The Dragons Blood Key: Legend of the Dragon's Blood Key - Book 1

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The Dragons Blood Key: Legend of the Dragon's Blood Key - Book 1 Page 15

by Linda L Barton

  They had quickly moved down the long hallway until they came to a large door covered with strange carvings. Roupert stopped in front of the door and drew in a deep breath.

  “What’s wrong? Where does that door lead to?” All of a sudden, Cassy felt a sensation of dread mixed with excitement surge through her.

  “It is the door to the dungeon,” Roupert said with no emotion in his voice.

  Cassy looked up at him and shook her head. “But that’s good, right?”

  Roupert closed his eyes, searching for the right words to say. “Yes, it is a good thing, but we must also realize that Alona has undoubtedly set a trap for us once we enter this door. We must release all fear and doubt from our hearts and minds. We must stand united against her, as that will be the only way that we will be victorious. You must rely on the power of the Blood Key to guide you.”

  Cassy saw the concern in his eyes, and she had to admit that she was feeling the same way. She reached up and gently brushed her fingertips against the Blood Key, and suddenly felt a great power enter her body.

  “Do not fear, Roupert. Today we will end the rule of Alona. She shall be cast away to the Land of Shadows, where she will suffer for all eternity,” Cassy spoke in a profound and powerful voice.

  Roupert stepped back, surprised by her change in mood as well as the tone of her voice. “Cassandra...”

  When their eyes met, Roupert saw the same emerald green with ribbons of fire dancing in them that he saw the day before.

  “King Ashlym, is that you?” Roupert felt his heart leap with joy at knowing the King was with them.

  “Yes, Sir Roupert, I am with Cassandra. I am pleased that the Blood Key chose her for she has much courage within her.”

  Roupert watched as Cassy’s eyes returned to their normal color, and the look on her face softened.

  “Are you alright?” He asked when she shook her head and blinked her eyes several times.

  “Am I alright? I’ve never felt better. That is so cool. I can feel him with me. I felt him some last night when I chased off those three Elim, but nothing like I do today. I’m no longer afraid. I’m ready to face Alona and send her to that Land of Shadows.” Cassy squared her shoulders, confident that they would be victorious.

  Roupert was both surprised and pleased with this development. He knew they were facing great danger, so to know that King Ashlym was with them eased his worry. He reached for the door handle then glanced over his shoulder at Cassy. “There is no going back now. Prepare yourself to face your worst nightmare.”

  With that, he swung the door wide and stepped inside with Cassy following closely behind.

  Chapter 22

  Neither was prepared for what awaited them inside the dungeon. Across the large room was Queen Privlana, bound in chains and hanging in mid-air. Cassy struggled to see what they had secured the chain to, but it just seemed to disappear into nothingness.

  “Sir Roupert, please stop, it’s a trap,” Privlana cried out.

  All of a sudden, from a dark corner of the room, an ominous laughter broke out. “Yes, Sir Roupert, it is a trap. I must say that I am pleased to see that you have brought the Champion with you as well.”

  “Alona!” Just the sound of her voice made him burn with rage.

  “How disrespectful of you to refer to me in such a manner; I am your Queen and you should refer to me as such,” Alona demanded with an angry tone in her voice.

  Roupert stepped forward, holding his head high. “You are NOT my Queen. You have unjustly enslaved the true Queen of Walandra, and for that you shall pay.”

  Alona laughed at his stubbornness and silly loyalty. “Roupert, you never cease to amaze me. After all these years, you are still loyal to a dead King and his pitiful wife. The time of the Dragon is over. They are nothing but a faded memory of a time long ago.” Alona flicked her hand toward Privlana, this causing her to cry out in pain as the chains tightened around her body.

  Consumed with rage, Roupert charged forward with his sword held firmly in his hand. “Stop. Stop hurting her or I will kill you.”

  “My how brave you are,” Alona laughed wickedly.

  Roupert began to move toward Alona when Cassy stepped forward, showing herself.

  “Awe, there you are. I have long awaited our meeting, Cassandra, the Champion come to end my reign. It is true; you do look like your great-grandmother. Yet, I do sense something different about you. Yes, something different in the eyes.”

