My Hero (Cowboy Craze)

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My Hero (Cowboy Craze) Page 28

by Sable Hunter

  “If you’ll show me…” She wiggled away from him, rising to her feet, and backing to a cushioned chair across the room. Sitting down, she lifted one dainty leg to drape over the arm of the chair, spreading her legs a bit. Holding his attention, she tugged on her skirt – easing it up – and up. “I’ll show you.”

  As Benjen watched slack-jawed, she hiked up her skirt enough for him to see the vee between her thighs. Locking her gaze to his, she eased her fingers beneath the leg of her panties to touch paradise.

  “Lord almighty,” he mumbled, swallowing against the rise of surging lust brought on by the sight of her rubbing her pussy with one hand while she loosened the laces of her sundress to expose the swell of her delicious breasts. “Touch yourself, baby.”

  “I will if you will.” She licked her lip and began circling one swollen nipple through the sheer fabric of her bra. “You wanna see where I need your lips?”

  Benjen’s whole body jerked like he’d been flicked by a whip. “Oh, fuck yea, I wanna see anything you want to show me,” he growled as he tore at his belt buckle and zipper.

  Apple struggled to keep performing her pleasurable task as he stood before her, obviously aroused. Rubbing her clit, she held her breath as he freed his cock from his jeans. Damn, he was gorgeous. Thick. Long. Pre-cum leaking from the tip. “You’re perfect. Now, unbutton your shirt, cowboy. I want to look at your sexy chest while you jack-off.”

  “God, you kill me, baby.” Her provocative words only made him hotter. Jerking the two sides of his shirt apart, the snaps made a popping noise as they gave way in his desperation to please Apple. “I never know what to expect from you.”

  Feeling emboldened by his response, Apple opened her thighs wider, pulling her panties to one side so he could see how wet she was for him. “You’ve made me want you so much. I can’t forget how good you make me feel.” Licking her lips, Apple was mesmerized when he began to stroke his cock. Pushing one finger up inside of herself, she began to buck her hips suggestively. “This is where I need you. Right here.”

  “I’ll give you what you need, sweet Apple.” Holding the thick shaft of his dick in one broad hand, Benjen pumped up and down – his eyes burning with fire as he stared at this beautiful woman in all her sensual glory. “Damn, you’re sexy.”

  Apple’s heart was beating a mile a minute. Her entire body was tingling. “Does touching yourself like that feel good?” She’d touched herself a few times before but doing it in front of Benjen was exhilarating. Seeing the primal arousal on his face compounded her own desire a thousand-fold.

  “Oh, fuck, yeah.” He came a step closer, his eyes eating her up. “But nowhere close to the ecstasy I feel when buried to the hilt inside of you. After having you, Apple, I crave you all the time. Every second of the goddamn day. I’d rather eat you than food. I’d rather kiss you than breathe. I’d rather fuck you than see the sunrise tomorrow.” All the time he spoke, he pumped his cock – up and down – up and down.

  Hearing him express his need for her, Apple couldn’t wait. She rose, her hands cupping her breasts, lifting them, offering herself to him. “Be with me, Blackhawk. Put out this fire that’s threatening to burn me alive.”

  Benjen felt like he might incinerate with sheer excitement. “I have no intention of putting out the fire, Miss Right.” Taking her by the shoulders, he yanked her toward him. “I plan on keeping it burning for the rest of our lives.” His pulse hammered in his throat, an answering cadence throbbing in his groin. “God, I love playing with you. You’re everything I ever wanted in life. You’re perfect.”

  “I’m not…” Before she could contradict his declaration, his lips covered hers.

  “Hush, I’m busy.” Lord above, she was sweet. He deepened the kiss, tangling his fingers in her soft hair. Sipping at her lips, he tasted and nipped. His need for her driving him crazy. “Fuck, I have to have you. Now.”

  “Who’s stopping you?” she asked with a sassy smile.

  “Nobody better try.” Sweeping her up into his arms, Benjen strode through the house, carrying her to the bed. His cock was iron hard and pulsing. If he didn’t get inside her soon, he would go completely insane. Lifting her to the mattress, he placed Apple on her back, following her down. While they tore at one another’s clothes, not caring where they landed, his lips consumed hers. “Help me, baby,” he muttered between kisses, knowing full well he was going to come in his fuckin’ jeans if he didn’t get them off soon.

