My Hero (Cowboy Craze)

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My Hero (Cowboy Craze) Page 31

by Sable Hunter

  Apple let out a cleansing breath. “Alan had been having an affair with a woman in Honduras. When he deserted the army – and me – it was to be with her.”

  “Okay. I knew part of that…” He urged her to tell him everything. “Go ahead.”

  “They had a child. A little girl. Her name is Juanita.”

  Knowing she’d lost her baby, he felt her pain. “I’m sorry. I know that hurts.”

  She shook her head. “No, I dealt with that a long time ago.” By this time, they’d reached the house and stepped inside. Benjen stepped to the back to let the dogs into the yard and she followed along behind him. “When Alan was killed, so was the little girl’s mother. Apparently, she’s been living with her grandmother.”

  Benjen stopped moving to face Apple. “Wait. How do you know?”

  She clasped her hands together, almost wringing them in frustration. “Do you remember that phone call I told you about where I couldn’t understand what the woman was saying to me?”

  “Yea, I do.” He put a hand to the small of her back and guided her to sit on the couch. “Did you hear from her again?”

  “Twice more and the second time, Dr. Cleveland talked to her. The woman is Juanita’s grandmother. She didn’t know who I was, she found the number in Alan’s phone. She thought I was a relative, not a wife.”

  Benjen shook his head in sympathy. “What did she want?”

  Apple reached to the side table to pick up the photo and handed it to Benjen. “Little Juanita is sick. She has leukemia. Her grandmother was bringing her to the states for treatment. In fact, thinking I was a relative, she was bringing her to me. The phone calls were to let me know they were on their way and the last…that they’d arrived.”

  “Okay.” Benjen was thinking fast. “We’ll help her. Find the best doctors. Get her some treatment.”

  “She’s an illegal, Benjen.”

  “Her father was a citizen.”

  “A deserter.” Apple rubbed her arms, feeling a sudden chill. “Like with my benefits, I’m sure that fact changes everything.”

  “Well, we’ll just fight it, like we did for your money.”

  “Wait. There’s more.” She took his hand. “Her grandmother didn’t feel like there was time to go through the proper channels. She just tried to cross the border with Juanita. They were detained and the grandmother was deported. Her last phone call was made from Honduras.”

  “You mean the little girl is still here? Alone?” Benjen was beginning to get the picture.

  Apple wiped a tear away that was rolling down her cheek. “I’ve been watching the news. All the uproar over children being separated from their families. I thought it was terrible, but I didn’t really…think about it too much.”

  “Because it didn’t have anything to do with you, directly.” Benjen filled in the blanks. “Do we know where Juanita is?”

  “I guess she’s in one of those camps or detention centers on the border. I’m just afraid she’s not receiving the medical care she needs.” Apple covered her face. “I’ve seen all these reports and you don’t know what to believe. These kids pulled away from the only family they know. Taken away and put in crowded places where no one touches them. Is someone taking care of her? Is she getting fed properly? Is she scared?”

  Benjen could tell how upset she was. “Okay. Tell me what to do. What do you want to do?”

  Apple searched his face and saw only sincerity and concern. “I guess I want to find her. I don’t know what I’m saying beyond that…I just need to know she’s safe.” When he held out his arms, she went into them. “I’m confused about my feelings, but I only know I can’t turn my back on her.” Apple hiccupped a laugh. “Who am I kidding? I can’t do anything alone.” She clutched his shirt in her fingers. “You’re my strength. I don’t have a clue what to do first.”

  “We’ll figure it out,” he promised. “Tomorrow, I’ll make some phone calls and we’ll find Juanita.” He kissed her on the top of the head. “I promise.”

  Apple let out a long sigh of relief. “Thank you.”

  Benjen stood and picked her up, taking a kiss from her lips. “That’s what I’m for.” He rubbed noses with her. “I’m your own personal fixer.”

  She cupped his cheek. “You’re my hero.”

  This pleased him no end. “Can I wear a cape to bed?”

  Apple giggled. “I’m picturing this. You naked. On top of me – your cape billowing behind you as you take me.”

