Protecting Dakota: SEAL of Protection, Book 10

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Protecting Dakota: SEAL of Protection, Book 10 Page 17

by Stoker, Susan

  Dakota shivered in fear. All of her nightmares were coming true, but she wasn’t dreaming this time. Slade wasn’t there to kiss her awake, to hold her tightly and tell her everything would be okay. Thoughts of Slade bolstered her. She remembered what Caroline had said. She had to keep it together so she could help Slade and his friends find her. That was the ultimate goal.

  “Ah, beautiful Dakota, it’s so good to see you again. Your wedding outfit is absolutely stunning,” Aziz said. The man holding her stopped in front of Aziz so she had no choice but to look at him.

  “I wish I could say it’s good to see you again,” she retorted snarkily.

  He made a tsking noise, as if she were a recalcitrant child rather than a grown woman. “I was so hoping you’d come to your senses. I gave you time to think about what your destiny was and to come to terms with it. I’m disappointed that you’re still fighting it, fighting me. You will become my wife today. You will have my children. And you will stop defying me. Those three things I guarantee you.”

  Dakota fought down the urge to throw up. She raised her chin and spat at him. The spittle didn’t quite make its mark, but the feelings behind it definitely did.

  The amused look on his face disappeared and Dakota got a glimpse of the killer she’d seen in the airport all those weeks ago.

  “Your intended doesn’t have many manners,” someone said from behind her.

  Aziz curled his lip in derision at her. “She will. Take a seat, my bride,” he ordered in a gruff tone.

  Dakota had no intention of doing anything he said, but she didn’t have a choice. The man behind her manhandled her over to a chair and forced her to sit. He then held her down while two other men quickly zip-tied her ankles to the legs.

  Her heart beat overtime in her chest. She really didn’t like the feeling of being tied and helpless in Aziz’s presence. At least if she was sitting, he couldn’t rape her…could he? She glanced to her right and saw Caroline being held between two men. Each had hold of an arm and had wrenched it upward so she was standing awkwardly on her tiptoes. Dakota could see a bruise forming on her cheek where she’d been hit, and the small mark made her stomach clench in concern. They’d stuffed a piece of fabric into her mouth and taped her lips together. The noises she was making were muffled and weak.

  Seeing Caroline helpless and in pain, hurt. She had to remember that it wasn’t just her in this situation. No matter how often Slade had told her she was brave, at that moment, Dakota didn’t feel brave. But strangely, having Caroline there with her made her feel better. If she’d been by herself, she would’ve been completely freaking out. She was scared shitless, there was no doubt about that, but she made a vow that she wasn’t going to calmly do whatever Aziz said. She couldn’t. The longer she could drag whatever this was out, the longer Slade and his friends had to find her and Caroline. She could take what he dished out.

  “Here’s what’s going to happen,” Aziz said, his calm demeanor once more at the forefront. “We’re going to have a wedding ceremony. You’ll sit there calmly and answer affirmatively when prompted. If you say or do anything that gives the impression you don’t want to become my bride, you’ll regret it.”

  “I won’t marry you,” Dakota said with less force than she wanted, tugging at her arms which were being held down by the two men who had restrained her ankles to the chair. “This is insane. You’re insane.”

  Aziz didn’t respond to her comment, but shook his head as if disappointed. “You don’t want to make me angry, my bride.”

  “Why not? What are you going to do? Hit me? Blow up the building? Rape me? You’re going to do the last anyway. Go ahead. Do it. If you wanted a docile wife, you picked the wrong woman.”

  “I was kind of hoping you’d be this way,” Aziz said strangely. “I knew you had passion and spunk when I saw you in the airport. I watched you for a while, you know,” he said conversationally. “I decided you were there at the exact time I was for a reason. To be mine. I followed you, making sure I didn’t make a move until you were in my web. You tried to think of something to do that would stop the inevitable. It was brave of you, but too little too late, I’m afraid.”

  Dakota looked at him in horror. He’d followed her in the airport? He’d waited to take hostages until he knew he could take her too?

