The Dragons Blood Key: Legend of the Dragon's Blood Key - Book 1

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The Dragons Blood Key: Legend of the Dragon's Blood Key - Book 1 Page 20

by Linda L Barton

  “Please give me your hand,” Cassy asked.

  Abigail looked at Cassy, wondering why the strange request. Deciding to see what Cassy would do, she held out her open hand.

  “This will answer all of your questions,” Cassy said as she placed the stone in the palm of Abigail’s outstretched hand.

  Abigail felt a strange and familiar sensation consume her. She looked at the stone, which now glowed and vibrated in her hand. “Oh my, it’s the Blood Key! I remember. I remember everything,” Abigail cried out with joy.

  Cassy watched as Abigail held the Blood Stone to her heart and cried then she found herself thinking of Frier and wanting to share this moment with him.

  “How did you know? I don’t understand any of this,” Abigail said through tears of pure joy.

  “I know because Aaron and I just returned from Walandra.”

  Surprise filled Abigail at hearing Cassy’s confession. “How is that possible, unless…”

  “The Blood Key chose me as the new Champion. It took Aaron and me to Walandra where I was forced to face the Evil Queen Alona.” As Cassy said the words, she could barely believe them herself. She knew that she would laugh at the story had she not lived through it.

  “You’ve returned. Does Alona still rule?” Abigail held her breath and awaited the answer.

  “No, she is banished to the Land of Shadows. All is as it should be in the kingdom. Even King Ashlym has returned to rule with Queen Privlana.”

  “So, you were able to complete your quest? How wonderful, did anyone help you?” A look of sadness suddenly filled her eyes, as she struggled at how to ask the question burning in her mind.

  “Yes, the three Lillients helped me, Othan, Frier, and….Roupert,” Cassy waited for the question she knew would surely come.

  “How are our little friends; Arianna, Syrea, and Brianna doing?” Abigail smiled at the memories of the three little fairies.

  “They are doing well. I don’t think I could have done it without their help,” Cassy grinned, waiting for Abigail to ask of Roupert.

  “You said Frier helped you? I was wondering when he would emerge from the egg. I bet he’s a wonderful young man.”

  Cassy fought back her tears, not wanting Abigail to know how she felt about Frier. “Yes, he was wonderful. At first I thought of him as a silly, little Dragon, but once Queen Privlana’s spell was broken, I realized what an exceptional person he really is.”

  Abigail watched as Cassy spoke of Frier, and she could not help but notice a hint of sadness and longing in her voice. She looked carefully at Cassy and saw the emotions playing out on her face. It was then that she knew. “You’re in love with Frier, aren’t you?”

  Cassy sat in stunned silence, not sure of how to respond.

  “Does he return your feelings for him?” Abigail looked deeply into Cassy’s eyes.

  Cassy turned her face away and looked out of the window, searching for the best words to respond.

  Abigail gasped as she covered her mouth with her hand. “Oh my, you do understand what it means when a Dragon gives their heart in love, don’t you?”

  Cassy nodded her head, not wanting to meet Abigail’s gaze. “Yes, I understand.”

  Cassy rested her hand on the amulet, hidden under her pajama top, feeling the warm sensation caressing her.

  “I don’t understand. You banished the Evil Queen, fell in love with Prince Frier, had the chance to live a life that most would only dream of, and yet, you still came back? Why?”

  Cassy turned and looked at Abigail, unsure of how to answer the question. She knew what she wanted to say, but thought better of it. “I had to come back. I needed to bring Aaron home, and I promised to bring you the Blood Stone.”

  Abigail shook her head in disbelief. “I can understand bringing Aaron home, but why leave just to bring the Blood Stone to an old woman who is in her final days of this life. My dear, you have your entire life ahead of you. You have a Dragon, who has given you his heart, and that is something special. If I had the chance to be with my true love, I would go without a second thought.”

  “But you do have the opportunity to be with your true love. In fact, he waits for you in Walandra,” Cassy said with a smile. “Why haven’t you asked of him yet?”

  Abigail looked at Cassy, surprised by this statement. “Are you speaking of Roupert?”

  Cassy nodded her head.

  “Are you saying that Roupert remembers me after all of these years? How is that possible? I was sure that he had moved on with his life.”

