My Hero (Cowboy Craze)

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My Hero (Cowboy Craze) Page 34

by Sable Hunter

  “Yea, like finding the proverbial needle in the haystack,” Saxon admitted. “Thankfully, we have Alivia’s Dragnet program. She’s able to access information on an unbelievable scale.”

  Benjen spoke up, looking over at Alivia, “I remember hearing about the work you all did finding that serial killer, the one who was murdering the Miss Texas contestants. He was a monster, wasn’t he?”

  Alivia nodded. “He was.” She rubbed her chest. “I know firsthand.”

  “That’s right.” Apple put a hand to her own chest. “I remember hearing about you getting shot.”

  “I almost lost her.” Saxon sighed from the front. “I’ll never forget that moment as long as I live.”

  Alivia winked at Apple. “He won’t let me forget it either. The man sticks to me like glue.”

  Until recently, Apple wouldn’t have understood what that was like – now, she did. “So, how close are we to Juanita?”

  “Not far. About thirty miles.” Micah’s gaze met hers in the rearview mirror. “The foster couple, the Webb’s know we’re coming. The initial impression I have is that we aren’t going to be welcome.”

  “Why?” Benjen asked. “I don’t understand.”

  Micah lifted his right hand and rubbed his fingers together. “Simple. Money.”

  “Oh, I dread this,” Apple looked down at her clasped hands lying in her lap. “I hate confrontation.”

  Benjen squeezed her arm. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of everything.”

  She let out a sigh. “I know you will.”

  Quicker than Apple expected, they pulled into the driveway of a rundown brick ranch house. As Micah put the SUV in park, he addressed Saxon. “I only see one car, doesn’t look like there’s anyone extra here. I’ll go in with them and you and Alivia hang tight in case there’s trouble.”

  “Trouble?” Apple echoed as she began to edge across the seat behind Benjen. When she glanced back at Alivia, her eyes widened when she saw the elegant woman holding a pistol. “Oh, that kind of trouble.”

  Seeing Apple’s alarm, Benjen put an arm around her. “Everything will be fine, they’re just taking precautions.”

  “I know,” she whispered. “I was just thinking of them as computer experts, not…gun slingers.”

  Saxon chuckled. “I heard that. Gunslinger.” He winked at his wife. “I like that. Makes me sound sexy.”

  Alivia made some type of retort, but Apple was too nervous to listen. Her eyes were on the grim looking man blocking the front door of the house where Juanita was being kept. “They don’t appear ready to cooperate,” she whispered to Benjen.

  Micah led the way. “Greetings, Mr. and Mrs. Webb. We’re here to collect Juanita. She needs to go to the hospital.”

  “She’s fine,” Mr. Webb barked as he stuffed one hand into his pocket.

  Behind her, Apple heard the gravel crunch as Saxon stepped out of the SUV.

  “Can we see her?” Micah asked calmly.

  “No, I don’t think so,” was Mr. Webb’s reply. “Where do you get off interfering? We’re doing this little wetback a favor.”

  Benjen bristled at the racist comment. “You get paid. I’m sure every dime you’ve spent on her will be reimbursed.”

  “Shut up. I don’t need no backtalk from some motherfu…” Webb mumbled under his breath as he moved off the steps and into the yard.

  “Oh, this guy’s a peach, isn’t he?” Micah stage whispered over his shoulder to Benjen. Turning his attention back to the hulking man in the wife-beater undershirt, he held out his hands. “Look, we don’t want trouble. We have a lawyer who’ll be here any minute with a judge’s ruling giving Miss Wright custody.”

  “I know my rights.” Webb folded his arms over his chest. “You’re not taking the little brat!”

  Before Benjen or Micah could retort, a haggard looking woman joined the obstinate man. “Rob, there’s something wrong.”

  He lashed back at her. “Not now, Beth!”

  “I can’t wake her up, Rob,” the woman insisted.

  “Oh, no!” Apple cried, rushing toward the couple as if she was going to push between them.

  Rob Webb stepped to intercept her and pulled a gun from his pocket. Benjen instantly covered her with his body while Micah, Alivia, and Saxon came forward also.

