In Exile (Archangel Jarahmael and the War to Conquer Heaven, Book III)

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In Exile (Archangel Jarahmael and the War to Conquer Heaven, Book III) Page 15

by John J Higgins

  Chapter 37


  The rebel Angels knew they were being pursued by the loyal Angels, exactly as Luciferael had hoped. Once they flew over the mountain range and down into the next valley they turned their rear ranks to fend them off, arms at the ready. Glabolas hovered in the leading point just waiting for the loyal Angels to arrive. The rest of the rebels were neatly assembled behind him in an airborne formation aimed at the place where the loyal angels would appear when they came up over the mountain.

  Luciferael had been working on better fighting tactics since the days of the rebellion. He wanted to be sure that when the time came to attack the Heavens again, his forces would be the best trained and equipped. This formation of his flying angels was intended to disrupt any opposing formation of Angels or any army coming to attack it.

  Ranks were set up so that the Angels positioned on the leading edges of all sides were hovering with shields of thickened and cooled molten stone that protected the formation. Immediately behind the shield bearers were alternating Cherubim equipped with either spears at the ready or horns of war. The Cherubim with the horns of war were trained to amplify their sound waves by the Potentate Angels, if they were present. Next in formation were Cherubim with arrow slinging harps who filled up the rest of the ranks including the rear. Everyone in the formation was armed with light swords, some drawn and some still sheathed. Luciferael had named it a pyramid formation because it resembled one of the Almighty’s pyramids suspended on its side, the point aimed at the opposing forces.

  The rebels were ready and waiting when Michael’s legions came up over the crest of the mountain and their momentum propelled the loyal Angels directly into the rebel Angels’ position. The pyramid formation was devastating to the loyal Angels’ legions, causing a breach in the center of their attack. The shielded sides of the pyramid protected the rebels while causing the loyal Angels to tumble just like water crashing over a rock, their ranks churning as water does after it has passed over the obstruction. The loyal Angels collided with one another, tumbling through the air, many of them wounded by friend and enemy alike.

  Michael and Cerebriel flew through the ranks of the jumbled formation, regrouping and reorganizing their own ranks, now at the rear of the rebels’ formation. As they did so, the rebel Angels compensated, the pyramid contracted and repointed itself to its rear as well so it now faced the loyal Angels once again, solid and formidable.

  Michael led his legions repeatedly against the rebel formation but they still could not penetrate its ranks. Cerebriel was amazed that Luciferael’s ranks held together as they did; the rebels were outnumbered, but their new formation proved to be an excellent tactic.

  Jarahmael came in along the lower side of the mountain, as he knew this area better than anyone, and watched the last few of the attacks. There was little he could do to assist in this battle and knew he had to remain invisible. At least with the battle being fought over here, Lillith would be safe in their cave. They must not have realized she was even there. Enoch would be safe as well, as the rebels were here and far from the cave of Adam and Eve.

  After the fourth or fifth attack, the loyal Angels regrouped again, this time splitting their forces between Michael and Cerebriel and intending to simultaneously attack the rebel formation from two opposing sides, with the intent of breaking through and joining in the center.

  The loyal Angels’ formations flew down at full speed from opposite sides, and just as they should have hit the main body of the rebels’ pyramid formation it turned invisible. Michael and Cerebriel had been tricked. Their own Angels went right through the airspace where the rebel Angels had been moments before, forcing the two formations of loyal Angels to maneuver quickly so they did not collide into one another. And, when the confusion stopped they realized the rebel formation was gone!

  Chapter 38


  Luciferael and Sammuael had broken away earlier from the main force of Glabolas’ Cherubim as the legion changed direction. The legion continued on, turned and flew over the further mountains, the loyal Angels in pursuit. In the meantime, Luciferael and Sammuael kept flying straight towards the area where Luciferael had seen Jarahmael head earlier. Now in front of the mountainside, the two of them hovered.