  “Stand up,” she muttered, her smile soft as she saw his bronzed body glistened with sweat, proclaiming his excitement. When he managed to lever himself off the bed, she helped him with the rest of his clothing and he with hers. “Now, we’re naked.” She smiled softly as he moved to cover her once again, but she stopped him, gently pushing Benjen to his back, her lips busy planting kisses all over his chest.

  “God, Apple,” he moaned as she used her hot little tongue to lick the flat brown discs of his nipples. “You’re determined to drive me around the bend, aren’t you?”


  “Ah, hell, honey,” he gasped as she began kissing and caressing a trail of fire down his body, her soft little hand rubbing his thigh. His stones tightened in anticipation as his dick rose to full mast.

  “Am I pleasing you?”

  To him she was a goddess, the ultimate temptation. He was completely at her mercy as she cupped his sac, rolling his balls between her fingers. “What kind of game are you playing?” Hypnotized, he stared as she knelt between his thighs, using the tips of her fingers to stroke his strutted dick.

  “No game. I’m completely serious.”

  Benjen was barely able to breathe as she lowered her head, her tongue unfurling to curl around the crest of his erection. “Apple, fuck, fuck…fuck.” His body tensed, his toes curling, as she licked and nibbled up and down his shaft. “Do you get off on torturing me, sweetheart?”

  “Yea.” She giggled as Benjen lost his mind when her lips parted and she sucked the grateful head of his cock into the sweet heat of her mouth.

  Grasping the sheet, he knotted it between his fingers, desperate to hold on to something as she performed a mind-blowing trifecta of sensations on him. Deep-throating the throbbing stalk of his manhood, stroking his trembling thighs, and playing with his tight balls. Massaging. Tormenting. Destroying him with absolute bliss.

  “I can’t think…I can’t move…I can’t breathe,” he whispered as she tongued and sucked him, working his cock like the dream she was - rimming the head, stroking the shaft, stealing his control and his sanity. “Stop, love, stop.”

  “Stop?” she asked with a soft murmur when his fingers tangled in her hair tight enough to ease her lips from his aching member. The disappointment in her voice made him smile. “Enough, babe.” He eased her onto her back. “Time for me to make you crazy.”

  “Oh,” she gasped as he pressed her thighs apart and moved between them. “Oh, my.” She closed her eyes in ecstasy as his head lowered to lick the swollen bud of her clitoris. “I may faint,” Apple whispered as it became her turn to clutch the bed covers in her white-knuckled hands. Rapture exploded through her senses, igniting every nerve ending with flames of fire. She was tossed into a whirlwind of sensation. Helpless. No hope of finding her footing, no desire to place her feet on stable ground. With every touch of his lips, every tender sucking kiss, he swept her past the stars into the realm of dreams.

  As she bucked beneath him, arching her back, Benjen held Apple’s hips still, determined to give her every ounce of exquisite pleasure in his power. Sucking her clit into his mouth, he tongued it, then dipped down to thrust his tongue in and out of the vise-tight channel of her pussy.

  “Benjen!” Apple whimpered, her breath hitching in her throat, tiny moans of joy escaping her lips.

  Knowing she was about to come, he upped his ante – teasing, licking, kissing – carrying his love higher and higher until she exploded. “Oh, God, yes!” Benjen held her tight as she shook, writhing, her body f
lushing with pure, unadulterated joy.

  Apple thought she might lose consciousness, her whole being wracked with such bliss, she didn’t know if she would live through the cataclysm. Then his next move guaranteed that she wouldn’t.

  Before the amazing aftershocks could fade, he rose over her, seeking her breasts with his mouth. He took a few moments to play with each swollen nipple – suckling the tender peaks – before kissing a path up to her lips. As he ate at her mouth, Benjen made a place for himself between her thighs, fitting the weeping crest of his cock between the petals of her sex where he’d feasted only seconds before.

