Salem Charm: Book 3 of Colson Brothers Series

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Salem Charm: Book 3 of Colson Brothers Series Page 9

by Madison, Reese

  “I wouldn’t know.” Myles went to fix himself a plate.

  I listened as Lou asked him, “No wife or girlfriend?”

  “No. I got my first love killed right after high school. Then I went into the Marines for a four year tour. Mr. Whitmore hired me right away when my duty was up. He said he wanted somebody he could trust and promised me a job for life, and a killer retirement package if I took care of his daughter.” He sat with a giant plateful of eggs pancakes and bacon and dove in.

  “You haven’t had a girlfriend the entire time?” Lou asked putting his hands on my shoulders as he stood behind me now.

  Myles shook his head and looked at Lou with some kind of warning look.

  “Ah. Well buddy, I plan to marry this young lady right here, so maybe now you can have a little free time to find one.”

  Myles swallowed, “Don’t want one. There was only one for me, she’s dead. Change the subject.” He looks mad.

  “Yes, change the subject.” I stood up, “Is Myles going with us today?”

  “If he wants to.” Lou replied.

  “Where are you going?” Myles asked.

  “I need to go pick up some money for a job I did last month, then I was going to take my girl here shopping, then hopefully on a real date later tonight.” Lou explained. “You’re welcome to come meet the Vegas chapter, but the rest could be right boring.”

  “I’ll go because I’m still not convinced Paulie will keep to his word about the two weeks. I’ve been shopping with Miss Whitmore her entire life, I think I’ll live.”

  Lou laughed, “Maybe, until you see what I want to buy her.”

  I looked at Lou, “Don’t do that.”

  “What did I do??” He put his hands up in the air and stepped back with a smile.

  I felt my eyes roll, “I cooked, you can clean.”

  “Housekeeping will take care of it.” He informed me.

  “I keep looking for my purse.” I looked around not knowing what to do with myself. These two are making me very uncomfortable.

  “What’s wrong Barbara?” Myles asked noticing my inability to stand still.

  “I need to get out of this room!!”

  Those idiots both laughed at me, so I left taking one of the bodyguards outside the door with me down to the casino. Good thing I stuck some cash in my back pocket from the envelope Myles had tried to give to Lou yesterday.

  I walked around the casino for a few minutes before I sat down at a Black Jack table and asked the dealer for the basic rules.

  He explained them as clearly as if he’d done it a thousand times. He probably has. The concept seems simple enough. More than anything I just want a distraction. I put two hundred dollars on the table in exchange for chips right about the time my two idiots joined me. My idiots. I love my idiots, and therefore I’m the only one allowed to call them that, and I would only do it in my head, never out loud. Neither of them is really an idiot.

  “It’s like having giant shadows.” I complained trying to fight a smile as the dealer dealt the first hand.

  “Do me a favor, don’t walk out like that again.” Lou said as he leaned into my ear.

  “She knows better.” Myles added. “Right?” He shot me a dirty look as he sat on my other side pushing some guy down a seat. Normally I would scold him, but I’m in no mood to play mother hen with either of these two men at the moment.

  “Stop yelling at me. It’s been a rough week.” I tapped the table for another card and counted to twenty two. Rats.

  “If I was yelling my dear, the entire casino would know it.” Myles scolded me. He hates it when I do things like this. I try not to make his life difficult, but sometimes a girl just needs to get out of the room.

  I looked up and almost fell out of my chair when Paulie sat down. “I wondered if you would risk leaving your room. I see you’re as much the whore your mother was.” He looked at Myles and then Lou.

  Both men started to stand. I put my hand on their arms to reign them in. “No fighting gentlemen. What I do, or do not do, is of no concern to you Mr. Marconni.”

  “Just an observation.” He slid money across the table for chips and the next round began. How befitting. This feels like round two with this sweaty pig of a man. I can’t believe I carry his DNA. I shuttered at the thought before replying, “An observation based on your inability to do your homework. You know what they say about assumptions.” Oh, I’m in just the right mood for this. I welcome verbal warfare at this point. Instead of snapping at Lou I can snap at the reason I’m snippy to begin with.

  “That’s quite a mouth you have there, daughter.” He let the last word slither out like the snake he is.

  “It comes with a brain, something you would no nothing about.”

  Lou coughed. “Easy babe.”

  “Stay out of this.” I snapped. “Hit me.” I told the dealer. Twenty-one, score.

  “You know Miss Whitmore, you might be interested to know you have three brothers and a sister.” Paulie told me.

  “I have what’s left of my family sitting on either side of me thank you very much. Sharing the same blood does not mean we are ‘family’, it means we’re biologically related. Rest assured it ends there for me Mr. Marconni.”

  “That’s too bad, they were looking forward to introducing themselves.” He waved his hand in the air, “Maybe another time then.”

  “What do you want Mr. Marconni?” Myles asked.

  I put my hand on his arm, “We already know what he wants, please don’t engage. I can handle myself just fine.”

  Lou sat back a little like he’d just discovered the best show on earth. Wise man kept his mouth shut.

