Touch Down: Book 2 (TD)

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Touch Down: Book 2 (TD) Page 3

by Jessika Klide

  “Yes, same dude. He doesn’t know what happened last night. He only knows I left with you and came home alone in a taxi at 2 AM. He picked me up walking on the side of the road.” Siri tells him as she too watches Aurei.

  “Oh! He looks like he wants to kick my ass or worse." There is a slight tremor in his voice and Siri looks at TD when she hears it. He looks down into her face and marvels that this woman, all 5’ and a few inches, can command so easily. From the Swingers last night, to that beast of a man. "And, he looks like he could. So I’ll make this short and sweet. You are fucking awesome! Your fucking fantasies were fucking awesome! Everyone was feeling fucking fantastic! We watched the recording this morning. Wow!” He looks back at the beast who has his hands on his hips, muscles flexed, on high alert. “The girls insisted on my bringing you flowers. They are downstairs at the office. The lady tried to call you but you didn’t answer. I also brought you a copy of the recording. It’s on a zip drive in one of the envelopes. Either Darren’s or Brad’s. I can’t remember which now. There are also checks inside. Consider them donations for your unscheduled performance.”

  “TD, I don’t know what to say. None of this is necessary, especially the checks. Y’all didn’t hire me. I did it because I wanted to.”

  He laughs. “That’s what Darren said you would say. That’s why he said to call them donations. Siri, we did this too because we wanted to. It’s the only way we can say thank you. You could have left, but you didn’t. You could have played along, but you didn’t. What you did was gave us all more than we could ever have imagined. You gave us a night we will never forget. Fucking Fantasies!”

  “Tell everyone I said thank you for their kindness.”

  “You have an honorary membership and are welcome anytime." He takes a step toward her then glances again at the beast. Aurei breaks his stance and starts toward him in a controlled, confident, dominant gait. One wrong move and I’m going to be history.

  "I’m going." He nods in Aurei’s direction. "He looks like a thunderous bull about to charge.” Not taking his eyes off Aurei, he walks backwards to the elevator. “And Siri, what you said last night about whores? I really appreciate that. I don’t tell people this, but I’m a bastard child. I don’t know who my father is because my mother was a prostitute back then trying to survive.” He steps inside and pushes the lobby button, then sticks his head back out. “And for the record, I was only asking you how you charge for your services, because I’m throwing a bachelor party for a buddy of mine.” He leans back in as the doors close and Aurei reaches down to get Siri’s phone.


  When TD arrives back at the Ferrari, Rachael bombards him. She has absorbed what he said and she has so many questions. He cranks the car enjoying her attention, knowing it is driving her bat crazy. He relishes the control he has over her and thinks again about how easily Siri controls her world and those around her. The whole time she worked in the front office, he knew there was more to her, but he could never have guessed she was a Vegas star. He figured she was just a slut in bed. He and Charlie fantasized about how she must have done old man Connors to get the job, then her doing them to get the Company Holiday bonus, but a Vegas star, a dancer, a stripper? No way did he see that coming.

  He grins. She told them. 'Everyone has secrets. Some of us are better than others at hiding them. That’s the damn truth!

  And the way she mounted that pole! She’s a professional secret keeper! But the thing that impressed him the most, he had to admit was the way she maneuvered him to punish him for his lies and manipulation, allowing him to right the wrong he did them all. That was pure genius.

  He grins at Rachael. "Pull out the weed. Let’s have a toke first."

  She reaches up under the seat and digs out a joint. They share it, then she reaches for a cigarette and lights it. They share the smoke too while he starts from the beginning. He tells her everything embellishing his part, and leaving off the parts she doesn’t have to know. He spins it in typical TD fashion so he gets full credit for choosing Siri. Convincing her to go and then delivering her. "I knew she would be game for it. I saw the way she eyed my boners when Mandy would show up. She wanted me to score a touchdown with her, but I was focused on the redhead."

  Rachael didn’t try to correct him. They were both too stoned to care about the facts. Happy and high, she just wanted the party juice. "Yeah, yeah, Tool Driver, I know women can’t resist you. You score at will. Tell me, is anyone else’s dick as big as yours?"

  "Mac’s got decent meat." He describes everyone to her. Then when they turn down the secluded drive, TD stops the car. "I gotta piss."

  "Really? I swear your bladder is ...." But he doesn’t hear her, he is already in front of the car writing on the road, TD.

