My Hero (Cowboy Craze)

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My Hero (Cowboy Craze) Page 8

by Sable Hunter

  Benjen loved her attitude, it so mirrored his own. He set down the picnic basket, then took a few moments to snap some photos of the animals – and a couple of her when she wasn’t paying attention. “Rose is going to be okay, though. Just look at her now.”

  Apple’s eyes followed his gaze and found the dogs chasing butterflies in a nearby field of wildflowers. “I hope so. I’ve been working to build her trust.”

  “Are you hungry?” Benjen began unpacking the wicker basket. He knew he was. After a lifetime of denying himself – he was starving. His eyes moved over her slowly not wanting to miss an inch of her curves. Sweet fuck, the woman was perfect. With a long sweep of dark hair, big navy eyes, and her beautiful face, he could look at her for hours and never tire of the view.

  “I am.” She turned her attention to the big man as he laid out various items. “I skipped lunch today.” Her hunger for food wasn’t the only appetite whetted. She felt her cheeks heat as she studied his handsome face. High cheek bones, kind eyes, and an absolutely kissable mouth. With his wide shoulders, broad chest, and strong arms, Benjen Blackhawk was all man. The only trace of boyishness about him was his cute dimpled smile. Even his scent was captivating, an earthy mix of sunshine, earth, and soap tempted Apple to nestle her face against his neck to just breathe him in.

  “Well, I went all out.” He gave her a slow wink. “Ham with Swiss, slathered with my own special spread, a combination of cream cheese and mayo.”

  “Sounds amazing.” She took one of the plastic wrapped sandwiches. “Deviled eggs, too?”

  Benjen blushed a little. “I made a mess of those, didn’t I?” He set the small tray of misshapen halves of eggs. “I had trouble getting the shell off. Maybe they’ll taste better than they look.”

  “You did all this yourself?” She took in the iced cupcakes, the celery sticks stuffed with pimento cheese, and the jug of lemonade.

  “Yea, I wasn’t sure what you’d like.”

  Apple felt her eyes become misty. “Thank you.” No one had ever gone to so much trouble for her. “You’re so sweet.”

  “Aww, I try.” Benjen wouldn’t deny attempting to please her – that’s what this was all about. Getting to know Apple. Charming her. Sweeping her off her feet. “Help yourself.” He gestured toward the food. “Let’s eat up. I know two girls who’ll be ready to claim our leftovers.”

  “Okay.” She giggled, the happiness bubbling within her was a heady feeling. After filling her plate, she began to eat, enjoying the moment. “This is wonderful.”

  Benjen shook his head. “It’s nothing.” He was just glad she was having a good time. “So, tell me about Apple Cates.”

  With a shake of her head, Apple licked a tiny sliver of pickle from the deviled egg off her thumb. “Isn’t that a name? Apple?” She blushed. “Actually, it’s Apollonia.” At his mystified expression, she explained with a laugh, “My mother was fascinated with the Greek gods. She taught mythology at a small junior college.”

  “I love your name, it suits you.”

  “Thanks.” She took a sip of the lemonade, deciding what to tell him. “I’m an only child of protective parents. Raised in a small town. My parents moved to Florida a few years ago and I really don’t have any other family...” She let her voice trail off, wondering how much more she should say.

  Before she could decide, Benjen began to speak, “I’m sorry. Our parents have both passed. So, I understand you lost your husband.” At her startled expression, he confessed, “I learned that tidbit of information from the ice cream girl at Dairy Queen.”

  “Oh, my goodness.” Apple smiled sadly and shook her head. “Word gets around. Yes, I was married to Alan Cates. He was in the Marine Corp, served as an interpreter. He went MIA and they searched for him for a year before he was declared dead.”

  “Oh, wow. I had no idea. Losing someone is bad enough, but not knowing what happened to them must be devastating.”

  “Yes, it was hard.” Because his body was never found, Apple couldn’t shake the feeling that she was still married.

  “I’m so very sorry,” Benjen said sincerely. “I lost my fiancé. She succumbed to a brain aneurysm, no warning. So, I can certainly sympathize.”

  “You did?” His calm, empathetic answer made her gasp. “How awful.”

