My Hero (Cowboy Craze)

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My Hero (Cowboy Craze) Page 14

by Sable Hunter

  Apple sighed, closing her eyes against the intensity of his knowing eyes. “Of course, I do.” He waited for more and she couldn’t deny him. “I want you very much and I have feelings for you, yes. But…”

  “No buts.” Benjen took her hands in his. “I’m declaring to you my intentions. I want to see you. Officially.” Seeing her perplexed expression, he made it clearer. “I want to court you. I want us to spend time together with the intent of…”

  She covered his lips with her fingers. “Stop.”

  Benjen tore her hand away. “Don’t say that.”

  Apple eased off his lap and moved away. “You just don’t know…”

  “Well, tell me.” He moved behind her and pulled her back against him, moving her hair away to kiss her neck. “We’re so good together. I knew you from the moment I saw you.”

  “We don’t know one another very well.”

  “That’s the purpose of the courtship.” He wrapped his arms across her chest, cradling her in his arms. “Ask me anything.”

  “Tell me again why you’re still a virgin?”

  Benjen turned her to face him, not letting go, just so he could look into her face. “Kelli was religious. She’d been raised in the church. Her dream was to come to the marriage bed pure. She wanted to wait and I wanted to make her happy.”

  Apple’s heart clenched at his goodness. “And since then?”

  “I honored her with the ways of my people through thirteen moons. Her name was too precious to say aloud.”

  Tears ran down her cheeks as she listened to him. She couldn’t imagine being loved like that.

  “Afterward, my eyes and my heart were open again.” He feathered a caress on her cheek. “And…I found you.”

  Every syllable he spoke sparked a desperate longing within Apple’s breast. She wanted to cleave to him, to clasp him close and never let him go, but that wouldn’t be fair – to him. With her thoughts spinning, she came to the only conclusion she could. “I need you to read something.”

  “Read?” Benjen didn’t understand. “Read what?”

  Pulling away from him, Apple left the room with Benjen following closely behind.

  “What are you doing?” They ended up in her bedroom and his eyes were drawn to the bed where she slept each night. His body vibrated with anticipation. Soon, he’d lay in that bed with her. A noise to his left drew Benjen’s attention and he became conscious of Apple on her knees rummaging through a wicker trunk. When she rose to her feet, she held a leather book in her hand. “What’s that?”

  “I want you to take this with you.” She offered the book to him. “This is Alan’s journal. All of his thoughts, observations, and feelings about me are in there. In black and white.”

  Benjen looked at her in disbelief, then at the journal with disdain. “I don’t want to read this.”

  “Yes, please. I want you to. If you want to be with me, you need to know what the person who professed to love me thought about me and our marriage.”

  Benjen wanted to throw the book into a fire. “I don’t give a shit what he thought.”

  “Please.” She touched his arm. “I could tell you what it said, but I want you to see me through his eyes.”

  “I’ll never see you through his eyes. Only mine. I see you clearly. I don’t need to read the bastard’s thoughts.”

  “They say love is blind.” She placed a hand to her forehead, feeling a headache coming on quickly. “I’m not saying you love me, but before we go any further, I want you to see me clearly.”

  “I see you just fine.” He weighed the book in his hands, wondering if he could rip it in half like those strongmen tearing phonebooks in two.

  “After you read this, if you still want me – I’m yours.”

  Benjen stared at Apple, his chest heaving with emotion. “Okay. For you.”

  “You don’t have to read it all. I’ve highlighted the…important parts.”

  He couldn’t imagine how she was feeling. “Nothing I read here will make one whit of difference in the way I feel about you.”

  “Maybe. Just think of this as full disclosure.” Slowly, she backed away, folding her arms over her breasts, and putting a bit of distance between them. “I had fun today. Thank you.”

  “I had a great time too, except for you endangering yourself in an attempt to shield me. I haven’t forgotten that.”

  She gave him a teasing smile. “Well…if all goes well, I’ll let you spank me.”

  Benjen growled and caught her close for a kiss. “I’ll be back tomorrow. I want to take you on a date. Be ready to go at two.”