  Wanting to think about anything but what he was saying, Dakota looked around. The men in the room with them were a mixture of American and Middle Eastern. They obviously knew Aziz wasn’t Tunisian, but didn’t care. They all looked to be in their late teens or twenties. Aziz was wearing what looked like something a traditional Tunisian would wear. Some sort of long shirt which went all the way down to his knees. It had a deep vee in front and he had on a maroon silk shirt under it. His pants were also maroon. If she wasn’t mistaken, the same embroidery pattern on his long shirt was on her own clothing. He wore a pair of pointed leather slippers and a close-fitting red cap on his head made of what looked like felt, with a black tassel hanging from it.

  Dakota’s breaths came short and fast. Aziz also looked like he was dressed for a wedding. It wasn’t that she’d thought he was bluffing earlier, but now that she’d had a moment to think about what he’d said and take in what he was wearing, it was obvious he really did want to marry her right this minute. Aziz wouldn’t ever pass for a Middle Eastern man, no matter what he was wearing. The government had simply assumed he was, based on his website and posts. She flinched when he began speaking again.

  “There will be a time when I’ll encourage your passion. A time when I’ll crave your fingernails in my skin. It’ll only make my taking of you all the more…exciting. But, alas, today is not that day. Today I need you to be a proper Arabic wife. It’s important to show my recruits that I am in charge of all things, including the woman who will be my wife.” He stepped closer and knelt at her feet. His hands went to her thighs and he slowly but surely pushed them apart.

  Dakota tried with all her strength to keep her legs together, but she was no match for Aziz’s strength. His hands squeezed her thighs with enough pressure to make her wince, but she controlled it and didn’t give him any outward sign that he was hurting her.

  He smiled, a scary, wide expression that made Dakota shiver in revulsion.

  “Your name is now Anoushka,” he informed her. “It means lovely or gracious. From here on out, that is what I will call you and that is what you will call yourself. You will never answer to your heathen American name again. Your new life starts right now, Anoushka. You will be the revered wife of the leader of Ansar al-Shari’a. You will learn how to please and serve me. Everyone and everything you’ve known is now a thing of the past.”

  “I will never serve you,” Dakota told him. “You can rape me, beat me, and lock me up, but when you least expect it, I’ll stab you in the back. You’ll never be able to drop your guard because I’ll do anything possible to take you down.”

  “Such a pity,” Aziz said without a trace of worry in his tone. “I mean, do you really think you, a mere woman, can take down a chosen one such as myself?”

  “I’m not scared of you,” Dakota said. “And you’re no more a chosen one than I am.”

  “Will you cooperate for our wedding ceremony?” Aziz asked as if she hadn’t spoken.

  “Never,” she vowed.

  “Pity,” Aziz repeated, shrugging. He squeezed her legs once more, hard enough that Dakota did wince that time, and smiled. He stood and motioned to one of the men standing against the wall.

  “Not even if you’re beaten?” he asked.

  As soon as the last word left his mouth, the man he’d gestured to turned sideways and kicked out at her with the bottom of his foot. It made contact with her knee and Dakota shrieked in pain. It felt as if he’d broken something, or at the very least tore a tendon. She’d never felt such pain before in her life. For a moment, all she could think about was the radiating waves of agony from her leg. She forgot where she was and forgot Aziz had even asked her a question.
  “Will you cooperate for our wedding ceremony? Aziz asked again.

  The tears Dakota had been holding back fell down her cheeks, but she shook her head at him in defiance.

  Aziz nodded at the man again, and he once again kicked her in the knee. The same knee.

  Black spots crept into her vision and Dakota thought she was going to pass out. Welcomed the black void in fact. Aziz reached forward and grabbed hold of one of her nipples through the bustier, and twisted. Dakota struggled against the men who were holding her arms and tried to turn away from Aziz. His fingers pinched harder as he leaned toward her and put his face inches from her own.

  “I can do this all night until you agree,” he warned.

  Even though the pain was worse than anything she’d ever experienced in her life, Dakota glared up at Aziz and panted, “I can take whatever you dish out. I will never marry you!” She hoped she sounded brave and strong rather than desperate and on the verge of giving in to whatever he wanted.