  “Kelli will always be with me.” He patted his chest. “She was a good person and I loved her very much.”

  For most, hearing a man you were attracted to confess he once cared for someone else would be a bad thing. Not so in this case. His obvious love for this other woman made Apple’s own heart swell with admiration and awe. She could only imagine how amazing it would be to be the object of Benjen Blackhawk’s affection. “I’m sure she loved you too.”

  “She did. As I’m sure you miss your husband.”

  She missed what she used to have with her husband…but that, for the most part, had turned out to be a lie. Not wanting to share her shame with Benjen Blackhawk, she responded to his comment by making another. “I’ve built a new life for myself. I finally have a real home and…a purpose.”

  Benjen felt like there was more she wasn’t saying, but he would let it go for now. They had all the time in the world to discover new things about each another. “I, for one, am glad you settled in Kingsland.” He glanced over at the dogs who were patiently waiting for a hand-out. “I bet Rose would agree.”

  “I’m glad I’m here too.”

  For a few minutes they ate in companionable silence watching the dogs and enjoying the scenery. When it came time for dessert, she took a big bite of cupcake and laughed when Benjen reached over to get a bit of icing from the corner of her lip. “This is good.”

  “I bet.” He stared at her mouth. “Soon, I’m going to see for myself.”

  Oh, my. Apple blushed and began gathering the leftover food. “How about a walk?”

  Seeing he’d flustered her, Benjen backed off a bit. “Oh, let’s not forget the dogs.” He tore a ham sandwich in half and gave it to the two eager mutts. “And an egg to top it off.”

  Apple smiled at the sight of him tossing deviled eggs and the dogs catching them in midair. When she rose to her feet, her heart was still fluttering in her chest at his allusion to a kiss. “So, your turn, tell me about yourself.”

  Benjen took his time repacking the basket, then slowly stood to his feet. He was trying to give his cock time to go down. Just being near her set his head to spinning. “Well, there’s not a whole lot to tell. I have three brothers. Daniel, Ezekiel, and Samuel. Daniel is married to a beautiful girl named Sara. The rest of us are single. We live on the same ranch where we all grew up. My dad was Native American – as you learned from the lady at the vet’s office the other day.”

  “Bigoted old biddy.”

  When he smiled his full dimpled grin, Apple’s knees felt weak. But that reaction was nothing compared to how he made her feel when he looked at her with what appeared like awe in his eyes.

  “I appreciated how you defended me.”

  Apple turned away from him to face the river. Looking at him confused her. She had to remember how it felt to be rejected, setting herself up for another heartbreak would be the most foolish thing she’d ever done. “Of course. I have a heart and she was a racist old witch.”

  “Oh, not because you feel anything for me?”

  “I didn’t say that.” She walked off a few steps. “Are you coming?” Oh, yikes. How suggestive could she be?

  Benjen chuckled. “With you? Eventually, I hope.”

  “Stop it,” she huffed. “Remember, we’re friends.”

  “Right.” He caught up to her. “Give me your hand, friend.”

  When he reached out and captured her hand, the wondrous shock of his skin touching hers caused chill bumps to dance all over Apple’s body. “Benjen!”

  “Apple!” He parroted her chiding tone. “You like me, don’t you?”

  What a question. “Yes, of course, I like you…but…”

  “You like
me, but not like that?” He hated to even voice the suggestion. If she said yes, it was going to hurt.

  “I didn’t say that.” She gave him a dose of his own medicine, mimicking his emphasis. “I like you good enough.”

  He laughed and held her hand tighter. “Good enough is a good start.”

  Apple didn’t pull away, even though she might regret it later. “You’re incorrigible, Benjen Blackhawk.”

  “Am I?” He aimed toward the river. “Let’s pull off our shoes and cool off.”

  Before she knew what was happening, he was on the ground and pulling off his boots and socks. While he rolled up his pants leg, she slipped out of her sandals. “Are there any sharp rocks?”

  “Nah, the river’s worn everything as smooth as silk.” He jumped up. “Come on. You’ll love it.” After grabbing her hand again, he tugged her to the bank’s edge and steadied her as she stepped in.