  As he placed her on the bed, Benjen laughed. “I’m not sure how I’ll get the cape to billow, maybe a strategically placed fan.”

  “Oh, the way you move…are you kidding me? There will be billowing.” She loved teasing him. “Will you make love to me?”

  Benjen stood and began to strip. “You’re phrasing it like an ‘if’ question, it’s not.”

  “What?” It was hard to think as she watched him. Clothed – the guy was amazing. Unclothed – Benjen was quite literally breathtaking.

  “It’s not a matter of ‘if’, it’s only a matter of ‘when’ – and the answer is I’ll make love to you as often as you’ll let me.”

  They stared at each other wordlessly for a moment. Apple could see a flex in his jaw, a sure tell on how intense he felt. Apple rose to her knees and removed her own clothing, relishing each and every second as he took her in. Her nipples tightened, beckoning his lips. Both of their breathing was shallow as his eyes roved from her breasts to the place between her legs that was soaked. “We haven’t even started and I’m wet for you.”

  “You’re not the only one aroused beyond belief.” He jerked his jeans and briefs down, revealing how gloriously hard he was. “I want you more than anything.”

  “Show me.” Apple hadn’t meant it as a challenge, but he seemed to take it as one. His pupils dilated, darkening his beautiful blue eyes. The emotion she saw reflected there was wild desire and raw need. “I need you so much.”

  As he finished undressing, he licked his lips. “Believe me when I say that every moment I’m not inside of you, I’m fantasizing about being inside of you. I walk around with a perpetual hard on, aching to be with you again. You never have to ask me to make love to you – all you have to do is crook that sweet little finger and I’ll follow you anywhere – anytime – for the privilege of loving on you.”

  His admission gave her courage. Naked as the day she was born, she laid back on the bed, spreading her legs. Crooking her finger, she whispered, “Come here, cowboy.”

  The dimples appeared. “Apple, you have the most perfect tits of any woman in the world.” He bent and kissed her nipple, letting one hand rove to the softness between her thighs. “And this pussy…is luscious.”

  Apple closed her eyes as he covered her right nipple with his mouth. She moaned as his tongued swirled, licked, and sucked, catching the tender nubbin between his teeth and suckling hard before moving to her left breast.

  For long moments, she reveled in the way he worshiped her breasts, taking her areola into his sinful mouth and devouring it, drawing on the aching tip hard enough to make her clitoris tingle. She caressed his head as he moved south, his tongue tracing a path past her belly button. “You’re making a habit of this,” she whimpered as he spread her thighs wider, staring at her soft sex. His intense scrutiny gave her an involuntary need to close her legs – but he wouldn’t allow it. Apple forced herself to examine his face and what she saw there was absolute hunger – for her. He licked his lip. The man was actually salivating to taste her. The sight was the most erotic thing she’d ever seen in all her born days.

  Bending close, Benjen grinned as he blew tiny breaths of air up and down her slit. “God, cowboy! You’re killing me with all this waiting.”

  An evil chuckle slipped from his lips. “You know what they say about something being worth waiting for.”

  “Yea, I’ve heard that somewhere before.” She panted, her hips lifting to encourage him to – “Do something!”

  “Oh, I am. I’m g
oing to kiss and lick every part of this sweet pussy.”

  After that announcement, she had no more to say. Benjen buried his face between her legs and ravaged her. Sucking. Licking. Devouring. Propelling Apple to the very precipice of ecstasy, then backing off. Over and over again. “Oh, you’re good.”

  This praise brought a chuckle and a pause. He raised his head to beam at her.

  “Don’t stop,” she demanded, gripping his hair and guiding back to where she needed him the most. She didn’t have to ask twice, he lifted her hips and dove in – kissing, licking, even biting gently – just enough to push her until she was writhing beneath him, pulling his hair, and screaming his name. When he took her clit in his mouth and sucked, tonguing the throbbing pearl, she flew apart.