  At her words, Aziz abruptly let go of her nipple. He stood in front of her, his hands clasped behind his back. One side of his mouth quirked up into a lopsided grin and he said, “That’s what I thought you’d say. My woman is strong.”

  Dakota kept her eyes on his and refused to look down at her chest to see if her nipple was still attached. It was throbbing and literally felt as if he’d ripped it off. She breathed through the pain and tried to remember to be brave. Caroline had said she needed to be strong, and dammit, she was trying.

  Aziz gestured behind him again—and this time the men who had been holding a squirming Caroline came forward with her between them.

  Dakota’s eyes widened. What was Aziz planning now?

  “Since I knew you would endure whatever I did to you, I made sure to have a plan B,” Aziz said. He walked over to a small table Dakota hadn’t noticed before now. He stood in front of it so she couldn’t see what lie on top. His back was to her, contemplating whatever was on the table top, and asked once more, “Will you cooperate for our wedding ceremony?”

  “No,” Dakota whispered, truly afraid now.

  Without another word, Aziz picked something up from the table and turned. But instead of heading for her, he went to Caroline.

  In horror, Dakota watched as he grabbed the hair at the back of Caroline’s head and tilted it backward. She tried to kick and lash out, but a fourth man knelt behind her and wrapped both his arms around her knees, effectively hobbling her.

  Holding the knife he’d picked up from the table, Aziz put it against Caroline’s throat. He turned to stare straight at Dakota while slowly drawing the knife downward. The robe the other woman was wearing slit as easily as if Aziz was cutting a piece of aged and tender beef.

  When he was done, Caroline stood exposed from her neck to her knees. She was completely naked under the garment and her body was now on full display for everyone in the room.

  Dakota strained against both the hold of the men and the bindings around her ankles. Suddenly her knee didn’t hurt at all anymore. He was going to hurt Caroline because of her. “Stop it!” she ordered breathlessly.

  “I can’t wait to sink inside your lush body, Anoushka. You will provide me with many hours of enjoyment. However, I am not a greedy leader. Once you carry the heir to Ansar al-Shari’a, I am willing to allow my most trusted and brave warriors to share in the bounty I have been given.” Aziz’s beady blue eyes met her own. “I see you understand. I like to share, my bride. I have no problem watching as each and every man who vows loyalty to me and our cause takes a turn with you.”

  “No,” Dakota said in a voice barely audible. His words were too much to bear.

  “Yes, Anoushka. Your only job from here on out is to please and obey me. In all things. You will go to your knees in my presence, you will allow me to take you whenever and wherever I want. You will spread your legs for anyone I give you to, willingly. You will not struggle when I want to film myself filling your body with the gift of life. And if you don’t? I think I’ll keep this one around to make sure you understand what will happen if you disobey me.”

  Aziz let go of Caroline’s hair and ran the tip of the knife between her breasts once more, a slim line of blood welling up in its wake.

  “No. Stop it!” Dakota ordered, once again struggling to escape the grasp of the men next to her. “This is insane!”

  “Will you cooperate for our wedding ceremony?” Aziz asked once again.

  Dakota knew Aziz wasn’t kidding. He knew she’d continue to refuse him no matter what he did to her. She’d rather die than marry him. But there was no way she’d be able to sit there and watch him torture someone else. He would keep Caroline around if only as a means to an end…namely, Dakota doing whatever depraved thing he wanted.

  Apparently deciding she hadn’t answered soon enough, Aziz went back to the table and put down the knife and picked up something else. He took the few steps back to Caroline.

  “Wait, please stop!” Dakota begged.

  Aziz ignored her and held up a small pair of needle-nose pliers. He grinned a sadistic grin then turned to Caroline once more.

  “I’ll cooperate,” Dakota yelled desperately. “I’ll marry you! I’ll say whatever you want me to, just leave her alone!” she went on, trying to make him step away from Caroline. The other woman had already been through too much at the hands of another evil man. There was no way Dakota was going to make her go through anything like that ever again. Not if she could prevent it.