  “Oh, yes, yes. Please yes.” Still trembling from his possession, she was eager for more. Lifting her hips, she impaled herself on the thick wedge of flesh seeking entrance, moaning as she felt the stretch and burn of his invasion.

  “Give me your eyes, Apple.”

  She couldn’t deny the masculine command. She opened her eyes to gaze into his. “Everything. I give you everything.” Running her hands up his arms, she gripped his shoulders, lifting herself to entwine her limbs around his body.

  “I’ll take it. Gladly,” Benjen growled. “I love you, Apple.” From that moment, he knew what he was going to do. It might not stand up in a white man’s court, but in his heart – he would know the truth. With his body still hammering into hers, he sought her surrender. “Who do you belong to, baby?”

  In the throes of ecstasy, Apple found it hard to respond.

  “Tell me.” The demand came straight from the depths of his soul. “Are you mine?”

  Apple could scarcely catch her breath, much less talk.

  And yet…he persisted. “Talk to me, Apple. I love you so much. Do you love me? Are you mine?”

  Looking into the depths of his sapphire blue eyes, she repeated the great truth she’d revealed to him before. “Yes. I love you.” Her admission seemed to release something within him and he began to thrust harder – deeper. A waterfall of pleasure swept over her as she flew apart in his arms. “I am yours. Oh, God. Yes! Only yours!”

  “Yes. You are.” He tried so hard to keep going. He entire length of his cock throbbed as the fluttering walls of her pussy caressed him.

  “Please. Don’t stop. Please…” she begged, pleading.

  Like he could deny her anything.

  Flexing his hips, he pulled out, then pumped back in – hard – burying himself deep. Over and over, he gave of himself. The contractions of swollen tissues milked him, leaving him no other choice but to…explode.

  Apple clung to him as she shattered, fireworks going off behind her eyelids, ecstasy cascading through her as he jerked and shook in her arms. He was right. They were joined. Bonded. One.

  “I am yours. Forever.”

  “Hold me.” As she cuddled into his ready arms, Apple hid Benjen’s promise in her heart for safekeeping.


  “Hey, beautiful.”

  Apple heard his whisper just before she felt the touch of his lips on hers. “Hey. Good morning.” She wound her arms around his neck. “How did you sleep?”

  “Wonderfully.” He caressed her face, biting his lower lip. “You?”

  “Like a baby.” Apple glanced at the clock, then noticed he was already dressed and smelled fresh from a shower. “Do you have time for breakfast?”

  “I do, but I’d rather take a walk with you and the dogs before I go.” He brushed his lips over hers one more time. “If we had more time, there’s something else I’d like to do, but I don’t want to rush.”

  “We always have tonight.” She ran her fingers through his hair. “That’s the good thing about living together.”

  “Yea, we always have tonight.” They’d always have forever if it were up to him. “Get dressed and I’ll take care of the dogs before I go.”

  “Oh, there’s some leftover cinnamon rolls,” she reminded him as she stood from the bed, grabbing her robe to cover her nakedness. Apple was still a little shy.

  “I’ll warm them up for us. You know, if we lived far enough away from others, I’d love to keep you naked for our walk. Now, that would be a sight I’d carry with me forever.”

  “I bet.” She gave him a sweet smile as she started for the restroom. “I’ll be there to help you in a minute. I can’t wait to check on the puppies.”

  As he strolled out of the room, he called over his shoulder, “I’m going to try introducing the mom to our girls, see how they get along.”

  “Oh, no. I’ll wait for the sounds of battle.” She grinned, not really expecting any fighting among the animals. They were pack animals and those three girl dogs would all consider Benjen the leader of their pack.

  Dressing for work, she was thankful Dr. Cleveland didn’t require them to wear scrubs. A white jacket over whatever they wore suited the vet just fine. Today, she paid special attention to what she wore, knowing Benjen would see it both before and after work. Milling through her closet, she chose a white sundress with tiny flowers embroidered on the bodice. The empire waist flattered her generous feminine parts and made her happy to wear it. After slipping on a pair of sandals, she applied a tad of makeup, mostly just mascara and lip gloss. Her blush came naturally. “That’s about as much as I can do for you, girl.”

