Slay Belles & Mayhem: A Medley of Dark Tales

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Slay Belles & Mayhem: A Medley of Dark Tales Page 13

by Dani René

  When I reach the dining room, I find my parents both dressed to the nines, along with a man I’d never met before. His green eyes remind me of the vacations Dad used to take me on to British Columbia. The lakehouse we had overlooked a thick forest which was as dangerous as this man’s gaze. The stranger’s dark hair matches his charcoal suit, along with the silver button-up shirt.

  Everything about this man seems put together, expensive. His presence screams wealth, and when he looks at me, the corner of his mouth quirks. The heat in his gaze burns me from head to toe as he regards my outfit—sneakers, a black lace tank top, along with a pair of frayed denim shorts. My long red hair has been straightened to the middle of my back, and my makeup is nonexistent since I didn’t expect us to have company.

  “There you are,” my mother says, her smile plastered on her face as she takes in my appearance. I’m not exactly dressed for guests. “Come here.” Her hand waves toward me, gesturing for me to close the distance, but with every step I take, the more I feel the stranger’s eyes raking over me. It’s almost as if he’s touching me.

  “Scarlett, this is Mr. Shaw,” Dad says, introducing the stranger to me. “He’s having dinner with us this evening.” There’s a hint of tension in my father’s voice, but he offers me a smile, which sets me at ease.

  The man in question, Mr. Shaw, locks his cool gaze on me and offers me a smile. His hand extends toward me. The moment I slip my fingers along his palm, electric currents shoot through my arm, but I can’t pull away because his hold on me is like solid steel.

  “It’s lovely to meet you, Scarlett,” he says, allowing my name to roll off his tongue like the smooth whiskey he’s drinking. His deep baritone sends tingles of awareness right through me—from the top of my head to the tips of my toes.

  “Same here,” I answer in a whisper before he releases my hand and allows me to step back. The scent of him hangs in the air—cigars, and cinnamon. A strange combination, nothing like anyone I’ve come across before, especially since my dad and none of the men he considers friends have ever smoked in this house.

  “Shall we?” Mom breaks the silence with a nervous grin, and we all follow her to the dining room table, where I notice four places have been set. I didn’t plan on sitting with them, but it seems my presence is needed.

  I settle in beside Mom as she slides her chair forward. The two men take their seats, Dad, at the head of the table, while Mr. Shaw settles in opposite me. Dinner is served moments later. The fragrance of spicy tomato soup fills my nostrils, but even that can’t wash away the scent of Mr. Shaw.

  “Tell me, Scarlett,” he speaks. “What is it you would like to accomplish in life or your career?” Intrigue glints in his eye, sending awareness shooting down my spine. He reminds me of a dangerous animal, watching its prey, stalking until it’s time to strike.

  My gaze shoots to his, but my focus lands on his mouth as he takes the spoon to his lips. The wetness from the soup causes a soft glisten to capture and hold my attention. The deep red color reminds me of blood and just how predatorily he looks as he swallows, his tongue darting out to savor the taste of his kill.

  “Scarlett?” Mother’s cool tone brings me back to the present, and I clear my throat, casting her a quick glance.

  “Yes, sorry. I’d like to hopefully open my own media agency,” I tell him. “What do you do?” My inquiry causes him to chuckle, the sound low, rumbling through his chest, and I wonder what’s so funny.

  “I don’t think little girls should be so curious,” he tells me, then sips another mouthful of his soup, but each movement he makes sends heat through me, and I can’t explain it. He’s handsome, classically so, with sharp features, a jawbone that’s free of stubble, and a mouth that I’m certain could do sinful things if given the chance.

  I’m not overly experienced, but I know enough to recognize a man who has the ability to make women swoon with a mere glance. His dark brow arches and I realize I’m staring. Shaking my head, I eat my soup in silence, unsure of how to take him. Or even why I’m here in the first place.

  “And you’re planning on running this all by yourself?” he asks, and I feel his eyes on me. The heat of his stare captures me, and I nod. “Words, little girl.”

