Two Hearts Surrendered (Two Hearts Wounded Warrior Book 1)

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Two Hearts Surrendered (Two Hearts Wounded Warrior Book 1) Page 5

by Tamara Ferguson

  Kelly answered hesitantly, “To cover the scars on your back?”

  He sighed, and nodded–although he wouldn’t let her in on the reasoning behind his tattooing of the eagle. “It’s faded a bit since you’ve seen it, I guess. Remember, I was only thirteen when I had it done.”

  Kelly gave him a barely discernible nod of understanding. “But, Luke–how were you even allowed to have a tattoo when you were so young?”

  Luke hesitated. “Josh knew a lot of people,” he answered quietly.

  “Your stepbrother?”


  “You…got along?” Kelly asked curiously.

  “Yeah.” Luke held her gaze, but looked haunted. “I was lucky to have him. He watched over me Kel, and kept me out my stepdad’s way.”

  “Do you still keep in touch with him–even though he’s in jail?”

  Luke nodded yes but the question seemed to put him on his guard. He began to move away from her. “Does it bother you?” he asked harshly.

  Kelly reached over, laying a palm on his cheek reassuringly. But she definitely looked hurt. “How could you even ask me something like that?” She blinked–she appeared to be having some trouble holding back her tears.

  Luke went immediately into protective mode, and wrapped her back within his arms. “I’m sorry Kel,” he whispered softly, burying his face into her hair.

  Kelly laughed softly. “Is it just my imagination–or did you just sniff my hair? I could’ve sworn you did it earlier too.”

  Pulling away, he gave her lopsided grin. “It’s just that you smell so damned good.” His expression turned serious. “If you’d seen some of the conditions we were forced to…well–exist in over there in Iraq–you’d probably understand. And the smell, babe…that was the worst.” Luke shook his head grimly. The smell of death had become hauntingly familiar.

  Her eyes held a world of understanding as she gazed at him sympathetically.

  “But enough of that.” Grinning, Luke suddenly became playful. He’d been holding himself back, afraid of being too rough with her after going at it nearly the entire night. He moved his hips rhythmically up and down along hers.

  Most obviously becoming aware of his state of arousal, Kelly stared at him with widened eyes. “Again?” she asked, in disbelief.

  He gave her a teasing smile. “Kel…” Pulling back, he gazed into her eyes. “Seriously, though–is it too much for you?”

  “Never,” Kelly whispered. She traced a finger down the bridge of his nose, and began exploring the contours of his mouth, before reaching her hand around his neck and pulling him down to where her lips met his.

  After a long, lingering melding of their tongues, gently breaking away, Luke sat up and hunched back in the bed, staring lengthily at Kelly. Her face was stunning. High cheekbones drew attention to her big blue eyes. She had a perfect nose–and a sexy mouth, with a full upper lip. Luke grinned. She was still wearing earrings. The dangling jewels sparkled like fire through the silky curtain of white-blonde hair dancing loosely over her shoulders.

  “Is something wrong?” Kelly asked, with obvious confusion.

  “I just wanted to spend a minute looking at you, Kel.” Dawn’s light was streaming in through the windows, and Luke stared down at Kelly’s naked body with obvious appreciation. “You’re the most beautiful thing that I’ve ever seen,” he said hoarsely. “And you seem to be as comfortable in your own skin, as you are when you’re walking around in those designer clothes of yours,” he added wryly.

  Kelly shrugged and grinned. “I’ve been doing this modeling stuff for over ten years, now. I learned, long ago, it wasn’t worth being shy.”

  “You mean when you’re wearing those bathing suits in those ads, the ones where you look topless–you actually are topless?” Luke frowned. “I think it’d probably be better if you wouldn’t tell me about things like that.”

  Kelly blinked. And then she began to laugh. “Alright.”

  But Luke’s eyes were still taking in Kelly’s incredible body. She had beautiful full breasts that probably looked larger than they actually were, since her waist was so tiny. Her flawless skin was lightly tanned. He bent down, touching his lips to a perfect breast.

  Kelly shivered.

  “Don’t blondes usually have freckles?” he asked softly, as his mouth covered a tight, rosy nipple.