  “Hey, fella. I wouldn’t do that. You’re seriously out-gunned.” Micah, with no gun in hand, walked up to Webb fearlessly, palms up. “Look, we don’t want any trouble. We just want to help the kid.” While the man looked over Micah’s shoulder to see Alivia and Saxon moving forward slowly, pistols drawn, the Wolfe kicked out to knock Webb’s legs out from under him and shoved his gun hand up in the air, retrieving the pistol in one quick, smooth move.

  “Nicely done, boss,” Saxon quipped as he stepped up to restrain the man until help could arrive.

  In the midst of the confusion, Apple could delay no longer. She eyed Beth Webb but hurried by the woman despite the harsh look she received. “I’m going to find Juanita.”

  Alivia was on her heels. “I called 9-1-1. An ambulance should be here in a moment.”

  Apple raced through the cluttered, dark house, seeing no evidence of a child’s presence. “Where is she?”

  “Back here!” Alivia called from the kitchen. “She’s in this storage room!”

  Apple rushed in to find the small dark-haired child curled up into a fetal position, unresponsive. “Oh, baby. Alivia, is she alive?”

  Alivia placed a finger on the pulse point at Juanita’s throat. “Yes, she’s very sick though. Look how pale she is.”

  “I bet she’s anemic. Maybe dehydrated.” Unable to resist, Apple picked the small girl up in her arms. “All I can think of is Presley telling me that no one was allowed to hold the children. I want Juanita to realize someone cares.”

  As she cradled the baby, Juanita moved slightly, burrowing down in the warmth of Apple’s breast. This is how Benjen found them. “It’s over outside. The police and Destry are here and the ambulance just arrived.”

  His announcement came seconds before two EMT’s brought a stretcher into the room. Apple relinquished Juanita and stood by feeling helpless while they readied her to be taken to the hospital.

  Benjen drew Apple close as they followed Juanita and her caretakers to the ambulance. “Ride with her if you want. I’ll be right behind you with the others.”

  “Thank you.” She kissed Benjen’s cheek. “For everything.”

  He stood and watched while Apple climbed into the back to find a seat next to Juanita. Once the double back doors were closed, he rejoined Micah in time to see the police putting Rob Webb into the back of the squad car. “People like him make me doubt the whole foster system.”

  “I understand how you feel,” Micah spoke as they all loaded up in the SUV. “And there is abuse. Some folks are in the program just for the money. Fortunately, there are good people too.”

  “When we were checking every avenue for Juanita, we found some children were in great places and being treated very well. Others weren’t so lucky,” Alivia explained as she buckled up.

  “I guess Juanita was one of the unlucky ones.” Benjen’s eyes moved to watch the progress of the ambulance. “Do we know where they’re taking her?”

  “Yea, I’ve got the address in case I lose them,” Micah assured Benjen as they started off.

  “I guess we’ll have to keep her here until she’s stable,” Benjen mused out loud.

  “We’ll stay with you until we know something definitive,” Alivia promised.

  “Yea, and I’ll rent a car so you’ll be able to go back and forth to a motel.”

  Benjen looked out the window, not really seeing anything. “I doubt I’ll be able to get Apple away from her bedside. Did you see her face when she looked at that child?”

  “I did.” Alivia nodded. “It doesn’t take long for a woman to bond with a child, especially one in need.”

  While they drove, Micah checked in with his wife and Benjen sent Da
niel a text message that their mission, so far, had been successful.

  When they arrived at the hospital, Benjen was first out the door and hurrying into the ER to Apple. He found her walking behind the gurney transporting Juanita to an examination room. “I’m here.” Benjen touched her arm and she grasped his hand as a nurse stopped them with forms that needed to be completed.

  “I need these ASAP and any medical records you have on her.”

  Apple looked at Benjen helplessly. “We don’t have anything.”

  Seeing she looked exhausted, Benjen pointed to a chair. “Sit. I’ll explain everything.”

  While Benjen explained the situation to the nurse, Apple found a seat and began filling out the permission forms. She felt dizzy. Everything was happening so fast.”

  “Hey, do you need anything?” Alivia asked as she joined her.

