My Hero (Cowboy Craze)

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My Hero (Cowboy Craze) Page 16

by Sable Hunter

  The Shepherd whined and licked her face, as if to say how sorry she felt for her mistress.

  She read the words again, hoping she’d missed a loop hole or something. Unfortunately, there was no mistake.

  The crunch of tires on gravel caused Apple to look up.


  Hastily, she wiped her eyes, not wanting him to see her cry. “Gee, I bet I look hideous.” She tried to straighten her hair into some semblance of order.

  “Hey, baby,” Benjen said as he climbed from his truck, taking time to greet the bouncing German Shepherd. “I brought burgers. Hope you’re hungry!” He held up a white take-out sack.

  “Hey!” She tried to smile at him but failed.

  The moment he read her expression, his steps grew faster and more purposeful. “What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”

  She shook her head, extending her hands out to him. “No, I’m not hurt.”

  When he reached the porch, Benjen set down the sack and picked her up in his arms, feathering butterfly kisses all over her face. “Tell me what’s wrong, baby? Who do I need to beat the crap out of?”

  “The U.S. government.” She handed him the letter and buried her face in his chest.

  Without letting Apple go, he sat down on the edge of the porch to quickly read the letter. “Son-of-a-bitch.”

  “Yea. I don’t know what I’ll do. I can put the house on the market, I don’t know how long it will take to sell. I’ll send them what money I have now, but it’s not much. After that, I’m not sure what will happen.”

  He grasped her chin and looked deep into her eyes. “You have nothing to worry about. You have me.”

  “I know.” She believed him. “But there’s nothing anyone can do about this. It is what it is. You can’t fight the government.”

  “We’ll see about that,” he stated emphatically. “I’ll fix this. And you need to remember one thing.” He gazed at her intently. “You have a place with me. Always.”

  “I couldn’t move in with your family.”

  “Oh, yes you could.” He stroked her hair. “First thing in the morning, I’ll call Zane and see what’s what.” Throwing the hated letter to one side, he cradled her even closer. “He’ll know what to do.”

  “Who is Zane?”

  “Our lawyer. He helped Sara and Daniel when Sara needed to get away from her ex.” Benjen pushed her hair from her forehead. “Long story.”

  “Sara was married before?”

  “Yea, to a real jerk. A con artist.”

  “Just proves there’s very few good men in the world. And you’re one of them, Benjen Blackhawk.”

  “I try. You can depend on me, I promise you that.” He rocked her back and forth for long moments, his mind whirling with questions about her predicament. “I can’t see how they can do this. It’s not your fault.”

  “I don’t think that matters.” Apple sighed and snuggled deeper into his embrace. “I’ll get an apartment, one that will take Rose.”

  “Just hold on for a while.” He picked up the letter and read it again. “There’s no date reflected here. Zane will contact them and get to the bottom of this.”

  “Okay.” She relaxed against him. “I trust you. Completely.”

  “Good. How about we go inside and eat our burgers, then snuggle on the couch and watch TV.”

  “Sounds perfect.” She eased off his lap. “I’m glad you came.”

  “I needed to see you,” he confessed as they moved up the steps and into the house.

  “Is something wrong?” She looked at him with concern. “Do I need to beat up someone for you?” Apple gave him a smile. “I’d do it.” She balled up her fist. “Gut punch.”

  He laughed and shook his head, placing the sack of burgers on the table. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Apple filled two glasses with ice, then placed a selection of soft drinks on the table for him to choose from. “Is there anything I can do?”

  Benjen chose a Dr. Pepper. “Just seeing you makes me feel better.” As he poured the caramel colored liquid over the ice, he sat down across from her. “I just had a disagreement with my brothers. Nothing new.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  Benjen shook his head. “I’d rather look at you.” His eyes roved over her. “That’s an amazing dress. I love the red color and the peekaboo cutouts. Tiny little bow straps. And almost no back! Are you dressing to give me a heart attack?”

  “Stop.” Apple placed one of the burgers on a plate and handed it to him. “I’m a mess.”

  “You look adorable. As always. So feminine and irresistible, you make my heart ache.”