  Cassy stood in place with her eyes firmly locked on Alona. “As I have waited to meet you. Don’t you think for one second that you’re going to win our little battle. I plan to knock you right off your Royal Throne and then send you to the Land of Shadows where you belong. Who knows, maybe you can rule there as their Queen. Walandra already has a Queen and it sure isn’t you,” Cassy grinned when she saw the smug look on Alona’s face transform into one of anger.

  “Oh look, I think I’ve upset her,” Cassy hit Roupert in the arm with her elbow.

  Alona lifted her arm in a fit of rage, causing a ball of red fire to appear in her hand. “You will die for your insolence,” she hissed as she released the flaming ball.

  The ball of flames soared through the air, spiraling and shooting flames in all directions. Roupert watched helplessly, as it flew past him and went directly at Cassy.

  Cassy never blinked or moved as the flames moved toward her then as it was about to consume her, she held out her hand and caused the flames to disappear.

  “NO, that is impossible,” Alona shouted in disbelief. Alona held up her hand again, this time creating an even larger ball of fire. She released the ball and waited.

  This time Roupert stepped in front of the ball of fire, and then fell to the ground, clutching his chest.

  “NO, Roupert, please don’t die,” Cassy screamed then knelt down, touching him on the forehead.

  “Oh my, how brave of him to sacrifice himself for you. It’s a shame that it will all be for not,” Alona voiced with mocked sincerity.

  As Cassy leaned over Roupert, she felt rage begin to grow from deep inside of her. She reached for the Blood Key and gently brushed her fingers over it, feeling the same warm sensation. Her heart ached and she did not want to accept that Roupert was dead. As the warm feeling surged through her body, she reached down and rested her hand on Roupert’s chest. She closed her eyes and felt the power growing inside of her.

  What happened next would be told to the children of Walandra for many years to come. As Cassy’s hand rested on Roupert’s chest, it began to glow bright and fiery red. She held her hand to his chest until a bright sparkling light engulfed his entire body, and time seemed to stand still, as no one in the dungeon moved.

  “You will live,” Cassy commanded with a dark tone in her voice.

  She pressed her hand firmly on his chest and in a flash of light, his lungs filled with breath, and he eyes fluttered open.

  “Cassandra,” Roupert whispered as he fought to gain his senses.

  Cassy looked down at Roupert, and then tenderly stroked his forehead. “You’re going to be alright. Stay here, I have to take care of a little problem.”

  “What have you done?” Alona shouted. Alona felt a growing fear consume her. She had never expected this young girl to have the ability to control the Blood Key with such skill.

  Cassy stood and glared at Alona. “I have come to restore the throne to the rightful rulers. Your days of rule are over, and I will make you pay for your treachery. I will give you the opportunity to step aside, or find yourself forever banished to the Land of Shadows.”

  Alona scowled at Cassy, who stood unyielding before her. “You foolish child, I have powers that you can never imagine. Today, it will be you and your pitiful friends who will find yourselves banished. I am Queen, and I will rule Walandra forever! Bring the young Prince here.”

  Cassy felt her blood turn to ice when she watched two guards appear from the shadows leading Frier bound in chains. His eyes met Cassy’s and in an
instant, she realized the fear she felt at seeing Roupert lying on the cold, stone floor was now an uncontrollable rage.

  “Cassy…” he shouted while trying to free himself from the chains snuggly secured around his wrists and ankles.

  “Quiet!” Alona ordered with a flick of her hand, causing his words to catch in his throat.

  Watching Frier struggle against the hold Alona had over him, awakened a power inside of her that consumed her entire being. “Leave him alone!”

  Alona saw the anger burning in her eyes. “He is mine to do with as I wish. You do not have the power to stop me.”

  Alona lifted her hand again. Frier’s eyes met Cassy’s and in an instant, he floated into the air.

  “If you want to save the young Prince, bring me the Blood Key,” Alona warned in a low and threatening tone.

  Cassy watched as the guards now stepped from the shadows. “No, you will never possess the Blood Key. I am the Champion and through its power, I will destroy you.”

  Alona’s eyes narrowed, “I said, give me the Blood Key, or the Prince dies!”

