The Dragons Blood Key: Legend of the Dragon's Blood Key - Book 1

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The Dragons Blood Key: Legend of the Dragon's Blood Key - Book 1 Page 17

by Linda L Barton

She was absentmindedly pushing her peas around her plate when Frier spoke, “Are you feeling well? You seem distracted.”

  “I’m fine; I just had something on my mind, that’s all.” She scooped up some of the peas and put them in her mouth, hoping to ease the tense feelings churning inside of her.

  Frier laughed softly as he took her hand in his again. “I can’t explain it either, but I feel it too. We will speak once everyone is finished eating. Father has ordered a Ball in celebration of our return and he wants to honor you. I hope you will honor me by dancing with me.”

  Cassy felt his eyes look into hers with such intensity that she was convinced he had seen into her heart and saw the feelings tucked safely away for him there.

  “I would love to dance with you, Frier.” She pulled her hand away from him and continued to eat her meal, doing her best not to make eye contact with him.

  Roupert sat across the table from the Cassy, Frier, and Aaron during dinner. He had watched the stolen glances between Cassy and Frier, remembering the time he had spent with Abigail. How he longed to see her face again now that the kingdom was safe, but he knew it would never be.

  At seeing the others leave the Grand Hall, Aaron jumped to his feet. “Come on, you two. I’ve never been to a dance before.”

  Frier stood and offered his hand to Cassy, who placed her hand in his. “Thank you, Frier.”

  “It is my honor to escort the most beautiful maiden to the Ball,” Frier said, hoping to impress her with his gallantry.

  Aaron looked at the two of them and rolled his eyes. “What the heck is wrong with you two? If I didn’t know better, I’d think you liked each other…”

  Cassy turned to Aaron and gave him a threatening look. “Quiet, I don’t want to hear any of your foolishness tonight. Do you understand me?”

  Aaron had seen that look in her eyes before and he knew not to push her any further. “Sure, I’m sorry. I’m just excited, that’s all.”

  Aaron looked up at Frier, who smiled letting him know that he had done nothing wrong. “Come; let us go to the ball. Aaron, I would like to introduce you to my cousin, Dalaina. She is your same age, so I know that you both will become great friends. Besides, she is an excellent dancer from what I understand, and since this is your first dance, she will be a great help to you.”

  Aaron looked at Cassy, unsure of what to say. While he was excited to be going to the dance, he was nervous that he would appear a fool to Frier’s cousin. “Are you sure that she’d want to dance with me? I’ve never done any of that fancy stuff people do at a ball.”

  Frier rested his hand on Aaron’s shoulder. “I promise by the Power of the Dragon that you will dance with poise and grace tonight. All those at the ball will speak in the days ahead of how Aaron, the brother of our Champion danced with the beautiful Dalaina.

  Cassy watched as Frier’s hand began to glow softly as it rested on Aaron’s shoulder. Then when he removed his hand, she suddenly noticed a look of confidence appear on Aaron’s face.

  “Bring it on. I’m ready to rock her world,” Aaron said with a broad grin on his face as he turned and followed the others to the Ball Room.

  Once Cassy and Frier were alone, she looked at him and said, “You used magic on him, didn’t you? You used magic so he’d know how to dance.”

  Frier looked into her eyes and smiled. “No, I only gave him the confidence to try. He was so scared that he was destroying any chance to have fun. I only removed his doubt. The rest is up to him.”

  “Has anyone told you today how wonderful you are?” Cassy reached up and gently kissed his cheek.

  “My mother did, but I must say that I enjoy it much more from you. Come; let us join the others.” Frier took her by the hand and led her toward the Ball Room.

  Chapter 24

  Cassy had never seen anything so grand in her life. Candelabras lined the walls with candles casting an elegant mood over the dance floor. She felt like a Princess in a Fairytale, and she wondered if she were only dreaming.

  “Come with me,” Frier whispered, as she held tight to his arm.

  Frier led Cassy to the large table where the King and Queen sat with other people who Cassy assumed were other members of the Royal Family. Frier walked to the four empty chairs next to the King and Queen.