  She lowered her eyes and pressed her burger with the palm of her hand, making it more compact. “Thank you. I don’t know what to do with your compliments.”

  “Accept them.” He began to eat. “Did you have a good day at work?”

  “Yea. Okay. We had to do surgery on a dog that got hit by a car, but he made it.”

  “That’s good. I know losing one is always hard on you.”

  “It is,” she acknowledged. “What can I get Easy for his birthday?”

  Benjen frowned. “He doesn’t deserve a present.”

  “Why?” Apple laughed at his expression. “You two have a falling out?”

  “Oh, he’s just an insensitive bastard. Same as always.” He wiped his mouth on a napkin. “I bought him tickets to a Lyle Lovett concert.”

  “Hmmm.” She brightened. “Does he like jam? There are a ton of wild dewberries ready to be picked.”

  “Hell, yes. That would be amazing. I’ll help you pick them…if you’ll give me my own jar.”

  She laughed, feeling better. “I’ll give you a dozen.”

  Their mood lightened, they finished their meal, fed the dog, then retired to the living area to watch some television. Benjen dimmed the lights and sat down on the couch, patting the cushion next to him. “Come here, baby.”

  Apple felt tingles of excitement dance on her skin. This was so simple, two people sitting together. Yet, she felt as if she was about to embark on a tantalizing journey. Picking up the remote, she flicked on the television and joined him. “Do you think anything good is on?”

  “I don’t know. This is Monday. Just hunt a movie. I’m really more interested in holding hands with my best girl.”

  “Aww. That comment earns you rights to the remote.” She handed it to him and as he flipped through the channels, she took his other hand and began caressing each finger in turn. “You have such strong, beautiful hands.”

  “Grrr,” Benjen growled as he selected the next channel he came to. He really didn’t care what was playing, he had more important things on his mind. “Wanna neck?”

  “Oh, yea.”

  She turned to him and he tucked her close against him, loving how she settled naturally into the curve of his shoulder. “That’s right, cuddle close.”

  Apple breathed deeply, enticed by his scent. Leather. Hay. Fresh and clean. “You’re so warm. Even in the heat of the day, I’ve been so cold lately.”

  Benjen’s arms went around her, gathering her close. “Lean on me, sweetheart.” He kissed the top of her head gently. “I’ll do more than keep you warm, I’ll take care of you.”

  Apple rubbed her face against his shirt, enjoying how it felt to be held so tightly against someone she thought hung the moon. “I’m so glad you’re here with me.”

  “I’m glad, I plan on making this a habit.” She started to stay something, but he stopped the words with his mouth. “Kiss me,” he whispered, joining their lips. There were no preliminaries this time, no hesitancy, at the first moment of intimate contact, the kisses began deep and in earnest. Long. Slow. Oh, so good. Without breaking their contact, Benjen eased his body down on the couch and took her with him until they were lying face to face. Heart to heart.

  Apple shivered beneath his gentle, gliding touch along the bare skin of her back. His hands were warm, work roughened, broad, and strong. Frissons of del
ight bloomed on her skin as he stroked her flesh, sending amazing sensations racing through her veins. Fiery sparks of pleasure sizzled to life at his touch, enveloping her in warmth and need.

  “Oh, baby, baby,” Benjen whispered between kisses, his lips worshiping hers. Winding his fingers through her glorious hair, he gripped the soft strands, holding her right where he needed her. “Fuck, I love to kiss you.” He claimed her lips for another long, drugging kiss, then let his mouth skate down to the soft place on her throat where the pulse of her lifeforce beat. She was like a drug he never wanted to withdraw from, a fix he knew he’d crave every breathing moment of his life.

  “Oh, God, yes…” Apple couldn’t quell her moan at the teasing pleasure. The sucking kisses along her neck were punctuated by the erotic grazing of his teeth. The sharp, heated nips and the sensual caresses of his tongue left her trembling, begging for more as he rolled her to her back, his hands slipping beneath her shoulders as he lifted her to his kisses.

  Tilting her head to the side, her lips found his shoulder as one of his hot, demanding kisses shot darts of sensation that caused her nipples to bead and her sex to clench in supplication. Her nails dug into his muscular shoulders as the amazing tension built, rising with each kiss, each lap of his tongue, until a need was clawing at her that couldn’t be ignored.