  When he gets back in, he is grinning like a kid. "Marked my territory."

  "Umm. hmm." She rolls her eyes. "I would mark mine too, but you would leave me squatting there."

  He starts to laugh, and she joins him. By the time they pull past the privacy hedge, they are hysterical. Tears rolling down their faces and gasping for breath. He pulls in the parking spot he vacated and they fall on each other laughing while they finish sharing their drug induced happiness. Then he turns to look at her with a completely sober face and says with all the seriousness that the question warrants. "Rachael. Will you marry me?"

  Her face goes slack with the shock, then her breath blows through her tight lips and she blows a buzzing sound out of her mouth as she cracks up again. "Are you fucking kidding me?"

  He bursts out laughing too. "Hell no! I’m serious! Will you?" They roll around the interior of the car again cracking up with laughter.

  "Oh my side is splitting. You’re killing me." She tells him. "Let’s go before I die right here."

  They walk up to the plantation house together and he takes her hand. She smiles into his deep blue eyes. "Were you serious?"

  He snickers. "Yes. I’m serious." He looks away, not wanting to start laughing again. "Will you?"

  Walking up the steps, she answers. "Yeah, Tool Driver, I will. I will marry you."

  On the porch, Rachael stops him before he opens the door. "I already know what I’m going to give you for your wedding gift."

  He takes her in his arms and leans in to kiss her. "What?"

  She pulls away. "Candy."

  "I like your candy." One hand grabs her ass and the other squeezes her tit, pulling her close.

  She giggles and slides her arms up around his neck. "You’re gonna love this kind."

  "What kind is it?"

  "Baby Ruth."


  Threesome Duty, Book 3

  Coming soon!

  If you liked this book and are curious about what happened at the cocktail party, aka the Cock and Tail Sex Party of Swingers,

  find out in

  Siri’s Saga

  Secrets? Everyone has secrets! Some of us are better at hiding them than others!


  The Complete Novel


  (Also on

  Aurelius Moore:

  I'm an A**hole and that's the way I like it. Keeps my sex life simple. I f**k for fun. My next conquest? This sexy little stripper Seary dancing down the runway.



  Siri Wright:

  I live a life most people only dream of. I'm Vegas Superstar Seary, and I am UNTOUCHABLE.

  "My mother's been in an accident? Then I'm going home to Alabama."


  Aurelius Moore:

  WTF? The blonde bombshell is here in Alabama? Perfect!

  She is not UNTOUCHABLE here. I will have her now!


  From the moment their eyes connect, there are FIREWORKS and the game is on, but they both harbor secrets they must protect!

  Can they keep their secrets safe?



  Book 2 in Siri’s Saga


  Aurelius Moore:

  Siri makes me feel things I have never felt before. I've never told anyone the depth of and the darkness that is the secret that haunts my soul. Will she accept me as I am or reject me for what I am?


  Siri Wright:

  Aurei makes me feel alive! And it feels f**king fantastic!

  Sure he's an asshole, but he's an honest asshole. Can't really fault that?

  Is his secret as dark as he says? Maybe.

  His thunder certainly is, but it's so delicious too.


  Something terrible, horrible has happened!

  My Golden God looks like a Dark Deity.



  Book 3 in Siri’s Saga


  Aurelius Moore:

  Siri Wright, you are my Every Thang. You are so much more than I expected.

  Will you want more with Moore or only more of Moore?

  Will you choose Heaven or send me straight to Hell?


  Siri Wright:

  Aurei is taking me to his family's villa. I should be excited!

  Why then do I feel like a lamb being lead to the slaughter?


  "Aurei! You and your f**king secrets!"



  Book 4 in Siri’s Saga

  publishing in 2016.



  Jessika Klide is my pen name. "I'm from LA ... Lower Alabama. The Deep South! Since I write erotic romance, and my mind is super slutty, it's just better to use a pen name. Trust me on this! ;)"

  Whether it's Army, Navy, Air Force or Marines, Military men, along with Cowboys, Cops, and MC bikers, make me swoon. My hot alpha males are heroes and they love my confident, smart, and sexy heroines. I believe in modern day fairy tales, complete with virgins, best friend lovers and soulmates, who win their happily ever afters. Whether or not it's contemporary romance, romantic comedy, dark erotic or BDSM, love and lust go together to form a perfect union and the stars do align for true love. Oh ... and Karma? She is not a bitch!

  Stay in touch.

  See ya! Ciao!

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