  Before she left the room, Apple quickly made the bed, smiling at the thought of what they’d shared there during the night. Grabbing her purse, she made sure she had her phone. As she joined Benjen in the kitchen, she was happy to see him sitting at the dining table with three dogs at his feet. “I see all of you are friends.”

  Benjen waved a hot dog in the air. “You’d be surprised what a good-size wiener can do.”

  Almost choking with laughter, she pressed her lips together, then let a giggle slip. “Ah, I think I might have an idea.”

  Now, it was his turn to laugh. “You’re such a bad girl.”

  “Sometimes. Before you leave, would you help me load the mom and puppies into the car. I want to take them in for a checkup and shots. While we’re there, I’ll take their photos to put up in the office and spread around town. By the time they’re old enough to be adopted, I bet I’ll have more takers than pups.”

  “Sure thing, love. Do you need me to follow you to work, or just take them for you?”

  His consideration warmed her heart. “Mandy, the receptionist will help me. She loves puppies.”

  “Good deal. If you’ll call me on your way home, I’ll meet you here to help you unload them.”

  “I don’t want to inconvenience you,” she said in all sincerity as she placed a cinnamon roll on a napkin and handed it to him.

  “Believe me, it won’t be an inconvenience. I look forward to coming home to you.”

  “You’re sweet.” She picked up a cinnamon roll for herself. “Are you ready to take our walk.”

  “I am.” He took a bite of the sweet treat and snapped his fingers to the dog. “Rose, Hope, Maisie, let’s go.”

  “Maisie? You named her?” She grabbed his arm. “If you name her, we’ll have to keep her.”

  “Hmmm, well, we’ll see. Depends on what kind of person wants her.” In fact, he was worried about all the pups. “Some people don’t deserve a chance with a dog like this.”

  “I understand.” She felt the same way herself, but until she was able to build the shelter, there was no way she could help every animal that came her way. “We’ll be careful in who we pick.”

  “I know.” He grabbed her hand. “Come on, it’s a beautiful morning.”

  Happily, Apple fell in step with Benjen. “Now, this is the way to start the day,” she murmured around a bite of cinnamon roll as they strolled out of the yard and across the way toward the river. The sun was just peeping over the trees, sending rays of light to shower what looked like gold dust over the field of sunflowers. “It’s gorgeous out here, thank you for thinking of this.”

  “Well, I wanted to spend a few minutes with you this morning.” He finished his roll, then folded up the napkin and plac
ed it his back pocket. As he did, Benjen pulled out a long red ribbon. “I found this in your sewing kit. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all.” Although, she couldn’t imagine what he wanted to do with it. “I didn’t think we had time to play. Do you have something kinky on your mind?” She could just imagine him tying her to the headboard and having his way with her.

  “Well, I do like that idea. A lot.” He led her to a beautiful spot by the river. “But no, despite what I said about you playing the naked wood nymph, I wouldn’t risk anyone else seeing what belongs to just me.”

  An odd ache started somewhere around her heart. All of his sweet words and his amazing proposal – their living together – she’d really thought all of that together would’ve erased the mountain of doubt and uncertainty she felt with their relationship. Just hours ago, they’d declared their love for each other – and she still couldn’t let herself believe it was true. “Does that go for me too?” She resorted to teasing. “If it does, that means no showing off your fine form going shirtless in the hay field.”

  “Done.” He grinned. “Whatever you say. If you lay claim on me, I’ll play by any rules you say.”


  “Yea, come sit with me.”

  “Okay.” She let him lead her to a big oak whose branches spread low enough to sit on and close enough to the water so they could enjoy the view. Surrounded by wildflowers and sunflowers, the place was magical. Taking her left hand, Benjen placed it on his right, then he began winding the red ribbon around them both.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Something romantic, I hope,” he looked up at her and grinned. Actually, this gesture was much more than romantic. To him it was momentous. Apple sat perfectly still while he wound this lovely red ribbon around their joined hands. “I told you last night that I loved you. Forever. You’re mine.” As he continued to wrap, forming a love knot over the top of her wrist, he continued to speak softly, “I will always shelter you when the storms of life rise above us. I will keep you warm when you are cold. I want to be your home, Apollonia. I promise to do my best to make you happy all the days of your life.”


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