  Seeing her cum was the hottest thing in the world to Benjen. “You’re so sexy.” He climbed up on the bed with her, entwining his fingers with hers, lifting them over her head. Coming over her, he aligned the head of his cock to the well of her pussy and gently pushed in. Once he worked in deep, Benjen closed his eyes and moaned. “You’ll never know how good it feels to be inside you.”

  “Yea, I know,” she whispered as he kissed her gently before setting a slow rhythm of pulling out and easing in. “It feels just as good for me.”

  Her testimony sent tingles of excitement all over his body. He sank deep within her – rooted – holding himself up on his arms, reveling in the way she worked her inner muscles to caress his cock. “God, you love me, don’t you?”

  “Oh, yeah, I do.” She wrapped her legs around his back, the change giving him leave to sink even deeper. When he moaned and threw his head back, she felt like a queen, adoring how he seemed to be overwhelmed with pleasure. Raising her head, she kissed his neck, her arms coming around his back so she could score his skin lightly. That bit of pressure encouraged him to begin an enticing rocking rhythm that brought her arousal level to unbelievable heights. Knowing she couldn’t hold on much longer, she urged him to cum with her. “Now, baby. Take your pleasure now.”

  Heeding her request, Benjen took her – his body slick with perspiration slid over hers, his hips moving in a tantalizing circle. Apple moaned as she began to shake. She tightened herself around him as she could feel his crisis mounting. “Fuck me, baby.”

  Apple talking dirty did it for him. Benjen quickened his pace, pumping deeper and harder until the Earth moved on its axis and they came together gazing into one another’s eyes.

  Later…as Apple began to drift off to sleep, all that lay before her came to mind. A small surprised smile came to her lips when she realized – none of it worried her. Lying in the sanctuary of her lover’s arms, she knew he would allow no one and nothing to bring her harm.


  “Outstanding. I should’ve known you two would already be on top of this.”

  Apple sat on the edge of her seat, listening to Benjen talk to Zane Saucier. She could only hear one side of the conversation, but when he told the lawyer about Juanita and asked for guidance, Benjen’s reaction to Zane’s response was more than positive.

  “Okay, thanks man. You talk to Presley and tell her to let us know where to meet her.”

  With her eyes following every nuance of expression that passed over Benjen’s face, she held her breath as he ended the call.

  “Hey, Zane, I’d tell you you’re invaluable, but I don’t want the bill to be any higher than it already will be.”

  The mention of the bill reminded Apple that all of this would cost money. Undoubtedly, the efforts to persuade the VA to give her Alan’s benefits had been an expensive outlay. Even though Benjen assured her he’d take care of it, a fresh wave of guilt made her feel sick.

  She didn’t realize her feelings were so obvious until Benjen put a finger under her chin. “Hey, why the frown? I have good news.”

  “You’re going to have to pay for this and I don’t have any way of paying you back.”

  His smile became as bright as his eyes. “I take kisses. The sweetest form of currency.”

  “Oh.” She pushed him a little, showing her frustration. “You. What am I going to do with you?”

  “Love me.”

  Apple pulled him down to her. “That’s not enough.”

  “You know better.” Benjen captured her hands. “Quit worrying and let me tell you what I learned.”

  “Okay, I’ll listen.” She gave him her full attention. “What did Zane say?”

  “Well, as soon as word got out what was happening on the border, a lot of concerned lawyers went down to the Texas border to offer their services. Presley was one of the first ones down there. Zane is going to call her and tell her to start the ball rolling to locate Juanita. We’ll leave as soon as we pack a bag and find out where to meet her on the way.”

  Apple jumped up. “I have to call Dr. Cleveland.” She started rushing around. “How many days do you think we’ll be gone? What will we do with the dogs?”

  Benjen grabbed her to slow her down. “Easy, baby. We’ll get it all done. I don’t know how long we’ll be gone. A couple of days, maybe? This is unknown territory for lots of people. As for the dogs, Sara will come and take care of them, I’m sure. While you pack and call your boss, I’ll let the family know and make sure my sister-in-law agrees to come by here a couple of times a day.”

  “How about you? Isn’t this a huge inconvenience for you?”

  Benjen looked at her worried face. “Not at all. I want to do this. Sam will cover for me.”