  Apple’s mouth was so dry. “Water.” She felt nauseated. Closing her eyes for a second, she tried to check the feeling. “I don’t need this right now,” she whispered to herself as Alivia jumped up to find Apple something to drink. She especially didn’t want Benjen to realize how she felt and worry. Blinking her eyes, she tried to focus on the words in front of her.

  “Here. Drink this.” Alivia passed her the water.

  Apple took the water and drank deeply. “Thank you.” She set the glass on a table to her right and started on the forms again. Another wave of dizziness hit her and she felt like she was about to throw up. Handing the clipboard to Alivia, Apple stood. “Excuse me.” She started off, but only made it two or three steps before she hit the ground.

  “Benjen!” Micah called.

  He whirled around to see Saxon, Micah, and Alivia kneeling next to Apple. “Oh, my God! Help her!” he told the nurse. Running to be at her side, he knelt to pick up her head while several medical personnel came to their aid.

  “Let’s get her up!” One orderly pulled a gurney near and they picked Apple up.

  “Apple, honey?” he asked, his heart beating in his chest like a trapped bird.

  “Step back, sir. We’ll find out what’s wrong and help her.”

  As he watched helplessly, they moved Apple to another examining room. He turned to gape at Alivia. “What happened?”

  “She asked for water and I got it for her. The next thing I knew, she got to her feet and collapsed.” Alivia placed a comforting hand on Benjen’s arm. “They’ll help her. I’m sure she’s just hungry or dehydrated. Stress may have a lot to do with it.”

  “I don’t know. She’s been having bouts of nausea and dizziness. We thought it might be a 24-hour bug thing. She’d promised me that she’d go to the doctor when we got back home.” Benjen stared toward the curtain blocking his view of Apple. “I’m worried to death.”

  “Don’t be. The doctors will figure it out.” Micah clapped him on the back.

  About that time, another doctor walked up. “Who’s with the little girl?”

  “You can talk to me. Miss Wright is in the examining room being treated for nausea,” Benjen explained. “What did you find?”

  “Hello. I’m Dr. Asa Hall. We’re taking care of Juanita, hydrating her at the moment. We’ll be giving her glucose to build her up. She appears to be malnourished. We’ve also taken blood. We have to make a proper diagnosis before we begin any treatment.”

  This all sounded dire. “Is she in any immediate danger?” Benjen asked.

  “She’s very weak. We’ve put a rush on the tests. Unfortunately, since we don’t have access to her medical records, we can’t afford to make any assumptions.”

  Benjen nodded. “I understand.” He pointed to where they’d taken Apple. “My…fiancé will want to see her as soon as she’s able.”

  “Of course. I’ll tell the nurse to bring her back when she’s able. Until then, we have little Juanita in ICU and she’ll have someone with her every minute.”

  Once Dr. Hall left, Alivia gave Benjen a hug. “You have your hands full.”

  “I do,” Benjen admitted.

  “Hey, how about if I go pick up some burgers somewhere?” Saxon offered with outspread hands.

  “Sounds good. Apple probably needs to eat.” Benjen felt guilty. “I should’ve realized she needed food.”

  “Don’t beat yourself up. Things have been wild.” Micah offered Benjen his hand. “Look, I’m going to leave you in the Abbott’s capable hands. Destry has everything filed that needs to be filed here in Arizona. As soon as he gets back to Austin, he’ll turn everything over to Zane.” He looked at Saxon. “Now, if I can get this guy to drop me off at the airport on his way to get burgers, I’ll head back to Austin. The governor has summoned me. I think we have other problems at the border.” Micah handed his keys to Saxon. “You can drive our new baby back to Texas.”

  “I don’t know how to thank you, Micah.” Benjen shook his hand again.

  “No thanks needed. This is what we do.” With a salute, Micah stepped off alongside Saxon, leaving Benjen with Alivia.

  “She didn’t finish filling out these dang forms.” Alivia handed him the clipboard.

  “I can try. I’m not sure I’ll know all the details.” Benjen sat down and looked over the forms. “You watch that curtain.” He pointed to the examining room. “If it moves, let me know.”

  Benjen plodded through the forms, making note of what he needed help with. When he’d done all he could, he rose. “I can’t stand this. I’m going to check on her.” He handed the clipboard to Alivia. “Hold that. There’s still an item or two I need from Apple.”

