My Hero (Cowboy Craze)

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My Hero (Cowboy Craze) Page 24

by Sable Hunter

  “If we rolled down the windows, how could we steam them up?”

  Apple gave him a blank look.

  Benjen laughed. “We turn to a certain channel on the FM radio. See?”

  He did so, and soon Apple could tell the words were matching the promos on the screen. Delighted, she glanced around. “Looks like there are just a couple of dozen cars. Very intimate.”

  Putting his arm around Apple to draw her close, he whispered in her ear, “Intimate. That’s the idea.”

  She scooted over as close to him as she could get when the credits began to roll.

  “Lust in the Dust?” she asked with a giggle. “Is that a real movie?”

  “Made in 1985. Parody of…spaghetti westerns,” Benjen explained between kisses as he began eating at her lips. “It’s terrible, but don’t worry – we won’t be watching much of it.”

  True to his word, even though they gave the movie a shot, they were practically oblivious to what was going on onscreen. He scooted his seat back as far as it would go, then brought her into his lap, her head leaning back on the window glass, her body cradled in his arms. “Comfortable?”

  “I’m perfect.”

  “Fuck yea, you are,” he breathed huskily, tracing her beautiful features with the tip of one gentle finger.


  “Stop what? Touching you?” He caressed her skin. Loving you? Well, he was waiting for the right time to say those words.

  “Complimenting me. It makes me nervous.” Her body felt so sensitized. Breasts swelling. Nipples hard and aching. The soft intimate place between her thighs was wet and throbbing.

  “Why, sugar?”

  “I…don’t know.” She didn’t want to explain how she couldn’t bring herself to fully believe his beautiful words. For a moment, she imagined what the night would bring. Looking into his deep blue eyes, she could see a prophetical reflection of their joining. His big, strong form sheltering hers, his bronzed flesh a striking contrast to her paler skin. His hands anchoring hers over her head, his mouth possessing hers as they moved together – him filling her, taking her – possessing her.

  She gazed up at him, her lips parted, her breathing shallow and quick as he lowered his head. His eyes were locked on her mouth, and the sure knowledge that he was about to kiss her thrilled her completely. Time seemed to slow down and all she could do was anticipate, crave the moment his lips touched hers. She needed him more with each moment, with his caress he placed on her skin. If she hadn’t known the meaning of addiction before, she did now. “What are you waiting for? An engraved invitation?” she whispered out of frustration.

  “Oh, I think I see my invitation.” He ran his finger down the silky column of her throat and over the sweet swell of her breast. “Look at these hard, little nipples.” Benjen ran his finger around one prominent peak. “Even through your dress and bra, I can see how much you want me.” Fuck, he was grateful for it too. She wanted him as damn bad as he wanted her.

  “Yea, I do.” Lifting her hand, she touched his face. “I want you so much.” As her fingers traced his high cheekbones, his sensual mouth, she became mesmerized by the emotions overtaking her. She found it impossible to look anywhere but into the sapphire depths of his eyes, and with each moment he held her gaze, she knew he was looking into her very soul. “Kiss me, Black...”

  Before she could finish saying his name, his lips covered hers, his tongue sweeping the seam to part her lips, pushing inside in a demanding thrust of pure male need. Everything within him told Benjen this woman would be the source of his happiness. She would be his future. With her lips moving hungrily beneath his, she was making him wilder and hotter with every heartbeat with every sweet whimper from her succulent lips. Knowing he was welcome, he worked the tiny buttons from their holes, next finding the front clasp of her bra. Once her breasts were free, he moved his hands to the swollen globes, caressing the soft, yet firm flesh. As he feasted at her mouth, his fingers milked her nipples, tugging the tight tips until he could feel her shudder. “Fuck you’re amazing,” he growled, completely taken with the perfection of her body. She was the epitome of femininity, a true woman, and so beautiful she made his heart race. His whole body responded to her, his cock as hard and straight as a spike. Even more than his attraction to her, he was absolutely enthralled with her sweet spirit, her kind heart, and the way he felt when he was with her.

  Complete. Happy.