  “Don’t come back before you read the journal,” she cautioned him. “Okay? Promise?”

  He let her walk him to the door. “I promise to read it and I promise there’s not a chance in hell anything I read will change how I see you.”

  Apple watched him go and prayed he was right.


  Once he arrived at the ranch, Benjen found his brothers in the barn and managed to talk them into picking up his slack for another day. “I know there’s a lot going on and I’ll do my share, you can count on it. This is important,” he told Sam and Easy, “I need to spend time with Apple tomorrow.”

  “No problem. Go for it, Brother,” Easy told him with a wide smile. “You can make it up to us by taking care of the calf worming next week.”

  “Not my favorite job, but you got it,” Benjen promised sincerely.

  “Did you and Apple have a good time today?” Sam asked as he hung up several pieces of tack on hooks attached to the wall behind them.

  “Yea, we did, except she scared me half to death.”

  “What do you mean?” Easy shoved a square bale of hay across the floor so Benjen would have a place to sit down.

  “Well, as you know, a pretty good storm swept through the area the other night. Didn’t do a lot of damage, but I guess it weakened some trees. We were sitting on a bench by the river in Wimberley eating an ice cream cone when she jumps up and throws herself on top of me.”

  “How exciting for you,” Sam observed dryly.

  “No.” Benjen shook his head. “This was a split second before a huge-ass tree branch came crashing down and crushed the table. I got us out of the way, but I lost ten years of my life. She could’ve been killed.”

  Easy and Sam looked at one another. “She sounds like a keeper to me,” Easy said. “You and Daniel keep finding the good ones. Where’s my warrior princess?”

  “Probably hiding from you, Big Easy.” Sam laughed, before turning his attention back to Benjen. “I hoped you straightened out your little miss.”

  “I tried. She’s feisty.”

  “When are you going to bring her around?” Easy asked as he fished his truck keys out of his pocket.

  “I don’t know. Soon,” Benjen said as he watched his brother checking his phone. “Are you leaving?”

  “Yea, I got a date.”

  “Surprise. Surprise,” Sam drawled. “Who’s the unlucky girl?”

  “You don’t know her,” Easy said quickly.

  “Oh, really?” His tone made Benjen curious. “What aren’t you telling us, Ezekiel?”

  “Nothing.” He doffed his hat and left them wondering. “See you later.”

  When he was gone, Benjen frowned at Sam. “What’s going on with him? He’s not usually so cagey about his social life.”

  “I don’t know, but his birthday is a week from today. Why don’t you bring Apple and let’s turn a family dinner into a surprise party?”

  “Sounds like a good idea.” He helped his brother turn off the lights and check the water in the horse’s troughs. “Well, I’m going to grab a bite and turn in.”

  “Okay. I think I’ll watch a little television,” Sam told him. “But first…I’m going to take a moonlight ride. I need to clear my head.”

  “When you ride by Packsaddle, be on the look-out for our strange light.”

  Sam grumbled, “I wish you hadn’t mentioned
that. Now, I’ll be nervous.”

  “Oh, you’ll be fine,” Benjen told him as he stopped by his truck and grabbed the journal. “Now, let’s see what the asshole had to say.”

  …About an hour later, he pitched the journal across the room. “Idiot.” His heart ached for Apple. She’d loved the son-of-a-bitch and the no-count bastard had been too stupid to appreciate how lucky he was to have such a beautiful, sweet wife.

  She’s plain. She’s fat. She’s clingy. Not exciting. Breasts too big. (Seriously? Are you gay, fag?) Boring. Smothering.

  Rising from the bed, he went to the bathroom to take out his contacts. “I don’t think I can wait until the morning to let her know what I think.”

  …Across the way, Apple was lying in bed staring at the ceiling. She’d made a mistake. A huge mistake. “God, that was dumb.” Giving Benjen Alan’s journal was an act of relationship suicide. “If he didn’t think about you in those terms before, he will now.”