  “Oh, wow!” She grinned big, swishing one foot in the cool water. They’d only gone a step or two before they were joined by the two dogs. Rose and Hope bounded in to take a swim. “This is fun.”

  “Good.” He happily held her hand while they waded in the shallows of the Llano River. “Now, let’s talk about your idea of a shelter. Give me an idea of the size you’re thinking about and what kind of buildings.”

  “I would like to start out small.” Briefly, she outlined her ideas. “I visited one in Austin and took some notes. I think the most important thing is providing them plenty of room to roam and a safe place from the elements.”

  “I’d like to take a closer look at your plans, if that would be okay.”

  “Sure, but…” A sudden rush of emotion caused Apple to pull away from him and return to the bank.

  “What’s wrong?” Benjen followed her, wondering if he’d pushed too hard too fast. “Look, I’m sorry if I’m coming on strong.” Catching up to her, he touched Apple’s shoulder to get her to face him. “I am so attracted to you. And not just because you’re so beautiful. I feel we have so much in common. When we met, it was like I recognized you.”

  “Oh, Benjen...” His words were too wonderful to bear. “This isn’t a good idea.”

  Stroking her cheek, he gazed at her tenderly. “Why, sweetheart? Explain it to me.”

  Sweet Apple blushed but didn’t drop her eyes from his. “You’d be so disappointed in me.”

  He watched her face; her eyes were so wise and yet so sad. “I can’t even imagine a scenario where that would be possible. How could I be anything but thrilled to be with you?” Picking up a strand of her silky hair, he twisted it around his finger.

  Apple pressed her lips together. She wasn’t willing to tell him. “You just would.”

  Benjen tickled her lips with the soft ends of her hair. “How about we put it to the test?”


  She gazed at him wide-eyed and his heart began to hammer in his chest. Fuck, he wanted this woman. “Kiss me.” He let his palm glide up her arm and over her shoulder to clasp the nape of her neck. “Please?”

  Surely, he knew more beautiful women than she? Apple’s own husband, who knew her better than anyone, thought her undesirable. “Why?”

  “Because I want…I want so much.” His words were harsh and hot on her cheek.

  When she lowered her lashes to focus on his mouth, Benjen took that as a yes. Tipping her head back, he gave her a featherlight kiss. At first, her plump lips were unyielding, and he could feel her body tensing next to his. Determined to get the response he craved, he caressed her mouth with his, giving her soft smooches, nibbles, and teasing licks, gently coaxing Apple to accept his kiss. When she exhaled, he captured her breath and fused his lips to hers. To his surprise, she welcomed him, her mouth soft and giving. He kissed her over and over, reveling in the privilege.

  Apple was trembling in his arms. She wanted this so much – yet, she was so afraid. When he moved slightly, she thought he was about to break the seal of their mouths. Instead, he angled his head and took her deeper, kissing Apple so sweetly she ached. Unable to resist, she curled her fingers into the material of his shirt, the other hand going to the back of his strong neck, urging him to come closer. This man did it for her – his scent, his taste, his touch. No matter how long she lived on this Earth, Apple knew she’d never forget this kiss.

  Benjen knew the moment when everything changed. She ceased just to accept his kiss and become more demanding, using her teeth to nip, her tongue to explore. The raw passion flaring between them caught him totally off guard. God Almighty. When she abandoned herself to the kiss, the intensity of it blew his mind, robbing his lungs of air.

  “Oh, sweet baby,” he moaned when he was forced to draw in a breath. He refused to break all contact, gliding his lips from the corner of her mouth to the curve of her neck. “You’re amazing,” he panted against her flesh.

  Apple shivered when his lips touched her skin, nuzzling and licking the ultra-sensitive flesh. Even though her mind was telling her this was foolish, her body had other ideas. Her nipples peaked and the place between her legs throbbed and ached for his touch.

  “Benjen…we need to stop.”

  “Why?” He trailed an openmouthed kiss up the smooth expanse of her throat. “I’m the farthest thing from disappointed that a man can be.”

  “You’re sweet. But…” Despite her reservations, she brushed hot, sweet kisses along his jaw, taking pleasure when he trembled against her.

