Salem Charm: Book 3 of Colson Brothers Series

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Salem Charm: Book 3 of Colson Brothers Series Page 2

by Madison, Reese

  His eyebrows came together in the middle a little, “I haven’t had a shower in two days because I’ve been hauling ass across the country to save your pretty little ass, and I have no intention of shaving.” He stood upright to his full height, which is quite a bit more than I originally thought.

  “I suggest you buy a toothbrush while we’re in here.” I instructed. Did he just say I was pretty? When was the last time someone said anything nice about me? Certainly never to me.

  “I have a toothbrush Miss Whitmore, just not the opportunity to use it recently.” He held the door for me and shoved me inside with his meathook of a hand gripping my arm.

  I looked around and had to put my hand over my nose and mouth. This place reeks of mold and dust.

  “Aww, is the little southern belle appalled?” He teased pulling me towards the back. “You have exactly fifteen minutes to pick out a few days worth of clothes. We need to hurry up and get food and sleep if we’re going to meet Turner and his new bitch on time tomorrow.”

  “Language Mr. Colson. Women are not ‘bitches’.” I schooled him.

  “They are to me, especially the one talking back to me right now.” He snapped at me.

  “Excuse me Mr. Colson! You will not speak to me in such a manner!”

  He leaned down into my ear, “I will speak to you any way I please. Now get dressed before I do it for you.”

  I smacked him hard across the face before quickly retreating to the other side of the clothing rack.

  He looked at me and smiled as he ran his hand over his whisker clad jaw, “Foreplay will get you everywhere Miss Whitmore.”

  “That, was not foreplay.” I assured him.

  “You wouldn’t know foreplay if it hit you in the face.” He argued.

  “Oh!! You are an insufferable, rude, smelly, beast of a man.”

  “Why thank you. That’s the nicest thing you’ve said all day.” He teased and stood back folding his arms to watch as I sifted through the clothes.

  I wound up finding an ill fitting pair of jeans, boots that were surprisingly comfortable, and a few shirts that would do. I also found a well worn leather jacket in a dark camel color I that is right nice.

  We paid for our purchases after I changed clothes in the back room, then he took me to some hole in the wall restaurant next door. It’s really more of a bar than a restaurant. The food was greasy and the music way too loud, yet somehow it was comfortable.

  After supper he drove us to what I thought would be an appropriate hotel overlooking the water from across the street. I found myself looking forward to the view from my room as he parked, and some privacy. Surely he’s planning on getting two rooms.

  Wrong. He not only ordered one room, he then proceeded to specifically request one bed. I tried to protest, but he clamped his hand over my mouth. The lady handed him the key with a smile. She must be one of his many contacts in this odd little town.

  Once inside the room he all but pushed me into the bathroom. “I’ve had about enough of you. Use the restroom if you need it, then I’m going to take a shower and get some sleep.”

  I slammed the door in his face and turned to look in the mirror. “Oh good Lord.” I look like I’ve been wind-blown. My hair is a fright, these clothes are just plain filthy under all this light. Oh how I could use a long hot bath and a SoCo on the rocks.

  I took my time freshening up before finding him standing just outside the door. “It’s all yours.”

  “I’m going to take a shower. Don’t go anywhere or you’ll sleep in the trunk.”

  “May I use your phone to call Myles?”

  “No.” He picked it up off the dresser and pointed at me, “Are you going to behave?”

  “Tell me why I can’t call my bodyguard.”

  “Because he doesn’t know where you are, and that’s how it’s going to stay until I say otherwise.”

  “How do I know I can trust you?”

  “Are you still alive?”

  “Obviously Mr. Colson.”

  “Then you can trust me. Lay down and get some sleep, tomorrow is going to be a long day.” He disappeared into the bathroom, then stuck his head back out to add, “Don’t use the land line either. I have my reasons for not giving up our location just yet.”

  “Go take your shower Mr. Colson, we can discuss this when you no longer smell like a pig.”

  He shut the door firmly before letting loose a string of cuss words pertaining to me that I’m sure I’ve never heard in such fluid force. The devil on my shoulder giggled.

  Lou finished his shower a little while later so I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. I can hear him moving about. The fresh scent of lemon and soap tickling my nose now was oddly soothing.

  “You can open your eyes now Barbie.” He informed me finally.

  I did and immediately closed them again. “Please put on your pants.”

  “I’m don’t wear my jeans to bed, unless I have to, and here in a hotel room, I don’t have to.” He crawled onto the bed and brought his long arm around my middle to pull me against him so my back is to his chest. “Get some sleep, tomorrow is going to be a long day.” He wrapped his hand around my wrists.

  “Get your hands off me.”

  “No. I need to make sure you can’t get away.”

  “I can’t move Mr. Colson.”

  “Precisely why you’ll stay right where you are, now hush.”

  “How am I supposed to sleep with your big mitts all over me?”

  “Honey, if my ‘big mitts’ were all over you, sleeping would be the last thing on your mind.”

  I tried to kick him but he put his big heavy leg over both of mine pinning me firmly in place. “Oh boy, more foreplay.”