  “I’m not a little girl,” I bite out, shoving my bowl away in frustration. “I’m twenty. I’m an adult.”


  “Scarlett!” My mother’s tone turns my name into a curse word. Her heated glare is scorching me, but I don’t look at her. I’m staring at the man before me.

  “Yes,” I answer back, causing him to laugh once more. “It’s not funny. I’ll be twenty-one in a few days, and when I complete my internship, I’ll have the necessary experience to start my own business. And I’ll be able to do anything a man can do, possibly even better.” Folding my arms across my chest, I don’t turn my attention away from Mr. Shaw.

  He sits back, and I don’t miss the way his gaze flicks to my chest before meeting my stare as he regards me with amusement. “I like your fire, little red,” he says, his tone holding what I can only deem respect. “It’s refreshing. Most women cower in my presence,” he continues, pushing to his feet, which has both my folks standing as well. But I don’t. Instead, I sit in my chair, my arms crossed as I watch his next move.

  “Thank you for dinner, folks,” he says, but his gaze never strays from me. “I’ll have to get going if I’m going to catch the early flight to New York.”

  “Of course,” Mom coos as if she’s about to kiss his shoes as he leaves our house. “Let us walk you out. I have to apologize for Scarlett. She’s feeling anxious about her future.”

  “There’s no need for that,” Shaw says before stopping at my chair. He leans in, his lips a hair's breadth away from my cheek, and he whispers, “The big bad wolf won’t eat you if you don’t veer off the path.”

  I turn my head, branding him with my stare. “That’s a fairy tale told to little girls to scare them.”

  Those ocean eyes take in my sleek strands before he shrugs. “Perhaps. But little girls should always be wary of predators in their way,” he says. “Especially when they go visit Grandma.” He rises as I shoot to my feet, but he’s walking off before I have time to focus on what he’s just said.

  “Wait,” I call, but all he does is offer me a wave as he makes his way to the exit where my parents are cowing to him as if he were the fucking King of England, and they were mere peasants.

  I don’t know who he is, but his attempt to scare me won’t work.

  I’m not a little girl afraid of the big bad wolf.

  At least, that’s what I tell myself.

  Chapter Two


  The plane touches down on the East Coast. The private hangar is empty apart from my men, who seem to have taken it upon themselves to ensure I have two cars waiting for me. When I built my empire from the ground up, there was only one thing I knew I needed to do, and that was to ensure my brother never came near me again. Being in New York sets me on edge because I know he’s not far.

  Being someone who runs his business with an iron fist, I don’t doubt some of the men I’d let go over the past few months have found him and ensured he knows my every move. But I’m not afraid. I’ve never been scared of him, and he knows it.

  I should be back in Ridgewood where she is, but I needed to face the team here in person. Once I’m done, I’ll fly back and find my little red and claim what is rightfully mine. The fire she exuded certainly left me hard for her all night. I didn’t want to come out here and walk away from her, but offering her a false sense of security will ensure she won’t see me coming.

  They’ve always called me the hunter and my brother the wolf, but I became both somewhere down the line. When the Bardots fucked me over with the husband embezzling money from me, I showed them I’m not some pushover they could fuck with. And now, their daughter’s hand in marriage is my payment.

  After meeting her, I’m certainly intrigued by the young woman
. She may be young, but she’s exquisite. The way she carries herself captured my attention and every inch of her sweet curves tempted me enough to keep me interested.

  What she doesn’t know is that her life has already been planned out. It’s sweet she thinks she’ll be opening her own business. When I’m done with her, she’ll be in my bed, pregnant with my heirs. At thirty-nine, I know I have to get started on a family who will be there one day when I’m gone. That’s why I wanted someone younger, someone supple and sweet.

  I make my way to the car and slip in the bench seat as my driver takes his place and starts the engine. His gaze meets mine in the rearview mirror, awaiting my command.

