Sunset Flames_Baytown Boys

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Sunset Flames_Baytown Boys Page 10

by Maryann Jordan

  “Really? Now I’m embarrassed that I don’t know more about it.”

  “Don’t be. Most people aren’t aware of what we are or what we do. Our baseball program is huge and, officially, it educates young people about the importance of sportsmanship, citizenship and fitness. But unofficially, it’s great out here because it’s the only sports many of these kids can do, since there’s no fee for them to play. We only ask the parents to help out when they can and if that’s just by coming to a game to cheer, then that’s great.”

  “Zac, that’s wonderful. What a service for the community. When I was at the game earlier, I was stunned at how many people came.”

  Nodding, his pride evident in his wide smile, he said, “We’ve got the whole town excited about the games.”

  “What else do you do?”

  “There are a ton of programs, but one I really like is the Operation Comfort Warriors program. For us in Baytown, it kind of goes with our inviting others to come make their home here. But it supports recovering wounded warriors and their families, providing them with comfort items when they’re in the hospital. Our Auxiliary works hard on this project.”

  “Belle mentioned the Auxiliary, but I had no idea what she was talking about.”

  “The American Legion Auxiliary is for family members of active duty military or veterans. So, wives, mothers, sisters, daughters, granddaughters can join. Hell, in fact, I think anyone can join who’s willing to volunteer.” He eyed her for a moment, appreciating the sunlight glistening off her dark hair before adding, “If you stayed, you could join as well. Of course, you could join when you go back home too, but I just thought it would be nice if you were here.”

  She smiled a wistful smile. Heaving a sigh, she said, “Baytown certainly has a pull to it. But, my home is in North Carolina. My job is there. My mom is there.”

  “And friends? Boyfriend?”

  “No to the boyfriend. And as far as friends, I have a few. I mean, it’s not like I don’t have friends…just not a lot. Not like you do here. Oh, God, I’m rambling again.”

  Throwing his head back in laughter, he said, “I like it when you ramble. It’s cute.”

  “Cute? Just what I want to be known as…cute.” She rolled her eyes, but was unable to hide her smile. Silent for a moment, she allowed the bay breeze and warm sun to penetrate. Letting out a deep breath, she said, “Thanks, Zac.”

  Cocking his head to the side, he asked, “For what?”

  “For just being here. For making me feel better. For being…a friend.”

  Leaning in, Zac watched as her upturned face moved closer to his. A whisper away, he murmured, “Good friends,” before kissing her. The gentle brush of his lips on hers sparked a fire deep inside and he angled his head, taking the kiss deeper.

  She sighed underneath his ministrations and he felt her body respond. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her closer until her heartbeat was next to his. The feel of her breasts against his chest, her legs sliding over his so that she was almost on his lap, and her lips pliant under his had his blood rushing to his dick and all thoughts of taking things slow flying out of his mind.

  The sound of children’s laughter from the beach brought Madelyn back to reality and she pulled away, regret in her sigh. “Oh, Zac,” she moaned, “what are we doing?”

  “If you don’t know, then I must be doing something wrong.”

  She laughed, her eyes dancing for a moment before she sighed.

  Cupping her face, he said, “Nothing says we can’t enjoy each other while you’re here. Not if we both know what the score is.”

  Her eyes, shadowed by the clouds overhead, held his. “What is the score…just so I’m clear?” she said, her words halting.

  “We’re two adults, both enjoying each other’s company. There’s no one to get hurt and when it’s time for you to leave, we part as friends.”

  “Friends who were intimate?”

  Nodding, he said, “Why not?” Seeing her hesitation, he hastened to add, “Maddie, this isn’t an offer I’ve ever made before. I’m not the kind of man who goes around having indiscriminate sex. With my job, I hardly ever get to date and I’m not much of a one-night-stand kind of guy.”

  Watching her bite her lip while still sitting on his lap had him leaning in to give the swollen flesh a lick before kissing it once more. Leaning back, he watched a smile curve her lips. “And, this doesn’t have to lead to sex. We can just enjoy each other’s company. But, we’ll know up front that, if it does, then we can both say goodbye when you leave and have no regrets.”