  “I…Kate does, but not me or Lucy. I guess that Lucy and I took after my grandmother, except that I got the tall gene.”

  Luke began to sip gently on her nipple, and their conversation halted abruptly when Kelly moaned. Luke made sure he left no part of her body untouched. His mouth moved on to the hollow of her throat, before covering the nipple of her breast again, and then gliding over to gently tug and arouse the other. Finally, he reached the soft sensitive skin of her inner thigh, where he used his tongue and teeth to nip, tease and delight. The tension built to an incredible degree, and finally burst free. She was trembling when his mouth quickly made its way back up her body. His mouth covered hers, cutting off the sound, as he tasted her pleasure. She ran her hands down his back, and over his buttocks, urging him closer.

  He needed to be inside of her, he decided, as he thrust into her with as much control as possible.

  Kelly arched, thrusting upward, twisting and turning, and, in response to her need, his rhythm changed, as he drove faster and harder. Just as she cried out, a shudder shook his body first, before taking over hers. Not wanting to disengage, Luke dropped down gently on top of her.

  Neither of them moved. Neither of them spoke.


  Kelly awoke to the sunlight streaming brightly through the window into the bedroom. Peeking at Luke, who was still sleeping soundly, she grinned, stretching out luxuriously in the king-sized bed.

  She suddenly flinched, and grimaced–although she hated to admit it, she was a little bit sore. A long hot bath would definitely be in order for later. But first, she’d spend the day with Luke.

  Kelly heard commotion erupt from outside the bedroom door in the living room, so she sat up in the bed. Her fellow bridesmaids were apparently getting ready to head downstairs to the restaurant for brunch. Someone began knocking at the bedroom door.


  “Dan?” Luke groaned, sitting up hastily in the bed. Sliding out from under the covers, he scrambled to his feet, searching for the boxer briefs that he’d thrown to the floor the night before. Snatching them up, he quickly slipped them on.

  Kelly had arisen from the bed too, and was pulling on a robe, when the bedroom door was thrown open. Dan looked grimly at Luke first, before staring at Kelly with obvious concern.

  “I think the normal procedure would’ve been to wait for me, to open the door,” Kelly said dryly.

  “You’re late. I was worried,” Dan said harshly.

  “I’m pretty sure that this brunch was listed as optional, Dan.”

  “Yeah, but you always show up at these things. You can’t blame me for thinking something was wrong.” Dan stared at Luke accusingly. “And obviously, I was right.”

  Luke stared down at the floor guiltily.

  Resting her hands on her hips, Kelly proceeded to give Dan the riot act. “I can’t believe this. I’m twenty-years old, brother dear. Just answer this for me–what were you doing back when you were my age?”

  “That’s different,” Dan responded, crossing his arms, and glaring back at Kelly.

  Luke grimaced. “Whoa, brother, is that the wrong answer,” he muttered. And then Luke suddenly grinned, eyeing Kelly slyly.

  Kelly grinned back. And from that moment on everything else was forgotten, as they gazed into each other’s eyes.

  Dan looked at Luke first, and then at Kelly. “I just don’t know what to think about all of this,” Dan muttered, as he rolled his eyes. Still shaking his head, he spun around and headed back through the bedroom door. “I’ll see you both downstairs for brunch in about twenty minutes,” he called out over his shoulder.

Kelly grimaced. But then she and Luke began to laugh.



  Kelly and Luke were strolling side by side along the beach a few hours later. After Dan had exited the suite earlier, Kelly had rushed into the shower while Luke had gathered together the pieces of his uniform, before returning reluctantly to his own room to change clothes.

  They’d met downstairs in the lobby. Luckily, the brunch was casual, since Luke had been out of uniform–looking larger than life and sexy in a pair of khaki shorts, and a dark green T-shirt. He’d blown out a long, low whistle when he’d seen her, wearing some very short shorts and a silky sheer top with a tank. And then he’d begun laughing, noticing the glitzy beach sandals that’d adorned her feet.

  “I’m glad that we were finally able to go for that walk, Kel.”

  Kelly grinned.

  There was a slight breeze blowing in from across the lake, while clouds were gathering increasingly in the blue sky above. Rain was in the forecast for later today.