  “There is nothing here, my lord Luciferael,” Sammuael said as he strained his eyes scanning the surface of the mountain. “Are you sure Jarahmael came to this location? I could not follow him when he ascended earlier.”

  “I am positive he headed in this direction, my dear Sammuael.”

  “He must have tricked us again and slipped away!” Sammuael said as he became angry again.

  “Perhaps he did!” Luciferael said, acting like it was unimportant.

  “Why aren’t you upset about this?” Sammuael said. His voice could not hide his annoyance.

  “Because it will be of little importance, Sammuael. Jarahmael will still come to us one day. I promise you!”

  “Well I am not giving up yet!” Sammuael said as the sounds of the start of the Angelic battle echoed from over the mountains. He began to flap his wings more rapidly, getting ready to fly off towards the sound of the battle.

  Luciferael held up his hand to stop. “Patience, Sammuael. You will see soon enough!”

  They were soon joined by a Cherubim messenger who brought Beelzebael with him.

  “I am here, my lord,” Beelzebael said as he joined the two of them, hovering before the face of the mountain where they suspected Jarahmael’s home was located.

  “Did you bring the blood contract?” Luciferael asked.

  “Yes, as you requested, my lord Luciferael,” Beelzebael said as he reached into his tunic and brought out the lambskin vellum that Lillith had signed seven years before.

  Luciferael unrolled the lambskin document and held it up before him as he called out, “Lillith come forth, it is time for you to fulfill the terms of your agreement.” As he finished speaking the writing on the document illuminated and passed through the lambskin. The illuminated writing travelled towards the face of the mountain and disappeared into it. Once inside the mountain it caused a bright beam of light to appear, breaking through Jarahmael’s spell that concealed the entrance into his cave. A few moments later, Lillith walked out of the beam of light and the entrance to the cave, stopping at the threshold to the entrance. Her eyes were glazed over as if she was in a trance.

  “Ah Lillith, there you are!” Luciferael called out to her. “Is Jarahmael within the cave with you?” As he spoke, he motioned for the Cherubim messenger and Sammuael to fly into the cave and check for themselves. Lillith remained silent, reminding Sammuael of the initial attempts to get information out of that creature Serpentalia.

  Luciferael moved forward and put his hands on either side of Lillith’s head, looked into her eyes and commanded. “Lillith you will speak to the truth when I ask you a question! Understood?”

  Lillith nodded her head mechanically, now fully in a trance, as Luciferael let go of her head and stepped away from her.

  “Now answer me. Is Jarahmael in the cave with you?”

  “No, my lord Luciferael, Jarahmael is not within the cave,” she answered while remaining in the trance.

  “What about your son, the hybrid Half-Angel, Half-Human boy? Where is he?”

  “I do not know, my lord Luciferael. My son Enoch left earlier with Jarahmael to play with Adam’s sons Cain and Abel. I have not seen him since.”

  “All right Lillith. You will be accompanying me, as we agreed years ago,” Luciferael said as he motioned for her to come towards him.

  “Yes, my lord Luciferael,” she answered.

  “Muto Somes Habeo Pennae!” Luciferael called out, and Lillith once again sprouted wings, her feet once again transformed into talons.

  Sammuael and the Cherubim guard returned to the entrance of the cave, shaking their heads that they did not find either Jarahmael or Enoch.

  The sounds of the battle still ebbed a
nd flowed, but Luciferael was becoming concerned that they could be found there if they remained much longer.

  “It is time to go! Follow us, Lillith,” he called out to her as the rest of them began to rise into the sky, flapping their wings.

  Lillith, too, began to fly, even though she still remained in her trance.

  “To the west!” Luciferael called out and the three rebel Archangels, Cherubim guard and the Human woman with her wings all rose above the mountain and flew off in the direction of one of the entrances into the Underworld.

  “Better now, Sammuael?” Luciferael asked as they began to leave the valley where Adam and Eve’s cave was located.