  “I’m not sure it works that way, Zac,” she said. “Sex without feelings seems kind of…reckless with our hearts.”

  “Maddie, we’ll have feelings. Feelings of friendship…just not the urge to declare everlasting love.” A rueful chuckle rumbled from his chest. “I’m not sure that’s an emotion I’m capable of anyway. To me, love equals pain.”

  Madelyn cocked her head, wanting to ask him more but then changed her mind. After all, having seen what her parents went through, she had to agree. Love certainly could equal pain.

  Bringing her hands up to his face, she cupped his cheeks as she pulled him in for another kiss, this one owned by her. His lips were smooth and firm and as he opened his mouth she slid her tongue inside. Feeling the rumble from his chest once more, this time she swallowed the delicious sound.

  “Okay,” she whispered, thinking that, just for a little while, it would be nice to have sex with a gorgeous man, no strings attached. A chance to forget everything pressing down on her and just enjoy. “For as long as I’m here, we can be friends.”

  He lifted her hand and placed a kiss on her knuckles. “Here’s to new and very good friends.” Standing, he gently pulled her to her feet, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

  She looked up and smiled, saying, “I hope your place is good enough, because there’s no way we’re going back to my dad’s house. I’m sleeping in a twin-sized bed in the room I had when I was a child.”

  Laughing, he said, “I think that can be arranged.” As they walked down the street toward the fire station, his words took on a reluctant quality when he said, “I hope you aren’t expecting too much. My apartment in back of the station is rather…uh…spartan.”

  “Does it have a bed?”

  “Yeah,” he grinned.

  “Will it fit two people?”

  “Yeah,” his grin widened.

  “Then we’re good,” she declared.


  Madelyn expected to have to go through the fire station to get to Zac’s apartment and was relieved when he walked her around the back of the building to a set of metal stairs attached to the brick. Leaning her head back, she realized how far up they would go, but her fear of heights was less than her fear of others seeing her blatantly walking into his apartment. Friends with benefits would be easier if no one else knew what was happening.

  She linked fingers with his as they started up the stairs, the occasional creaking resulting in her heart skipping a beat and her hand clutching his.

  Zac looked down at Madelyn, observing her lust-filled eyes had morphed into wide-eyed fright as her fingers squeezed his painfully. Just then the stairs groaned again and, hearing her gasp, he asked, “Are you afraid of heights?”

  “Uh…not as long as my feet can stay on the ground,” she tried to joke.

  “Don’t look down,” he ordered, unpeeling her hand from his in order to wrap his arm tightly around her. “Just keep looking at me.”

  Swallowing, Madelyn obeyed, noting it was not difficult considering Zac’s profile was gorgeous. Before she knew it, his hand was on the doorknob and within a few seconds, they were safely ensconced inside.

  Whirling around, he led her deeper into the apartment, his eyes full of concern. “You okay, sweetheart?”

  Now that her feet were firmly planted on the floor, she grinned as she stepped up to him, plastering her body against his front. Clasping her hands together behin
d his neck, she gave a little tug downward. “I’m perfect.”

  Grinning, he latched onto her lips, mumbling, “Yeah, you are.” Not watching where he was going, Zac continued to kiss her as he backed toward the sofa. Flipping over the end, he landed on the soft, worn cushions, her body sprawled on top of his, their lips still attached. He grunted as her slight weight knocked the air from his lungs, but the feel of her breasts pressed against his chest again shot all thoughts of anything but getting her naked and underneath him from his mind.

  As though she had the same thought, she placed her hands on his chest and pushed up, her thighs straddling his pelvis, his hard cock straining at the zipper of his jeans hot against her warm core.

  Grinning, she pulled her shirt over her head, not caring where it landed. He looked up, eyes wide at her breasts spilling over the top of her demi-bra. His hands followed his gaze, palming the plump mounds before jerking the cups down. Her breasts sprung free and he bent at the waist, latching his mouth over a taut nipple.

