Claiming Tiny

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Claiming Tiny Page 2

by Khloe Wren

  Keg had been right about her looks. Missy was fucking gorgeous. She obviously had some Mexican blood, with her silky smooth, caramel skin-tone that made my fingers twitch, and that sweet accent of hers. It wasn’t strong, and her English was flawless, so I guessed she’d grown up in the US. But fuck me, I only needed to hear her say a word or two before my cock was hard and throbbing for her.

  Taking another pull on my beer, I tried to push aside what Keg’s words had made me think about, but it was useless. My mind was on that track now. But fuck, old ladies were nothing but trouble. I didn’t want, or need one. As I took another mouthful, I glanced around the yard, noticing a few of the brothers whose old ladies hadn’t left yet. Keys, the club’s secretary and tech expert, had his woman, Donna, up against the fence. Despite the fact the pair of them were in their fifties, Keys, the dirty bugger, had one hand down her pants, while the other was holding her shirt down so her bare tit was out and in his face. Donna had her head back and her fingers tangled in her man’s hair. Seeing them had me wondering if maybe having an old lady wasn’t so bad.

  I turned and caught sight of Bank, another of the men who had a permanent woman. With a wince, I took another drink and looked away from the tense situation that reminded me way too much of my foster home. My foster mother had taught me well that when a woman was that mad, you’d best leave her the fuck alone. I didn’t even want to risk eye contact with that one. No idea what the fuck Bank had done, but clearly he was firmly in the doghouse. Memories of the fights between my foster parents flickered through my mind. Drunken father that would storm out and not return for days, equally drunken, drugged-up mother passing out on the couch leaving me, and the other unfortunate kids in their care, to fend for ourselves. Yep, now I remembered why I didn’t want an old lady. Didn’t want the drama of it all.

  As I took my last mouthful of beer, the whores started coming out the back door. Must’ve ticked past ten pm. Naturally, Missy was among them. The fire light catching on her long shiny black hair as she moved. Why couldn’t she have chosen to go into the main bar area inside, where I at least didn’t have to see her getting fucked? Keg’s words played through my head, that if I just manned up and claimed her, I wouldn’t have this fucked-up problem. But I couldn’t just fuck her anymore. That last time had pushed me to the edge of my control and I’d nearly fucking claimed her afterwards. Now, a full week later, I was still on edge. Especially when one of the Cowboys pulled Missy up against him. Thankfully, that was when another of the whores came up to me with a couple bottles hanging from her fingers.

  “Need a refill, sugar?”

  “Sure, babe.”

  She handed me one of the already-open bottles while she took a mouthful from the other. After taking my first swig, I pulled her to stand between my spread thighs. I had no idea what her name was, and didn’t really care. Without me saying a word she slid to her knees, and after she set her bottle on the seat beside us, her long, manicured fingers went for my belt and fly. I kept drinking as she freed my cock and wrapped her glossy lips around me. I groaned as she deep throated me on her first fucking slide down. Damn.

  Wrapping my free hand in her blonde curls, my gaze flicked up over her head and suddenly it wasn’t Blondie that was sucking my dick. Nope, it was Missy, even though she was actually sucking off a Cowboy across the yard from me. A second Cowboy came up behind Missy, and kneeling down behind her, flipped up her skirt and palmed her bare ass cheeks. With a groan, I fucked up harder into Blondie’s mouth, wishing I was across the way, about to slip my cock into Missy’s tight little pussy.

  The guy at her mouth pulled free and dropped to his knees in front of her. He pulled her shirt off over her head, and even all the way over here, I could see the way her tits bounced in the night air. Fuck, she was pretty. Her darkly tanned skin fucking glowed in the firelight. Draining my bottle, I snatched up the one Blondie had started. Considering I hadn’t eaten all fucking day, the beer was going straight to my head. Which probably wasn’t such a hot idea, but I didn’t give a fuck. When the man in front of Missy wrapped his hands around her lush mounds and started sucking on her nipples, a growl rolled out of me. Those were mine, dammit. Not fucking his.