  “Yes, my lord, but I will feel much better once we have Jarahmael and the Almighty’s Books in our possession!”

  “We will soon enough, my dear Sammuael.”

  Chapter 39


  Jarahmael watched as the formations of loyal Angels under Michael and Cerebriel’s command collided into one another, due to the disappearance of the rebel Angels from the valley. Raphael arrived shortly after the failed attack to assist and take care of the wounded loyal Angels. Jarahmael remained invisible and hovered off at a distance from where the Angels were regrouping and watched as a much larger contingent of loyal Angels arrived in legions headed by the remaining loyal Archangels. Too late, Jarahmael thought to himself, the rebel Angels have already escaped by turning invisible and vanishing.

  Jarahmael then had a dreadful thought. What if the rebel Angels had disappeared to go and capture his son Enoch? Adam would never be able to fend off an army of war-seasoned Cherubim guards alone. He was not worried about Lillith, as he had left her safely concealed within their mountain, but Enoch remained vulnerable to capture by Luciferael.

  Jarahmael remained invisible, as he did not want to be seen or suddenly have a large posse of Angels, loyal or rebel, trying to capture him. In order to avoid bumping into any of the other Angel in his invisible form, Jarahmael flew back slightly above tree top level. Fortunately, he did not see any Angels looking for him on his path back. Jarahmael was very thankful for that. What he needed now was to find another safe place for his family once he gathered everyone together again. It would not be safe to remain here. In the meantime, he would take Enoch with him back to their cave and rest with Lillith before deciding what their next move would be.

  Jarahmael flew higher and circled over the area of Adam and Eve’s cave, making sure as best he could that there were no spies or rebel Angels hidden there to capture him or the Humans. He glanced backwards one more time at the sky to make sure no other flying force was headed to attack him and those under his protection. Jarahmael verified that everything looked normal and then he landed softly near the entrance of the cave of Adam and Eve. Turning himself visible, he entered the cave.

  Eve was very upset when Jarahmael arrived and seemed afraid to look up at him. “What's wrong, Eve?” Jarahmael asked.

  Adam interrupted, “My lord Jarahmael, did you not see what happened? Eve is upset because she saw something today and doesn't know what to make of it.”

  “What did you see?” Jarahmael asked, thinking that it was probably witnessing some of the fighting Angels could do, especially the warring factions of Angels flying through the sky earlier. But when he looked into her eyes, he noticed that she was fearful. He tried to calm her and said, “You have nothing to fear, Eve!” as he reached out and grabbed both of her shoulders reassuringly.

  “I don't know what I saw,” she said. “It was very strange, but I am afraid that something terrible has happened to Lillith.” Eve used a thrust of her head to Adam, communicating that he should take Enoch with him and out of earshot.

  Once Adam and the three boys had stepped outside of the cave, Eve continued. “I was outside looking over at the direction of the cave you share with Lillith, watching you when you flew off earlier. Both sides of the flying Angel warriors had flown by that area earlier, off to a small mountain range further off in the distance. Then, when it seemed that there was no one around and some time passed, I saw movement up along that mountain there and immediately became worried for Lillith. Adam and I both know you are being hunted by loyal and rebel Angels alike for having helped us survive here on the Earth. Four Angels appeared flying over the entrance to your cave over there.” She then pointed to where the entrance to his cave was.

  “I figured they had finally determined it was the place where you live. And then out of your own cave, I saw an extremely bright light and then Lillith came flying out, using her own wings!”

  “Lillith with wings?” asked Jarahmael. “It can't be. She has never flown on her own power in all the time I have known her. She still has to hang onto my neck whenever we travel someplace.”

  “I know, lord Jarahmael. It was a shock! I did not believe it at first. But I saw it with my own two eyes. I am not sure how long the other Angels had been there or if someone remained behind. Please be careful if you go back there.”