  “Please sit here. I will be right back.” Frier held the chair for Cassy as she sat then he pointed to a chair, letting Aaron know to wait for him there.

  Once Frier disappeared into the gathered crowd, Aaron leaned over to Cassy. “It looks like there is something going on between your two. At first, I wasn’t sure about it, but now it makes since. I know that we’re supposed to go home soon, but I believe that somehow the two of you will find each other again.”

  Cassy looked into Aaron’s eyes and saw the love they shared as brother and sister looking back at him. “How did you grow up so quickly?”

  “I don’t know. It must have something to do with hanging out with the Lillients,” Aaron laughed when he saw the surprised look on Cassy’s face. “You know, I was hoping that I’d get to see them again before we leave. I’d like to thank them for keeping me safe while you went after Alona, even though I still think I could have been some help.”

  “I’m sure you would have been. I’d like to thank them as well, and I’d like to thank Keira, the Milif for all of her help as well. I know I wouldn’t have been able to do everything I did without her help.”

  Aaron felt a hand rest on his shoulder, and when he turned to see whom it was, he found himself lost in the most beautiful pair of green eyes he had ever seen. He quickly jumped to his feet with his heart pounding wildly in his chest.

  “Aaron, I would like to introduce my lovely cousin, Dalaina. She has graciously agreed to be your dance partner this evening.” Frier glanced down at Cassy and gave her a playful wink.

  Aaron’s mind spun wildly. What was he expected to do when meeting Royalty? Was he supposed to bow? Was he supposed to take her hand? Oh no, what do I do? The words screamed in his mind.

  “I am honored to spend the evening with a dashing young man as yourself, Aaron,” Dalaina said as she offered him her hand.

  Aaron looked at Dalaina and smiled nervously as he took the offered hand. He paused a moment, unsure of what to do next when Frier pulled her seat back, allowing her to sit.

  “Thank you, Frier,” Dalaina said as she held her eyes on Aaron, who still had her hand in his. “You may let go of my hand now, Aaron.”

  Realizing how foolish he must look, Aaron let go of her hand then sat in the chair next to her without saying a word.

  As Frier sat in the chair next to Cassy, a large man who sat by the orchestra stood, and made an announcement. “Tonight is a joyous time for the Kingdom of Walandra and its people. In honor of the return of the Royal Family, we shall begin with a waltz from the King and Queen.”

  Everyone in the room turned and looked as the King and Queen stood and walked to the center of the dance floor. Once in place, the music started, and the King and Queen began to dance to a hauntingly beautiful tune. Cassy marveled how they seemed to float across the dance floor as the orchestra played. Suddenly, the King motioned to Frier to join them on the dance floor.

  “Shall we?” Frier stood and offered his arm.

  Without thinking, Cassy stood and wrapped her arm around his. She felt as though she were possessed, as she walked with him to the dance floor. He then turned to face her with his eyes burning into hers, making her feel as though at any moment she would find herself consumed in flames. She had no idea what she was doing when she rested one hand on his shoulder. Then she gasped when he placed his hand on her waist and with the other, he held her free hand in his.

  “I don’t know how to dance like this,” Cassy whispered.

  “Neither do I, but I have faith in the Power of the Dragon. I believe that we will do fine,” Frier smiled as they began to gracefully dance across the floor.

  Cassy held her eyes closed until she heard Frier whis
per in her ear. “Open your eyes, my dear Cassandra. I want you to remember this night for the rest of your life.”

  Cassy slowly opened her eyes and to her amazement, she was floating across the dance floor, doing a proper waltz to the hauntingly beautiful music.

  “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” she giggled. “My sister, Melissa would never believe it.”

  “Hey Sis, do you think Mom and Dad would believe that I can do this?” Aaron chuckled as he and Dalaina twirled past her and Frier.

  “Wow, look at you. I didn’t know you could dance like that,” Cassy said with pride.

  “It wasn’t all me, Frier did it,” Aaron grinned playfully as he and Dalaina danced off to the other side of the room.

  Cassy looked up at Frier, laughing at the smile on Aaron’s face.”

  “Thank you for helping him, but I have a question. When did you bestow a touch of the Dragon on me? I’ve never danced this way before either.”