  “You’re going to pay for this Mr. Colson.” I promised as I talked myself out of biting him.

  “If it involves your lips and your hips, I’ll suffer. Now hush, I have duct tape.” He threatened.

  “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “Yes, I would dare, now, be quiet.”

  “I hate you.”

  He shook with a short laugh from behind me, “You smell like me.”

  “Not by choice.”

  “You make a good pillow too.” He nuzzled his face into my hair and neck.

  “Stop that.”

  “You’re fluffy.”

  I couldn’t stop the laugh that escaped, “Fluffy?? Are you serious?”

  He moaned and hugged me to him. “Fluffy and soft, when you’re not all tied up in tight suits and pantyhose.”

  “Go to sleep before I change my mind about running away to call Myles and tell him what an awful man you are.”

  “Awful. Terrible. Beastly.” He inhaled deeply, “What is that, lotion?”

  “Goodnight Mr. Colson.”

  I must have fallen into a deeper sleep than I expected because next thing I know someone is rolling me over and there’s a heavy warm weight covering me.

  “Mmmm. You still smell good.” Lou’s voice brought me back to reality quickly.

  “Get off me!!!” I pushed hard against his chest.

  He lifted up in a push-up over me with a smile that is annoying to say the least. “Sleep good?”

  “No!” I kicked but it had little effect the way his legs are trapping mine.

  He lowered his head and whispered in my ear. “I am not a sick pervert. You are perfectly safe with me. But you do smell damn good.” He hopped off taking my hand along the way pulling me along with him for me to stand up. “Go get ready. We leave in an hour.” He smacked me on the rear end.

  “Ow!!” I spun around and smacked him across the face again. “That hurt!!”

  He stalked me to the bathroom with a playful yet hunting look in his eyes.

  I walk
ed backwards with my finger pointed at his nose, “Stay away from me.”

  “Go. Get. Ready.” He insisted slowly.

  “I would if you didn’t look like you were going to pounce on me.”

  He smiled a wicked smile, “Trust me, it’s a thought. Go.” He pointed to the door. “Now. By the way, you look much prettier without all the make-up.”

  I turned and grabbed the door to shut in his face. Geez that man is a conundrum. One minute he’s telling me I smell good. The next he’s smacking me on my rump, then a minute later he’s flirting with me?? And why is he so mean at times?

  “Where is my car??” I looked around for the beautiful piece of machinery. I think we were in the Mercedes Myles usually drives. He’s going to miss that car. It always looks brand new, and I’m sure I’ve never seen a speck of dust on the thing.

  “I had to ditch it, don’t worry Myles will pick it up later. Get in.”

  “This thing is filthy.”

  “It’s a classic GMC pickup, you should be proud to ride in it. Get in before I throw you in.” He threatened back to his foul mood and meanness.

  I wiped who knows what from the seat to the floor and climbed in. “We have enough money to buy a decent form of transportation.”

  He slammed the door and walked around to sit in the driver’s seat. All this door slamming needs to stop, it’s making me jumpy.

  “I would appreciate if you would not slam doors in my face.” I scolded him as he started the poor old engine.

  “I would appreciate if you would kindly shut the fuck up.” He snapped and shoved the truck into gear. I gasped at his words then looked out the window figuring something had him in a mood, and I was not about to remain the target of his aggression.

  A full five minutes later he said, “Sorry. It’s been a long night.”

  “You didn’t sleep?”

  “Not much. I woke up about an hour after you fell asleep and went to deal with the car bullshit.”

  “Lou. Language please?” I interrupted as nicely as I could.

  He glanced at me, “Lighten up Barbie. Are you hungry?”

  I sighed once again forcing myself to resign to my situation. “Yes, breakfast would be nice.”

  “I know a diner in New Bern you should like.”

  “What makes you say I should like it?”

  “They have grits.”

  I laughed for the first time since this ordeal began. “You have me there Mr. Colson. I do love good grits.”

  “There, we have one thing in common.”

  “Two.” I corrected him.

  He looked at me again, “Two? What’s the other thing?”

  “We both need a haircut.”

  He pretended to give me a dirty look but the way his mouth turned up at the corners gave away his amusement. “I’m growing it back out, if you must know. It just happens to be at a weird length. Joe said I looked like Johnny Depp.”

  “No, he’s much shorter, and if I remember correctly you have blue eyes and he has brown.”

  “You sound as if you’ve met the man.” He suggested.

  “Briefly. More like a passing introduction at an event. I’ve been introduced to many famous people, however I can’t say as I know them.” I explained.

  “You talk like music.” He replied looking to his left.

  “Pardon me?”

  “Nothing.” He fumbled with the radio for a minute before pretending to care about the news more than talking to me. We talked on and off about various topics. Agreeing to disagree on some things came fairly easily as I didn’t wish to rouse up that foul mood again. I’m sure we could have a good go-around over our differences, but not today. I’d rather save that sparring for a happier occasion. Maybe once this is over I’ll have to put together a party. Invite Lou. Thank him.

  I smiled and shook my head. He’d never show up. Funny, but I find myself liking that about him.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing really.”