  Jarahmael's thoughts raced. Lillith gone again! Had they finally found her, and did they intend to use her as bait or ransom to capture him? And what to do about little Enoch? Jarahmael thought about it for a minute and then asked Eve, “Would you and Adam keep an eye on Enoch for me when I leave here?”

  She answered, “Yes, of course.”

  Jarahmael grew quiet for a few moments, and then said, “If things go badly, you may need to take care of the boy until I return. Would that be all right?”

  Again Eve answered, “Yes. I am sure Adam and I would take care of him for you.”

  “Thank you,” Jarahmael said, and then walked outside to where Adam was watching Enoch play with Cain and Abel. Jarahmael took Enoch aside.

  “I need to leave you here for a little while, Enoch. You can stay here and play with Cain and Abel while I am gone.”

  “Okay Daddy, when will you be back?”

  “It should not take me long, son. But if it does, don't worry, I will find you and be back soon.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “I need to fly and find Mommy. Now get back there and play.” Jarahmael picked his son up and gave him a long hug, and then gently placed him back on the ground.

  He walked over to where Eve had joined Adam. He stayed by them for a few moments while he watched Enoch go back to playing with the other two boys. Adam looked at Jarahmael and said, “Eve explained things, now go do whatever you need to do, Enoch will be safe with us.”

  Jarahmael said, “Thank you,” then turned, forced himself to smile and wave to Enoch as he flew off, headed back to their home in the neighboring mountain. His mind raced as he flew faster. Lillith flying and then leaving with other Angels? What the in Hell was going on?

  Chapter 40


  Luciferael and his rebel legions returned to the Underground, with Lillith flying in between the members of his Auxilium. Although she was still in a trance as a result of the power of the blood contract, Luciferael did not want to risk an escape attempt. He realized that her bond to Jarahmael and their son, the Human and Angel hybrid child, was a strong one. She had managed to elude his search parties for seven years now, and if it wasn’t for Luciferael’s cunning and the power of his spells, she would still be free.

  Sammuael still appeared upset that they had not succeeded in capturing Jarahmael yet, but Luciferael had other things on his mind. He was growing increasingly concerned about this hybrid Angel and Human. What would happen when this hybrid reproduced? With Angelic energy flowing inside the immortal body of this Human, it was possible that this combination could be more powerful than either of the two parent species.

  Luciferael and his Auxilium broke off from the main force of rebel Angels as they descended down past the First Pit of Hell. Glabolas and a few Cherubim guards accompanied the Auxilium, keeping a close eye on Lillith as they continued to descend. Down through each of the remaining layers of the Pits of Hell they flew, ultimately arriving in
the Seventh Pit and entering the huge meeting hall of the Pandemonium Palace.

  Once they were back in their throne room, the seven rebel Archangels took their seats on their elevated chairs and looked down upon Lillith, satisfied that she was secured by the Cherubim.

  Luciferael began the discussion, asking his colleagues what should be done with Lillith, and the Humans and their children.

  Damiel began the discussion. “My lords, I suggest that Lillith should be confined to this level of the Pit of Hell. It’s the deepest part and most difficult to escape from or to penetrate in order for someone to release or set free this immortal Human.”

  Sammuael spoke in response, turning sideways to address Luciferael directly. “I also think she should be kept in this trance-like state, my lord Luciferael. The last time that we allowed her to move around in the Underworld, she escaped and outsmarted the guards.” Sammuael shot a look at Glabolas, stressing his complaint that the Cherubim guards were not adequate to deal with Jarahmael.

  Glabolas spoke up, violating the protocol that Angels from the lesser Orders in Hell should not speak without permission or at the specific request of the rebel Archangels. “I know that my lord Sammuael is still angry that we were unable to prevent Jarahmael from stealing Lillith away those many years ago, but Jarahmael is a crafty one, and as much as I like to not have to admit this, I do agree with Sammuael that we should keep the Human woman in this trance. Is that even possible?”


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