  “So, you like bossing grown men around?” Paulie went right back to it. He’s trying to provoke me, or the guys. Maybe both.

  I will not be provoked. “I take no pleasure in ‘bossing’ anyone around.” I said simply taking a loss to the dealer even with a nineteen. This game is almost as frustrating as the pig a couple seats away.

  “You could save yourself a lot of hassle and heartache by just giving me what’s mine.” He took a twenty-one and I wanted to throw my drink at him. Lou had ordered me a glass of wine when he first sat down.

  “If I remember correctly, you never had possession of the said eight million dollars. Not to mention there is no evidence that my father caused you to lose the business deal in question. If you want to come after me, Mr. Marconni, you’re going to have to do a lot better than that.” I looked up at him feeling my inner bitch slip right into my seat.

  He stared back at me, “You’re going to regret going up against me.”

  “I’m not the one going up against you, you’re the one who is going up against me. I don’t feel the need to make threats and warn you with promises of pain, suffering, and eminent death as you do. The results of your audacity will reveal themselves all in good time.” I assured him.

  He ran his fat finger over his fat jaw. “Maybe I should have hired you instead of making you an enemy.”

  “You cannot afford me sir.” I informed him.

  His eyes are darting a little now. “I believe you will be the first worthy opponent I’ve had in years.”

  “Then maybe you should start choosing your battles more wisely. There is no honor is wiping out the weak. However, when you take down the king in his own castle, that’s a victory worth celebrating.” I took my losses and stood up. “I plan to do a lot of celebrating at your expense Mr. Marconni.” I started to leave then turned back almost bumping into Lou.

  “By the way Mr. Marconni, be careful how you judge a book by it’s cover.” I waved my hand over my body. “You might think you’re getting this, but in fact, you’re getting these.” I thumbed both thumbs at the two very large men who are dead set on protecting me. “And these, are not to be
taken lightly, neither are their associates.” I gave him a second to reply. When he didn’t I turned and left straight for the main entrance. I need air.

  Once outside I looked up at Myles, “Did you bring them?”

  He gave me a look but reached into his inside pocket for my clove cigarettes. I don’t really smoke, but I like a good clove now and then, just like a man likes a good cigar.

  “You smoke?” Lou asked.

  I lit the stogie and inhaled. “Not all the time, just when I’m having a moment.”

  Lou took my chin in his hand, “You have no idea how much I love you. I’ve never seen a woman, or a man, talk so goddamned elegantly and at the same time to put a person in their place. Once again, that was beautiful baby.”

  I shrugged. “He’s an idiot.”

  “No, Paulie is one of the most difficult men to beat in the business. He’s not stupid, he’s greedy, which makes him dangerous.” He kissed my forehead and let go so I could smoke.

  “Greed bleeds stupid Mr. Colson.” I argued then immediately felt like a shit, “I’m sorry. I’m still in bitch mode here.”

  He smiled, “It’s okay, your bitch mode is right sexy.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Geeze. Maybe I will skip the shopping spree. You got this Lou?” Myles asked.

  “I’m armed and ready. I’ll keep Max around for extra eyes.”

  “Thanks. I’m going to go for a ride before returning the bike this afternoon. That alright?”

  “You bet. Ride safe.”

  Myles waved from over his shoulder as he left.

  “Is he mad?” Lou asked me.

  “No. You’re taking over his job, it’s messing with his head. Myles is a complicated guy, don’t worry, he’ll be fine. He just needs another full-time client. Maybe I can find him one.”

  “I think I have a better idea.”

  “Oh yeah?” I looked up and into his bright blue eyes for the first time since we left the breakfast table this morning.

  “I’ll talk to him about it later. Come on, you can finish your smoke while we walk around to get my bike.”

  “It’s funny, yesterday that thing scared the daylights out of me. Today I can’t wait to get back on it with you.” I laughed as we walked.


  “What?” I looked up as he put my arm around his waist. “She. Cars, boats, and motorcycles are all she’s, not it’s.”

  “I’ve heard that before. Why is that?”

  “Because there are only two things that can bring a man to his knees, his old lady he loves, and the bike he covets.”

  “How do they bring you to your knees?”

  “When I propose to you, it will be on my knees. When I work on my bike, I’m usually on my knees, or a brake cart, but either way, you get my point.”

  “Am I going to be the other woman, fighting for your affection against a motorcycle?” I teased.

  “No. You my dear, will never need to fight for my affection. I can get a new bike, you are not replaceable.”

  “Aww.” I hugged him as I leaned into him. “Maybe I should marry the silver-tongued devil after all.”

  “Maybe you should.” He agreed as we reached his bike.

  I took the helmet and jacket he handed me from his saddle bags. “Thanks. Why don’t you wear a helmet?”

  “Because I need to be able to see. Helmets get in the way.”

  “What if you crash?”

  “I’ve dropped a bike a time or two in my day. Both times I was wearing a helmet and couldn’t see in my peripheral vision. Almost got shot the second time. That’s when I hung the helmet up. I haven’t had an incident since.” He explained.

  “I’m glad you’re okay, but do me a favor, go slow for me today. I’m still a bundle of nerves after that Black Jack game.”