  Alona flicked her hand toward Frier again and brought forth cries of pain. “Please, do not surrender, Cassy,” he cried out as pain consumed his body.

  Cassy realized that two guards were closing in on her from the doorway. She reached up and brushed her fingertips on the Blood Key, causing it to glow a vibrant red.

  What happened next surprised Alona. She stood in stunned silence as Cassy whirled about to face her attackers with a fire burning in her eyes. The guards charged toward her with their swords held high, and before either of them could react, they vanished in a puff of smoke.

  “What have you done?” Alona screeched as she began to feel uncertainty about her future as Queen.

  Before Cassy could answer, two more guards advanced on her. She turned to face them, and in an instant, they vanished as the two before them.

  Beside herself with anger and fear, Alona searched her mind as for what to do. She knew that if she did not act quickly, the Champion would slay all of her guards and leave her unprotected.

  “Stand down, your time of rule is over,” Cassy said in a dark and threatening tone. She glanced down at Roupert, letting him know that she had things under control.

  “You silly child, I will never surrender the throne. Do you not see that I have the Prince and Queen under my control? If you do not want to see their deaths today then give me the Blood Key!” Alona raised her hand then released a strange glowing ball that enveloped Privlana, causing her to cry out in pain.

  “Stop it. Stop hurting her.” Cassy shook with anger. She knew that she had to act quickly or Alona would kill the Queen.

  Cassy looked around the large room and noticed several guards advancing on her.

  “Cassandra, you can’t take all of them by yourself. Let me help,” Roupert groaned as he struggled to his feet.

  “How do you best my guards and save the Queen and Prince at the same time?” Alona taunted as she flicked her hand toward Frier, causing him to cry out in pain.

  Cassy’s mind was spinning. She looked at Queen Privlana, and then to Frier. She saw the pain in their eyes, and she worried that Alona would kill them regardless if she gave her the Blood Key.

  “Cassy, we must act,” Roupert shouted as he withdrew his sword and held it out toward the approaching guards

  Suddenly, Cassy felt the power of the Blood Key surge through her body. She then turned and faced Roupert. “Sir Roupert, wield your mighty sword and protect the Champion,” Cassy said in a deep voice with sparks of flames dancing in her eyes.

  “King Ashlym?” Roupert whispered.

  Not prepared for what happened next, Alona gasped with disbelief. Cassy placed her hand over the Blood Key then rested her hand on Roupert’s shoulder, causing him to glow with a fiery flame consuming his entire body. He then turned and faced the approaching guards, holding his sword at the ready.

  Alona watched in horror as Roupert stuck down her guards. His body shimmered with the red glow, and one by one, the guards fell to the floor.

  “How is that possible,” Alona growled.

  Cassy slowly walked toward Alona as the battle raged around her. Her eyes glowed with intensity, as she seemed possessed by a powerful force.

  Alona turned to face Cassy with fear and anger burning in her eyes. “You will die!”

  Alona lifted her arm and a ball of fire appeared in the palm of her hand. She released an evil laugh then threw the fireball at Cassy, gleefully awaiting the demise of this Champion. As the fireball flew across the room, a strange shimmering light surrounded Cassy in a protective bubble.

  Shock and anger consumed Alona as she watched the shimmering light around Cassy absorb the fireball, removing all of its destructive power.

  “How can that be?” Alona screamed with disbelief and rage.

  Alona gazed at the site before her and realized she was losing the battle. Roupert had slain most of her guards, and Cassy was advancing on her. She glanced over at Privlana, who still hung in the air, bound in chains.

  “Please, stop this,” Privlana pleaded.

  “Stop? I will not stop until I have the Blood Key,” Alona hissed in a threatening tone.

  Alona turned and faced Frier. “Maybe I will just kill the young Prince and end the rein of the Dragons.”

  Alona raised her arm when Cassy shouted, “Stop, Alona! You will not harm him.”

  “You dare speak to me in such a manner? I am a Queen, and I will not have a lowly creature as you talk to me in such a manner. I will do as I please, and there is nothing you can do to stop me.”

