Tangle Tails

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Tangle Tails Page 7

by Jane Jamison

  He chuckled, the warmth of his breath wafting over her face. “Are you drawn to me?” He tipped his head toward Win and Mars, who stood nearby as though waiting for Charlie to give them the “all’s clear” signal.

  He could’ve asked her if she were attracted to him. Or if she found him sexy. Instead, he’d asked her if she was drawn to him.

  How’d he know?

  She couldn’t have described the feeling filling her any better. Yet, instead of answering, she asked a question of her own. “Are you…drawn to me?” She grew even braver. “All of you?”

  He didn’t seem surprised that she’d asked the question. “Yeah. We are.”

  “That doesn’t make any sense. None of this is making any sense.” She looked up. The cameras positioned around the barn hadn’t been difficult to find. “You know she’s watching, don’t you?”

  “Yeah.” His jaw worked. “But I don’t care. You’re more than I can resist.” He touched her shoulder then skimmed his hand through her hair, pushing it away from her shoulders.

  Her skin tingled under his caress. The heat inside her, the fire that had started between her legs, spread outward, encasing her entire body. Her need flooded her, even wiping away the pain around her handcuffed wrists. “I don’t understand what I’m feeling.” His touch was like a spark that had ignited sensations she’d never experienced before. She was more than turned on. She craved him. Her body literally ached for him.

  “Don’t try. Just let it be.” He stroked her cheek then let his hand fall to her breast. Cupping it gently, his gaze met hers.

  “My brother,” she whispered.

  “He’s asleep.”

  She studied his mouth, so masculine, yet so utterly touchable. Kissable. “Still.”

  “No, he wouldn’t like it. But I don’t think he’d like any man touching you. He wouldn’t think any man is good enough for you. And he’d be right.” His hand slipped behind her neck as he brought his face closer. “Joy.”


  He shook his head ever so lightly. “I just like saying your name.”

  Then his lips were on hers, simultaneously taking her breath away then giving it back. Her tongue found his in a tangled twist. She tried to reach for him, but the handcuffs held her back. Instead, she put even more into her kiss, wanting to tell him without words how much she needed him.

  “Charlie. Damn it.”

  She heard Win’s voice but kept kissing Charlie even as Win pulled him back. “No. Please, don’t stop.”

  Win, who had shoved Charlie back, stopped, his mesmerizing gray eyes flecked with bits of amber, and reversed his direction, no longer moving away with Charlie. Instead, he dropped to his knees then cupped her behind the neck and tugged her mouth to his.

  The cool bars pressed against her cheeks, but it didn’t matter. As long as she could kiss him, she didn’t care. Like Charlie, he took her breast and cupped it, fondling it while massaging her nipple with his thumb. She moaned and pushed harder against the steel barricade keeping them apart.

  “Fuck. If you two are going to give in, then so am I.”

  Win was thrown back but managed to grab hold of a bar. “Fuck off, brother.” His voice was low, deep and guttural.

  “No fucking way.” Mars gave him another shove, sending him to his ass as Mars moved in to take his place.

  His kiss was intense, demanding, and she gave him all she had. Twisting around, she got onto her knees and pushed her body against the bars, offering him as much of her as he could touch. He moaned, and she moaned in answer. Arching her back, she thrust her breasts toward him, and he took both in his hands.

  I have to have them.

  But she couldn’t. Not when they were separated by a wall of bars.

  She almost wept when he skimmed one hand down her abdomen to find its way between her legs. Thrusting forward, she silently begged him to undo her jeans and put his hand against her weeping pussy.

  She broke the kiss and turned her head. His mouth, his tongue, his teeth found her neck, kissing, licking, nibbling. “Mars. Please. Your hand.”

  He moaned again, the sound going deeper, more desperate. His hand was on the button of her jeans when she heard her brother’s voice.

  “What the fuck are you doing?”

  Stunned, she fell back from the bars, painfully jerking her hands as she did. Her gaze went to John, who stalked toward Mars. He grabbed hold of his hair and yanked him backward. John turned, putting his back to her as he towered over Mars.

