In Exile (Archangel Jarahmael and the War to Conquer Heaven, Book III)

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In Exile (Archangel Jarahmael and the War to Conquer Heaven, Book III) Page 12

by John J Higgins

  Jarahmael still loved Lillith deeply, and although Lillith loved Jarahmael with equal fervor, she had developed a fear of being abandoned. She had been alone for a few days when she had left Adam, left alone in Jarahmael’s palace in the beginning of the rebellion, left alone in the Garden of Eden, and then most recently after she had been taken to Hades and Hell. She often would not let Jarahmael leave on his own, insisting that he bring her and Enoch along with him, despite the potential danger of capture by the loyal or rebel Angels. Most of the outings were to secluded places, which would be the safest from observing eyes. On those days, he would carry both of them; his back was large enough for the two of them as he flew. That way they could all talk to one another at the same time as they traveled.

  By the time Enoch was seven, Lillith’s fear of abandonment became worse, and now instead of trying to cling to her family, she started to elect to stay home more and more and not travel with either Jarahmael or the boy. It was as if she was protecting herself by withdrawing from Jarahmael and Enoch before they could withdraw from her. She was in effect shutting down her world as far as Jarahmael could see. Jarahmael sensed Lillith becoming more and more distant from him, but he did not know how to address it. He changed his focus then from Lillith, to focusing on assisting the Humans develop on the Earth. He believed that Enoch would one day play an important part in the history of Humans and he wanted Enoch to be knowledgeable about the Angelic arts and use them to assist the Humans as they developed their societies. And Enoch could do that better than any other Being ever created, as he was a hybrid of the greatest Beings the Almighty had ever created.

  Jarahmael continued to use a disguise so he could blend in with the Simians or appear as another Human. But it was difficult for him to maintain the Simian or Human form for any length of time. He decided early on that he would change his shape when dealing with these other Beings, outside of Adam and Eve and their family. He had made the mistake once of going into a village carrying Enoch on his back between his wings, and soon found himself surrounded by Simians wishing to communicate with the Almighty. It was also dangerous because both the loyal and rebel Angels were still searching for him.

  Over time Jarahmael had created a defensive repertoire, using his Angelic powers and various tricks so that he was practically untraceable. And up to this point Enoch was safe, as neither the loyal nor rebel Angels had ever seen him. Lillith was a different story and more at risk, since both sets of Angels were well aware of her and what she looked like. Jarahmael kept Lillith hidden, as he was afraid even the loyal Angels may continue to try to capture her or find a way to kill her because she could be an unpredictable factor in the Creation. Lillith was the First Born of Humans and they all knew what happened with Luciferael, the First Born of the Beings of Light. Jarahmael tried to keep her happy and content, and to compensate for her lack of freedom, Jarahmael would venture out and get whatever she wanted and bring it back to her. As hard as it had been to create a safe and normal life for himself and his family, Jarahmael grew in confidence that he could continue to do so, and maybe the loyal and the rebel Angels had simply grown tired of searching for him.

  Chapter 25


  Cerebriel missed his friend Jarahmael in Heaven. Michael had him and members of his Cherubim Order of Angels continue to search for Jarahmael, but as much as they searched, he still could not be found. Although Michael relied upon Cerebriel with the more difficult tasks, such as finding Jarahmael, after Jarahmael was gone Michael maneuvered to keep Cerebriel from sitting among the other loyal Archangels during the morning ceremony. That was just as well with Cerebriel; he had the close relationship with Jarahmael, and did not need to be as close with the other Archangels. They did not have the same warmth as Jarahmael even though they were loyal to the Almighty.

  In the meantime, the Almighty had assigned Raphael to replace Jarahmael and assist Cerebriel in watching over the Humans. Raphael had a relationship with the Simians, having dealt with Guline’s wounds in the past. Raphael was the closest of the Archangels in temperament to Jarahmael, as he had a great deal of compassion for anything that had been harmed. But that compassion was narrowly focused on those who were injured, and Raphael did not see or pay much attention to Simians who were healthy and unharmed.

