressed upwards into his mouth, needing it, needing more, needing everything. The heat of his mouth scorched her, the feel of his tongue inflamed her. Her hands burrowed into his hair as pleasure ricocheted through her like a bullet wreaking havoc. She gasped as he licked her, gasped as he flicked her clit, gasped as he sucked it. She needed more. More. More. More.

  “Oh, oh, oh, oh my.” Delirious with pleasure she turned to lie on her stomach. But he followed her, his hands slipping under her stomach to tilt her lower body half off the bed and into his mouth.

  “Aaash!” Her nails dug into the covers as he pleasured over and over again. The stroke of his tongue was determined, steering her half-crazed into need, driving her towards that dark cliff. And then she was falling.

  Everything disintegrated in a violent flash of heat and pleasure. She buried her face into the covers, letting the fabric swallow her scream as she exploded. Her heart shuddered, her pulse thudded and her thighs trembled with her release.

  As she fell from her peak, she expected respite but Damián was too hungry for her. She didn’t know when he removed his clothes, but one moment she was lying on her stomach trying to catch her breath and the next he was easing his bare body over hers. His lips pressed against her still-clothed shoulder and his hands griped her thighs as he teased his length over the lips of her pussy.

  Then he was pushing in.

  “Mm,” she whimpered in time to the low growl in his throat as he pushed into her slowly but inexorably. She flowered for him, coated his head with her honey, making his entrance slick, slippery and oh, so sweet. Ah, he felt good in there. So thick, so heavy, so long, touching every sensitive nerve. Aiko lifted slightly, tilting her ass so he could go in even deeper.

  “Fuck,” he groaned in her ear as he embedded himself deep, deep, deep until he was finally and completely enveloped within her. Maintaining their dark, erotic contact, he lifted onto his hunches, gripped her ass then began to move.

  In. Out. In. Out.

  The sensations were magnificent, overwhelming. It was so overwhelming she wondered how Damián had the presence of mind to unzip her dress, unclasp her bra and push both garments up and over her head all while keeping up his long, slow, steady rhythm. Her mind was a fog, cluttered with desire as he stretched her, opened her, fucked her. She was hot, on fire – every part of her throbbing and aching as he drove her onward towards mindless delight.

  How in the world had she lasted this long without him?


  How in the world had he lasted this long without her?

  “Aiko,” Damian groaned low in his throat as he gripped her ass and thrust in deep. “Fuck!”

  The feel of her wrapped around his engorged cock was indescribable, almost more than he could bear. Every time he tried to withdraw Aiko clamped around him like a hot, slick vice sending electric quivers through his whole body. Every time he drove back into her she threw her ass back to meet him sending even more hunger pounding through him.

  “Aaah. Oh, oh, oh.” Her moans were like gasoline thrown into an already raging flame. Lust leapt within him, lit him up, scorched him, until it felt like his whole body was aflame. She seized his senses and twisted them into need until all he could think of was her and how to possess her completely, how to make her his and his alone. He pulled back then slammed back into her, drilled into her relentlessly like a mad man. He wanted to tattoo himself on her, in her – leave his imprint on every inch of her sexy body so she’d always know that he was her man. The one and only man for her.

  Wanting to see her face as he possessed her, he flipped her over to her back. For just one brief moment desire retreated enough for him to see the woman before him. Aiko in the grip of desire was a sight to behold. Her hair spread all around the pillow like a halo, her eyes shadowed with lust, her mouth open in a soundless scream, every inch of her brown skin slick and gleaming. So beautiful! He must’ve done some pretty good things in a previous life to deserve a woman like this.

  Slowing his pace down, Damián lowered his body until his mouth was just over hers. “I love you.”

  The lust in her eyes cleared up just a little to let tenderness through. Her lush lips curved into a smile as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “I love you too.”

  Her words sent warmth rushing through him, filled his whole heart until all he could was seal them with a kiss. Cupping the back of her head, he plastered his mouth to hers as with a violent thrust he pushed himself deep inside her completely. Her walls rippled around him, surrounded him and pulled him in deep. He fucked her to the rhythm of their kiss, pulled back and pumped back like this was the last time he was ever going to have her.

  Aiko met him eagerly, running her hands over each inch of skin she could reach. She hooked her legs higher up his flanks to allow his cock in deeper into her, rotated her pelvis to meet his plunges, and moaned with each strong thrust. But it was when she started to contract around him that he lost it. Her orgasm triggered something deep within him and her cries as she came were his breaking point.

  His pace sped up as every pint of blood in his body raced to his shaft and his whole body tightened on the precipice of… something. In. Out. In. Out. His mind and body became singularly focused on finding relief.