  “No, John. Stop it! He didn’t do anything I didn’t want him to do!”

  Her brother turned back to her, slowly. As he did, his gaze met hers. She sucked in a hard breath and stared at the amber in his eyes. “John, what’s wrong with your eyes?” Anger swelled inside her. “What has that bitch done to you?”

  The fury left his face, and as it did, so did the amber color in his eyes. He put his back to her again. “It’s okay, sis. I’m okay.”

  She rattled the bars, needing to vent her frustration. “No, you’re not. What did she do to you?” Looking to the other men, she had to wonder if Kit had done awful things to them, things that would change their eyes. Or worse.

  “Joy, it’s okay. We’re all going to be okay.” Charlie took hold of her arms and helped her get to her feet. “I swear. One way or another, we’re going to get you out of here.”

  His eyes held no amber. As Win and Mars gathered around her, she searched their eyes and didn’t see amber there, either. “What’s wrong with my brother?”

  “Nothing. He’s going to be fine,” assured Win.

  But she couldn’t believe him. Not after what they’d already been through. Not after seeing John’s eyes. She looked past the men. “John, turn around. Show me your eyes.”

  Slowly, her brother faced her. She stared as hard as she could, but the amber was gone as though it had never been there. “I don’t understand. I saw your eyes. Please, tell me what’s going on.”

  “So you want to know what’s going on, huh?”

  Joy twisted around, holding her bound hands above her head. “Why are you doing this to us?”

  Kit sauntered in, pulling a child’s wagon behind her. Raw, bloody meat filled the wagon along with a bowl of what looked to be oatmeal. “What are you talking about? I’m here to feed you.” She stopped. “Unless you don’t want anything to eat? If you don’t, then just say so and I’ll give it to the dog.”

  “Why are you holding us prisoners?” Joy bit back more she wanted to say, keeping her anger in check. Showing Kit how upset she was wouldn’t help. Kit would, instead, use her anger against her.

  Kit pulled the wagon closer then picked up a piece of meat and tossed it into the cage. “A girl’s got to do what a girl’s got to do.”

  “What the hell does that mean?” Joy watched as Kit threw more meat into the cage. “Why are you giving them raw meat? They’re not animals.”

  Kit paused then broke into a cackle-like laugh. “They’re not animals? Are you sure about that?” She tossed two more steaks into the cage. “Better eat up, boys. You’re going to need your strength. After all, you promised the little princess here that you’d get her home safe and sound.”

  Charlie picked up a steak and threw it at the bars. “Let her go, Kit. She hasn’t done anything against you.”

  Win picked up a chuck roast and a steak then reached through the bars and dropped them to the ground outside the cage. “Turn her loose. We’re not eating until you do.”

  Kit shrugged. “Fine. Don’t eat. I don’t give a damn. Starve yourselves for all I care. Might be fun to watch.”

  Suddenly, she was next to Joy, her hand cupped around Joy’s neck. Joy sucked in as much air as she could, but as hard as she tried, she couldn’t get Kit’s hand off her throat. Growls, all too animal-like, erupted behind her.

  “Tell you what, boys. Keep pushing me and I might accidentally break her scrawny neck.”

  “If you hurt her,” said John, “I will track you d
own and tear your heart out.”

  Kit released Joy, laughing again. “Ooh, tough talk from the kitten in the group.”

  Joy drew in one hard breath after another. Her throat hurt, but she didn’t let on. She glowered at Kit, wishing she could break the cuffs, get free, and strangle the woman herself.

  Kit picked up the bowl of oatmeal and set it on the ground next to Joy. It took every bit of restraint in Joy not to kick at her, but what good would it have done? She still wouldn’t be able to get free.

  Kit set a cup next to the bowl then straightened up. “The guys can hand you the bowl and then get you a cup of water.” She looked at Kit, her eyebrows lifted, as though expecting a thank-you.

  “You have to stop this. At least, let her go.” Win’s tone was placating, doing his best to sound reasonable.