  Feeling warm, she fanned the covers around her. “What the heck was I thinking?” This thing between her and Benjen wasn’t going to go anywhere anyway. He deserved someone who hadn’t been around the block and got lost on the way back. “Yea, and get this… He’s a virgin. You could’ve slept with him and he wouldn’t have known it could be any better.” He wouldn’t have known the sex with her was lacking. “Oh, well. That ship has sailed.” After reading the unflattering things her husband wrote about her, there was no way he’d want to see her again. Him learning Alan’s feelings about her was like getting the low-down on a wrecked second-hand car before you made the mistake and bought it.”

  Buzz! Buzz!

  “What the heck?” Who could be calling at this late hour?

  One glance at her phone told Apple the identity of the caller.

  “Benjen?” she asked, surprised. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong. Everything’s just right, baby. I read this piece of fiction and I only have one thing to say to you.”

  “What’s that?” Her heart was high in her throat.

  “I think you’re the sexiest woman in the world and I can’t wait to make love to you.”


  “Oh.” Benjen chuckled. “Good night, love. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Goodnight.” In a daze, Apple put the phone on the night table, then tugged her pillow over her head and squealed.

  * * *

  “And they’re off!”

  This was the second race of the day and Apple was thoroughly enjoying herself. The energy in the stands was contagious. She loved to look at the graceful horses and watching them run gave her a thrill.

  Clinging to Benjen’s hand, Apple held her breath as the starting gate opened. “Oh, wow!” She stood up about the time a two-year old quarter horse, new to racing, bucked out of the gate and threw his rider on the ground. Another horse got tangled up in the snarl of surging animals and flying dirt and threw its own rider.

  “This is kind of like NASCAR, isn’t it?” Benjen laughed.

  “I’d rather be around horses any day than fast cars.” She went up on tiptoe to see over the crowd, trying to make sure everyone was all right. “Oh, no. Their fun was cut short.” The riders remained on the dirt track for a few seconds while their mounts took off after the pack. Slowly, they pulled themselves to their feet and were picked up by a truck.

  “Oh, they’ll all get to race another day, I’m sure.”

  She sat back down, fanning herself with the program. “True. No bones were broken.” She was glad of that.

  “If they’d yelled ‘is there a doctor in the house?’, you could’ve jumped up and volunteered to take care of the horses.”

  “I would’ve done what I could to help, that’s for sure. Remember, though, I’m just a lowly tech, not a veterinarian.”

  “You’re amazing, that’s what you are.” He nudged up against her, making Apple smile.

  She gave him a peck on the shoulder. “You’re pretty amazing yourself. I can’t believe you’re here with me after reading a dissertation on my shortcomings.”

  He gave her a sideways glare. “The only shortcoming you have was ever marrying the dirtwad in the first place. I just hate he’s dead so I can’t show him what a real man does to a jerk who disrespects his woman.”

  His woman.

  Apple thought she might swoon.

  “Look, Gold Medal, is going to win. You’re going to make some money!”

  “Oh, good golly,” she whispered, straining to see. She’d been so engrossed in her thoughts, she’d forgot to watch the race. “How much did I win?”

  He checked her ticket. “Odds are 10-1, so a hundred dollars!”

  “Yay! Snacks are on me!” She bounced up and kissed him on the cheek.

  During the next two races, they didn’t win, but Benjen didn’t care. He was so happy he felt like his body wasn’t big enough to contain the joy. “I’m glad you could come today.”

  “Me too. This is fun,” she agreed. When she saw a shadow cross his face, she asked, “Something wrong?”

  “I thought about Rose. Did you leave her shut up in the house?”

  “No,” she assured him. “I went over to visit her this morning, but Dr. Cleveland volunteered to keep her for another day. My dog is having a blast. The puppies are big enough to wander around in the yard, so Rose thinks she’s babysitting.”

  “The Shepherd needs a fenced yard.”

  “I know she does. I’ve put that on my list of things to do.” Her list was getting longer by the day.

  “I don’t think this can wait. I’d better get started on it right away,” he stated matter-of-factly, his eyes following the horses as they came onto the track for a final race.