  “Oh – G-” His release seared through him like a bullet ripping his flesh apart. Wave after wave ran through him as he held himself deep inside her and erupted. It was so strong, he actually saw stars and it almost felt like he’d passed out. He collapsed over her, burying his head in the crook of her shoulder and inhaling her scent in ragged breaths. Aiko clasped her arms around him, holding him close as they both struggled to catch their breaths.

  It was only after the stars cleared from his brains that he realized that he was crushing her with his weight. He tried to move off her, but her hold around him tightened and she said, “Don’t.”

  “I’m crushing you,” he whispered before kissing her chin.

  “I don’t care,” she said. But he did.

  “You on top then,” he countered even as he flipped their pos
ition so that she was now the one over him. His actions had the unfortunate result of causing him to slip out of her, but having her body over his was almost as delicious as being inside her.

  For a while they lay in an easy silence. Free from need, Damián’s thoughts cleared up leaving him with one burning certainty. Aiko was the best thing that had happened to him and he couldn’t afford to lose her. If keeping her meant swallowing his pride and being honest about his feelings, then that was what he’d do.

  His arms still wrapped around her waist, he whispered, “Do you know how much I love you?”

  She tilted her face upwards to meet his gaze. “I know.” She cupped his cheek and added, “Because I love you just as much - if not more.”

  They were just the words he needed to hear and he couldn’t help bowing his head to brush his lips against hers before saying, “You were right.”

  “About what?”

  “About me being jealous.”

  He expected her to crow in delight, say I told you so. Instead all she did was watch him as if waiting for him to go on. So he did.

  “I wish I could stop feeling the way I do, but I can’t. Ever since Lincoln turned up I’ve been-” He paused, hating the vulnerability he was revealing. In fact he would’ve stopped if it wasn’t for how she was looking at him. All jumbled emotions pulsing through him were reflected in her brown eyes.

  Desperation. Fear. Need.

  They gave him the courage to keep confessing, “I don’t know. From the way you talked about him, it was obvious that you two had something special. Now he’s back. I feel like I’m standing between the two of you, and that it’s just a matter of time before you leave me for him.”

  Aiko’s eyes softened as she said, “That won’t happen.”

  “Why not?” Damián was genuinely baffled. “The guy is… like Captain America.”

  “Captain America?” There was a hint of a smile in her eyes.

  “Yeah.” He shrugged. “I’m just a white rich shmuck who had to pay for a bride. He’s the war hero who saved your life, gave you a beautiful daughter, and fits in perfectly with your family. How the hell am I supposed to compete with that?”

  THERE WAS SO much feeling in Damián’s words that Aiko’s heart broke for him. Suddenly, his behavior over the past weeks seemed so understandable. She’d known he was jealous, but she’d assumed that it was because of his experience with other women. It’d never occurred to her that he might feel inadequate compared to Lincoln, because in her eyes he was more than adequate.

  “You’re not supposed to compete with him, and I don’t expect you to.” Her eyes on him, she said, “You and Lincoln are different men and you haven’t done some of the things he’s done, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t have just as much to offer. You’re a great father-”

  “Yeah! Right!” He scoffed. “Have you forgotten that Zoe was headed to a stripper-pole before you got here?”

  “Okay, I’ll admit it. It took a couple of tries but you got there eventually.” Smiling, she caressed his chest. “Now, you’re amazing with Zoe and Phia. You’re generous, caring, an excellent provider and protector.”

  “Cause I’m rich?” he asked, even as his gaze seemed to soften.

  “No.” Aiko shook her head. “Because I know that even if we lost everything right now you’d still do everything to make sure the girls and I are well taken care of. I’ve never felt as safe as I do when I’m with you.” She paused then added, “Then there’s the fact that you kill at your job.”

  This time he actually smiled. “I do, don’t I?”

  “Cocky much?” she teased, even as he bent his head to touch his lips to hers in a soft lingering kiss. “You should be cocky. Nothing sexier than a man who knows his stuff,” she whispered between light nibbles of his bottom lip.

  “You’re not too bad at your job either, Mrs. Matchmaker,” he said before his lips closed over hers. Angling his head to deepen the kiss, he stroked his tongue over hers and she inwardly shuddered.

  When he finally broke the kiss, she murmured, “But you know what gives you the edge over Lincoln?”

  Damián shook his head.

  “I’m in love with you.” She captured his hand in hers and intertwined their fingers. “Deeply. Madly. Stupidly. I don’t know what you’ve done to me, Mister. Sometimes I wonder if you gave me a love potion.”

  His grin was much wider. “Who? Me? I’d never do something like that.”

  “Mm.” She gave him a look of mock-suspicion. “I don’t trust you.”