  “How could he move on with his life when you had his heart with you?” Cassy smiled when she saw the look of joy appear on Abigail’s face.

  “I just assumed…” she wiped tears from her eyes.

  “I had to come back to bring you the Blood Stone so that you could return to Walandra. Keira said that you would know the proper time as the Blood Stone would let you know. Roupert is a wonderful man so I can see why you love him. I’m sorry that you have spent all of these years alone,” Cassy brushed her hand across the amulet again feeling the same soothing warmth emanating from it.

  Abigail leaned forward and hugged Cassy tightly. “Thank you. I can’t begin to tell you how happy this makes me. I would often dream of Roupert and Walandra, but once I awoke I believed it to all be the longing of a lonely woman.”

  Cassy rested her head on Abigail’s shoulder. She was glad to have given her great-grandmother hope for the future, but a small corner of her heart ached for her own loss.

  Abigail stood and took Cassy by the hand. “Come on, my dear. I smell our breakfast and we want to get there before your little brother eats it all.”

  Both women laughed then headed to the dining room.

  Chapter 28

  The rest of the week went uneventfully. Cassy and Abigail had spent hours talking. Abigail shared stories from her life, as well as her time as Champion in Walandra. Cassy enjoyed this opportunity to get to know her great-grandmother better, and when the time to go home arrived, she found herself sad to leave. Melissa, on the other hand, was thrilled to be going home.

  “I can’t wait to get home. I cannot believe that she didn’t have any television or internet. How is that even possible today? She’s nice, but a week was too long,” Melissa groaned as she shoved her last pair of shorts into her suitcase.

  “Maybe you would have had a better time if you weren’t just sitting around and doing your nails all the time. Sheez, Melissa, there’s more to life than getting a mani and pedi.”

  Melissa looked at Cassy and rolled her eyes. “Not everyone strives to be a social zero. I have an image to live up to.”

  Realizing that she might as well be talking to the wall, Cassy decided to leave Melissa to finish her packing. Before she had gone to Walandra and faced everything there, she would have argued to make her point with Melissa. Yet, now she realized there was no point in fighting. “Okay, I’ll see you downstairs.”

  As Cassy walked toward the door, Melissa looked at her and shook her head then she realized there was something different about her sister. “Thanks. Do you need any help packing?”

  “No, mine is already done and downstairs by the front door,” Cassy smiled as she walked out to the hallway then went down the staircase.

  “Hey Cassy, we’re in here,” Aaron shouted from the library.

  Cassy walked into the library and found Aaron and Abigail sitting at the reading table with a stack of books sitting in front of them.

  “What are you two up to?” Cassy laughed when she saw the looks on their faces.

  “Queen Abigail said that I can take any of these books home with me.” He pointed excitedly to the stack of books.

  “Oh my, so you’re planning to read all of those?”

  “I sure am. She told me there are adventures of knights, dragons, and magic in these. I told her those were some of my favorite things. Isn’t she cool?” Aaron grinned as he leaned his head on her shoulder.

  “Well, we better get
those packed in something for the trip.” Cassy looked around the room, hoping to find something to use.

  “Don’t worry, my dear. Mr. Saunders has gone to get a case to pack these in as we speak,” Abigail chuckled when she saw the excited look on Aaron’s face.

  Mr. Saunders walked through the door carrying a large leather case. He set it on the table next to the books and began packing them inside.

  Abigail stood and looked at Aaron and Cassy. “Come, let’s go wait out on the porch. It’s a lovely day, so it’s a shame to waste it by staying inside.”

  Aaron jumped to his feet, “I’ll race you outside.”

  “Oh, no, you don’t,” Cassy laughed as they both rushed to the door with Abigail following them.

  The long black limousine pulled up in front of the house and stopped. Mr. Saunders stepped outside pulling a small cart with the suitcases and the leather case with Aaron’s books.

  Aaron jumped to his feet. “Do you need any help?”

  “Thank you, but no. Please sit until it’s time to leave,” Mr. Saunders said flatly.

  Cassy and Abigail exchanged glances as they watched a disappointed Aaron return to his seat.

  “Don’t feel bad, Aaron. He’s grumpy with me as well,” Abigail grinned when she saw the surprised look on Aaron’s face.

  Once Mr. Sanders had the luggage in the trunk, he waved for the children to join him. “You will need to let Miss Melissa know that it’s time to leave.”