  “No problem, we’re not going far.” He swung his leg over and righted the large machine. Then he held his hand out, “Ready?”

  “Definitely.” I took his hand and thankfully managed to climb on without tripping over myself this time.


  Meeting the Las Vegas chapter was not unlike meeting the Exiles. The men were rough and tough looking, but greeted us like long lost friends. Lou introduced me as his old lady, earning a few looks of surprise.

  We spent about an hour socializing before he rode us back to the main part of town. I’m starting to feel a little more comfortable around all these bikers. It helps that Lou is right by my side the whole time.

  He took us back to the hotel and parked near where we were before. Questions had built up in my mind along the ride about his life, and his family.

  He helped me off the bike so I don’t trip and burn myself on the hot pipes. Then he kissed me so suddenly, and so passionately I dropped my helmet. Whoa! What’s this?? What did I do?? How do I do it again???

  When he let me up for air I asked, “What was that for?”

  “You. Last night, this morning in the casino, and the way you clung to me at the club. I was the envy of every man in your path today.” He tucked my helmet and jacket in the saddle bags.

  “I don’t see how. Did you see all those super-models at that club? I felt like a fat cow in comparison.” I complained.

  He grabbed my arm, “Come here.”


  He looked at me then his bike and back again. “Here, just play along.” He scooped me up and positioned my legs and arms in some silly pose. He did something with my hair. The way he’s looking me over is making me feel self conscious.

  “I feel silly.”

  “You won’t in a minute.” He stepped back and took about six pictures with his phone from different angles.

  I hopped off having had enough of this type of attention. “Okay enough, you’re embarrassing me.”

  He tapped the screen on his phone and showed it to me. “Look. This is what I see when I look at you.”

  I cringed but looked anyway. “That’s not me. That’s… holy moly, is that really… me? I flipped through the pictures. “What the hell??”

  He laughed snatching his phone back. “That one’s going on my wallpaper.”

  “You better not!” I still can’t believe that was me. The woman displayed in such an erotic fashion on that big beautiful bike could not have been me. I’m not sexy!!

  “Oh yes, you can bet your beautiful ass that’s going on my wallpaper.” He threatened taking me under his arm again, “Ready to go see how beautiful you really are?”

  “No. Yes. I don’t know!” The idea of playing sex goddess for the day is kind of exciting, but mostly scary. I don’t wear short skirts, hell, I don’t even like to show cleavage.

  “Do you trust me?” He asked probably sensing my apprehension.

  “That’s a strange question to ask.”

  “I need to know Barbara.” He scolded playfully.

  “I guess I do. I mean, yes, I believe I trust you almost as much as I trust Myles, which is more than I trust anyone.”

  “We’ll have to work on that. I want you to trust me as much, if not more. I will be your husband, you should be able to trust your husband.”

  “Oh my God, can we curb the marriage talk for today??”

  “Nope. I am relentless, and you will succumb to my charms.” He decided as we stepped out into the sun.

  “I believe I already did, last night.” I flirted reminding him.

  He groaned, stopped, turned and cupped my face quickly before kissing me good. I forgot where we were as he made love to my mouth with his.

  When somebody hooted at us he grabbed my hair and gently tilted my head back. His eyes are burning with that need I remember from our time in the bedroom.

  There are about ten people standing around. Every woman is lo
oking at Lou like they want to jump him right here in the street. The men are looking at me. I have no idea why. He’s the one doing the passionate kissing in the middle of the street!

  I buried my face in his chest. “I can’t believe you just did that.”

  “Oh honey, the things I’m going to do to you… that will seem like nothing.” He promised.

  “Like what??” I’m horrified. Can it get anymore… public display of affection?

  “You’ll see. I’m going to slowly peel away these inhibitions of yours, starting today.”

  “I’m scared.” I laughed.

  “Good, makes for better sex.” He teased kissing the top of my head.

  “It does??”

  “Not real fear, like fear of your life, or fear of getting hurt. However, the fear of getting caught can be quite erotic.”

  “Caught? Where are people having sex? In the streets??”

  He laughed and pointed to a side street. “Right down there about two blocks is an empty warehouse. I know for a fact it’s unlocked because I broke the lock chasing some asshole a few months ago. The building is set for destruction, but they don’t have the proper permits in order yet. I could easily put your back to the wall and your legs around my waist. Hmm. Damn I need I drink, a very strong, and very cold drink.” He pulled me into another casino.

  “Would you really do that?” I asked as we waited for our drinks.

  He ran his thumb over my cheek. “Yes, in a heartbeat.”


  “Stop thinking about it, and especially stop talking about it. Or baby, I’m going to throw you down and kiss your clothes off right here and now.”

  I swallowed turning bright red as the lady behind us gasped. I took my Jack and Coke from the bartender and tried to thank him but the words wouldn’t come out. Hopefully the forced smile was enough.

  “Now. Let’s go find some clothes that fit your perfect little curves.” He once again draped his arm around my shoulders and just like that escorted me back outside.

  “Did you hear that girl? She gasped at what you said.” I laughed taking a sip. “Are we allowed to drink outside?”


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