  “I’ll be going to Hawthorne first,” I tell him, and he nods as we pull out of the parking area. I reach for my phone in my breast pocket and find it buzzing wildly. “What?”

  “We’ve spotted Darius. He’s on a bike heading out of Miami.”

  “Keep a tail on him. I don’t need him disappearing again.” I hang up before they can give me any excuses. My brother thinks he can outsmart me, but I have more money than god, which gives me the upper hand.

  Flicking open my app list, I scroll down to the one I need and open her profile—no new photos or posts. The last one she had put up was of her in that god-awful black ensemble she wore to dinner. The top itself wasn’t bad, the lace offering a hint of what’s beneath, but other than that, I’m going to have to get her to dress appropriately since she’ll be on my arm at all the events I’m to attend.

  When I told her to be wary of the big bad wolf, I wasn’t joking. Only, she doesn’t need to know the details just yet. And I can’t wait to get my new bride to my home. The house I ensured would be ready for her is not far from her grandmother’s house, which is a testament to just how far I’ll go to get her. I even bought a fucking house to keep her happy.

  But I know throwing money around isn’t going to be the way to ensure her compliance. I want her submission in every way possible, and there’s no doubt she’s going to be a challenge.

  When we pull up to the building, I glance out the window, taking note of the bustling streets. The door opens, and I step out, offering my driver a nod before I button my suit jacket and head into the gleaming foyer.

  Gold shimmers from the chandelier hanging from the center of the ceiling, offering a glittering entrance as you walk into the apartment block. Upmarket position within the city, wealthy patrons dripping from head to toe in designer labels, and pricing that most would balk at. Well, when I say most, I mean anyone who isn’t me.

  “Good evening, sir.” The receptionist grins. I run this place like a hotel. You can’t rent an apartment long-term, and most of the clientele only need a month or two.

  “Is everything ready?”

  A soft blush turns her cheeks pink, but even looking at the dark-haired beauty, she doesn’t capture my attention like Scarlett. There’s no fire. None at fucking all.

  “Yes, sir,” she responds and leans over her desk to offer me a glimpse of her cleavage, which looks like it’s about to spill from the dress. “It’s nice to see you again.”

  “I’m sure it is.” I turn on my heel and head to the private elevator that will take me up to the club on the roof. It’s an exclusive, well-known slice of heaven, and when the car deposits me outside the sleek, black doors, I twist the silver handle and step into every Dominant’s fantasy.

  Women kneel beside their Masters, and some even have two submissives who obediently await their next orders. Some have male submissives; others have a mix. When I first opened Heaven, I planned for it to be exclusively for my staff, for those who lived the lifestyle, but over time, it became something of a gem that people paid an extortionate amount of money for.

  People like Bardot and his wife. Only, she no longer wanted this life, and he, on the other hand, took it upon himself to partake in the festivities when she didn’t know. The more money he needed to pay his membership fees, the more money he stole from me.

  Now, he’d do anything to ensure my silence. Hence the reason I have a new bride to take care of when I get back. But for now, I move through the space, heading toward the viewing rooms.

  “Mr. Shaw,” a voice drifts over the soft, classical music that plays in the background, and I turn to find Kahn, one of the men who work for me. The businesses I run are varied, and he’s one of the soldiers I send in to extricate information when needed.

  “How are you doing?” I glance over my shoulder, taking him in. He’s worked for me for several years, and I know there’s more to him than meets the eye. His file told me so, even if he didn’t. All my staff undergoes a number of tests, along with a background check. His sister has disappeared, and he’s looking for her. I don’t mind him using my resources for it, but I wish he’d tell me.

  I’m not a complete monster. I hope he finds her.

  “I’m good. There’s been some talk about the priest in NOLA,” he tells me as we stand side by side, watching a scene play out before us. A submissive getting her face fucked roughly, spit running down her chin as tears stream down her flushed cheeks. Her body merely a plaything for the man using her.