  “I don’t have the money to build a fence right now.”

  “No worries. I’ll take care of it.”

  “I can’t let you do that,” Apple protested. “You’ve spent too much on me already.”

  “Get used to it.” He gave her a solemn wink. “I take care of what’s mine.”

  “You do too much.” She gazed with adoration on Benjen’s handsome face. “What can I do for you?” She paused for a heartbeat or two, then grinned. “You want to have sex?”

  A lull in the noise of the surrounding crowd caused her words to be heard by several people sitting around them. Smiles and raised eyebrows were cast in their direction.

  Apple blushed and groaned. “Good grief.”

  Benjen chuckled. “I want to have sex with you more than anything. And we will…when the time is right.”

  With a disappointed huff, Apple protested, “When is the time going to be right?”

  Internally, Benjen prayed for strength. Every moment he was with her, he ached to lay her down and make her his. “When I’ve treated you with the right amount of respect.”

  Instead of saying anything in response, she gave him an adorable frown with her lips pooched out just a tad.

  “Waiting will just make it better,” he told her with a confident wink.

  Apple wasn’t so sure about that, but she was saved from responding when the crowd rose to their feet as the next race commenced.

  …After collecting her winnings, they made their way out of the Gillespie County Fair Grounds. “Where would you like to eat?” she asked him. “Remember, I’m buying.” When Benjen growled under his breath, Apple giggled. “Don’t be so macho, let me treat you.”

  “I can’t help it, I’m just so manly,” he teased, squeezing her waist.

  “Oh, yea?” She reached over and goosed him playfully. When he jumped and grabbed her hand to stop her, Apple laughed with joy. “You are ticklish!”

  “I told you I was, brat.” Oblivious to the people around them, he retaliated by picking her up and placing her over his shoulder, soothing down her skirt over her shapely bottom to protect her modesty. “I’m about to show you an old Apache way of controlling our women.”

  “Oh, no!” She wiggled against him but could get nowhere. “Do
n’t spank me!”

  He popped her playfully on the rump. “I thought you told me I could.”

  “Yea, I did, but I pictured a more erotic situation than out in the open in front of God and everybody.” She might sound like she was complaining, but the view from her vantage point wasn’t half bad. “You’ve got a nice butt, Blackhawk.”

  “What?” Benjen barked a laugh and let her slide back down his body until he could reach her lips. “You just won’t do, will you?”

  “Oh, I’ll do most anything…for you,” she whispered as she kissed his lips.

  Benjen felt his cock swell. “You’re dangerous, Miss Wright.”

  “Maybe you should tie me up and teach me a lesson.” Apple didn’t know where this newfound boldness was coming from, but she was enjoying herself immensely.

  “One day soon, I’m going to remind you of these words, little girl.” He sat her gently on the ground beside his truck before unlocking the door and helping her inside.

  “I love how you take care of me,” she told him softly as he fastened her seat belt and smoothed her dress so it wouldn’t get wrinkled.

  “Good, that means I’m doing my job.” He gave her a kiss before shutting the passenger door and going around to climb in his side of the truck. “If it’s okay with you, I think we’ll go to a German bakery to eat.”

  “Yum. Sounds perfect. What’s good there?”

  “Everything, but I’m partial to their Reubens. They bake amazing bread too.”

  After arriving at the downtown establishment and placing their order, Apple had to agree with him. “This melts in your mouth.” She groaned at the taste of warm rye slathered in butter.

  Benjen was mesmerized, watching her eat. “Just so you know, my respect for you is growing by the second.”

  This tickled Apple and she giggled. “Good. Tempting you to love me is my new goal in life.”

  Little did she know, she’d already achieved her goal. “You are temptation itself, Miss Delicious.”

  “Delicious? Was that an apple joke?” She giggled again as she took another bite of bread.

  “Maybe.” He reached over and gathered a bit of butter from the corner of her mouth, then licked it off his finger. “I want you to come to my house for dinner next Friday night.”


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