  “I’ll get her.” Aaron jumped to his feet and went inside of the house.

  “Well, I guess it’s time for you to go. I’m going to miss you terribly,” Abigail said with tears filling her eyes.

  “I’m going to miss you too. You’ll let me know before you return to Walandra, won’t you?”

  Abigail reached into her pocket and pulled out the Blood Stone. “As soon as this tells me it’s time, I’ll let you know.”

  “Gosh, Aaron, I was on the phone with Jennifer. You don’t have to be so rude,” Melissa huffed as she followed Aaron outside.

  “Hey, I told you that it was time to go. It’s not my fault you kept talking,” Aaron teased.

  “You just wait until we get home and I tell Mom about what a brat you are,” Melissa groaned as she walked down the steps to the waiting limousine.

  “Dang Melissa, you’re the one who’s being rude,” Cassy said as she followed Aaron down the steps to the limousine.

  Mr. Saunders held the door open, allowing Melissa to get inside and sit on the other side next to the window. Aaron stopped before getting in, and then waited for Abigail to join them.

  “Thank you for letting us come for a visit. I love you, and I hope we get to come back soon,” he said as he hugged her goodbye.

  Abigail held him tightly. “I love you too, and I hope you come and see me again soon.”

  Aaron jumped into the limousine and sat across from Melissa, making her complain when he accidently kicked her foot.

  “Ouch, watch where you put those huge feet of yours.”

  Aaron laughed when he saw the look of disgust on her face. “Hey, maybe it’s your feet that are the big ones.”

  “I can’t wait to get home so that I can get the heck away from you.” Melissa crossed her hands over her chest and glared out of the window.

  “Ma’am, we need to get going. The pilot is scheduled to leave in thirty minutes,” Mr. Saunders said in a firm voice.

  Cassy looked at Abigail and smiled. “Well, I guess it’s time to go. I’m going to miss you, Queen Abigail. I hope you don’t mind if I call you from time to time?”

  “Oh, that would be lovely. I miss you already,” she grabbed Cassy and held her close.

  Cassy pressed her cheek to Abigail’s cheek and whispered in her ear, “If you need me, I promise to be there for you. I love you.”

  Abigail pulled Cassy closer. “I love you too. Thank you for everything.”

  Mr. Saunders cleared his throat. “Ladies, we must get going.”

  Abigail released Cassy after giving her a kiss on the forehead. “Give your Mother and Father my love, will you?”

  “I will,” Cassy said as she climbed into the back of the limousine.

  Abigail leaned down and looked in the back seat. “Goodbye, Melissa.”

  Melissa turned and looked at Abigail with a look of embarrassment on her face for her previous behavior. She knew that she had been acting horribly. It’s just that the last few days she had felt like an outsider. Ever since the night she had found Cassy and Aaron in the library, she didn’t seem to be a part of the group.

  “Goodbye, Queen Abigail. Thank you for a fun visit.” Melissa forced a smile then she turned her head back toward the window.

  Abigail gave the three of them a playful wink. “I look forward to our next visit.”

  Mr. Saunders closed the door then climbed into the driver’s seat. He then turned on the ignition and put the car in gear.

  Cassy looked out of the back window and watched the lone figure of Abigail fade away as they drove down the long driveway and to the private airport with the airplane that will take them back to their lives.

  Eleven Months Later

  Swirling smoke filled the nostrils of those trapped in the Land of the Shadows with the pungent order of sulfur. Every creature lived in terror; cursing the day of their banishment into the darkness forever. All did their best to remain unseen, all except for one.

  “Do not tell me that I cannot leave. I have gathered all of the Demlins under my control, and my power is stronger now than ever. No foolish Champion is going to keep me from my goal. I was weak, but now no force can stop me. No Champion, no Dragons. I will rule unbound from the limitations of my fleshly body. I am no longer Queen Alona. I am now the Dark Queen of Death, and all those who stood against me will suffer. Be they in Walandra or the realm of the Champion…

  A Message from the Author

  I hope that you have enjoyed reading

  The Dragon’s Blood Key

  I invite you to join Cassy on a new adventure as she once again fights

  the evil forces in

  Book 2

  Return of

  The Dragon’s Blood Key

  Due out 2016

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