The Rebel's Cyborg

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The Rebel's Cyborg Page 4

by Maya Carnage

  "I get it. It's fine."

  "We're all right?" Rodrick clenches his fists, anchoring them by his side. He wants to reach up and shake her because she's giving him the cold shoulder. "If there's a problem between us you need to let me know. I can't fix it otherwise."

  She blows out a breath of air, and pulls her hands from her pockets, crossing her arms over her chest. "I'm not interested in a relationship. I don't have the time for one, and I'm going back to Earth when this is over. I kissed you because I wanted to have fun and got irritated when you left me high and dry."

  He glances down at his feet. Rodrick assumed her feelings were hurt and she needed consoling. It stings that she intended to use him only for pleasure. He understands why, but it doesn't help his pride.

  Of course, she'll go back home when they defeat the Malviks. There's no reason for her to stay on Teraz once the Malviks are no longer on Earth. Most, if not all, of the cyborgs there will probably relocate to Teraz as well. He'll have no reason to stay there either. All of his friends and those he considers family lives here.

  It still hurts that she doesn't like him like he thought she did, though.

  He wants to say something, but nothing comes to mind. He obviously can't tell her the truth. It will be too embarrassing, and honestly, he doesn't know why he thought she liked him. Kayla never behaved in the way that would lead him to think she's interested in him romantically.

  He nods, and she goes back to ignoring him.


  Ian drove them two hours away from where they met him, bypassing the city and heading into the dense forest behind it and far away from civilization. He and Kayla talked the whole way, and Rodrick set in the backseat and glared at Ian as he got more words from her than he managed in the whole time they've lived together.

  Kayla laughs once more at another story about Ian's son. He rolls his eyes. He knows Pax, and the man isn't that funny. Ian's probably exaggerating most of these tales to impress Kayla.

  He scoffs at the idea of her liking the bohemian Ian. Rodrick worked alongside him in the war, and even back then when the Malviks had control over them all, Ian somehow managed to have a personality all his own. It's an abnormality they tried to fix, but with no success. The man had always been a radical.

  "Some of the others are wary of you, Rodrick. I'm warning you, so you know to keep it cool in there." Ian slows the van down, coming to a stop across from a narrow path leading into the wildness.

  "Is it safe out here?" Kayla looks around the dubious forest, jerking back when she hears a beast howling off in the distance.

  "We're good as long as the sun's out." Ian hitches a pack onto his back and hands two identical ones to him and Kayla.

  "That's doesn't ease my concern!" She scowls at a laughing Ian as he walks past her and into the woods.

  "He's right. The predators native to this area hunt at night, and all those who are out and about right now are more afraid of us than we are of them. It's perfectly safe for now," Rodrick said.

  "I'm going to be really fucking pissed if I die because of you two." Kayla marches after Ian, muttering under her breath as she goes.

  "He said it's a short hike. We'll be there in no time."

  "Umm, have you met Ian? He's not good with time. For all I know, we're going to be out here when it's dark. The bears on this planet are going to pick us for easy eating, and I really don't want to die that way."

  He shouldn't laugh, it's only going to irritate her more, but he can't help it.

  "You're not going to laugh when a bear's gnawing on your leg, cyborg."

  "The beasts on Teraz don't stand a chance against a cyborg!" Ian yells back at them. "You're at the most risk, Kayla."

  "Because I'm human?"

  "Yes." Rodrick and Ian say at the same time.

  She flips them both the finger and tells them to shut up. "I might be human, but I'm also a rebel. Don't forget that."

  Ian stays several feet ahead of them as they trek through the forest. Rodrick walks behind Kayla, keeping an eye out for any potential danger. He's not concerned yet because the sun's high in the sky and they're safe as long as it's light out, but some of the herbivores can be aggressive if their young are around. He doesn't sense any in the area, and so he turns his focus to the woman walking a few paces ahead of him.

  Ian has them walking at a brisk pace. He can hear her panting and notices the perspiration dotting the nape of her neck. He quickens his strides until he's next to her. "Did you want to take a break?"