  Pleasure is written all over his face, and I imagine having Scarlett in that exact position. I turn away, needing to calm down before I jump on the plane and head back to see her. Meeting Kahn’s gaze, I inquire, “And you’d like to sort that out for me?”

  “I would.” It’s his way of telling me he needs this. There’s something more going down at the church and Father Lorenzo and his flock. “He’s been on my radar for a long time, and there’s someone there I’d like to ensure is safe.”

  I’ll gladly allow him to fly out tonight to kill Lorenzo before the good Father steals more girls off the streets.

  “Tell me something, Kahn,” I speak. “Does this have anything to do with the real reason you agreed to work for me?”

  His gaze snaps to mine, and he nods. He knows that I know. If he were someone I didn’t respect, I would kill him right here, in front of everyone, and make sure people fear me. But for now, I’ll allow him to do what he needs to.

  “Go. When you get back, I need to know everything.”

  “Yes, sir.” He offers a salute before disappearing from sight. Now that I’ve sorted him out, I make my way to the private room where I have the redhead waiting for me. She’s not Scarlett, but she’ll have to do.

  Chapter Three


  By the time I reach my grandmother’s estate, I’m exhausted. The small town she lives in is nothing more than a vast forested area with a few exclusive homes dotted within the trees.

  As the car draws nearer to the large estate, anticipation trickles down my spine like a snake, slithering across the ground. The memory of Mr. Shaw’s words sends a cold shiver through me, which shakes me to the bone.

  It’s been so long since I visited, but I knew it was time to see the old lady and spend time with her. She’s getting on in age, and from what Mom says, she’s not doing all that great. Even though I’m here to help her with the annual Bardot Ball that raises money for children abandoned by their parents or were orphaned. The event sees guests drive up just for the evening, but there’s another worry that’s twisting my gut. Would Mr. Shaw be in attendance?

  After he left, my parents told me he’s going to be around a lot more. I’m not sure how, in what capacity, but they both seemed afraid of the prospect, which didn’t sit well with me. As handsome as I found him, there was something sinister that sparked in his gaze.

  We come to a stop just outside the mansion. The building is three floors of pure opulence. Wealth drips from every corner of my grandmother’s home, and as much as I’d rather be at home, it’s a reprieve from sitting and listening to my mother telling me what a disappointment I am.

  The driver opens my door before offering me his hand, which I accept. The moment I step foot on the soft soil, awareness of being watched slithers over me. It feels as if there are eyes on me, waiting in
the shadows. But as I turn to look out at the long driveway, taking in the trees surrounding the estate, I don’t see anything in the darkness. It’s late, nearing nine in the evening, and after the long day, I’m exhausted.

  “Miss Bardot,” Ellington, my driver, calls to me to get my attention. “I’ll get the bags,” he tells me. “Please wait at the door for me.”

  Nodding, I offer him a smile before making my way toward the large, ornate entrance that beckons. The dark wooden door, with a wrought-iron handle and knocker, sends more cold awareness through me.

  This will be my home for the next four weeks. As much as I wanted space from my parents and their constant bickering, when I glance around the property, the ghostly feel of the place makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

  The rumors of Gran’s mental capacity have been whispers I grew up with, and I have a feeling that’s why my parents agreed to me visiting her. Perhaps they want this stupid ball to go off without a hitch, so the Bardot name isn’t tarnished. That’s all they care about anyway, and that’s the reason they sent me, instead of coming themselves.

  With my last name, I’m known throughout the country as the most eligible bachelorette, but even though my reputation precedes me, I’m still single. Much to my mother’s disgrace.

  By the time I turn twenty-one, I should be married with children, at least according to my mother. The traditions that run in my family are archaic. Even though we’re in the twenty-first century, they seem to think we’re still living in the middle ages.

  “Here you are.” Ellington’s voice causes me to jump as he walks up behind me. “I’m sorry, miss,” he apologizes with a tepid smile. I watch as he pushes the door open, and a loud creak of annoyance comes from the hinges as it gapes, welcoming me inside.


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