  “Benjen, you’re setting me on fire.” Craving his kisses, she wove her fingers through his hair, tangling them in the thick strands. “I need your mouth.” With a sexy growl his incredible sexy lips covered hers, his tongue owning her mouth, his kisses greedy and ravenous. An erotic fire flamed over her body as a delicious heat sizzled through her veins. This was better than any fantasy she’d ever dreamed up.

  This was real. This was Benjen.

  Arching beneath him, she parted her thighs as he settled between them, the hard length of his shaft pressing against her aching center. When she gasped at the pleasure, his mouth slid to her neck again, even hungrier and hotter than before. She writhed beneath him, the sweet friction against her clit stealing the very breath from her body. A desperate need for more of him was growing stronger with every beat of her heart. “Oh, yes,” she whimpered as she gloried in the weight of his body, loving the hot, suckling kisses he rained along her neck and shoulders. “This is so good…”

  Understatement. This was incredible.

  A low moan left her lips as he pulled on the bows holding up her sundress. Nearly incoherent from the pleasure, Apple barely registered when he began working on the front clasp of her halter bra. When the hooks gave way to his ministrations and the cups fell open, exposing her too-large breasts, she mewled a soft cry, automatically covering the generous mounds with the palms of her hands.

  “I’m sorry, baby,” Benjen apologized. “I should’ve asked.” He began to sit up, pulling back from her. “I got carried away.”

  Seeing his contrite face, she sought to explain. “No, you didn’t do anything wrong, I’m…just embarrassed for you to see.” She glanced at the lamp. “Turn out the light.”

  In his lust-struck state, it took Benjen a moment to understand what Apple was saying. When he realized she was ashamed of how she looked, because of what her ignorant husband had written – he saw red. “He was dead wrong, Apple. You are exquisite.”

  “No. I’m not.” She begged him with her eyes. “We can play. Just turn out the light.”

  Shaking with need, Benjen closed his eyes, wishing he could have just five minutes alone with Alan Cates. “Do you trust me, Apple?”

  Did she trust him? How could she not? “Of course, I do.”

  “Do you think I would ever hurt you?”

  She couldn’t imagine it. “No.” But…she never thought Alan would hurt her. “I’m just – scared.”

  “Of what?” He angled himself over her, bending to kiss her lips. “Me?”

  Apple shook her head. “Displeasing you. Seeing disappointment in your eyes.”

  “Not gonna happen.” Benjen kissed her again. “Have faith. Take a risk. Show me your beautiful self and watch my eyes.”

  All in the space of a microsecond, Apple traveled back in time to remember if she’d ever noticed Alan’s face when he looked at her. She could remember nothing. Their time together was a haze of forgotten and false memories. If Benjen couldn’t find her desirable, better to find out now than later. “Okay.” Stiff with apprehension, she let her hands slide away, revealing her breasts to him. Instead of watching his face, she instinctively closed her eyes, unwilling to see the moment when the sight of her turned him off.

  When her small hands moved to reveal the awe-inspiring proof of her femininity, he momentarily forgot to breathe. He was so hard, he thought he’d grown a hammer between his legs. Licking his lips, he raised his trembling hands to touch paradise – then he noticed her face. Even with her eyes closed, he could read an expression of pained resignation. Silently, she waited for him to judge her.

  Fuck that.

  “Look at me, beautiful. Look into my eyes and tell me what you see.”

  Apple didn’t want to. She’d thought she was ready for this – wanted this. Wrong. As much as she’d loved being close to him. Loved his touch. Adored him as a person. She didn’t think she could survive his rejection.

  Knowing actions spoke louder than words, he acted. With abject reverence, he framed her breasts, filling his hands with their bounty. “I’m in heaven. You are absolute perfection.” Lowering his head, he began to rub his mouth over her softness – while his hands and fingers fondled, massaged, luxuriated in her beautifully formed, voluptuous breasts. “I couldn’t have fantasized anything more perfect.”