  "No, I'm good. It's been a while since I worked out that's all."

  He opens his mouth to argue with her, seeing how tired she is, but thinks better of it and snaps his mouth shut. The stiffness between them seems to have dissipated sometime since he talked to her next to the rover and now. He doesn't want it returning and pushing her to take a break wouldn't help.

  He keeps a close eye on her the rest of the hike, making sure she's okay to keep going. She plops down on a boulder as soon as Ian says they made it to the sympathizers' headquarters.

  "We'll be there in a second," he said, waving Ian on.

  Kayla's eyes latch onto Ian's retreating form, and she frowns. "Do you think we're wasting our time with them?"

  It's crossed his mind too. The cyborgs who are sympathizers speak out often about the enslavement of humans, but as far as he knows they do nothing to improve the situation on Earth. Asking them to join the rebellion and take down the Malviks is a lot. Some aren't going to want to take the risk.

  "We're about to find out."

  Chapter Seven


  She's perched on the edge of a sofa in the living room of the sympathizers' large cabin. Her back's ramrod straight, and her eyes dart about the room. There are twenty-two cyborgs in the room with her besides Ian and Rodrick. It's stressing her out.

  As a rebel, she's taught to be cautious of their kind. She considered them enemies for years, and it's hardwired into her brain to be distrustful of them. She thought she's over it but being in a room full of them have put her on edge. There's no reason to distrust any of the cyborgs here because they're on the same side she is, and she hopes they're to be allies in the fight ahead.

  She takes a deep calming breath and focuses on what Rodrick's saying. The last few minutes she's blocked out his words, paying attention to the growing bowl of nerves in her stomach.

  "The Malviks are cowards. They don't fight their own battles. If we can manage to bring most of the cyborgs on Earth to our side, then they won't stand a chance." Rodrick stands next to her, gesturing with his hands as he talks. "I believe those on Teraz will join us because they came here to get away from the Malviks. They built lives here, had children, and they don't want them to tarnish the happiness they've cultivated. It's Earth I'm worried about."

  Kayla takes the small break of silence to interject her thoughts into the discussion. "The rebels have fought against them for years, and we're willing to do anything to beat them, but there aren't many of us at the moment. Once my sister finishes her job with The Gregory, we're all hoping it will inspire more humans back home to join the cause. But that isn't enough. We need your help, and the cyborgs back on Earth sit in our way of beating the Malviks. It's going to be a problem if they're loyal to them."

  Several of them nod their heads in agreement, mumbling to each other about what she had just said. A man in the back of the room, leaning against the wall, who's been silent so far sticks his hand in the air to speak. "What happens if they side with them? What do we do then?"

  She whirls around to meet Rodrick's eyes and raises her brows. He's the cyborg in their team, and it'll be best if he answers the man's question.

  "I hope it doesn't happen." He pauses to scratch at the three days old beard growing along his face. "If it does it means we'll be fighting against our own, and that's something I don't like to think about."

  "We all know how the Malviks are, and those of us who choose to remain loyal to them do so
out of fear and misplaced loyalty. I believe we can convince those on Earth to take our side. It's not going to be easy, but we can do it," Ian said.

  They wrap up the discussion, and by the end, the sympathizers are more than willing to join the rebellion. The only thing that's on all of their minds are the cyborgs back home. It's tricky, but she's with Ian. They'll be able to convince them to turn against the Malviks.

  The three of them trek through back through the forest, after eating dinner with everyone, and by the time they're loaded in the bus and on their way home, Kayla's legs are aching.

  She sits in back, letting Rodrick take the passenger seat so he and Ian can finish talking about Earth. She's heard enough conversation about the rebellion for one day. It never crossed her mind that she'd grow tired of being a rebel, but the last month it's crossed her mind that she's getting too old to be fighting everyone moment of her life. She's thirty years old which isn't really over the hill, but it would be nice to live a peaceful life eventually.

