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Sunset Flames_Baytown Boys

Page 24

by Maryann Jordan

  “And the fires?”

  Chuckling, Roger said, “She got excited when we’d go out and light a fire. Afterwards, the…um…well, the sex was good. Better than good. I knew I’d found a way to keep her.”

  “What was the first fire you set?”

  “We used to just go somewhere and set a small fire, like in a camp pit. Then we got to talking about how she’d like to see something big on fire so she could see me work.” Shrugging, he continued, “So we went out and set the old Culler shed on fire…back off Marker’s Lane. It went up quick and we just stood there, watching the flames shoot into the air. As soon as we heard the trucks coming, we ran off, but she was fascinated with watching the fire fighters working. She loved it. Best sex I ever had was that night.”

  In the observation room, Zac breathed, “What the fuck?”

  Mitch nodded slowly, his voice low as well. “What some people will do for love...or their version of love.”

  Still listening, they heard Colt ask, “And the times you were at the fire as Chief?”

  Grinning, Roger replied, “That gave her a real thrill. But, I gotta admit, I started getting a thrill too. We got a name. We got notoriety. And then we got you guys. We were in the national news and finally we were highlighting that we needed more help, more equipment.” Leaning back in his metal chair, Roger smiled. “Don’t you see the help we were giving to the counties here?”

  “And the man killed in one of your fires?”

  The smile slid from Roger’s face as a cloud passed through his eyes. “That wasn’t supposed to happen.” He appeared to be struggling with himself for a moment before lifting his eyes to Colt, then sliding them over to the mirror. “But, sometimes there are causalities in war.”

  Zac, thinking how close Madelyn came to losing her childhood home to the fire and her life in the accident, growled, “I’ve heard enough.” Turning, he stalked out of the room and out of the station. Once in the sunlight, he slid his sunglasses on his face and climbed into his truck. Time to go home…home to Maddie.

  Two days later, sitting on the sofa in Zac’s house, Madelyn swung her legs to the floor in an effort to get more comfortable. Her arm, in a cast, was propped up on a pillow in her lap. The front door had become a revolving door of friends and well-wishers coming through. Zac had hovered over her, fretting in a way that was both endearing and confining. Their refrigerator was well-stocked with casseroles, salads, and desserts.

  He walked in from the kitchen and his brow lowered. “What are you doing? You shouldn’t get up.”

  “Zac, my ass will grow to this sofa if I don’t move,” she complained, standing to stretch her legs. “I’m fine…you know that.”

  “A broken arm and a concussion is not fine,” he argued, stepping closer to place his hands on her shoulders. “You need to rest.”

  “Yes, and I’ve done that for the past two days.” Lifting on her toes, she kissed the underside of his jaw. “I want to know.”

  He looked down at her and nodded. Taking her hand, he walked her back to the sofa, this time settling first before easing her into his lap, careful of her injured arm. “Roger and Nola were arrested the night of the accident. Roger, at the station, and Nola, at the hospital. To be honest, we’re all stunned. Here we were, looking at the volunteer lists, the rejected applications, and anyone else we could think of, but never looked to the Chiefs.”

  “You can’t blame yourself,” she admonished. “Chiefs aren’t usually the arsonists. It’s the wanna-be firefighters.”

  Nodding, he agreed. “I know, but the idea of how many times Roger and I worked together when both our stations would respond to an emergency…”

  “Have they said anything?”

  Heaving a great sigh, he said, “It appears Nola’s been a firestarter since she was a kid. It was, like you described, an addiction for her. When she met Roger, she was thrilled to be with a fireman. And he made Chief last year, but the money was never as good as they would have liked. He said he wanted to keep her interest, so he was willing to do whatever it took.”

  “And the man who was killed?”

  “He said they had no idea he was there. I think it scared the hell outta Roger, but he seemed to be willing to keep going for her.”

  “She was the strong one,” she stated.

  His gaze jumped to hers, his brows lifted. “Yeah.”

  “I’ve seen it before…a strong woman leading a weaker man. He may have presented the strength needed to be a Chief, but in reality, it was all for show…for her. That’s why she went after me.”

  “You were suddenly there, too close to discovering what was in the van. She panicked. Hit you, pushed you into the van and just took off, with no real plan in mind.”