  Cerebriel would make daily trips to the Earth, as he still checked on the pyramids and other structures that the Angels had built before the Fall of Man and the rebellion in Heaven. He made sure that the structures were well maintained, although he also ensured that his Cherubim and those Angels who served under them kept themselves hidden from the Simians and the fledgling Humans that were beginning to emerge. In that way he avoided the non-interference problem that had caught Jarahmael and was still able to make sure his structures stayed intact on the Earth.

  Raphael’s role became trickier, though, as he felt it his responsibility to help heal Simians and Humans who were injured. Over time, Raphael and Cerebriel altered their visitation schedule to the Earth, making sure that part of their visitation time extended until dark. That way they could assist the injured while they slept, and as long as the Angels remained invisible, the Simians never knew that they were there.

  Unbeknownst to any of the loyal Archangels, Raphael included, Cerebriel had assigned Faumiel and the squadron of Cherubim who had moved weapons during the rebellion to a special task. He had Faumiel continue searching for Jarahmael and for any signs of activity by Luciferael and his rebel angels. Cerebriel knew that Jarahmael would not give up searching for Lillith and that once he found her he would keep her hidden from all other creatures. Jarahmael had lost her once and would not do so again.

  Cerebriel was also confident that Faumiel’s Cherubim of all of the members of the Heavenly Host would be the best bet to keep Jarahmael safe from Luciferael and his rebel Angels. Faumiel and his squadron knew Jarahmael well from the rebellion, having fought alongside him. They had served under Jarahmael as he moved to protect the Heavens from Luciferael, and all of them became well versed in maneuvering behind enemy lines. And all of the members of Faumiel’s squadron were excellent fighters, in case they had to defend Jarahmael.

  Then one day after Raphael and Cerebriel had gone to the Earth to check on the Humans and the Simians, they secretly observed a Simian speaking to a group of his peers about how he had seen and spoken to a large winged man who had come to his village along with a child, who was beginning to grow wings as well.

  “At last, a lead!” Raphael said after hearing the Simian’s discussion. “We need to tell Michael and the Almighty about this immediately!” Raphael said as he prepared to fly upwards.

  “You go on ahead, my lord Raphael,” Cerebriel said. “We have searched so long for Jarahmael, and I don’t want to lose the opportunity to try to find him while the trail is still warm.”

  “As you wish! The Heavens will be so glad that we have finally found this risk to our existence,” Raphael responded, stretched out his wings and took off heading back into the Heavens.

  Cerebriel knew he needed to find Jarahmael before Raphael returned with others to track and capture him. He did not understand why Jarahmael would be carrying a child around with him, much less one with wings. How could that have happened? A baby Angelic Being? Had Jarahmael found Lillith? Had they procreated?

  Or worse, what would Luciferael do after he found out about this strange turn of events and what if he then found out where Jarahmael and his family were? Luciferael hated the Humans as it was; he certainly would not tolerate a hybrid child.

  Cerebriel thought about where Jarahmael could be living. The Simians who saw the Archangel had come from the mountainous region where Adam and Eve had their cave. Searched there pretty extensively, Cerebriel thought to himself. I will have Faumiel meet me there and we shall all go back there and more carefully cover potential places where an Archangel, a Human woman, and a child could be living.

  Chapter 26


  Jarahmael c
ontinued to bring Enoch out to spend more time with Adam and Eve’s children, Cain and Abel. The two boys liked Enoch, as they were all about the same age. Cain was a year older than Abel and Abel was a year older than Enoch. It was natural for them to play together as they had more creative minds that the Simian children who lived in the caves not far from them.

  Enoch, of course, lived in a cave higher up on the mountain, hidden from view by a set of boulders and trees that Jarahmael had planted near the entrance. Unless one knew that the cave was behind the shrubbery, it could not be seen.