  Turning in her seat, she leans against the window and closes her eyes. She might as well catch up on some sleep since they're going to be on the road a while.


  "You've got a message," Kayla said as she strolls toward the shower. Her legs are still aching, and she must have slept at an odd angle on the bus because her neck's been killing her since she woke up. Hopefully, a steaming shower will help alleviate the pain racking her body.

  The bathroom's door clicks shut behind her, and she leans over the tub, turning the hot water on. She sits on the toilet to unlace her boots. Steam permeates the bathroom within seconds of her sitting down. Getting into the shower, she sighs loudly as the hot water beats down on her sore muscles.

  There's a knock at the door as she's rinsing the conditioner from her hair. "What?"

  "Are you almost done?" Rodrick asked. The wooden door muffles his voice.

  She rolls her eyes. Damn, she can't even have a second to herself. The man's as bad as a dog wanting attention.

  After another second of letting the water work at her tense shoulders, she turns it off and grabs a towel from the shelf next to the shower. With it wrapped around her breasts, she pulls the door open and arches a brow at the man waiting outside.

  Rodrick reels back, shocked by her lack of clothing. He'd be blushing by now if he wasn't a cyborg.

  "What's so important that you had to interrupt me?"

  "The message on the comm wasn't for me."

  She furrows her brow. "It's for me?" Who the hell knows she's here at Rodrick's cabin?


  Kayla pushes past him, and strides over to the comm, logging in.

  Dear Kayla,

  I know you're busy, so I'll try to make this quick. Stan's lost his mind.

  The other day he had us on a mission to rescue children from the fields, and he didn't even warn us about the cyborg on patrol. The three of us barely made it out of there alive! We managed to rescue four kids and dropped them off at Ms. Collette's.

  When I made it back to the bunk, the fourth ward leader was here. He was interrogating our rebels about you. Stan knows you're on Teraz! I'm panicking over here. I don't know what to do, but you don't have to worry about us. I’ll figure it out.

  Stay safe,


  She slams her fist into the wall next to the comm, groaning. Damn it all to hell. That fucker Stan's really beginning to get on her nerves.

  "I'm guessing it wasn't good news." Rodrick places his hand on her back. She turns to him and finds him staring down at her with worry.

  With a sigh, she lets her head thump against his chest. "Stan knows I'm here on Teraz."

  "Are you sure?"

  She pulls back, shuffling over to the couch and tells him to read what her friend wrote. Her left eye begins to twitch, and she reaches up to rub at it, brushing across the thick ridges of her scar. Every single time she begins to think things are going her way something has to come along and ruin it. She drops her head into her hands.

  The cushion next to her sinks as Rodrick sits next to her. She can feel the heat of his hand as it hovers above her exposed back as he hesitates to touch her. Wanting to be comforted, she moves, falling into his side. He grunts as her weight knocks into him, but he doesn't say anything, stroking her back and shoulders in silence.

  "What am I going to do about Dawn? She's stuck on The Gregory, and there isn't a chance Stan's going to rescue her," she whispered. "I've fucked up, Rodrick."

  "She'll be fine. Two of the cyborgs on The Pursuer messaged me about Axe's relationship with her, and it seems that the sergeant of the ship is falling for your sister."

  "It doesn't mean he'll save her."

  "Actually, it does. I know Axe, and there's no way he'll let her stay there for long. You don't have to worry about her, but to make you feel better, I'll message Axe letting him know not to rely on Stan."

  Kayla murmurs her agreement and breathes easily knowing her sister's taken care of. Now, all she has to worry about is herself and Rodrick since Stan's might be aware that they are working together.

  Chapter Eight


  He's too big for this damn chair. Why the hell did Patton choose such tiny furniture for his waiting room? All of his clients are cyborgs, and most of them aren't delicate in stature.

  He grunts as he shifts in the seat once more, trying to find a position where the metal armrests aren't digging into his thighs. No matter which way he moves, he can't get comfortable. Slouching down, he sets his elbow on the table next to him and rests his chin on it.