  “More, please.” He brought his mouth back to hers, then was astounded when she kissed the holy hell out of him.

  “Tell me you don’t love this,” he whispered in her ear.

  She couldn’t. “I like it too much.”

  The relieved smile that came to his face turned Apple’s heart upside down.

  “I still didn’t say it was wise.” She knew how it would end. “Like I told you…”

  “Shh, stop worrying. We’ll go as slow as you want…until you beg me to go faster.” He kissed her between the eyes, then on the tip of her nose. “This is right. I just know it.”

  “How? You have a lot of experience with women, don’t you?” Even though she’d been married, she felt very out of her depth.

  Benjen lifted his head and looked into her eyes, those dang dimples making an encore appearance. “You’d be surprised.” He cupped the side of her neck to rest his thumb over the place where her pulse raced. “This is one way I know.” Next, he took her hand and placed it in the center of his chest. “And this is the other. My heart is beating so hard for you. Do you feel it?”

  Apple swallowed nervously, mesmerized by the magical words this man was saying to her. “I do.”

  “Then…say yes.”

  “What am I saying yes to?”

  To giving me a chance. To spending time with me. To more kisses. He wanted to ask for all these things, but he felt her reticence. She reminded him of a cautious kitten who wanted to be petted but was afraid to take a risk. “You’re saying yes to…my help with your roof. Remember?”

  “I’m not sure why you’d want to do that.” Her voice held a world of uncertainty.

  “Hey, we’re neighbors, what more reason do I need?”

  “And friends, right?” God, help her. She was weak.

  “Close friends.”

  Really close if he had his way.


  “Benjamin Button, is that you?”

  Benjen could hear Easy yelling from the backyard. “Yea, I’m home.”

  “Come join us! I’ll throw a steak on the grill for you!”

  “Sounds good.” As he and Hope made their way around the house, his thoughts turned to Apple. He’d dropped her off at home, leaving her at the door with only a chaste kiss when he craved so much more. Before coming home, he’d taken a long drive to clear his head. He felt like he’d parachuted from an airplane and was floating toward the ground in a freefall.

  “How was your date?” Samuel inquired from his spot next to the firepit. He’d pulled off
his boots and socks and traded his cowboy clothes for a T-shirt and shorts.

  “Good.” Benjen touched his lips, remembering the heat of her kiss. “She’s…great.” Snapping his fingers, he called Hope over to sit next to him.

  “Easy was trying to tell me what she looks like, but I’m not familiar with the actress,” Sam said as he rose to help Easy with dinner. “I never watched much television.”

  “Lucky for you, I have a picture.” Benjen took his phone and found one of the photos he’d taken by the river. “Now, just look. Don’t drool.”

  Easy took the cell and held it so Sam could see. “Dang, she’s hot.”

  Sam let out a low whistle. “Too good-looking for you, little brother.”

  “You won’t get an argument from me on that point.” He took off his hat and placed it on the bench next to him. “Hand me a beer.”

  Sam did the honors, then took a poker and turned over some large potatoes roasting in the pit. “Steak and taters. Since Sara’s not here, we don’t have to eat salad.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Benjen murmured as he drained half the can of Shiner beer.

  “So, when’s the wedding?” Easy chuckled, expecting his brother to come back with a witty retort.

  “Not for a while. I’ve got my work cut out for me,” he answered thoughtfully. “I plan on conducting an old-fashioned courtship. She’s definitely worth the effort.”

  “Wow.” Samuel gave Benjen an assessing look. “First Daniel, now you. I wonder if love at first sight is in our cards, Easy?”

  “Dad always said he decided to marry Mom the day he met her,” Easy commented in a thoughtful tone as he flipped the steaks over. “I’m thinking I should check with a doctor and see if I can be inoculated or something.”

  “With your reputation, I’m sure the local women are wising up and becoming immunized against your charms.” Benjen didn’t hesitate to give his brothers a hard time, bantering in the Blackhawk household was a way of life.

  “Grab a plate and hush.” Easy held up a sizzling piece of beef as Sam pulled the potatoes out and placed them on the counter next to the grill.


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