  While he sucked, she unfastened the bra from the back, allowing it to be tossed to the side as well. Clutching his shoulders with her hands, she held him in place as she leaned her head back, pressing her breasts forward.

  Feasting on a nipple, he felt her hands slide down to the bottom of his t-shirt and attempt to pull it upward. Letting go of the delectable bud for a few seconds, he reached behind his neck and grasped the offending material, pulling it over his head to land near her shirt on the floor.

  Standing, his arms still wrapped around her, she clutched her legs about his waist, their naked chests plastered together. He stalked into the small bedroom, grateful for the double bed. It might not be huge, but it would fit the two of them. Especially if she’s under me.

  Twisting one more time, he laid her on her back, her bright eyes smiling back at him. She placed her feet on the bed to scooch higher, but his hands on her ankles stopped the movement.

  “Oh, no, Maddie. Not until I’ve had a chance to taste you.” Chuckling as her eyes widened, he unbuttoned her jeans before sliding them over her hips. She wiggled, assisting in the removal, her fingers grabbing her panties as he tossed her pants onto the floor. Standing over her, he dragged his eyes down, perusing her full breasts, her tapered waist, and full hips. Her legs, long and toned, no longer wrapped around his waist but lying open, her slick folds beckoning. His cock, already pressing into his jeans, strained, leaving him to wonder if his zipper was creating a permanent mark.

  Leaning up, Madelyn propped her upper body on her elbows, observing as Zac divested himself of his clothes as quickly as he could. When he was down to his tented boxers, she lowered her gaze to travel slowly over his body. His dark brown hair was clipped neatly and his clean-shaven face gave off a boyish charm. Her eyes moved slowly, from his muscular chest to his defined abs, the V-muscles disappearing beneath his waistband. “You’re beautiful. You know that, don’t you?” she said, marveling at the muscles flexing with each movement.

  “You’ve got that backward, Maddie,” he countered, his gaze traveling down her luscious body. With a deft movement, he lowered his boxers, kicking them down his legs and onto the floor. No longer constrained, his cock stood at attention as he ran his fist up and down its length. He knelt on the floor tossing her feet over his shoulder before placing a kiss on the inside of each thigh. She shivered and he kissed the goosebumps away.

  Unable to keep from jerking her legs, she could not contain the giggle that erupted. “I’m ticklish,” she gasped, but then his mouth began to move higher and her mirth ended as her sex clenched in anticipation.

  With the flat of his tongue Zac licked her slick folds, memorizing the taste of her. God, what would it be like to have this beautiful woman every night—wait, what? This is just sex. Sex between friends, true, but just sex. Just like I like it. Pushing all other thoughts from his mind, he determined to make it memorable for her. Nothing wrong with making her glad she agreed. Plunging his tongue in, he grinned as she jumped, jerking her hips off the bed. “Mmmm,” he mumbled against her clit, using his mouth in tandem with his fingers as he nipped, licked, sucked, and worked her into a frenzy.

  She clutched the sheet in her fists before reaching down to grab his head with her hands. With one last suck, she screamed his name and he felt her hot core clench his finger as he continued to move his tongue around her clit, prolonging the orgasm.

  The vibrations sent shock waves throughout Madelyn’s body until she finally collapsed back onto the bed, her body boneless. “Oh, my God,” she breathed, unable to think of anything else to say.

  Zac chuckled as he lowered her legs gently off his shoulders. Kissing her mound, he began kissing upward over her tummy, nuzzling her sides as she squirmed.

  “I told you, I’m ticklish!” she protested halfheartedly. Gasping for air, she moaned, “Zac, you’re going to kill me.”

  “Well, I am a rescue worker. I can revive you.”

  “Mmm, and how would you do that?” she breathed as his mouth made its way up to her breasts, lavishing attention on each one.

  “I think mouth-to-mouth is definitely necessary.” Proving his theory, he latched onto her lips, stealing her breath as his tongue tangled with hers. Angling his head, he delved and probed each crevice, memorizing the taste and feel of her.