  Jarahmael would take Enoch most mornings and bring him down to Adam and Eve’s area where his son could blend in with the group of children that gathered there. He was careful to change himself into his Simian disguise so the children would not see him as an Archangel. Enoch blended in with the group of about twenty young children, seven through eleven years of age, and they all learned to play together. The Human children, Cain, Abel and Enoch all were more handsome than the Simians, but it did not take long before they all treated one another as equals. The Human children did not know about war, but some of the older Simian children had witnessed some of the battles that were fought in the rebellion. The older ones would often reenact the battle of the loyal and rebel angels around the pyramid in Aegyptus. They would take sticks and fashion them like the swords and light spears that had been used, and even ran around the play area acting as though they too were flying, mock fighting in mid-air.

  Jarahmael and Lillith were careful to keep Enoch’s wings a secret from the other children. No one had seen Angel wings on a Human before, so they were careful to tie the wings down so they would not stick out from Enoch’s tunic.

  The interaction between Jarahmael and Adam and Eve and their children turned out to be beneficial for all of them. Adam and Eve assisted in making Enoch feel Human, teaching him various games and customs of a Human Being and Enoch became family to them. Jarahmael also added knowledge to Adam and Eve, passing through some of the knowledge of the Book of Creation to them. Jarahmael taught Adam and Eve how to farm crops and shepherd animals to make a steadier food supply. Adam and Eve in turn taught the Simians these skills, so all benefitted.

  Jarahmael, for his part, took a liking to the two full Human boys and would sneak them out and up to the air as they became old enough to hold onto his back tightly. Jarahmael had sworn the boys to secrecy, and would on occasion fly them up to his cave in the mountainside, so they could surprise or play with Enoch in his own home. Jarahmael was also careful to stay unarmed when he would fly the boys, he did not want them playing with his angelic weapons that were either held or strapped onto his back where they would sit as he would fly. He did not worry so much about Enoch or Lillith seeing him armed, and in fact he felt more comfortable having the weapons handy when he flew with his mate and son, just in case the rebel or loyal angels ever caught up to him.

  Cain was the older brother and seemed to get jealous of Abel at times, especially if it involved some kind of competition. Neither of the Human boys seemed to be as competitive with Enoch, perhaps because they were so pleased with their direct interaction and flying episodes with Jarahmael. Abel seemed to be the more easy-going of the two Human children, and Jarahmael could not help but taking a bit more of a liking to him. He tried not to show it, as he did not want to create any envy or jealousy between the three boys. But try as he might, some jealousy developed between Cain and Abel, especially when Enoch attached more so to Abel than to Cain, as they were the closest in age.

  All in all it was a golden time for the three boys and Jarahmael, things were calm, and their world was safe. Jarahmael felt that he could manage things the way they were, that the threat from the loyal Angels above and the rebel Angels below had subsided. He began to think that it was possible for the Humans and Simians on the Earth to develop a simple and beautiful life like that from the former days in the Garden of Eden.

  Chapter 27


  Sammuael flew directly down to the Pandemonium Palace in the Seventh Pit of Hell to find Luciferael and members of the Auxilium.

  Excited, he approached Luciferael, bowing slightly as he landed before him. “My lord Luciferael, I have heard that Jarahmael has finally been spotted.”

  “Are you sure it’s a reliable sighting, Sammuael? You have come down to report similar sightings over the past seven years, but none of them ever panned out,” Mammonael said, looking over at Sammuael in disbelief.

  “Any sighting of Jarahmael is worth investigating,” Luciferael said.

  “What is it this time then, lord Sammuael?” Damiel asked.

  “One of our serpents reported seeing an Archangel with a young winged Human child going into one of the market places. Apparently, the Archangel appeared in his full height, although the child appeared to be a seven-or eight-year-old, about the right height for his age, and it was the budding wings on his back that gave him away,” Sammuael reported.

  “Where was the market located?” Beelzebael asked.

  “Not far from the Aegyptus area. A throng of Simians surrounded them quickly, from what the serpent told me, and they did not remain long but flew straight up into the Heavens,” Sammuael continued.

  “Was the serpent able to see what direction, other than up, that they headed?” Damiel asked.