  Frier leaned down and placed his cheek against hers, as he whispered in her ear. “I did not need to bestow the Power of the Dragon on you because you already have it within you. You see, just because you no longer wear the sacred Breast Plate and Blood Key, does not mean the Power of the Dragon removed itself from you. What you don’t understand is it will be with you for the rest of your life. It doesn’t matter if you are in Walandra or in your realm. You are now and forever part of the Dragon.”

  Cassy pulled away, unsure if she had heard him correctly. “Are you saying that I still have the same powers I did when I was on my quest to vanquish Alona? How is that possible? The curse is broken, and your father returned from the Land of Shadows. You must be wrong. I’m just back to being the same old Cassy I was before I came here.”

  Frier’s expression transformed to one of sadness. “I thought you felt the power still inside of you as I feel it in you. That is what draws us to each other.”

  Cassy shook her head, trying to understand the depth of his words. “I can’t be drawn to you in that way. I’m going to turn seventeen-years-old next week. I’ll be returning to High School in the Fall and if I keep my grades up, Mom and Dad are planning to buy me a car. I’m not ready for what you offer. I’m still a kid. Aaron and I need to return to our family. We can’t stay here, I’m sorry,” tears flowed down her cheeks as she realized what her words meant.

  Saddened by her decision, Frier also understood the desire to be with one’s family. After learning that he had a family, the last thing he could do was to request Cassy to leave hers.

  “Then let us enjoy this night of dance before you return to your realm.” Frier pulled her back into his arms then they danced across the floor as though floating on air.

  Roupert sat in the corner next to the orchestra, watching the dancers as they enjoyed the festivities.

  He could not help but wonder what would happen now that Cassy had restored the King and Queen to the throne. He knew that King Ashlym would want him to return as the head of the Palace Guard. He had to admit there was a part of him that had longed for that day, but he also had to admit that he would miss his little hut in the woods. He would also miss his time with the little dragon that had brought so much joy to his life. Now that they had returned to the castle, he wondered how his relationship with Frier would be from this time forward.

  “Are you reminiscing about times long gone? a small voice filled his mind.

  “Keira, is that you?” Roupert turned his head looking for the tiny Milif when he noticed her sitting on the shoulder of one of the violinists in the orchestra.

  “It is rather noisy in here. Let us step out on the balcony for a short talk,” Keira said then in a flash of light, she was gone.

  Roupert had to laugh when the violinist nearly jumped out of his chair from fright when Keira vanished. Once he realized the poor man was okay, he stood and walked toward the door leading outside.

  “I’m over by the fountain,” Keira’s voice sounded in Roupert’s mind.

  “Okay, I’m coming,” he said aloud, feeling the fool should anyone have heard him.

  Once he was at the fountain, he sat on the stone bench and waited.

  “Thank you for meeting with me, Roupert. I have important news for you.”

  Roupert leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest. “Okay, what was so important that you had to take me away from the festivities?”

  “It is about Abigail.”

  Roupert’s breath caught in his throat at the mention of her name. “What of Abigail? Why do you speak of her now?”

  Keira could see the sadness in Roupert’s heart. “I know your feelings for Abigail. They burn with the same intensity today, as they did all those years ago.”

  Roupert shook his head, unwilling to have his heart reminded of the pain he endured the day the Blood Key returned her to her realm. “Please, that is one subject I would prefer not to discuss.”

  “I understand the pain you feel at losing her, but I want you to know the day comes when the pain you feel may disappear forever.”

  Roupert shook his head, unsure if he had heard her correctly. “I don’t understand. How is that even possible? We no longer need a Champion, and with the Queen’s spell broken, the Blood Stone is no longer a key. Soon Cassy and Aaron will return to their realm, so any need for magic between our worlds will no longer exist.”

  “Please Roupert, I wish I could say more, but I am forbidden. Just know that should things transpire as expected, you will see your beloved Abigail again. You need to send forth your desire to see her again and let her know that eternal happiness awaits her with you in Walandra. For this to happen, it will take the strongest magic in all the realms even more powerful than that of the Dragon - The Power of Love. Of course, please don’t tell King Ashlym what I said,” Keira laughed playfully.