  Kit let out a sigh. “Hey, I didn’t ask her to come snooping around, but now that she’s seen everything, she has to stay.” Taking one of the keys off the ring, she tossed it inside the cage. “Charlie, undo the chain lock.”

  “Thank God,” said John, relief thickening his tone.

  “Don’t get excited. It’s time for us girls to take a powder room break. After all, I’m not a monster. I wouldn’t want to see her wet her pants. And I’m sure as hell not going to change her. As for using a bucket like you four? Well, that’s just plain unladylike. Go on, Charlie, unlock the chain then toss the key back to me.”

  Joy twisted back so she could face Charlie as he worked on the lock. She hoped he could see all the emotion she tried to put into her eyes.

  “If you get a chance, run,” he whispered.

  She blinked once, hard, showing him that she’d do what he wanted. Once free, she stepped away from the cage and held out her cuffed hands.

  “Sorry, but no can do.” Kit grabbed hold of Joy’s hair. “Try anything stupid and I’ll come back and shoot your brother in the head. Got it?”

  Joy nodded, causing more pain. “I won’t.”

  “Good.” Kit snagged her arm. “We girls will be right back, boys. Try not to miss us too much.”

  Joy struggled to stay on her feet as Kit led her to a small room in the back of the barn. Once the door was closed, Kit motioned for her to get busy. It took some work, but Joy managed to get her jeans undone and her panties pushed down. “Do you mind not watching?”

  Joy shot her an “oh, sure” look, but didn’t turn around.

  With no other choice, Joy sat on the toilet. “You know you’re not going to get away with this, don’t you?”

  “Do you think I care?”

  Joy searched Kit’s face and found a vulnerability she hadn’t seen before. Someone had hurt Kit badly. Had it been the Mesa brothers or someone else? “Why don’t you care? Who hurt you bad enough to turn you into a kidnapper?”

  Kit smirked. “You think you’ve got me all figured out, don’t you? Well, you don’t.”

  “Someone hurt you. That much is clear.”

  The vulnerability disappeared in a flash. Hatred and anger replaced it. “Go on. Fall in love with them.”

  “What?” Joy finished and pulled up her clothing.

  “You’re falling for them. Come on. You were in the study. You saw the monitors. You know I’ve been watching you.”

  “I just met them.” Yet didn’t what Kit said ring true? But how? Nobody fell in love that fast.

  “Trust me. Around here, it’s normal.” Once more, Kit’s emotions rose to the surface. The pain and the hurt.

  “But I don’t. I mean…” What could she say that would make any sense to her or to Kit?

  “You’re falling for them. I saw it.” She leaned closer, taking Joy’s arm and squeezing it. “They’re like that. They make you love them. They have the power to do that. And then, once you do, they toss you aside for another woman. In the end, they’ll leave you hurting and alone.”

  “But…” She winced as Kit squeezed her arm even harder.

  “They will. Believe it. You’ll be all alone.” Her eyes glistened with madness. “Or, worse, they’ll change you. Inside and out, they’ll change who you are.”

  Joy was speechless. Strangely, she was certain that Kit was trying to help her, to warn her. But from what? She wasn’t falling for the men.

  Was she?

  * * * *

  The next day passed uneventfully. At least, as uneventfully as a day could be while chained to a cage with four men inside it. She’d grown used to sitting on the ground next to the cage and talking to the men. Had, in fact, at times enjoyed it.

  “So you guys grew up in Lonesome?” They’d talked about their upbringing, which sounded like something from a past era. The people of Lonesome could’ve stepped right out of the fictional television town called Mayberry and into real life. Sometimes she’d ask questions that she already had answers to just to hear them talk. Their voices, each one dripping with testosterone and masculinity, yet each unique, made her feel safe.

  “Yeah. We did.” Charlie rested his back against the bars next to her. “Well, I did. I’m not so sure either one of these guys ever grew up.”

  “I’m two years older than you,” argued Win.

  “That doesn’t mean you grew up mentally,” joked Charlie. “Or emotionally, either.”