  Suddenly, a large black lab ran past them barreling into the lake. They both began to laugh.

  Luke hesitated, before slanting a side-glance at Kelly. “I had a dog once.”

  Kelly started. “Really?”

  “A golden retriever. It about killed me, to have to give Sal up, when my mom married my stepdad.” Luke appeared thoughtful, gazing out at the water. “In hindsight, it was probably for the best. Who knows what would’ve happened to Sally with my stepdad around?”

  Kelly shivered, stealing a glance at Luke. Well–she’d asked him to tell her about himself, hadn’t she? To understand him, she needed to hear the bad, along with the good.

  “I always wanted a dog, too. But my parents said it’d just be too difficult, with the hours they worked–and, besides, all of us kids were either working or involved with extra-curricular stuff.” Luke’s mood seemed to lighten when she reached for his hand, and clasped it warmly.

  But then, all of a sudden, Luke appeared to be anxious when he looked into her eyes. “So–how do ya think your parents took to the idea–of you, being with me?”

  “I think that they’ve always seen it coming Luke,” she said softly.

  “Yeah, but, how do ya think they feel about it, Kel?”

  She gazed at Luke tenderly, finally understanding. He’d spent most of his life looking for a place in this world–feeling alienated and unloved. The Callahan family had been like his own when he’d been growing up, and he didn’t want to do anything to gain their disapproval.

  But the feelings between herself and Luke had always been too powerful to contain. She and Luke had a connection that Kelly had never come close to sharing with anyone else–not even her twin brother, Jeff.

  “They love you like a son, Luke. Even if they’re not so sure about us now, they will be eventually.”

  He nodded his acceptance. “Where’s Jeff been this weekend, by the way?”

  Yep–they were definitely on the same wavelength. “Kate and Murphy got tired of waiting to get married. It’s been like four years, I think, since they became engaged–and Jeff tried hard, but he couldn’t get back on leave.”

  “Yeah, it’s been really difficult getting leave these days—especially if you’re on tour overseas. Hope he’s alright?”

  “I think. He’s responsible for setting up electronics, computers, support–each time his unit moves to reestablish command–so he keeps telling us his job is tame, compared to the other soldiers.”

  Luke hesitated.

  “What?” Kelly asked, noticing his concern.

  “It’s just that nothin’ that we do over there is really tame, Kel. It’s a totally different world.” Luke stared hard into her eyes. “Capiche?”

  Taken aback, she reluctantly nodded her understanding.

  Luke halted, studying a brand new cabin that’d been built overlooking the beach. They’d wandered far away from Dragonfly Pointe, and were strolling on a path beside the bay near the inn’s rental cabins. “Wow,” Luke said. “Wanna go take a look?”

  “Sure. Pretty cool, isn’t it? It was built about a year ago.” Although the design of the home was obviously contemporary, since its exterior was constructed with, what appeared to be, weathered logs, the modern cabin fit in perfectly against the backdrop of pine and birch.

  Luke tugged at her hand and they began to climb the steep path toward the house. Just as they reached the bottom of the staircase, leading up to an extended porch that ran alongside the perimeter of the cabin, Jake Loughlin strolled outside through the front door.

  Jake blinked, apparently surprised to see visitors.

  Kelly grinned. “Hi, Jake. You remember Luke Bryant, don’t you?”

  “Hey there, Kel.” Jake smiled warmly at Kelly before turning to Luke. “Sure do.” Jake stared hard at Luke, with what Kelly thought, was a strange intensity in his eyes. “How’s it going, Luke?” Jake asked, reaching for Luke’s hand.

  “As well as can be expected, sir,” Luke answered, shaking Jake’s hand.

  Jake groaned, winking at Kelly. “It’s Jake, Luke. I’ve got at least another ten years on Mike Callahan, you know.”

  Kelly laughed. “Are you calling Dad old, Jake?”

  Jake grinned. “Cal would kill me, wouldn’t he?”

  Luke snorted. “No kiddin.” He hesitated, glancing at Kelly first, before turning back to Jake. “We were just gonna take a look around the house–if you don’t mind?”