  Is it so? Could Abigail return to him? Roupert felt his heart come alive and fill with hope. “I want that more than anything, Keira. My heart has been empty without her.”

  “Then once Cassy and Aaron return to their realm, you must put forth the love you have for Abigail so that she will feel it across the vast distance between our realms. For that is the only way to summon her back to you.”

  Is it true? Can I actually be reunited with my beloved Abigail? The words caused his heart to leap with hope.

  “Yes, it is true, my dear friend. The time comes for Abigail to leave this life in her realm. She is alone, and her heart aches for her one true love. If you want to save her from death, you need to let her know she is wanted here with you.”

  Roupert turned and looked at Keira, his eyes suddenly filled with tears. “What do you mean save her from death? Is she in danger? Is someone trying to harm her?”

  Keira flew closer to Roupert then reached out and gently touched him on the cheek. “No, my dear friend, in her realm she has grown to be an old woman who has come to the end of her life. Soon she will die and be gone forever, so if you want to spare her the journey of death, you will need to reach out to her and summon her here to be with you. Do not doubt your love for her, Roupert. She will come to you when the time is right. All you need to do is ask, but you must not tell Cassandra or her brother. They must not know of this as it would affect their decisions for their own life paths.”

  Roupert nodded his head. “I understand, Keira. Thank you for telling me of this. My heart has been empty for so many years, and now that Frier has returned to his parents I had feared what my purpose would be.”

  He exhaled, feeling the pain he had felt for all these long years gone from his heart. “I best return to the festivities before someone realizes that I am gone.”

  Roupert bowed to Keira. She in turn returned the bow out of respect.

  “Roupert, I have something else important I must do before the morning. We will see each other again, my friend.”

  Before Roupert could say anymore, she was gone in a flash of light.

  “Goodbye, my little friend. Thank you for the joyous news of my beloved, Ab
igail.” With a new lightness in his heart, Roupert returned to the festivities and sat at the table with his friends.

  “You look pleased with yourself,” Frier teased.

  “As do you, young Prince,” Roupert winked when he noticed that he and Cassy were holding hands.

  Realizing what Roupert meant, Frier lifted Cassy’s hand and gently kissed it. “Yes, I am, and I fully plan to enjoy myself for as long as our time together lasts.”

  Roupert noticed the mixture of love and sadness in Cassy’s eyes, and he felt his heart break at knowing the pain of loss she and Frier would endure once she returned to her realm. “Yes, enjoy each precious moment, for you never know when you will have such joy in your hearts again.”

  The orchestra began to play another song. “May I have this dance?” Frier held out his hand and waited for Cassy.

  “Yes, I would love to dance with you,” she said in a soft voice as he led her out on the dance floor.

  Roupert watched as Frier and Cassy danced to the soothing music, and he wondered what their futures held for them. He could see the love burning in Frier’s eyes for Cassy, and he knew that once a Dragon fell in love that love lasted forever.

  “So much for a Dragon’s love being the only one to last for all time. My love for Abigail has endured the pain-filled years as well,” he silently said to himself, as he softly laughed at how life sometimes will play cruel tricks on one’s heart.

  As the music played, Roupert watched each couple dance across the floor. He then breathed a sigh of relief that the dangers the Kingdom had faced all those long years were finally behind them.

  Chapter 25

  Everyone had danced late into the night, so Cassy decided that she and Aaron would return home in the morning at the King’s request.

  As she lay in her bed, she thought back to the beautiful evening and that no matter how much she did not want to admit it she was in love with Frier.

  “How is that even possible? I’ve only known him a few days and most of those days he was a young, silly Dragon.” She closed her eyes and his face appeared in her mind. She had never known anyone as handsome as Frier. His eyes seemed to hold her captive. She found herself lost in the deep, shimmering emerald green with the swirling flames that seemed to dance on their own. His hair was dark and wavy with soft, loose curls teasing his neck and shoulders. As they had danced across the floor, she found herself gently twirling his hair with her fingers of the hand resting on his shoulder.


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