  Apple was more than happy – she was ecstatic. She stroked his hair, mesmerized as she watched him suckle at her breast. The sight of his mouth covering the swollen, distended nipple stole her breath as glorious pleasure lashed from her nipple to her clitoris, causing her pussy to clench in a desperate need to be filled. “Oh, Benjen…”

  Almost beyond coherence, Benjen reluctantly pulled his mouth from her breast. “What is it, baby?”

  “I don’t want to see the rest of the movie.”

  Benjen chuckled, knowing they hadn’t seen any of the movie. “Me either.” After placing a reverent kiss to the nipple he’d been worshiping, then one to her rosebud lips, he whispered the best idea he’d had all day, “Let’s go home. I need to be with you.”


  “Almost there, baby,” he promised her as they made their way back to her house. His desire to keep her safe had ensured Benjen kept his eyes on the road, but his mind was centered squarely on what they would be doing as soon as they were behind closed doors. “Excited?”


  Her tone didn’t fit her answer. “You don’t sound it.” A sliver of dread stabbed through him. “You’re not changing your mind, are you?”


  “You don’t sound sure. Talk to me.” Every muscle in his body was tight with tension.

  Apple chewed on her lower lip. “I just don’t want you to be disappointed.” Even she knew men preferred a woman with confidence.

  “Impossible. You’ve already made me happier than any man has the right to be.” His heart ached at how much she doubted herself. “You’re my treasure. I wish you could see yourself through my eyes.”

  His sweet words made her cry. She laid her head against his arm. “I never knew men like you existed in the world.”

  “Well, that’s a shame, because I’m just a regular, normal Texas good old boy – with a little Indian blood mixed in for good measure.”

  “You aren’t regular or normal – you’re extra everything.”

  “I plan on proving that to you in just a few minutes,” he said as they parked in front of her house. “Are you protected?”

  For a moment, she went blank, then she realized he was asking about birth control.

  “No need for a condom. I’m safe.” This wasn’t the time for sad confessions.

  He chuckled. “Well, me too. Obviously.”

  His question and her chain of thought dampened her mood slightly, but not for long. Sensing Benjen’s excitement and joy at what they were about to do pushed most of the regret and worry from Apple’s mind. “Let’s go in.”

  After helping her unlock the door, he grabbed her for a kiss. “You go get comfortable, or whatever ladies do, and I’ll let Rose in and make sure she’s fed and watered.”

  His consideration just cemented the knowledge in her mind that this step she was about to take was worth the risk. “Don’t be long.”

  “Oh, I won’t,” he vouched with assurance. “I’m chomping at the bit, sweetheart.”

  His dimpled grin and cowboy reference swept away the last of her reservations. With a smile, she hurried to her room to freshen up and put on something she’d been saving for just such an occasion.

  Benjen did as he said he would, fetching the Shepherd, and seeing to her needs. “Don’t tell anyone, Rose, but I’m a little nervous. I don’t want to disappoint the lady.”

  Rose whined in sympathy, butting her head against Benjen’s knee.

  “Yea, I agree. They say practice makes perfect and this is my first time. I know what to
do, I’ve done a hell of a lot of thinking and imagining about it.” He took off his hat and slapped his thigh. “Fuck! I don’t want to touch her once, then just explode. Please don’t let me be a one pump chump.” Stepping to the window, he looked up into the starlit sky. “Breathe.” Benjen willed his heart not to beat so fast. He closed his eyes and opened his heart. “Love her. All you have to do is love her. Everything else will come naturally.”


  Hearing her voice, made him smile. “On my way!”

  Apple winced at her overanxious behavior. “Calm down, Apollonia. You’ll scare the man away.” She turned in a circle, trying to decide where to be when he walked into her bedroom. “At the door? On the bed? Under the covers?” Yea, that was probably the safest place. She took one last nervous glance at herself in the freestanding mirror. “Thunder thighs.” Why had she ever thought this lingerie was flattering? “Oh, God!” Hearing his footsteps, she made a dive for the bed and attempted to arrange herself in a seductive pose. “Why are you so nervous? It’s not like you haven’t done things with him before?” Right – but this was different. After switching her position three times, she just sat up, pulled the covers to her chin, and squeezed her eyes shut.