  “Okay. I’ll wait here.”

  “I’ll be back.”

  Benjen made his way to the room. As he pulled back the curtain, a nurse came out.

  “How is she?”

  “We’re waiting on some tests. She seems to feel better.” The pretty blonde nurse smiled at Benjen. “See for yourself.”

  “Gladly.” His heart was in his throat when he stepped in to find Apple propped up on pillows. There was an IV in her arm. “What am I going to do with you, girl?”

  “I don’t know. I asked you that question once and your answer was…love me.”

  “Easy to do, love.” He went to the side of the bed, close enough that he could bend over and kiss her tenderly. “Feeling better?”

  “Yea. How’s Juanita?”

  “Like you, waiting on tests. They’re giving her nutrients, trying to build her strength up a little. The doctor said they have to go through the process of diagnosing her all over again, since they don’t have any official documentation to go by.”

  Apple nodded. “I just hope they can help her fast.”

  “Can you eat? Saxon went after burgers. He’ll be back soon.”

  She took his hand and held it to her breast. “Sounds good. I hate I keep doing this. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m afraid that the tumors have come back…”

  Benjen was about to attempt to reassure her when they heard the doctor clear his throat. “Uh, I don’t think it’s tumors.”

  They turned around to find the man grinning from ear to ear.

  “What did you find, Dr. Hall?” Apple asked. “Good news?”

  “I think so.”

  Benjen was just praying she was all right. “Well, tell us, Doctor. Don’t keep us in suspense.”

  The doctor gave Benjen a congratulatory pat. “Miss Wright isn’t sick. She’s pregnant.”


  She’s pregnant.

  Joy hit Benjen so hard that all he could do was grab a nearby chair and sit down hard. The absolute thrill jerked all the air from his lungs. As the doctor talked to Apple, then took his leave, Benjen bowed his head to thank God and get his bearings. “How could this be?” he whispered, lost in total and absolute wonder.

  As for Apple, she was shocked, but…obviously not as much as Benjen. She wanted to be thrilled, and she was sure she would be, but seeing Benjen in dismay, staring at the floor and asking how this could happen – just broke her heart. “I’m sorry.�

  It took a second to register her soft words, but when he did – Benjen jerked himself to his feet. To his surprise, she was crying. “What’s wrong?” he couldn’t help but ask. “Aren’t you happy? Don’t you want the baby?”

  His questions just made her cry harder. “Of course, I want our baby, but I’m sure you think I told you a lie.”

  “What?” He drew her into his arms. “What are you saying?”

  She clutched the material of his shirt where the snaps were joined at his chest. “I told you I couldn’t have a baby – and I didn’t think I could. Truthfully, I started to suspect something was up. I really thought I might be sick again. But…even when the thought crossed my mind, I didn’t insist on birth control.” Her voice broke on that last word. “We haven’t talked about children very much and I remember you saying you were kidding when you said you wanted a whole tribe.”

  “Honey, I want a baby with you more than anything.” Benjen’s voice was gentle. “I didn’t talk about it because I didn’t want to make you feel bad. My intentions were to make you realize how much I loved you. Just you. I didn’t need a child – but that doesn’t mean I don’t welcome it as an absolute gift from heaven.”

  “You must think I’m…trying to trap you.”

  Benjen pulled back and framed her face. “Trap me. Please. Trap me.” He smiled, dimples shining. “I gave you my virginity. Will you please make an honest man out of me?”

  “Oh, Benjen!” Apple pulled him close and cried some more. “You are the sweetest man on the face of the Earth! Yes, yes, I’ll marry you!”

  Her answer almost brought Benjen to his knees. He captured her mouth and kissed her like there was no tomorrow. “I love you. I love you. I love you.” Kissing a path from her lips down her throat, he bent to rest his face on her middle, kissing the spot where his baby rested safely. “I love you too, little one.”

  When he raised his head, Apple saw there were tears on his cheeks. “You are happy, aren’t you?”

  “Ecstatic. Over the moon. I’m happier than any man has the right to be.” He picked up her hand and kissed it. “I love you so much. I don’t know how to contain all the love. It feels like it’s just going to come bursting out of me.”


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