My Hero (Cowboy Craze)

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My Hero (Cowboy Craze) Page 43

by Sable Hunter


  When she topped the hill and descended down to the Llano river crossing, Apple could see no problem. “Looks fine.” She cut her speed and bit her lip as she attempted to drive over the flat expanse of concrete covering the ground level bridge. “Look at all the water swirling, Nita. Doesn’t it look neat?”

  “Yea. Does.”

  Looks can be deceiving because a moment later, Apple felt her car lift in the water. What she thought was a few inches of water on the road was a few feet. “Oh, no. God no!” she cried as a wall of water began to push her hard downstream. Her car left the road and was swept on the fast current. “Nita, baby, hold on!” Water was coming in the car and for a minute, Apple just panicked. “I don’t know what to do! I don’t know what to do!”

  “We swimmin!”

  “We’ll be fine. I’ll get us out. I promise. I won’t let anything happen to you.” Unable to control the car. Apple unfastened her seat belt and started trying to crawl over the seat to Nita. The car flailed in the water, crashing left and right, hitting boulders and going high, then low in the current. Every time Apple tried to get over the seat, she kept falling back. Her heart was about to explode. She’d never been more afraid in her life. “Please. Please. Help us. Help us,” she prayed. She didn’t want to die. She didn’t want her baby to die. She didn’t want Nita to die. “Oh, Benjen, you’d be so unhappy with me.” Her heart ached knowing he’d be so unhappy without her. “He’s lost too much already. Don’t let him lose us too.” As she fought to get to Nita, she cried out loudly with all of her heart and soul. “Benjen! Benjen!”

  …Downstream, Benjen was making his way across the pasture. “Not too much further now. You’ll be eating some nice, dry hay in just a little while.” Plodding along, he kept thinking about how sweet Apple’s face would look when he gave her the good news. “She’s going to be so happy.” As he stared straight ahead…something flashed in the corner of his eye. Turning his head, Benjen was shocked to see a big ball of light hovering to his left. At first, he thought lightning had struck something and set it on fire – but no, he realized this was the light he’d seen before. He was stunned to find it here in the rain, in the storm. “What in the world?” As mystified as he was, this was no time to linger. Zeus, sensing the anomaly began to sidestep away from it. Benjen glanced back and saw that it was closer. The desire to stop and observe this mystery was almost overwhelming. “No. No. I need to go. Apple’s waiting. She’ll worry.”

  The cow began to react to the light, lowing and pulling to the left. “Come on. It’s just light. You’re okay.” His words weren’t false bravado, Benjen did feel that he had nothing to fear from the light. In fact, it felt like it was drawing him. Turning to see it again, Benjen marveled when it shot away toward the river, a flash so quick it was a blur to his eyes. He thought it was gone, but then Zeus reared a bit when it came rushing back to the same spot it had just vacated. “What do you want?” he asked, feeling a little silly to ask the question. The only answer he got was an exact repeat of its previous move. The large ball of fiery light shot to the river and disappeared. In the next heartbeat it was back. “Odd.” Creepy, really.

  By now, Benjen was at a stop. A strange thought kept coming to his head. All he could compare the light to was the pit bull’s behavior when she’d wanted them to follow her. Apple’s observation that she thought the light was personal kept ringing in his ears.

  “What if?”

  What if it was trying to tell him something? Show him something? Lead him somewhere. Riding up to the cow, he pulled off the rope, the slapped her on the butt, watching as she ran for the barn and a good meal. “All right, Zeus. We’re about to see if we can figure this thing out.”

  Tightening his legs around Zeus, he gave the horse the signal to keep going. Benjen could tell the animal was reluctant, but he obeyed. The light pulsed before him, it’s opalescent colors dancing like swirling colors in a creamy sea. He could see pinks and blues and greens. Riding slowly closer, Benjen thought it was standing still – and then after the light seemed to stay at a constant distance, he realized it was moving backward at the same pace he was moving forward. “I hope you know where we’re going, Light. Because I surely don’t.”

  As he and Zeus trailed the ball of fiery light, Benjen felt his adrenaline begin to flow. His body and brain were preparing themselves. Something was wrong, but what he didn’t know. The path they were on had taken him in the opposite direction from the way he’d been heading. Back toward the mountain and over to the river. He could see the Llano was completely out of its banks and the water was rising fast. “I don’t think this is very smart, Orb. We’re going to need a boat if we go much farther.” In spite of his protests, the light doggedly led him on, closer to the river, and farther upstream. “I don’t understand what you want me to do. You’re going to have to show me!”