  “Of course not,” Jake answered. “Would the two of you like to see inside, too?”

  “Sure,” Kelly shrugged, and grinned. “I’ll admit, I’m curious to know how you’ve incorporated all the solar elements that Dad’s been bragging about. I can’t believe how cheap the heating and cooling costs are for this place!”

  Luke lifted his brow. “Solar heating and cooling? Really?”

  Kelly pointed upwards. “See those panels?”

  Luke looked up, staring curiously at the panels on the roof.

  After a brief discussion about the placement and installation of the solar panels, Jake opened up the door of the house and led them inside. For the next forty-five minutes, they toured the entire four-bedroom home. With high ceilings and an entire wall of windows overlooking the bay, the home was stylish yet homey in its picturesque setting amidst the woods. Not only had the cabin been built green with recycled materials, Jake claimed the construction elements used had been selected in an effort to bring the outdoors in.

  The interior was lovely, Kelly thought, as she studied the clean lines in the kitchen and living room. Beautiful glass tiles in shades of green and lavender had been used for the backsplash, and was just the right amount of color against the lighter finish of the sleek maple cabinets and flooring. The entire main level was open concept, and a huge fireplace, also sheathed in tiles of glass, stood before the long wall of windows opened up to the south.

  Kelly sighed, staring appreciatively at Luke, who also appeared to be just as impressed as she was. There was something about this place that seemed like home–she’d felt it from the moment they’d stepped inside. And apparently, Luke had too.

  Kelly asked curiously, “How come no one lives here, Jake?”

  Jake became thoughtful. “Originally, I meant for this to be the caretaker’s home, when I began renovating the inn. But the idea kind of fell through, when we discovered that human trafficking ring, operating here at Dragonfly Pointe. That’s when I decided to add a bunch of extra security, along with video surveillance.”

  “You probably have enough employees working at the beach, with the boat rentals and concession stand, to keep an eye on the grounds anyway now, don’t you?” Luke asked.

  Jake nodded. “Exactly. So why pay an extra salary to a caretaker?”

  “So–what are you gonna do with this place?” Kelly asked.

  “I’m not really sure, yet,” Jake said, glancing consideringly at Kelly first and then at Luke. “I went ahead and had the cabin built here anyway last ye
ar–because the property was sitting here wasted. I figured I could rent it out, or if worst came to worse, I could always sell it.”

  “Well, I love this place,” Luke said quietly, earning an even stranger glance from Jake.

  She couldn’t quite put her finger on it. But Kelly had a sense that there was something unspoken between them–maybe Jake and Luke knew each other a little better than they pretended? But just as she was attempting to solve the puzzle, Jake motioned to a pair of sliding glass doors leading back outside.

  Kelly turned to Luke, and he reached for her hand.

  “Oh, Jake this is beautiful,” Kelly said, as they moved along the steps from the deck, onto a path built from wooden planks. Kelly squeezed Luke’s hand excitedly with her enthusiasm, staring with awe at the lovely natural landscape surrounding them, as they followed Jake into the woods.

  “Wait,” Jake said, turning back to them with a grin. “I’m not finished yet.”

  The pier transformed into a bridge, that led over a tributary, flowing downstream from the bay. They went a little deeper into the woods.

  “Whoa,” Luke said, suddenly halting as he stared ahead.

  “Exactly,” Jake said, wearing a huge smile. “My wife comes up with some pretty fantastic landscaping ideas. Doesn’t she?”

  Kelly was standing with her mouth gaped open, as she took in the details of the pond. This wasn’t some natural little hole that water flowed into from the bay; it was man-made, and had to have been enormously expensive to construct. A deck had been built at the end of the pier on the other side of the pool, along with a small enclosed gazebo, that apparently served as a guesthouse. And the landscaping that’d been added…everything was breathtaking. Flower pots filled with impatiens and ivy lined the edge of the deck, while charming planter boxes, also filled with flowers and foliage, lined the windows of the gazebo.

  Grinning, Jake peeked at his watch. “I think you two can manage to find your way back to the road from here?”

  Luke nodded, looking serious as he checked the time on his own watch. “My ride back to base will probably to be waiting for me at the inn in about an hour.”


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