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The Great Gate

Page 12

by J R Dahl

  Cloin turned to her father. “Long night.”

  “Yeah,” said Armon as he enjoyed the sight of the Helion soldiers all around him rallying and defeating the Leviathan.

  On the far side to the battlefield Eliune and his group of Seberians finished taking out all of the Nemaron field artillery cannons and tanks. Finally all the cannon shots ceased.

  The Helienders rallied and the battled continued, but as the Leviathan noticed that they no longer had fear-feeding power they began to give up and retreat. More soldiers of Helion poured out of the base. A group of over one hundred Leviathan gave up and ran for a nearby forest on the side of the battlefield. A unit of Helienders pursed them until they reached the forest edge.

  “Wait, wait,” called out one of the Helion infantry squad leaders. “I don’t think we should follow them in there. Not at this time of night.”

  Just then they all heard a wolf howl in the not-so-far distance.

  “We’ll let nature take care of them.” He smiled as he said, “We’ll check in on them in the morning.”

  Those one hundred Leviathan ran into the forest and down into a deeply wooded valley. Once they reached the bottom they stopped and crowded together in a small clearing to catch their breath. Crouched over with their hands on their knees, they looked around into the forest. As their sight adjusted to the dark, they saw glowing eyes peering from the darkness.

  Suddenly the wolves howled one to another, calling in the rest of the pack. The Leviathan panicked when they heard them growl and scurried around in the darkness. They pulled their rifles and started shooting wildly at anything that moved in the dark. Then in an instant all the wolves charged at once. These were a very specific breed of mountain wolf that grew to stand nearly two meters tall. The full-grown males were massive animals and extremely effective hunting and killing machines. The Leviathan armor could not help them as the animals charged in for the kill.

  From outside of the forest the Helienders could hear the men shouting and firing as well as the wolves howling. They shook their heads and winced in pain, but they turned and headed back to the battlefield.

  In the air above the mountain base the Nemaron pilots continued to attack the Helion fighters and soldiers on the ground. The shockwave had passed over them but did not affect them as they were not Leviathan but just regular Nemaron soldiers. They could see their comrades running from the battle and many being corralled and taken captive.

  Then the Nemaron pilots noticed a group of twenty Helion fighters returning to base. These were the fighters who had escorted the slave transports on the rescue missions. They flew in from the far side of the mountain where they had just finished their escorts.

  “Unit seven to base. Requesting permission to join home air defense,” radioed the Helion fighter unit leader.

  “Permission granted,” answered Kilgron. “Welcome home.”

  The Helion spacecraft turned and immediately engaged the Nemaron fighters. Within moments the enemy pilots would see that their forces where losing and quickly abandon the attack. As they retreated the Helienders were able to take down several of the ships before they left the atmosphere.

  Down in the hallway of the base where the Leviathan were still working to break through the doors they were using metal bars to slowly rip them open. Just then the shockwave hit them and they lost the strength to pry the door. The Leviathan looked at each other in confusion.

  Then they heard a women’s voice over the com: “Mission complete. The slaves have been freed.”

  The Leviathan heard a mottled cheer from the other side of the door as the Helienders celebrated. Suddenly the doors opened and the Helienders opened fire with their electric rounds. The Leviathan tried to dodge, but without the fear-feeding power many were quickly knocked out and found themselves on the floor. The rest turned and ran to escape only to be caught by another unit of Helienders.

  At the great gate the battle continued on in deadly sword combat. Both armies had lost many soldiers, but the demons continued to push toward the gate. Suddenly a shockwave poured over them. As it did the demons slowed to a normal speed. They reeled back in pain as the loss of power physically hurt them.

  Satan pulled back from his battle with Tekel and looked up into the starlit sky. “Those useless humans failed again!”

  The angels continued to fight and began to push their enemy back away from the portal. The demons were noticeably disturbed as they realized that the power of the angels was more than what they could withstand without the additional power of the fear feeding.

  Suddenly a second wave passed over them all. With it they could hear and feel the cheers and hope of the freed slaves. When this happened the angels’ eyes blazed with a blinding-white light.

  Empowered with renewed strength, the angels rallied and pushed the demons back with power and speed that they couldn’t handle. Soon the enemy began to shrink back in fear. They gave up and fled the battlefield. Half of the angels pursued them while the other half stayed to secure the gate.

  “No, you fools!” howled Satan. “Don’t leave, we can still defeat them!”

  “It’s over. You’ve failed,” said Tekel as he stepped closer to the chief demon.

  Rage welled up within Satan, and he lunged at Tekel with his blade.

  Tekel deflected the strike and quickly countered the attack with a swing that just barely cut Satan’s throat. Not deep enough to cause damage, but enough to draw blood.

  Satan reeled back in amazement that he had been hit. It had been a long time since he had been wounded in battle. He touched his neck with his hand and then looked down to find his black blood.

  “Nearly a deadly blow,” said Tekel as he began to circle his foe. “A little closer and it would have been the end of you.”

  Satan jumped high in the air and took to flight in the opposite direction. He turned in mid-air and faced Tekel. “These humans are weak and easy to manipulate. I’ll collect more of the little maggots. This battle will never end.”