  He laughed then pecked her lips before saying, “If there’s any love potion being handed out then I’m afraid my drink might have been spiked too because I’m deeply, madly, stupidly in love with you too.”

  “Good.” Sobering up, she said, “You don’t need to worry about, Lincoln. I promise. I’ll never leave you for him. But you know that I can’t cut him off, right?”

  Looking down at their intertwined fingers on his chest, Damián sighed. “I know.”

  Aiko stared at him for a moment before saying, “Okay, what do I need to do to make you more comfortable?”

  “I don’t want you to cut him off.” He lifted his gaze to hers. “But I also don’t want you giving him all your attention at the expense of me and the girls. I get that he’s in a vulnerable place but that doesn’t mean that he’s the only one around. For the past few weeks, it just felt like he’s all you care about.”

  “He’s not. You’re my first priority.” She took in a deep breath before admitting, “But you’re right that maybe I’ve been a little extra with him. I’ll try to be more considerate of your feelings in future.”

  “The thing is you have a blind-spot when it comes to Lincoln,” Damián said. “You don’t know when you’re going too far. And you sometimes act like you’re the only one he’s got. You’re not. He’s got a mother, a brother and a dad.”

  The accusation stung and Aiko almost refuted it, then the sleeping-in-the-same-bed-with-Lincoln incident came to mind. She hadn’t need to do that, and she certainly would’ve been pissed off if Damián had done it with one of his exes. Then there was the hospital incident. It wouldn’t have hurt to leave Brenda to take care of Lincoln while she arrived on time for the event with Damián.

  “I’ll give you that,” she acquiesced. Her eyes meeting his, she said, “I’ll try to be more conscious of the choices I’m making in the future.”

  “What about shifting some of the responsibility to his own family?”

  That would be hard. But if that’s what it took to keep her relationship healthy then… she nodded. “I’ll talk to Brenda and Lincoln, and see how we can share responsibilities.”

  “I appreciate that.”

  She studied Damián for a moment before saying, “But I also need you to do something for me.”


  “Quit the passive aggressive thing,” she pleaded. “If you have a problem, just tell me calmly and I’ll try to fix it. If you want me to pull back, let me know and I will.”

  He was silent for a moment then he nodded. “I can do that.”

  “I’ll hold you to it.” She moved slightly to peck his lips before saying, “One more thing.”

  “What?” he whispered even as he tried to capture her lips again.

  She let him steal one more kiss before she murmured, “I want us to set an official wedding date.”

  He immediately stiffened beneath her and his eyes widened. “Are you serious?” When she nodded, his lips widened into a grin before he planted a hard kiss on her lips. “Great! What do you think about tomorrow?”

  She laughed. “Tomorrow is a little soon. But what do you think about a March wedding?”

  “March? As in March next year?” His voice held a note of disbelief. When she nodded, his face fell. “Hell. No. That’s six months away.”

  “We need time to plan.”

  “That’s what we have money for,” Damián countered. “We can afford to hire people to organ
ize a rush wedding for us.”

  She stuck out her bottom lip in a faux-pout. “But I wanna do it myself.”

  He flicked his thumb over her bottom lip before offering, “November then.”

  “One month? Are you high?” She countered. “Feb.”

  “December is my last offer.” He threatened, “Take it or you’ll end up on a plane tomorrow on your way to Vegas.”

  The truth was that she was just as eager to be officially his wife, but she didn’t like being threatened. Giving him a narrow-eyed look, she said, “I’ll think about it.”

  “Nothing to think about.” His lips hovered so close to hers she could feel his warm breath fluttering over her lips. “We’re getting married in December.”

  Before she could protest, he sealed the words with a deep kiss. His lips moved slowly beneath hers, his pace unhurried, lingering until she finally surrendered to him and melted into the kiss. The heat of his body beneath kindled desire inside her. But she wasn’t the only one. Even as he tantalized her with his mouth, she could feel his cock growing against her thigh.

  “I see someone’s ready to play again,” she said on a rushed breath when they came up for air.

  “What can I say?” His voice was pure heat and his grin was wickedness personified as he trailed his hands downward to cup her ass. He lifted her slightly so he could line his crown with her entrance then pushed in. “I’ve missed you.”

  He took her two more times over the course of the night. By the time morning dawned both of them were too tired to even go for their customary run. Instead, they dragged themselves to the shower where Damián proved that a man could never be too tired to make love. He had to carry her out of the shower after he was done.

  “I hate you.” She shot him a dark look as she dressed for the day.

  “That’s not what you were saying twenty minutes ago.” He grinned as he zipped up his jeans. Mimicking her moans, he teased, “Damián. Damián. I love you.”


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