  As he came down the hall, Benjen undid his clothes. Unbuttoning his shirt, unzipping his jeans. He didn’t take anything completely off, he didn’t want to come waltzing into her room with his cock at full staff. “Hey,” he said as he came through the door. When he spied her in the bed, nothing visible but her beautiful face, looking at him with her heart in those big doe eyes, he forgot what he was going to say. “God, you’re gorgeous.”

  She patted the bed. “Come be with me.”

  “Wild horses couldn’t keep me away.” He began stripping. “Is it okay for me to get naked?”

  Tender feelings filled her at his apparent nervousness. “Absolutely.” He was such a contrast. Undoubtedly, Benjen Blackhawk was the most masculine, sexy man she’d ever laid eyes on. Yet, now he was being endearingly careful and sweet. “I can’t wait to feel your skin against mine.”

  His smile was dazzling. “You’re killing me, darling.” Drawing back the covers, he let his eyes feast on Apple. “You’re breathtaking. You look like a centerfold princess.” He lifted his hand and touched the lace over her breast almost reverently. “As lovely as this is, I’d give almost anything to take it off of you.”

  Even though she was nervous, Apple looked into his eyes and could deny him nothing. Taking the hem of the filmy top she wore, she pulled it over her head. For a moment, it caught in her hair and she felt so vulnerable, hands over her head, her breasts fully exposed – until she heard him groan and his hands cupped her – molding, kneading, pushing her breasts together. Apple froze, letting him do as he willed, while she marveled at his touch.

  “I’ve never seen or even imagined anyone as perfect as you.”

  He helped her off with her top, then quickly stripped off his own clothing. Apple held her breath, the sight of him unclothed was a treat. “You’re pure eye-candy, Benjen. You realize that, don’t you?” There was so much to admire about him, she didn’t know where to look first – or longest. His wide shoulders, sculpted chest, or that amazing cock between his legs. Apple felt herself grow wet, knowing she was about to make love with him.

  As he joined her in the bed, coming to lie next to her, he helped her with the bikini panties, taking a moment to indulge in the complete picture of her unclothed and within touching distance. “You’re all the Christmas mornings of my life, all rolled up into one.”

  “Come close. I want to hold you.” She opened her arms and he went into them. They were touching from head to toe.

  Benjen clasped her to him and sighed, reveling in the feeling of their bodies pressed together. “Fuck, this is amazing.” He began to kiss her, her face, her neck, her shoulders. His hands roved over her skin, relishing the soft, silky satin. “I just want to do it all with you. I want to touch you forever. Inhale you. Absorb you. “Oh, God, baby.” He buried his head in her neck. “I’m so excited I can’t stand it.”

  Apple held him as he trembled. “I want you, Benjen. Please don’t make me wait.” Her plea wasn’t a lie. She knew he needed her beyond imagination. She knew his trying to wait was pure torture.

  But he wasn’t alone.

  She wanted him too.


  “Take me, cowboy. Make me yours.”

  Benjen was shaking. “Are you sure? I haven’t done anything for you yet.”

  Apple kissed his face. “This is our first time, not our last. We’ll do it again and again.” Sliding her hand down his body, she found him. Hard. Thick. Throbbing.

  “Are you ready for me?”

  “Oh, yea. I’m aching for you.” She took his hand and placed it between her legs.

  He smiled, his face full of wonder. “You’re wet for me.”

  “I am.” She placed her hands on his shoulders. “Come over me. I want to feel you on top of me.”

  Benjen held himself up and moved over her, the enormity of what he was doing swamped over him. To him, this wasn’t just sex. This was momentous. A milestone. Not only his first time, but his first time with the woman he’d set his heart on. “Put me inside you.”

  As Apple closed her hand around the velvet covered steel of his erection, she prayed this would be perfect for them both. “I can’t wait.” She gave him a kiss as she fit the broad head of his cock to her tender opening. Excited and turned on beyond belief, her pussy began parting for his penetration, clenching around him hungrily. Stretching to accommodate his girth, she gasped at the sensation of being filled – at last.