  Without moving away from Caroline, Aziz turned his head toward her. “Ah, Anoushka, those are the words I want to hear. But how do I know you mean them?” He moved the pliers toward Caroline once more and her screech of fright was easy to hear through the gag.

  “You knew I wouldn’t let you hurt anyone else on my behalf. Let her go and let’s get this over with,” Dakota said as calmly as she could. She couldn’t look at Caroline’s face anymore, but out of the corner of her eye she saw the other woman shaking her head desperately. Dakota didn’t know if she was saying no to the pain Aziz wanted to inflict on her or to her words. But it didn’t matter. Aziz would torture Caroline until Dakota did what he wanted anyway. She would spare her friend the pain.

  Dakota knew good and well Aziz wasn’t going to let Caroline go after he married her. He’d flat-out told her he was going to keep the other woman around to use as incentive if he wanted her to do something. And she’d do whatever he said. She could handle pain, but she couldn’t handle him hurting Caroline because of her refusals.

  Aziz let go of Caroline and stepped back. He handed the pliers to one of his cronies and walked back to Dakota.

  She held his eyes, hating him with everything she had.

  “You’ve made me a very happy man, Anoushka,” Aziz told her in what could’ve been a tender tone. “A word of warning, just to make sure you understand, if you do anything to bring dishonor to our wedding ceremony, I won’t hesitate to pause and show little Ice over there what pain truly is.”

  “I understand,” Dakota told him, not even questioning how he knew Caroline’s nickname. He knew everything else about her and the SEALs, why wouldn’t he know that too? She might have to marry Aziz, but she hadn’t lost hope that Slade and his friends would find them. She just wished they’d do so before her wedding night. They had to.

  If Aziz violated her, Dakota knew she’d never be the same again. Oh sure, she’d survive it, but something inside her would die. She’d never feel clean again and would forever lose her chance to belong to Slade.

  I’m trying to be strong, she silently told the man who meant everything to her, but I don’t know if I can do this. Please, come get me.

  Chapter 14

  Slade paced back and forth in Wolf’s living room as they waited for Tex to get back to them. Benny was at the hospital. He’d still been completely out when he’d been taken away by the ambulance. His heartbeat was strong and the paramedics seemed to think he’d been drugged, not poisoned, as a result. They
’d have to wait for whatever had been used to knock him out to wear off before they could get any information about what had happened right before the women were taken.

  The other men on Wolf’s team had assembled. Abe, Cookie, and Dude were in the kitchen. Mozart, the sixth man on the team, was holed up with the women and children. None of the men were going to risk anyone else being put into the line of fire. Even though Slade knew Mozart wanted to be with them, helping to rescue Caroline and Dakota and catch whoever had shot Benny, they all knew the other women and kids were just as important right now. The last thing they wanted was Fourati getting ahold of them too.

  Commander Hurt was dealing with the police and keeping the authorities away so the SEALs could plan. He was a good man, one who knew when to bend the rules and to look the other way.

  Slade didn’t give a shit who was involved at this point. As far as he was concerned, the more the merrier. These men had been through this too many times to count. Their women had been in danger one too many times. Slade needed their expertise as warriors, and husbands, to help get Dakota back. If he got in trouble with Greg Lambert, so be it. He was just so frustrated with the entire situation. All he wanted was Dakota, and Caroline, back safe and unhurt.

  His phone rang and Slade answered immediately, putting it on speaker so everyone could hear the conversation.


  “It’s Tex.” He didn’t wait for acknowledgement. “There’s a new video being streamed. It’s live.”

  Slade gestured wildly at Wolf and the man ran into another room and came back with a laptop.

  “I’ve sent everyone a link to the URL. I’m not sure how stable or secure the site is, but for as long as it’s up, I’m recording it.”

  Slade didn’t respond, just watched impatiently as Wolf brought up his email, then clicked on the link Tex sent.

  The room fell silent as what they were seeing sank in.

  Dakota was sitting in a chair, some sort of beige silk shawl around her shoulders and head. Sitting in front of her, with his back to the camera, was a man. He also had a shawl over his head and shoulders. Not one inch of his skin or hair was visible to the camera.


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