  “I know you all are already short-handed. Maybe…”

  Benjen took her by the shoulders, headed her toward her bedroom, and swatted Apple on her bottom. “Go. You don’t need to get all frothed up. Let me show off my manly organizational skills.”

  “Frothed up…” she grumbled good-naturedly. “I don’t even know what frothed up even means.”

  …An hour later, they were on the road and heading to McAllen, a town on the southern tip of Texas, just over the Mexican border between Mission and Brownsville.

  “Presley said to meet her at this address.” He handed her a piece of paper. “Plug it into the GPS. I think it’s a warehouse of some kind.”

  “Okay. A warehouse? That sounds weird.” Apple did as he asked, then settled back to look out the window. “This is going to be a long trip. I should have made snacks.”

  “A little over five hours, but we’ll stop when we need to. Don’t hesitate to ask. When you spot a restaurant or a gas station where you want to take a little break, just say so. What did your boss say?”

  Apple sighed. “She understood, especially since she was the one who talked to Juanita’s grandmother. Dr. Cleveland has a very tender heart. How about Sara, is she okay with checking on the dogs?”

  “Of course.” Benjen adjusted his rearview mirror. “She said she’d be glad to.”

  “Your family is being so good to me. Sam stopped by the vet’s office last week to see if he could bring me a sandwich from the diner.”

  “He did?” Benjen chuckled. “The boy loves to eat.” He rubbed her knee, squeezing it lightly. “They’re your family too, baby.”

  She leaned back on the headrest just to look at him. He wore a blue and red plaid shirt. The blue just matched his eyes. “You look so nice.”

  “I do.” He grinned and winked at her. “Thanks. You know I think you’re the hottest thing since sliced bread.”

  Apple frowned. “Oh, that’s a compliment.”

  “It is!” he insisted. “Sliced bread was a big deal. Although…” Benjen pretended to think. “I could say the best thing since fellatio.”

  Apple gasped out a laugh. “Oh, please.”

  “That’s what I say – please…?”

  “Stop!” She held her middle as she giggled. “You are incorrigible.”

  “I try.” He squeezed her knee again. “You know, I’m so proud of you.”

  “Really? Why?” Apple had no clue what he meant.

  “Here we are, headed to South T
exas, to come to the rescue of your husband’s child by another woman.” When she bowed her head, he put his fingers under her chin and lifted it up. “Don’t you dare hang your head. Don’t you know how special you are? You have an amazing heart.”

  “Well…” She didn’t really know what to say. “I have such a heart for helpless animals, as you do. How can I not have that same compassion for a child? No matter who the father is. And look at you, you dropped everything to go with me.”

  “True,” Benjen agreed. “But there’s one major difference, you’re doing this for the child and I’m doing it for you.”

  “Oh, you’d do it for a child too. I know you.” She was adamant in her defense of him.

  “Yes, I would – but I’d do anything for you.” He winked at her, then turned back to look at the road.

  “I know,” she said confidently, then jumped when he gave a war whoop of excitement. “What was that for?”

  “Because you admitted you know how much I care for you.”

  She covered his hand with hers. “I can’t imagine my life without you,” she whispered almost reverently. “I’m really going to need you to guide me through this. I know nothing about immigration law. I don’t know how we’ll get permission for her to stay to receive treatment. Or how to get her home once she’s well enough to be reunited with her family.”

  “Don’t worry. I might not have those answers but Presley and Zane will.”

  For the next few miles, they rode in silence, each preoccupied with the idea of how big of a task they were undertaking. Apple was far from bored, but after a bit, she yawned. The passage of the scenery outside her window was hypnotizing.

  “Why don’t you close your eyes and rest awhile,” Benjen told her. “You didn’t sleep much last night. Too much excitement, I guess.”

  Excitement. Worry. “Thanks. I’m having trouble keeping my eyes open.”

  “Rest. When you wake up we’ll get something to eat.”

  Sometime later, Apple woke up with a gasp, glancing around and trying to remember where she was and what was going on. She felt sick. “Pull over, Benjen. Pull over.”


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