  She leaned her head against part of Win’s shoulder. John sat on the other side of the cage, his head down. Was he asleep? Or was his depression, a disease he’d struggled with since adolescence, taking over? She ached to comfort him, but nothing she said ever made a difference. “And you want to stay in Lonesome for the rest of your lives?”

  “Yep. However long that is.”

  She didn’t look at Mars. Although she knew she’d see a soft smile on his face, she understood what he really meant. How much longer would their lives last?

  “And what about you, baby?” asked Win. “Where do you want to spend the rest of your life?”

  Would she have a life? Or would she die in the barn? She shoved the negative thoughts away, determined to stay optimistic, if only for her brother’s sake. “I don’t know. I like Dallas, but I’ve always wondered what it would be like to live in a small town like Lonesome. I’d like to know my neighbors and their kids.”

  “Do you want kids?” asked Charlie.

  “Yes.” She’d thought about children off and on but had never really come to a decision until now. A hand stroked the back of her head. She closed her eyes, enjoying the contact.

  After Kit had confirmed her belief that she was watching, Joy had, at first, found it difficult to let the men touch her again. But soon enough, she’d given in. She craved their touches now, not only in a sexual way but in a life-affirmation that she was still breathing. She was beginning to believe their repeated assertions that they’d get free soon.

  “How many?” asked Win.

  She’d used to think she wanted only one child. After all, the world was already overcrowded. But after spending time with the men and hearing about their childhood, she now wanted three. One child from each man. The idea was crazy, but there it was. “At least three.”

  “How about six?” asked Mars as he, too, leaned forward. His arm reached around to cup a breast.

  Her sigh morphed into a moan of pleasure. “Charlie.” It was more than his name. It was a demand.

  He answered by cupping her other breast. “How about six?” repeating Mars’ question.

  “Six? That’s a lot.” How could she think straight with both men toying with her nipples? “I guess six would be good.” She arched, pushing her breasts against their hands. “Real good.”

  Their chuckles warmed her skin. She wished they could use their breaths, their mouths to warm other parts of her.

  “We’re going to have one hell of a story to tell them about how we met.” Charlie pinched her nipple.

  “Yes.” She looked toward the barn door. Kit hadn’t come around much today. Was she working? Would they get lucky and someone would show up to find them before Kit came back home? “Yes, we would.�

  “Not would. Will. It’s going to happen, sugar,” added Charlie. “We’re going to make it out of here.”

  She nodded, no longer denying his claim. If she had anything to do with it, they’d make it out. But would they be together? Or was Kit telling her the truth? Would they end up leaving her?

  All at once, their hands, their touches were gone.

  “John’s waking up,” whispered Win.

  She nodded then handed Charlie her water cup. “Could you get me some water, please?”

  We’ll get out of here. We have to. I’ll die trying.

  * * * *

  “We didn’t plan it. You know we didn’t, right?” Charlie hoped John would believe him. He didn’t want his friend to think that they were using Joy. They’d never done that to any woman, much less the sister of a friend.

  “No, man. Of course not.”

  Charlie glanced at Joy, who looked to be deep in thought. He and his brothers had cornered John on the other side of the cage. After spending more time with Joy, they’d made their final decision. She was their intended mate.

  “We should’ve said something before now,” added Win. “But we wanted to be sure.”

  John nodded, understanding. “I get it. And I’m happy. For you and for her.” He glanced at his sister. “But she doesn’t know anything about shifters, about you or about me.”

  “Yeah, we know.” Mars grinned then clapped a hand on John’s shoulder. “Look, man, if we’d met her in some other way, we’d still want her. Our lions are telling us that she’s the one. But we figured, we’d ask you. We want to make sure you’re all right with it.”

  “And if I’d said I wasn’t? Would you have backed off and forgotten about her?”

  Charlie scoffed. “Hell, no. But you’d understand when you met your mate. There’s no backing off once you’ve found her.”

  “Yeah. That’s what I figured you’d say. So you’re not really asking my permission.”

  “Well, yes and no.” Mars crossed his arms. “We’d like to know that it’s okay with you. After all, we’re the ones who changed you.”

  “Will you change her, too?” Concerned filtered onto John’s face.


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