  When the men moved Missy onto all fours and filled her mouth and pussy with their cocks, I couldn’t stand it any longer. Pulling Blondie off my cock, I turned her around so she was on all fours like Missy, and after ripping her thong away, I thrust in deep and pounded her hard, wishing on every fucking stroke that it was my Missy I was plowing into, not some whore whose name I couldn’t even remember.


  In the six months I’d been at the Charon MC clubhouse, I’d settled into the life with ease. Club life was similar to the commune, in that it was separate from the real world. It was safe here for me to relax and enjoy myself. It also helped that for the most part, we club whores all got along well, except for a couple who thought they were God’s gift to men. The turnover of the ones like that was pretty high though, so it wasn’t too hard to put up with them. It seemed that the men figured out what those women were playing at pretty quickly, and they used them hard and roughly once they did. Not many of them lasted long after that crap started.

  Despite Scout’s warning that I was going to be used hard and often, it hadn’t happened. Well, at least after the first few weeks it hadn’t. Those weeks had been eye opening, that’s for sure. The Charon MC men were pretty much all big and muscular, and they had near insatiable appetites for sex. But the main difference between here and back at the compound was that these men gave back, some more than others. Even though we were just the whores, the men never hurt us. Well, some of the girls liked a bit of pain with their fucking, but aside from that, the men never hurt us. Since being here, I’d never been hit, punched or slapped. Nor had I ever been spoken to in a way that left me wanting to scrub the skin from my bones. Sure, once the brothers started getting drunk they got more crude and cussed more, but they never degraded me to the point I wanted to fade from existence, like I had as a teenager.

  Except for one thing, I loved life here at the Charon MC clubhouse. That one thing was Tiny. Damn, but he was a beautiful man. Messy dark hair, scruffy beard and soulful hazel eyes I could stare into all damn day. And despite his road-name, he wasn’t small in the least. Nope, he was huge, like a bear. He wasn’t only tall at six feet five, but broad in the shoulders, too. When he came for me, I adored how he’d hold me against him. It felt like he’d keep me safe from everything when he wrapped me up in his big arms. His size easily dwarfed me, but I never felt intimidated. Nope, I felt safe. Protected.

  A sigh escaped me as I made my way back to the bar for more drinks to take back out there. He didn’t search me out much anymore. Fawn, another of the club whores who I lived with, told me it was because he wanted me for more than some quick relief. But if that were the case, wouldn’t he be all over me whenever he could? Fawn said that was why I didn’t get chosen by the others very often, because they didn’t want to piss Tiny off. Well, they pissed me off. Since coming to the Charons, I’d discovered I rather liked sex. For all the training I’d received in the commune, I’d never been allowed to enjoy the act myself. It had always been all about what the man wanted. Here, with these men, it was mutual. Sure, I was expected to follow orders and make sure the men came, but I was allowed to enjoy it too. Enjoy being the center of someone’s attention, for at least a little while. So when I got left in the corner while all the other girls were busy getting some attention, I couldn’t help but feel like there was something wrong with me. Especially when I was forced to stand by and watch Tiny be with the others.

  That’s why I liked these weekends. Whenever the Satan’s Cowboys came to town I knew I was in for a busy time. So when the clock had first hit ten about an hour ago, and I’d followed the others out to the bonfire, I hadn’t been surprised to be snatched up by a couple of the Cowboys and taken care of within minutes. My pussy tingled and I smiled at the memory of having the two of them
all over me. They’d helped me feel like a woman again.

  Once I had my hands full of opened bottles―I’d now worked out how to take four without spilling anything―I went back toward the yard. Once there, I started handing out the drinks. Scout took one and gave my ass a tap in thanks as I moved on. The second bottle went to a younger guy, a prospect who was quick to pull me in close before he tugged my top down and latched onto my nipple for a minute after he’d slipped a bottle from my grip. Next thing I knew, the other bottles were being lifted from my grip. Then, two large hands slid up my thighs and gripped handfuls of my ass, before they moved to hold my hips.

  “Damn, you are a pretty little thing aren’t ya, sugar?”