  Benjen groaned in ecstasy. As he pushed inside of her, he felt he was breaching the very gates of heaven. Nothing – nothing had prepared him for this. Her fingers dug into his back as he moved over her with whispered chants of praise, his hips pressing spread thighs, his dick burrowing deep. Even though he’d never done this before, his body knew how. In. Out. God, the pleasure was almost too much! Each thrust and pump took him deeper inside her precious body, causing her to stretch even tighter around him. “Sweet angel. Take me. God, love me. Please.”

  Little did he know, but his wish was already granted. She loved him. She loved him with all her heart. As he moved, she was entranced – enchanted – by his face. The rapture she saw on his features revealed the ecstasy he was feeling. Seeing his pleasure fed her own. Each stroke of his hard cock into her sensitive channel intensified the excitement building within her. “I love this,” she cried, her hips jerking, pulling him even deeper still.

  “Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck,” he moaned as he powered inside of her, paradise enveloping him. Every drive of his aching cock seemed to bring a wail of pleasure from her lips. The knowledge that he was pleasing her slew him.

  “Benjen…” As she took him, Apple writhed, her pussy rippling and fluttering around him, willingly accommodating his invasion. Greedy for his touch, his possession, she wrapped her legs around him, bucking her hips up to capture every moment, every touch.

  “Sweet baby…” His voice was raspy and hoarse as he strained, wanting to squeeze every moment from this, but knowing his control was nonexistent. Each muscle in his body tightened as his cock seemed to swell even larger within her softness.

  Apple’s eyes widened. Something was happening. Something different. Winding tighter. Building. She knew what it was like to cum but being with Benjen was like nothing she’d ever experienced before. Her pussy spasmed, her womb contracting, clasping his flesh in an age-old move that caused him to bellow and drove the breath from her lungs.

  “Christ Almighty!” He jerked within her, his hips still pumping, driving forward – pushing deep.

  Feeling like her world was spinning out of control, she gripped his shoulders, whimpering her pleasure. Desperate for more, she bent her knees, and arched her back, pushing her hips up in a silent supplication for more.

  More. More! “You’re so good. So big. Fuck me,
Benjen. Fuck me!”

  Her words ignited him, setting him on fire. He growled with primal lust and fucked her with deep, long, rhythmic thrusts. Pushing. Filling. Impaling her again and again until the flames enveloped them both and she screamed his name.

  “Benjen!” As the euphoric explosion ripped through her, she urged him on, wanting this same ecstasy for him. “Come on, baby. Cum for me.” To her satisfaction, she felt his thrusts become more powerful – harder, stronger, faster – until with one mighty thrust, he froze, his face transformed with pleasure. Her name was on his lips as his cock pulsed, filling her with his essence.

  “Apple, my Apple.” He collapsed on top of her, his lips seeking hers, his whole body ablaze with the sweetest pleasure he’d ever known. “You are amazing. Perfect. Thank you.” He kissed her again. “I loved it. I love you.”

  He loved her? Did he mean it…or was this the exhilaration of his first time talking? Apple didn’t know. She wanted to respond in kind but was afraid to do so. All she could do was hold him tight and accept his kisses, her pussy still massaging his shaft in sweet contractions, the aftershocks of coming harder than she’d ever come in her life. “This was more than anything I’ve ever felt.” She caressed his back, loving how he felt in his arms. Safe. Secure. Cherished.

  “I’m too heavy,” Benjen bit back a moan as he raised up enough to slip his still pulsing cock from the sweet, velvet of her body.

  “No. Wait.” She urged him closer. “Just one more second.” She wanted to bask in the wonderful haze of contentment. He’d said he loved her! She bit her lip to keep from asking him to repeat the amazing words.

  He held himself up a fraction, letting her feel his weight, but not crushing her. “I’m blown away. You are so precious.” He looked into her face, so glad they’d left the light on. He wouldn’t have missed seeing her sweet expression for anything. “I’m so glad I pleased you. I was afraid I couldn’t hold out long enough for you to come.”


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