  “You know that’s not true,” answered Tekel, and his voice changed. It became deeper and sounded as if hundreds of angels were speaking. “Your time here is short.”

  Enraged, Satan shuttered and shrunk back as he released a deep, beast-like roar. He then turned and flew off into space.

  In the far outer atmosphere of the planet Helion, the Nemaron fighters turned to retreat to defensive positions in order to protect their command ships. The Helion fighters continued to work to disable as many Nemaron fighters as possible.

  Several Nemaron shuttles returned from the planet and docked on different command ships. The shuttle that Averine had been loaded on landed on Maginon’s command ship. As it touched down in the main hangar, the hatch opened and several high ranking officers got off the ship. A Nemaron soldier pulled Averine by the arm. She had been drugged and handcuffed so she couldn’t walk or see very well.

  An officer from the command ship approached them. “Take her to Maginon’s chamber and get her cleaned up.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He walked her out of the main hangar and down a corridor. Moments later they entered Maginon’s chamber. The soldier walked her across the room to a door on the other side. He opened the door, removed her restraints, and shoved her into the room.

  “Clean her up,” he commanded the girls who were already in there.

  Averine stumbled through the door as the girls slowly walked to her to give her aid. They escorted her to a cot as she looked around, trying to focus her hazy eyes. They helped her lie down and began to wash the blood and dirt from her face.

  One of the women brought her a clear cup full of a green liquid. She placed it in Averine’s hands. “Here, drink this.”

  Chapter 15

  Back on the planet Helion Sevran rode his motorcycle to the spot where Averine’s AUV had been destroyed. He jumped off his bike and began frantically searching through the ruble. He found an injured Heliender pinned under part of the hull of the AUV. Sevra
n ran to him and started lifting ruble from his body.

  “Medic!” Sevran shouted to the other soldiers nearby. “You’re going to be ok. Just lie still. Have you seen Averine?”

  Three combat medics ran over to help the soldier. They began carefully pulling debris from his body as he labored reply. “They took her to one of their shuttles.”

  Sevran looked up toward the Nemaron side of the battlefield where the Helion forces where taking the remaining Nemaron soldiers captive.

  “Ok, hang in there, we’ve got you,” said Sevran. He turned and jumped on his bike and rode off toward the Nemaron shuttles.

  Sevran quickly rode toward the Nemaron lines. Moments later he arrived at the Nemaron camp to find the Helion forces taking the Nemaron soldiers captive. The Leviathan had lost most of their power and speed, so the electric rounds and nets made it far easier for the Helienders to apprehend them. Once the Leviathan had lost the fight, the rest of the regular Nemaron soldiers surrendered without much resistance. Several of the Nemaron shuttles still sat on the ground with all their pilots and soldiers kneeling outside in restraints.

  Sevran searched for the Helion infantry commander and found him near the center the cluster of Nemaron shuttles and cannons. “Have you seen Averine?” he asked the commander.

  “No, we haven’t. My men are still searching the shuttles.”

  Just then one of the lieutenants approached and reported in. “Sir, we’ve searched all enemy craft. One of our men saw Averine being taken captive, but we haven’t found her.”

  “She must have been aboard one of the shuttles that got away,” answered the commander.

  “No!” grunted Sevran as he grabbed his com. “Base, come in. Averine is not here. She’s been taken captive.”

  Back in the Helion base, Kilgron hung his head. With deep apprehension in his eyes he looked up at the main screen and watched as the computer tracked the Nemaron command ship flying away from their planet.

  All of the remaining enemy ships started their pre-light-speed acceleration. Moments later they each disappeared from the Helion surveillance system’s sight and exited the star system at light speed.

  “The Nemaron command ship has already left our orbit. We’re too far way to reach her in time.” He grabbed a com device. “Lonan, come in.”

  Seconds later he radioed back. “Yeah, I’m here. Is everything ok? Did it work?”

  “Yeah, the base is safe, but Averine is not. She was taken captive and is now aboard one of the Nemaron command ships. They’ve passed too far out of our range. You’ll need to intercept them. You’re her only hope.”

  Just outside the slave compound Lonan closed his eyes and bowed his head, trying to process what he had just heard. Telgrin stood nearby and listened as the Helienders loaded the slaves into the shuttle.

  “I’m taking a fighter now. Send me the co-ordinates,” demanded Lonan. He set down the com and ran out the shuttle door.

  Telgrin followed behind. “I’m going with you.”

  “Fine! Let’s go.”

  They climbed into the cockpit of the nearest Helion fighter and within moments were in the air. Once they reached the planet’s outer atmosphere Lonan piloted the ship into the correct coordinates that the Helion base had sent him. Seconds later he fired the main engines, which shoved both of them back in their seats. Then the secondary engines fired and they launched into light speed and out of the star system.

  In the slave girls’ room beside Maginon’s chambers, Averine was finally starting to feel her head clear, which also resulted in an intense headache. She sat up in her cot and held her head in her hands.

  One of the other girls tried to comfort her. “Don’t worry. The sickness will leave you soon.”

  “Were am I?” Averine asked as she rubbed her temples.