  I knew the voice. It was Keg, one of the brothers who spent a lot of time in the whore room. He drew me back from the prospect, who didn’t look happy but didn’t say anything as he drank his beer and watched. It hadn’t taken me long to realize that prospects didn’t rank too high in this place. If a patched in brother wanted me, the prospect had no chance of having me.

  I was pulled back against a hard body and large, rough hands came around to my front. He rolled my shirt up so that both of my breasts were now on display. I moaned at the feel of the night air brushing over my sensitive skin. Then he squeezed and tugged on my nipples until the arousal spiraling through my system had me grinding my ass against him. He kept his teasing up, tugging and pinching my flesh, until I was on the edge of an orgasm.

  “You gonna fuck me, or what?”

  “Oh, not me. I’m just testing a theory here, and our boy is about to prove me right. You can come thank me later, sugar.”

  Confusion brought me back from the edge a fraction, but before I could ask what the hell he meant, he turned me away from the prospect and toward the fire.

  Toward Tiny.

  “Oh, fuck.”

  I tried to back away, but Keg released my breasts and wrapped his palms around my hips, holding me still as he softly kissed my throat below my ear. Tiny’s lips kicked up into a sneer as he strode toward us, focusing on where Keg was touching me with his mouth.

  “Please, Keg, just let me go already.”

  I had to get away. I’d seen Tiny fucking another of the whores earlier, and as usual, it had cut me down to my soul. I couldn’t take a run-in with him now. Keg had gotten me so worked up, but now that arousal was turning and twisting into something else. Something, that, if I gave in and let it loose, would get me kicked out of the clubhouse. I’d been told not to let my heart get involved here. I knew I couldn’t lay any real claim to the man currently coming at me like an out-of-control freight train.

  “Shh, Missy, you’ll be fine. He wouldn’t ever hurt you, babe. Now, he might take a swing at me for this, but we gotta get him past whatever shit he’s hung up on that’s stopping him from doing the right thing with you.”

  I shook my head, but didn’t have time to ask anything else before a furious Tiny stood before me. His gaze dropped down and caught on my breasts for a minute, like he couldn’t help himself.

  “Hey, Tiny, you’re looking a little vicious there, brother. I’m sure Missy, here, can help you with that. Ain’t that right Missy?”

  Keg’s palms covered my breasts again and the vein above Tiny’s right eye started to pulse. His eyes were glazed with a drunken gleam and I really wasn’t sure what he was going to do next. What I did know, was that Keg was playing with fucking fire and dangling me right over the top of the damn flames.

  I jumped with a squeal when he threw his bottle in the nearby bin hard enough it shattered others as it landed. Once again I tried to back away, but Keg’s hard body wouldn’t budge. I was caught between two lions and I really felt like a little mouse right about now. Keg wasn’t as tall as Tiny, but he was still a lot taller than my five feet three height.


  I honestly didn’t know what I wanted to happen, but this tension was killing me. My body was still strung tightly from not getting the release Keg had teased me with earlier. The fact I could now smell Tiny’s scent wasn’t helping, even if he didn’t look like he wanted to help me out.

  With a growl, Tiny reached for me. When his large palm wrapped around my arm, Keg released me with a chuckle.

  “Glad to see you manning up, brother. Go take care of her.”

  Then Keg was gone and it was just Tiny and me. The big man who had unintentionally stolen my heart from me. It had been over a week since he’d searched me out and I’d missed his touch, his scent. All the men smelled of leather, but Tiny had an extra spice to his scent that could make me wet just from the smell.

  I didn’t know what the hell Keg had meant with his words, but I could see Tiny was on edge. Would he let me ease him back down? With a twitch of my hips, I slid up against his front. He’d taken off his shirt at some point, and his muscular chest and abs peaked out from the center of his cut. When his grip on my arm loosened, I ran my palms up under his cut so I could press my exposed breasts against his bare chest. A moan bubbled up from my throat when my nipples scraped against his hard torso. He stiffened beneath my touch, and a flash of panic flared inside me that he was going to shove me away and leave. Before he could, I ran a palm down to the large bulge behind his fly and gave him a squeeze.

  “Want me to take care of this for you, babe?”