  Forty-five minutes have gone by since the two cyborgs from Earth went in to see the doctor. He hasn't moved his eyes from the door leading to the stairs that will take him upstairs.

  Havix sits behind his desk, ignoring Rodrick's annoyance. He's not much of a talker and has barely spoken ten words to Rodrick in all the times he'd been here. He doesn't mind, though, the sound of him constantly typing is beginning to grate on his nerves.

  He would snap at him to knock it off, but Patton's protective of his quiet assistant. It wouldn't do to piss the doctor off at the moment. Kayla would be spitting mad if he sabotaged them gaining recruits for the rebellion.

  He wonders how she's holding up back at the cabin. She didn't even put up a fight this morning when he left to come here. That made him realize how worried she is about her sister.

  Axe will take care of Dawn, but she's too protective and controlling to sit by and do nothing. She won't be at ease until Dawn's safe and far away from The Gregory. Kayla will be after Stan the first chance she gets if he doesn't send a rescue ship for her sister, and it looks like that's what is going to happen. He feels sorry for the rebel's leader. Kayla's relentless when she's pursuing a target. She won't take it easy on him.

  He's not worried about Stan. He's only a puppet the Malviks are using and nothing more. They'll have no use for him once he loses control of the rebels, and that's inevitable.

  The door leading to the stairs opens and out strides one of the cyborgs. He's wearing black fatigues from head to toe, and he has his auburn hair sheared close to his scalp. He nods to Havix as he walks past him, and Havix stops in the middle of typing to wish him a good day, but then immediately gets back to work as if nothing interrupted him.

  Rodrick chuckles at the other man's dedication to his work.

  "You're not going to follow him?" Havix looks up from his screen with a bemused expression.

  "Will you keep it down?" he whispered back. "I'm giving him a second before I go out."

  Havix mouths something, giving him a thumbs up.

  The cyborg's already several paces ahead of him by the time Rodrick walks out of the clinic. It's unusually warm today, and the breeze is gentle, slightly rustling the leaves of the bushes in front of the clinic. He has no difficulty picking up the other man's scent.

  He takes his time, making sure to move cautiously, avoiding the twigs and fallen leaves on the
sidewalk. If the cyborg's alert and on edge, listening for the sound of someone pursuing him, he'd hear the slightest noise. The soft breeze is downwind, giving Rodrick an advantage to sneak up on him. He skirts around the corner of the building, and comes to a halting stop, barely keeping himself from getting caught.

  The cyborg's a hundred yards from him, talking on his portable comm. He paces back and forth in a heated discussion with the other person.

  He focuses in, listening to what the argument is about.

  "That's what I said," he gritted out between clenched teeth clearly annoyed by whomever he's talking to.

  "We find that shocking and hard to believe." Rodrick goes still as a cold chill runs up his spine. The whiny, whispering voice that leaked out of the comm belonged to a Malvik. He shakes off the sudden panic and switches his attention back to the conversation. It's now important he doesn't miss a single word.

  "I'm relaying what I found out from the doctor."

  "Rodrick's been a model soldier and commanding officer. He's the last one we'd assume to join the pesky rebels. Doctor Patton's mistaken, clearly."

  "He was there in the waiting room. Is that enough proof for you? The very day two soldiers from Earth are visiting Patton, and he's there as well. That doesn't seem like a coincidence to me."

  "Hmm," the Malvik murmured. "What did Patton have to say about the sympathizers?"

  "He hasn't met with any of them, but Rodrick and a rebel here on Teraz has. Patton doesn't know the sympathizer's name."

  "What about the rebel's?"

  He holds his breath, waiting.

  "He knows but refuses to tell us."

  He clenches his fists as fury washes over him. Patton was never a reliable ally, but he never thought he'd betray them like this. He curses, launching one of his fists into the brick wall next to him.

  The cyborg's body whirls around, and his eyes dart across the area where Rodrick's hiding. "Someone's out here with me. I need to let you go, but I'll contact you this evening with more information."


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