  “We’re in the private chambers of Maginon.”

  “We’ve got to get out of here,” said Averine. She looked around to find nine other women in the room. Each of them looked healthy, but the look on their faces showed that they had lost all hope. Many had been a captive to Maginon for several months. They were all filled with a great deal of fear. If their captor grew tired of them they were taken away and never to be seen again. No one knew where they were taken, but they knew that it could not be good.

  Averine’s mind immediately went to work trying to figure out an escape plan.

  “How? The door is locked.”

  “Those who resist are beaten,” answered anther girl from the other side to the room.

  “Or worse,” said the girl nearest to her as she handed her another cup of the green liquid. “Here. This will help clear your head of the drugs.”

  On the other end of the ship Maginon walked down the corridor when one of his officers met him. “Your orders, sir?”

  “Get us as far away from this solar system as possible. Set your course to our nearest stronghold. We’ll re-group there.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “And have some entrainment prepared for me in my chambers.”

  “Of course, sir.”

  In the girls’ chambers they had all gathered around Averine and listened intently as she whispered.

  “But even if we do get out of here, how will we get off this ship?”

  “We can steal one of theirs and I’ll fly us home,” answered Averine.

  “But the guards are so strong and they are everywhere. How can we get past them?” one of the girls asked.

  “We have to fight! Fight for our lives. The next time they open that door we’re going for it. I’ll start, but you have to follow my lead. Okay?”

  The rest of the girls reluctantly shook their heads in agreement.

  Just then the door opened and one of the guards walked in.

  “Whose turn is it tonight?” asked the guard as he grinned and looked around the room. His eyes settled on Averine. “Maginon wants someone fresh. You, come here,” he said as he pointed at Averine.

  “No, thanks. I would rather stay here with my new friends.”

  “I don’t think so,” said the guard. He walked toward Averine.

  As she lay on the cot he reached out to grab her. Then with one swift motion she kicked him in the side of the knee. His leg crumbled as he dropped to the floor and cried out in pain. He reached for her again. She grabbed his arm, flipped him over and pinned his arm behind his back. She did this with so much force and speed that his arm snapped. He cried out again as the rest of the girls ran to help. They jumped on him and began to tie him up and gag his mouth.

  “Good job. Let’s get out of here,” said Averine as she turned and walked through the open door.

  As she did Maginon suddenly grabbed her from behind and put her in a headlock. She kicked and struggled as she gasped for air.

  “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “Home,” Averine labored to say.

  Just then she flipped him over her head. He hit the floor but quickly rolled and jumped back to his feet.

  “You have some energy,” Maginon said with a grin. “I like that.”

  He lunged at her, but she quickly took him to the ground with a throw and kicked him in the head in the process.

  The rest of the girls came to the open door. Maginon pulled a pistol and stumbled to his feet while holding his throbbing head. “Enough!” he yelled. “All of you back in your room. And you,” he pointed the pistol at Averine, “into my chamber.”

  One of the girls ran toward the open door on the other side of the room. Maginon turned and fired a round. She hit the floor.

  Averine took the opportunity and pulled a small knife from her boot and threw it at Maginon. The blade punctured the wrist of his hand holding the pistol.

  He dropped the gun and yelled out in pain.

  Averine quickly ran to him, stunned him with a kick in the face, and then hit him with a clear and hard kick to the groin that sent him to his knees. Averine gave him one more kick in the head and knocked him unconscious.

“Quick, help me tie him up and lock him in his chamber. Everyone will think he is busy with us. That should buy us some time.”

  The girls ran to her side and began to tie him up.

  Meanwhile all the Nemaron command ships dropped out of light speed in the system where they had been hiding before the attack. They hovered in space as Maginon’s command ship navigated down through the heavy meteor belt. As it neared the planet the ship moved into a large clearing that offered a great deal of natural protection from the massive meteors that orbited the planet.

  The rest of the remaining carriers continued on out of the star system. They had been given orders to return to their respective bases in nearby galaxies in order to collect fresh legions of soldiers and heavy equipment.

  Just then Lonan and Telgrin dropped out of light speed a great distance outside of their system. They slowly approached the planet and its ring of enormous meteors.

  “We’re going into stealth mode,” said Lonan as he piloted.

  Telgrin navigated from the co-pilot’s seat. He flipped some switches and their fighter disappeared from view.

  “Can you pick up her frequency yet?” asked Lonan.

  “No, not yet. Wait, yes. She is definitely on the command shuttle,” said Telgrin; he pointed to Maginon’s space craft in the center of the meteor cluster.

  “Find me an empty hangar,” said Lonan as he continued toward the outer edge of the meteor belt.

  “Far side, second from last one, and it’s close to Averine’s signal. I’m not picking up many soldiers. Looks like they are down to skeleton crew.”

  “He must have abandoned most of his men on Helion.”

  Lonan carefully piloted his ship up and under the Nemaron command shuttle and landed in the empty hangar.

  “Hack their system and keep them out of this hangar,” said Lonan as he brought the fighter in for a landing.

  “I am already on it, boss,” answered Telgrin. He worked feverishly, digging his way through the Nemaron computer system.


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