  Something dark flashed in his eyes before, with a growl, he lifted me up and slung me over his shoulder. Men laughed around us as he strode for the door. His palm was wrapped around my upper thigh, his fingers oh-so-close to where I wanted him. With a deep breath, I pushed my arousal aside, and lifting my head, noticed he was heading for the stairs. He was taking me to his room? I chewed on my lower lip at what this could mean. Normally club whores didn’t get the privacy of a room. Generally speaking, the bikers just fucked us where they found us. I couldn’t help but hope that maybe Tiny did feel something more for me.

  A few minutes later, I was dropped on a large bed. I kept my gaze locked on my man, waiting for something to happen. Like, maybe the alarm going off and me waking up, because this all felt like something I’d dream up.

  In silence I watched him peel off his cut, hang it up, then strip out of his boots and jeans. I nearly swallowed my tongue. I’d never seen him completely naked before. He was a work of art, and not just because of all the ink. My fingers itched to touch and caress, but I didn’t want to risk breaking whatever spell he was under.

  When he took hold of my ankle and tugged me to the edge of the bed, a little squeak of surprise left me and he grinned.

  “Kinda like you making that sound, Missy.”

  He pulled me up to stand and made fast work of stripping me bare.

  “However, what I don’t like is the smell of other men on what’s mine. Come with me.”

  His words were slightly slurred, and I hoped like hell he wasn’t so drunk that he’d forget about this in the morning. If he pulled a stunt like that, I wasn’t sure I’d survive it. Not after having him call me his, like he just had.

  Chapter 2


  The shower had been short and hot. Clearly impatient, Tiny had guided me under the spray before it was warm, but his roaming hands made sure I didn’t give a damn about the temperature of the water spraying down on us. And my own hands had been far from idle, as I’d made the most of the opportunity and ran my fingers over every inch of him I could reach.

  Now I stood in his room, waiting for him to return. He’d run a towel over me, and was currently tossing it back into the bathroom. In seconds he was back on me, wrapping me up in his big arms. My heart melted as he surrounded my smaller body with his larger one. When he lifted me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. We both groaned when my slick pussy came up against the tight muscles of his abs. He buried his face against my throat and inhaled.

  “Hmm, that’s better. Fuck, you smell so good, babe.”

  He lifted me higher so he could get his mouth on my breast. When the wet he
at of his mouth engulfed the tip, I twisted my hips against him, trying to get more friction against my clit, as he had my arousal once again spiraling close to climax.

  With a growl, he dropped me, making me squeak again as I landed on the bed with a light bounce. Entranced, I couldn’t take my gaze from his face. He looked like a wild animal, ready to devour his prey. Lifting my hand, I curled a finger at him to come to me. And like the good boy he was, he did as I asked. With a knee on the bed between my thighs, he crawled over me, kissing and nipping his way up my body. When he got level with my face, he took my mouth, and I nearly cried. Tiny had never kissed me before. Not many of the men wanted to kiss us whores. It wasn’t normally part of the deal of fucking. His lips were so soft, and they melded against mine like we’d been made for each other. After he lightly nipped my lower lip, he pushed himself up and rolled off me. Before I could get upset at him rejecting me, he hauled me over on top of him.

  “Want you on top, babe. Wanna see these tits of yours bounce as you ride my cock.”

  With a grin on my face and a buzz running through my blood, I slid up his body until I could lean back and take his dick inside me. I didn’t need foreplay with Tiny—one glance at the big man and I was wet and willing. After the shower and his kiss, I was definitely wet enough to take his big cock within me easily.

  Once I was fully seated on his length, I straightened up, then arched my back as bliss flowed through me.

  “Feels so good, Tiny. Only you fill me like this.”

  Instead of verbally responding, he gripped my hips and lifted me up before pushing me down again, setting the pace even though I was on top. I swiveled and tilted my hips in time with his movements, and through hooded lids watched as his gaze stayed latched onto my breasts. Feeling sexy as fuck, I lifted my palms to cup and play with the mounds. Moments later, he sat up and wrapped his mouth around first one, then the other. He sucked and bit at my nipples until I was mindlessly whimpering as I ground my pussy on his cock.


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