  And then the light shot away from him, clearing his view to the river – and he saw it. His heart shot up in his throat and Benjen bellowed a scream, “Apple!” To his horror, Apple’s car was being swept down river, bobbing on the torrential flood. It wasn’t riding high in the current, telling Benjen there was already water in the car. “Oh, my God! No!” He jumped down off Zeus and began to tear off the rain poncho, throwing it to one side. Without a heartbeat’s hesitation, he dove into the fast-flowing waters and began to swim. As he swam, he prayed. “Let me get there in time. Please. Let me get there in time.”

  …Inside the car, Apple was frantically trying to release the catch on Nita’s car seat. Only an inch or two separated her sweet baby face from the muddy river water that was fast rising in their car. “Oh, Benjen! Benjen!” she cried, fighting and tearing at the strap. She felt one of her fingernails bend back and crack sending sharp burning pain up her arm. No matter. Nothing mattered except getting them out of the death trap to safety. Finally, she felt the click and she threw up the harness and she grabbed Nita in her arms. The little girl seemed to be okay, but she was too quiet. “Don’t you worry. I’ve got you. I’ve got you, baby. We’re going to get out of here – come hell or high water.” The irony of the situation wasn’t lost on her and she barked a near-hysterical laugh. “Now, to get this door open.”

  She began tugging at the door handle, but it wouldn’t budge. “No, no, no!” She beat on the glass, but she wasn’t strong enough to break it. In agonizing panic, she screamed again – the only word that mattered to her – “Benjen!”

  And…out of nowhere, the door opened, water flowed, and two strong arms pulled Apple and Nita from the confines of the car. “Hold on to me, honey. Hold on tight.”

  Benjen fought the current, doing his dead level best to keep the heads of his precious family above water. He lifted them with one arm and swam with the other. “We’ll make it. Don’t worry. We’ll make it.”

  Apple didn’t doubt. “I knew you’d come. I knew you’d come.” She clung to Nita with one arm and to Benjen with the other, her faith in the man she loved was unwavering.

  “Almost. Almost,” he whispered as he pressed on toward the shore. The normally narrow river was as wide as a lake, but he was determined to save his family. Hell, he’d walk on the water if he had to. When his feet touched bottom and he could gain a footing, he knew he’d won. Lifting his wife and the little child in his arms, he carried them to safety.

  The rain was still falling, but they were alive. He reached out to touch Nita’s little face. “Okay, honey?”

  “Apple said we wuz gonna go swimmin’ and we did.”

  “You sure did.” He hugged them both. “I’m never turning you two loose again.”

  Holding them close, they started toward home. He thought they were going to have to walk the whole way, but soon he spotted Zeus. With a shrill whistle, he called the stallion to him and gratefully climbed into the saddle, lifting his wife and child to sit in front of him. “Now, we’re all fixed up,” he kissed the side of Apple’s face. “God, it’s good to hold you again.”

  “I called you and called. I would say I couldn’t believe you came, but I can. You came when I needed you the most. Just like you always do.”

  Benjen buried his face in her neck. “You won’t believe this…no, maybe you would.”


  He brought his mouth closer to her face. “The light led me to you. I was heading home with the last of the strays when the light came to me. It wouldn’t leave. It followed along with me until I stopped and then it shot off down river. Even stranger, it came back and did it again. Shot down river and returned. Finally, I remember what you said about the light being mine, being personal. I also remembered how Maisie did when she wanted us to follow her to rescue the pups.”

  “So, you followed it and the light led you to me.”

  “Yes, it did.”

  “That’s amazing. Miraculous.” She snuggled down into his arms, cradling Nita to her breast. “It’s like we’ve got our own personal guardian angel.”

  Benjen said what he was thinking, no matter how strange it sounded. “I think it’s Yuma, my father. I think he’s taking care of us.”

  “Oh, I hope so. Makes all the sense in the world to me.”

  Apple rested in the arms of her husband as he carried them both safely home.

  * * *

  A few hours later, they were all warm and dry. Little Nita had been too pooped to stay awake, but Apple and Benjen were still too overcome by the events of the day to settle down.

  “I could’ve lost you,” he told her, holding out his hand, bringing her close to him. “Look, I’m still shaking.”

  “I’m so sorry. Even though the nurse was late getting to the hospital to administer the meds, this was my fault. I saw the rain falling and wanted to get home. I clean forgot the medicine.” She threw her hands up in exasperation. “And then we lost it anyway.”

  “You went back after it?”

  “Yea, I got almost to the Slab the first time, then turned around and went back. I didn’t want to disappoint you and I didn’t want the cow to suffer.”

  “Sam doctored her with one of his homemade ranch remedies – kerosene and tar or some weird concoction like that.” Benjen shook his head. “Never put yourself at risk. Remember, we’ve had this conversation before when the branch broke and you threw yourself on top of me.”

  “I know. I was wrong. And I foolishly crossed the Slab. In all the rain, the water looked like the road. I couldn’t tell how deep it was.”