  Apple held her breath as his fingers curled around the tender mounds, his lips covering one sensitive peak. “Oh, Benjen.” She writhed as spikes of unbelievable pleasure shot from her nipple to her womb as he suckled on her swollen nipple with firm draws of his mouth. “Oh God, I need you so.” The hunger inside of her exploded as he licked and nibbled the sensitive flesh. She wanted to beg him to stop the torture and just take her. Before she could voice her plea, he moved to her other breast and treated it to the same blissful torture.

  Out of her mind with need, she arched her body, bucking against him, lifting her leg over his, desperate to ease the throbbing ache between her thighs. Running her hand up his chest, she began to work at the buttons on his shirt. Apple needed to be skin to skin, nothing separating them. When she managed to get the top two open, she tore her mouth from his, and urged him up so she could kiss his chest. “Where did you get this scar?”

  Benjen groaned at the touch of her lips on his skin. “It’s a sign of mourning.”

  “Oh.” Apple realized he’d marked himself – out of love. This revelation only spurred her to kiss him more.

  “I don’t know if I can resist…” he murmured gruffly.

  “Don’t. Take me. Make me yours,” she whispered.

  And then it all stopped.

  With a harsh groan, Benjen moved off her. As he withdrew, she eased on her side against the back of the couch, giving him as much room as possible. “What’s wrong?” She knew it. She knew it would happen.

  He didn’t answer. Apple watched him as he lay on his back, his chest heaving…a blatant erection straining the denim of his jeans. “Oh.” He wanted her – or at least, he looked like he wanted her. “Why did you stop?” When he left, she’d have to masturbate to ease the ache so she could function.

  Benjen sighed. “Because I want our first time to be special. Not on the couch. I want you in a bed. I want candlelight. I want to have wined and dined you. Given you the romance and respect you deserve.”

  “Respect is overrated,” she drawled, uncurling her legs, prepared to climb over him.

  “Do you think this is easy for me?” When all he wanted to do was lay her down, fill her up and lose himself in her arms. He could only imagine how sweet her cries would be and how tight her pussy would clasp him.

  Letting her eyes rove down his body, she drawl
ed a sassy answer as she eased up and over his big body, “Nope, I’d say it was pretty hard.”

  “Damn right.” With one quick move, he was on his knees, his hand curled in her hair to hold her in place. With a rough, sexy growl, he explained himself. “Respect is the foundation upon which love is built. We have a lifetime to make love and I want to do it right.” He took her hand and placed it on his cock. “Don’t ever doubt that I want you with every fiber of my body, but you deserve my best, not a quick roll on the living room floor.”

  “We were on the couch,” she pouted, happy tears brimming in her eyes.

  “Semantics,” he grumbled, wondering at the knowing little smile that caused the corners of her lips to lift in a way he couldn’t resist kissing. “Don’t you understand that this isn’t a game to me?”

  “Okay, love.” She joined him on her knees, rising up to finish the job she’d started at removing his shirt from his gorgeous body. “We’ll save the main event for the perfect time. And yes, I know this isn’t a game…” Apple licked her lips and looked at the massive erection he still sported. “But you can let me play, just a little, can’t you?”

  Licking her lips, she leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the sexy hard plane of his washboard abs. Beneath her caress, the muscles tightened, and a harsh exhale of air hissed from between his lips.

  Benjen shook with need. “Let you make me crazy? How can I resist you when I am desperate for your touch?”

  Looking up into his face, Apple gave him a dazzling smile. “I need to do this for you. Okay?”

  He could only nod as he gripped the back of her head, watching in hypnotized fascination as she unzipped his jeans and pressed her lips to his lower abdomen, her hot little tongue dancing on his skin. Every muscle in Benjen’s body clenched in absolute delight as her lips and tongue gifted him with heated licks and caresses.

  “Fuck…” A tortured moan was ripped from his lips as her dainty fingers tugged at the elastic band of his briefs. “I won’t survive this.” She didn’t realize how wound up he was, he was a volcano just waiting to erupt. There wasn’t a chance in hell he’d last a minute if she took his dick into her hot, sweet mouth. “I’ll embarrass myself, you’ll see. I’ll embarrass you.”


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