  As he lifted his head slightly, staring down at her warm eyes, she agreed, “I think mouth-to-mouth is absolutely necessary.” Her hand slid down over his ass, moving between them to circle his shaft. “And then I think that you could…probe me with your cock…you know, just to make sure I’m alive.”

  Laughter bubbled up from his chest as he lifted his hips just enough for her to continue her ministration. “Oh, yeah, babe. I think probing is next on our list of things to make sure you stay alive.” Shifting upward, he reached into his nightstand and snagged a condom, rolling it on with quick efficiency.

  Lifting an eyebrow, she said, “Need those often?”

  “Not nearly as often as you think. In fact, I should probably check to make sure the expiration date is still good.”

  Grinning, she said, “I know this is just between friends, but if you want to know the truth, it’s been a while for me too. Last boyfriend was ages ago and I’ve never been one to troll the bars looking for a fast lay.” Biting her lip, she added, “But in case it breaks, I’m on the pill.”

  “Good to know,” he said, leaning down to kiss her sweet lips once more. “Nice to not be just another notch on your bedpost.”

  “My bedframe is metal,” she retorted with a grin. Looking over, she realized his mattress was on a floor frame with no headboard. “Guess neither of us will be notching anything soon.”

  “God, you’re amazing,” he said, nestling his hips between her widely spread legs and lining his cock with her sex. Beautiful, sexy, funny…I may have just found the perfect woman—oh, shut up and just enjoy it.

  “Fuck,” he said, leaning down to capture her lips. Moving hotly over them, he felt the scorching heat of her body pressed close to his. Lifting his head, he held her gaze. Her nod was his permission, but he asked nonetheless.

  “Tell me what you want,” he ordered, teasing her core with the head of his cock. “I need to hear the words.” Moving it slowly through her wet folds, he closed his eyes briefly, forcing himself to go slow. His cock strained to move inside, as though it had a will of its own. Sucking in a deep breath, he opened his eyes, carefully watching her flushed face as she held his gaze.

  “I want you. Now,” she answered, her breasts heaving with each pant as her hips bucked upward.

  Dipping his lips to hers, he whispered, “You got it, babe,” before plunging his dick into her hot, tight sex and his tongue into her warm mouth.

  Moving in rhythm, he started slowly, his cock stretching her as it hit every nerve along the way. In and out, creating a friction that drove her to distraction. He nibbled along her neck, sucking on the tender area at the base where her pulse throbbed.

lyn slid her hands down Zac’s back as her legs entwined around his waist, opening herself up more. Digging her heels into his ass, she heard him groan as she met him thrust for thrust. His back muscles bunched and stretched underneath her fingertips as she gripped him tightly.

  “Harder,” she moaned, squeezing her eyes shut as the world around her fell away, the only tangible sensation the rocking of her body as he powered into her. Shifting the angle of his hips, he continued to grind against her clit. Her world tilted as tremors began in her core and exploded outward. For a moment, she had no worries or cares…only sensations filling her mind.

  Zac watched as Madelyn’s teeth bit into her kiss-swollen bottom lip, her head thrown back against the mattress as he felt his balls tighten. Her breasts moved with each thrust and she panted each breath.

  “Open your eyes. I need to see you when you come,” he ordered. She obeyed, her gaze warm upon him. Her plump lips were smiling as he felt her inner muscles clenching around him.

  Madelyn was mesmerized with how Zac’s serious expression altered when his orgasm rocked through him. With his head thrown back, she observed the veins standing out on his neck as he powered through his orgasm.

  Zac was stunned, feeling the immediate difference between Madelyn and any other woman he had ever been with. He wanted her again as soon as one orgasm passed. He wanted to make the next one better. Sex had always seemed perfunctory. Always an action. Not an emotion. But, we agreed…no emotions. And I don’t want to get too deep…do I?

  He dropped his head back to the mattress by hers as he tried to catch his breath. Rolling to the side, he pulled her along with him. Their sweat-slicked bodies cooled slowly as their heartbeats continued to pound.

  Pushing her dark, silky hair from her face, he watched her as her breathing slowed. After a few seconds, her eyes opened and focused on him, a smile curving her lips.


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