  Benjen’s insides were still shaking. “Well, we’re here. Together. Safe and sound. The light, whatever it is, didn’t let us down.”

  “I know. We have much to be thankful for.” She gave him a kiss. “I’d feel everything was perfect if I just knew Nita would get the transplant she needs so much.”

  Benjen hid a smile. “Well…actually.”

  When he paused, Apple could tell something was up. “Actually, what?”

  “After talking to Alivia about the difficulty in finding a donor, she explained to me about the markers and what they meant. I had no idea most Hondurans were part Native American. As we were discussing it, she realized I could be a match.”

  “What?” Apple’s mouth dropped open.

  “I was tested and I’m a match for Nita. I can give her my bone marrow to save her life.”

  “Oh, Benjen! That’s wonderful!” Apple almost levitated into the floor, throwing her arms up, and diving into his lap. “She’s going to live! She’s going to live!”

  “Yes, she is. It’ll be a rough row to hoe, but our little girl has a chance.”

  “Oh, I hope we’ll be able to adopt her. If we do and if our baby’s healthy, our life will be perfect!”

  “We’ll get there, baby, I promise. Everything’s going to work out just fine.”

  As she nestled in his arms, Apple didn’t doubt it. “You’ll see to it, won’t you?”

  “I’ll do my best, that’s for sure,” he promised her, giving her another tender kiss.

  “You’re best is all anyone could ask for.” From the moment she met him, Benjen Blackhawk had been just what she needed. Just what she wanted. “You know what you are?”

  “What?” He caressed her beautiful face. “A lucky man?”

  “Yea, maybe.” She gave him an angelic smile. “But to me, you’re so much more.” As she gazed into his deep blue eyes, her heart swelled with absolute joy. “You’re not only the love of my life, Benjen Blackhawk, you’re my hero. The only hero I’ll ever need.”

  * * *

  One year later…

  “Here puppy, here puppy,” Nita called as she raced across the field, followed closely by about a dozen small dogs.

  “Look at her,” Benjen laughed. “She doesn’t look like she’s ever been sick a day in her life.”

  “No, our daughter is going to be just fine.” Apple lifted the baby in her arms high, smiling when she giggled. “Both of them.”

  “Give me that wiggle worm.” Benjen held out his arms to take the chubby cherub. “You’re getting so heavy, Miss Peach.”

  Apple giggled. “Don’t call her that. One fruit loop in the family is enough. Her name is Aria. Aria Dawn Blackhawk. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.”

  “She is that.” He blew on Aria’s belly. “You are daddy’s little girl, aren’t you? You’re the baby!”

  Nita heard them talking and came racing back, pointing her finger at Benjen. “I’m the baby, Beegee. I’m the baby!”

  Apple swung Nita up in her arms. “Yes, you are! We have two babies!” After almost a year, the adoption had gone through and Juanita was officially theirs. Zane’s investigator had visited the convent and learned there were no other living relatives to protest the adoption other than the grandmother. Simone Alverez cooperated completely, giving a written testimony recommending they become Nita’s legal parents. Simone also sent a special invitation to Benjen and Apple to bring Nita and visit her in Honduras when they could. “We are so blessed.”

  Benjen thought so too. Even though she’d endured a trying pregnancy, Apple delivered a healthy baby girl. “You were hoping for a perfect life and I think we’re well on our way.”

  “Yea, look at this place!” She sat Nita on the ground and twirled in a circle. “I can’t believe you made this happen. You turned my old home into an amazing shelter! We can protect all of the animals sent our way and find them good homes. Apple’s Safe Haven is all I dreamed it could be.”

  “My pleasure. I could think of no better use for my cut of old Sam Bass’s loot than to build this for you and pay for Nita’s adoption.” Benjen’s heart was full to the brim. “So, are my girls happy?”

  Apple and Nita joined hands and lifted them high, shouting out together, “Si. Yes. Si!”

  About the Author:

  Sable Hunter

  is a New York Times, USA Today bestselling author of nearly 60 books in 9 series. She writes sexy contemporary stories full of emotion and suspense. Her focus is mainly cowboy and novels set in Louisiana with a hint of the supernatural. Sable writes what she likes to read and enjoys putting her fantasies on paper. Her books are emotional tales where the heroine is faced with challenges. Her aim is to write a story that will make you laugh, cry and swoon. If she can wring those emotions from a reader, she has done her job. Sable resides in Austin, Texas with her two dogs. Passionate about all animals, she has been known to charm creatures from a one ton bull to a family of raccoons. For fun, Sable haunts cemeteries and battlefields armed with night-vision cameras and digital recorders hunting proof that love survives beyond the grave. Welcome to her world of magic, alpha heroes, sexy cowboys and hot, steamy to-die-for sex. Step into the shoes of her heroines and escape to places where right prevails, love conquers all and holding out for a hero is not an impossible dream

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