  “No. I assume the Archangel did that to throw off anyone who was watching where they went. It could have been in any direction,” Sammuael added.

  “From what you describe it could have been any of the loyal Archangels, maybe they were able to find the child that Lillith bore, or perhaps there are further experiments the Almighty is conducting to blend Beings of Light with the Humans,” Mammonael added.

  Luciferael interrupted. “Sounds like it would be the right age for Lillith’s child to be by now. I am surprised that Lillith would not have been along with the two of them if it was Jarahmael. How can you be sure it was Jarahmael, Sammuael?”

  “Because the serpent was very clear that the Archangel had blue tips on his wings, brown hair and very blue eyes, my lord Luciferael,” Sammuael said confidently.

  “Ah, that definitely sounds like Jarahmael. What do you suggest we do now, Sammuael?” Luciferael asked.

  “I suggest that we send out Glabolas with a full contingent of Cherubim to scour the countryside in that area and see what we can find. I would ask for the assistance of the Auxilium as well my lord. We know that beyond the need to find Lillith and the child hiding with Jarahmael, Jarahmael has access to the two Books of the Almighty, the Book of Creation and the Book of Life. With those we could restart our rebellion and take over the Heavens once and for all!” Sammuael said, looking into each of the other rebel Archangel’s eyes for emphasis.

  “You shall have all of our assistance, Sammuael. I know that Glabolas and his Cherubim have failed to locate this fugitive Archangel for many years now. It amazes me that Jarahmael has been successfully able to hide himself, the Human woman and the Half-Human child all these years,” Luciferael said, shaking his head.

  Just then, Luciferael and the Auxilium saw Glabolas arrive in the Throne Room of the Pandemonium Palace with two of his lieutenants. All three of them bowed low before the rebel Archangels.

  “Lord Sammuael, you summoned me?” the Cherubim leader asked.

  Sammuael nodded to the Cherubim, waited for a moment then continued. “I hope you don’t mind, my lord Luciferael, but I did take the liberty to summon Glabolas here too, just in case you agreed to assign him to this task.”

  “Yes, I definitely agree, Sammuael. That was good thinking and planning ahead of time. I have been disappointed in the rebel Cherubim’s results in locating Jarahmael and his small family. They live on the Earth, a relatively small place in comparison to the Universe. What do you have to say for you and your kind, Glabolas; why have you been unable to locate this one Archangel?” Luciferael asked, praising Sammuael and then making no effort to hide his displeasure with the effor
ts of this rebel Cherubim.

  “My apologies, my lords,” Glabolas began, “but Jarahmael has always been a crafty and difficult opponent to outsmart.”

  Sammuael was also displeased with the Cherubim’s efforts and lack of results. “Have you given up searching for these three creatures?” he asked.

  “Not at all, my lords. I have expanded the searches to the other pyramids around the Earth, anticipating that Jarahmael would want to be close to those familiar structures.”

  “Have you ever had any news or evidence of Jarahmael being in those facilities?” Sammuael asked.

  “Not so far, my lord Sammuael, like I said, that Archangel has a great ability to stay out of sight whenever he chooses. Remember how he moved around behind enemy lines in the main rebellion.”

  Luciferael answered for the Auxilium. “Yes, I will have to give you that point.”

  Sammuael then added, “It’s a shame we could not have the loyal Angels searching for them at the same time. That would narrow the places Jarahmael could use to escape.”

  Suriel added, “Yes, the loyal Angels know exactly how Jarahmael was able to stay hidden behind our lines during the rebellion. It really is a shame we could not use them against him.”

  A few moments passed and Glabolas requested to speak.

  “My lords, if you allow me to suggest, perhaps we can make the loyal Angels increase their efforts in searching for Jarahmael. They do have a vested interest in locating him, do they not?”

  “Yes, he has stolen the Book of Creation and the Book of Life from the Heavens,” Luciferael responded.

  “I have seen Faumiel and Cerebriel on occasion leading squadrons of loyal Cherubim Angels around the countryside looking for someone or something.”


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