  “As soon as I saw the flickering taillight, it came back to me. I can’t believe that I had suppressed that memory all the times I went over that night in my mind. Even when the FBI interviewed me. I never thought of the light that flickered. But when I saw it the other night, the memory slammed into me.”

  “Jesus, when I think what could have happened,” Zac said, his shoulders slumping, fatigue hitting him.

  She lifted her hand, cupping his cheek. “Sweetheart, you have hardly slept in the past couple of days. Why don’t you go lie down? I’m fine. We’re fine. They’ve been caught and more will come out about their activities and motives, so we’ve still got a long way to go before this case is over. At least now no one has to fear sunsets anymore.”

  He kissed her forehead, pulling her close to his chest. She tucked her face into his neck, relaxing in his arms.

  A knock on the door interrupted their moment. She lifted her head and, staring into his face, she laughed as he rolled his eyes. “I guess you had better get that.”

  “Any chance we can pretend we’re not here?”

  “Let us in,” they heard Katelyn call.

  “It’s unlocked,” he called, then watched as Katelyn, Jillian, Jade, Tori, Ginny, and Belle walked in.

  “The men are coming right behind,” Katelyn announced, her arms full of grocery bags. “We’re bringing the party to you all.”

  Grant, Brogan, Lance, Mitch, Gareth, and Aiden followed, their arms full of more bags and cases of beer.

  Lifting his eyebrow, he stared at the group filling his living room. “Impromptu party?”

  Clapping him on the back, Aiden kissed Madelyn’s cheek. “Figure we can celebrate the two of you, buddy.”

  Grinning in return, Zac winked at her. “Best reason to celebrate, isn’t it, babe?”

  Her smile was his answer as they settled back to enjoy their friends.

  Three Months Later

  The sky was streaked with yellow and orange as the sun settled lower on the horizon. The flame colors danced and morphed against the water, as Madelyn sat in the car, the final journal in her hand. She had read the words so many times, but knew that today she would want to read them again.

  Dear Maddie,

  It’s been a couple of years since I wrote in this journal. I don’t go to counseling anymore, but I have stayed active with AA. I kept up with you, mostly on Facebook, following you and watching your life in posts and pictures. Your mother used to accuse me of hearing only what I wanted to hear and after all these years, I think she was right. If I had been more open to what she was trying to tell me all along, we might could have salvaged our family.

  I decided years ago to make peace with your mother’s leaving, subsequent marriage, and did not try to contact you. A difficult decision, but from all evidence, you are living a happy life.

  I have decided to leave my humble estate to you, in the hopes that when you return one day to Baytown, you will remember the good times spent here.

  I joined the American Legion and had the opportunity to speak one evening with a wonderful young man, who had also served in the Navy. We spoke at great length about our experiences and I could not help but think that he was the type of young man any father would be proud to see their daughter
be with.

  I realize that by the time you read these entries, I will most likely be gone, but it still gives me pleasure to have you know that you will be back in Baytown, even for a little while. If you get the chance to look up Zac Hamilton, please let him know that I appreciated our talks.

  Take care, my dearest Maddie, and know that while your father was not perfect, he loves you very much.


  Your dad

  Madelyn closed the journal, her hands resting on the worn cover. Saul looked at her, his smile warm, and asked, “Are you ready, sweetheart?”

  Nodding, she swiped at the tears that threatened to fall. “I’m ready,” she declared and lay the journal onto the seat.

  As Madelyn walked down the makeshift aisle, her arm on Saul’s, she smiled at the many residents of Baytown she now knew and called dear friends. The women from the Auxiliary and the co-workers from the clinic. Her eyes fell over the women standing near the front…Jillian, Katelyn, Tori, Jade, and Belle. Their smiles soothed her nerves as she focused on the man at the front, surrounded by his friends. Mitch, Grant, Aiden, Brogan, Callan. Others filled the chairs in the sand.

  Zac’s gaze never left her from the moment she alighted from the vehicle, approaching him now. Taking her hand, he bent to kiss her cheek as she stood in front of him.

  The minister’s service was short and soon their vows were spoken, all underneath the ever-changing sunset sky.

  Hours later, the reception was in full swing at Finn’s Pub. Some couples danced as others sat at the bar and tables, laughter filling the air.