  “If it was nothing, you wouldn’t have laughed. Tell me what’s funny.” He insisted blowing his hair out of his eyes.

  “Well, if I must be honest, I was trying to imagine you in a suit.”

  “The only suit you’ll see me in will be on my wedding day, and that’s not about to happen anytime soon.”

  “I’m sure your girlfriend is thrilled.”

  “Girlfriend?? Ha!” He said that a little too loud making me jump. Realizing his mistake he apologized, “Sorry honey. It’s just the mere idea of having a girlfriend sets me off. My job doesn’t leave much room for relationships.”

  “Somehow I doubt it’s your job that’s the problem.” Okay, I seriously need too filter myself.

  “Oh really? And just what do you think, in your professional opinion, is my problem?”

  “You’re rude, grabby, and up until last night, you stunk.”

  He cracked up. “I stunk. Very nice Barbie. Very nice.”

  “Just drive.” I turned the volume up on the crackling advertisement. Of course there’s no music playing to at least attempt to cover my obvious discomfort. At least these jeans are comfortable. I miss my Jimmy Choos. The poor things are shoved carelessly into one of his bags.

  Almost seven hours later, the sign reading Black Mountain perfectly described my mood, and added to my fear. “Where are you taking me?” I’m less afraid of Lou than I am the rest of this adventure. I don’t know this man, and now I’m about to meet his brother. This Turner guy sounds dreadful. I can only hope his ‘bitch’, or ‘old lady’, as Lou insists on calling her, is nice. I could use someone to talk to right about now.

  Normally that would be Myles. I miss my best friend. Lou is forcing me to realize just how much I take for granted when it comes to Myles. He really does spoil me. Lou does not spoil me. Not one bit.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “Wherever I see fit to keep you alive.” There’s that bad mood again. It seems the longer we go without speaking, the snippier he gets when I break the silence. This man is either a jerk, or complicated. I’m going with jerk at the moment.

  “I just asked where we are going, no need to get snippy.”

  “I don’t get ‘snippy’, I get annoyed. The last transport that mouthed off to me found himself in the fucking trunk. Don’t think you’re any different just because you wear a damn skirt.”

  I can’t believe the audacity of this man!! Instead of dignifying him with a reply I un-dignified myself with a good pout out the window. The man is unbearable. I can’t wait for this to be over. I hope my father is okay… shoot. What if he’s not?? Then what do I do?? I’ve been so busy being mad at this jerk next to me I haven’t had time to worry about my father.

  Lou picked up my hand so I looked at him. His expression had softened, “It’s going to be okay. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  I snatched my hand back, “I can take care of myself thank you Mr. Colson. You are, if nothing else, a hinderance. Kindly give me my father’s money and drop me somewhere with a public telephone. I’ve had enough of your mouth.”

  He slammed on the brakes making me brace myself with my hands on the dashboard. Then he grabbed my arm to face him. “I’m not here to be nice, or cater to your every snobbish desire like Myles. Me being here is a risk I rarely take. Anywhere east of the Mississippi river is an invitation to get a lot of people hurt. People I love. I don’t give a rat’s ass about you beyond keeping you alive and getting paid. Now sit back and for once today, shut the hell up.” He let go and pulled back onto the now dirt road. “Women.” I heard him complain as I composed myself.

  “Insufferable ass.” I went back to looking out the window.

  “You call me insufferable. I’ve never met more stuck up bitch in my life.” He informed me as he s
ped up.

  “Probably because you hang around loose women.” Great, now I’m picking fights with this man. This man I barely know.

  “As a matter a fact, I do not. Although I did get a wicked forty-dollar blow job before I left Arizona.”

  I covered my ears, “I did NOT need to know that!!”

  He’s laughing now. “Yeah, probably not, but you’re irritating the shit out of me.”

  “Maybe we shouldn’t speak to each other for a while.” I suggested firmly.

  “Good idea.” I can see him shaking his head. “You talk too much anyway.”

  “I was trying to be polite.” I argued.

  “And she’s still talking.” He glanced at me. “You don’t get out much, do you?”

  I crossed my arms over my chest. “I get out plenty Mr. Colson.”

  “Boyfriend take you out to fancy restaurants and shit?”

  “Language Mr. Colson.” I reminded him before continuing. “No, I’m currently between boyfriends.” I lied. I’ve never had a boyfriend. I’ve played spin the bottle type games over the years, but aside from an uncomfortable sloppy kiss here and there, my experience with men is very limited.

  “No wonder you’re so uptight.”

  “Pardon me??”

  He looked over to me as he slowed for yet another turn, “You need to get laid. Don’t worry, Im not picking on you. I could use a good fuck myself.”

  My face went bright red, “We need to stop talking.”

  He laughed, “I tried telling you that.”


  A little while later he finally stopped at what might as well have been an outhouse in the middle of nowhere. When he started covering the truck with random branches I decided to try and help.

  “How long before your brother gets here?” I asked hoping my tone wasn’t going to set him off again. He’s quite scary when he’s mad.

  “Maybe an hour or so.” He shrugged.

  “Where did you get this truck?”

  “I stole it.”


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