  “That is where you are wrong, Alona. For I have something that you desire,” Cassy looked at Alona with her eyes shimmering a bright emerald green and flames swirling around in them. Cassy reached up and tapped the Breast Plate twice by the Blood Key, opening the small door that was hiding the vial containing the nectar from the blossom of the Samen plant.

  “I have the power to end your rule in my hand. It was a special gift from my friend, Othan,” Cassy said as she removed the vial and held it up for Alona to see.

  “Why should I fear anything a foolish old man gave you?” Alona prodded dismissively.

  Cassy was pleased to see the doubt in Alona’s eyes betray her words. She then opened the vial and swallowed its contents, feeling the power of the flower fill her body.

  Alona was shocked, as Cassy seemed to transform before her eyes. Realizing that she must act quickly, Alona turned to Frier and raised her arm. “You will now die, young Prince.”

  Nothing could have prepared Alona for what happened next.

  “By the power of the nectar of the Samen plant and that of the Dragon, I release you from the spell of protection cast by your mother, Queen Privlana.” Cassy raised her arms toward Frier, and in a flash of light, his chains broke and fell to the floor.

  “How is this possible?” Alona cried out as the once small and helpless Dragon transformed into a great and fearsome Dragon, breathing fire, and smoke from his mouth and nostrils.

  “NO, that is impossible,” Alona shouted, barely able to contain her fear.

  Frier released a mighty roar as he spread his massive wings. “You have destroyed my family, and caused great suffering to the subjects of Walandra, Alona. You betrayed the trust my parents had in you for your evil desire for power, but all that ends today.”

  Alona did not notice that Cassy was now standing beside Privlana.

  Privlana looked down at Cassy and saw her eyes. “Ashlym, is that you?” She gasped breathlessly, as the pain of the chains, crushing her body consumed her.

  Cassy looked up at Privlana and said with joy on her face, “Yes, it is I, my dearest. Today we will be together again.”

  At hearing these words, Alona turned and was caught off guard by what she saw. “No, it is not possible. You are dead, I killed you! Do you want to be reunited with your precious wife? Fine, here she is,” Alona pointed a finger at Privlana and began
to speak the words of a death curse.”

  Rage and the desire for revenge overtook Frier. He roared again, causing Alona to break her train of thought and look at him.

  “By the Power of the Dragon, I cast you into the deepest depths of the Land of Shadows, where you shall be imprisoned for all time.” Red flames shot forth from Firer and enveloped Alona in a fiery ball of light.

  “No, I will not surrender! I will not go!” Alona shouted, as she fought against the force dragging her down into the dark, and fear filled depths of the Land of Shadows.

  “Be gone, Evil Queen. Go rule the Demlins, Ralph and David in your new kingdom,” Frier laughed with joy as he watched her disappear in a bright green flash of light.

  Once Alona was gone, the remainder of the guards fighting Roupert dropped their swords in surrender. “It is over, the rule of Alona is over!” the guards shouted with glee.

  Roupert dropped his sword, as he stepped forward to greet his old friends. “Dalmen, my old friend, it is good to see you,” Roupert grabbed Dalmen had hugged him enthusiastically with tears of joy in his eyes.

  Dalmen cried on Roupert’s shoulder as shame overtook him. “I’m sorry for my betrayal. I just couldn’t stop myself…”

  Roupert released Dalmen and looked him in the eyes. “Do not feel as though you betrayed me, my old friend. Alona bewitched you, so nothing you have done, is your fault. I only wish that I did not have to kill our brothers.” Roupert looked around at the slain guards, feeling sadness grip his heart.

  A fearsome growl drew Roupert’s attention away from Dalmen and the other guards. “Oh my,” he said in disbelief.

  The vision of Frier surprised Roupert. While Frier resembled his father in stature and looks, Roupert could see the gentle spirit of his mother in him as well.

  “Mother,” Frier cried out as he stepped closer to where Privlana now lay on the stone floor. Once Frier cast Alona into the Land of Shadows, the spell holding Privlana bound in chains was broken.

  Cassy was already at her side, holding her hand.

  “My son, you have done it. You have rid the Kingdom of Alona. I had always believed that the Champion would be the one to do it. On the other hand, I am pleased it was you. I do fear my time with you grows short. I feel the cold hands of death pulling on my soul,” Privlana whispered.


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