  Zac, one hand clasping Madelyn’s against his chest, the other resting on the small of her back, barely swayed to the music, lost in her eyes. “I love you, Mrs. Hamilton,” he whispered, his nose nuzzling hers.

  Her smile beaming up at him, she said, “I love you, too, Mr. Hamilton.”

  A call for another toast had them dragging their eyes from each other to turn, facing their friends. A moment later, Belle approached, regret in her eyes.

  “I’m so sorry, but I have an early shift at the nursing home tomorrow, so I need to leave.”

  Madelyn hugged her tightly, saying, “I’m so glad you were part of my day…and part of my life.”

  Belle smiled, her gaze shifting to Zac before coming back to Madelyn. “You two are perfect together.”

  Hugging her again, she whispered in Belle’s ear, “When you least expect it, it’ll happen for you too.”

  A wistful smile slipped over Belle’s lips as she waved goodbye to their friends and walked out the door.

  A few minutes later, the door to Finn’s opened and the gathering turned to see a huge man walk in. Long hair, built like a mountain, his piercing eyes roamed over the heads of the others in the room, landing first on Jason before settling on Zac.

  “Hunter!” Zac called out, snagging Jason’s attention, both men smiling as they stalked over to the newcomer.

  Shaking hands and black slaps ensued as they greeted their friend. Zac grinned when Madelyn moved to his side.

  “Hunter, you’ve come at a great time. This is my wife, Madelyn. Baby, this is an old Navy buddy that I reached out to about moving to Baytown. Like Jason, it looks like he’s taken me up on the offer.”

  Hunter’s eyes moved over her, his gaze obviously taking in her wedding dress. “Pleased to meet you. Seems like I came at a bad time.”

  “No, no,” she rushed. “Any friend of Zac’s is more than welcome. Come on in, there’s plenty of food and drinks.”

  Zac made the introductions to the others, especially the men in the American Legion. As the men talked for a few minutes, Jillian sidled up to Madelyn.

  “He doesn’t say much, does he?” Jillian commented.

  “And he’s huge,” Jade added.

  Just then the women heard Zac ask, “Do you have a place to stay?”

  “Gotta camper.”

  “And what about a job?” Zac continued.

  “Handyman. At the nursing home. Start next week.”

  That tidbit of information had the women grinning as they turned away, moving back to the bar. Soon, Hunter left, eschewing the reception, and the men returned to claim their women for more dances.

  The next morning, she awoke as the sun was just rising in the horizon, casting the faintest light into their room. She felt Zac’s arm tighten around her middle and smiled.

  “Whatcha thinking?” he asked, his voice gruff against her neck.

  “I was just thinking about our wedding last night, on the beach at sunset.”

  He stayed silent, waiting for her to continue. She twisted in the bed so that she was now facing him, his arm now resting on her hip.

  “I’ve now decided that my favorite time of day is sunset…it will always remind me of us.”

  Grinning against her lips, he kissed her, gently at first before taking it deeper. As the sun rose in the sky, they stayed entwined, their hearts beating as one.

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  If you liked Sunset Flames, check out the other book in the Baytown Boys Series

  Baytown Boys (small town, military romantic suspense)

  Coming Home

  Just One More Chance

  Clues of the Heart

  Finding Peace

  Picking Up the Pieces

  Sunset Flames

  Saint’s Protection & Investigations (Military Romantic Suspense)

  Serial Love

  Healing Love

  Seeing Love

  Honor Love

  Sacrifice Love

  Remember Love

  Discover Love

  Surviving Love

  Celebrating Love

  Searching Love (coming 2018)

  Heroes at Heart (Military Romance)




  Alvarez Security (military romantic suspense)





  Sleeper SEAL

  Thin Ice

  Letters From Home (military romance)

  Class of Love

  Freedom of Love

  Bond of Love

  The Love’s Series (detectives)

  Love’s Taming

  Love’s Tempting

  Love’s Trusting

  The Fairfield Series (small town detectives)

  Emma’s Home

  Laurie’s Time

  Carol’s Image

  Fireworks Over Fairfield

  Please take the time to leave a review of this book. Feel free to contact me, especially if you enjoyed my book. I love to hear from readers!







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