Slay Belles & Mayhem: A Medley of Dark Tales

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Slay Belles & Mayhem: A Medley of Dark Tales Page 21

by Dani René

  “This is where I belong; with my family.”

  Chapter Seven


  “You want to stay here, do you?”

  Her eyes widen with hope as I speak to her, but she shouldn’t lay her hopes on me.

  “Don’t get too excited, you might change your mind by the time I’m done with you.”

  I haven’t gotten my fill of hurting her yet. This girl has caused a lot of pain and anguish for my brothers and me.

  Finding a new place to call home was anything but easy. We needed a place where we would be safe from the reach of our lunatic father. A place that would afford us the anonymity that we needed. If anyone found out who we were, it would put all of our lives in danger. We survived in the woods, living outside, for the first couple of years. Then, a traveler came through and offered us a place to stay in exchange for work.

  We lived with him for some time and built up a relationship with the townspeople. But we didn’t enjoy living amongst others. We saved our money, bartered, and traded work for the materials we needed to build the house we’re in now.

  Then there was the sickness. Four of my brothers lost their lives to the plague. If we would have been within the walls of the castle when it hit, the odds of survival would have been much higher. Several of us battled smallpox, but thankfully we were able to overcome it. I’d bet any amount of money that she’s caught only a common cold in her lifetime.

  My father raised me to be King. I was not prepared to be cast out and care for my eleven brothers all alone. Her voice breaks through my thoughts, bringing me back to the present. My anger, thinking about the struggle we went through, stronger than it was a moment ago.

  “I need you to believe that I wasn’t trying to bring you harm, it’s just that I’ve never cooked anything before. I didn’t think it would prove to be this challenging. But if you let me stay, I promise I’ll do better. I’ll do anything you want.”

  “You’re fucking right, you will.”

  With that, I tear my pants down to my knees, flip her over onto her back, and pull her body to the edge of the table. Her arms fly over her head and she fights to hold on to something. Harry and Henry each grab one of her hands and she holds on to them as if her life depended on it. Fisting my erection, I run it between her still damp slit before thrusting inside of her.

  She lets out a scream and, judging by the slight wince of Henry’s face, tightens her grip on the twins’ hands. Thrusting in and out viciously, with every ounce of energy I have, I hate fuck the girl beneath me into oblivion. When her screams fade and she relaxes her grip, I think she’s passed out.

  Until I hear her breath hitch.

  As hard as I’m trying not to let the sound distract me, I can’t keep my eyes from roaming over her body. When they reach her stare, her tear-soaked porcelain cheeks make my dick twitch as it moves inside of her tight pussy. The tears she sheds don’t affect me. They can’t. I’ve waited for this moment for too long. For a brief second, I feel myself letting up.

  Then, mixing with her sobs I hear a soft moan of pleasure with each push and pull of my cock. I slow my movements, finding myself distracted, fighting to understand how she’s able to feel even an ounce of pleasure from this. Clearing my head, I adjust my hold on her, resuming my strong thrusting, and I dig my fingers further into her hips. She will have bruises tomorrow, there’s no doubt about that.

  I’ve always imagined what I would do to her if our paths ever crossed. I’ve pictured myself beheading her, slitting her throat, slicing her in half in the middle of a sword fight. All the manner of cruel and violent deaths, but never once did I imagine this.

  She moans a little louder as her orgasm builds and it hits me.

  She’s punishing herself.

  By giving herself over to us, she’s trying to right the wrong that my parents made. Why else would she be so agreeable to a group of strangers chaining her up in their home and forcing her to do whatever we desired? She’s wrong though. She can’t make this right. She can’t erase their sins. Nothing will ever make what they did, right.

  Then what are you doing, James?

  My conscience seeps through the shitstorm swirling around in my head. I barely hear from it any more. I started to believe I no longer had one. It can fuck right back off again. Nothing is going to stop me from taking from her the way she took from us.

  But then I hear her speak.


  My name floats off of her pouty lips, again. She said it a moment ago and, as much as I tried to ignore it, it pierced something deep within me. This time, it’s as if that small puncture has begun to tear.

  She pants beneath me, her breaths becoming shorter, as her pleasure builds. She closes her eyes and lets out another moan. I take in the sight of her once more. Henry rubs his thumb over her hand, helping to calm her. Harry runs a hand through her hair, relaxing her so it’s easier for her to withstand my domination of her body. Benji moves forward, placing one hand by her pussy and the other on one of her tits. I watch as he circles her clit while lightly pinching her nipple. Coaxing her toward release, helping to rid her of pain and bring her pleasure.

  I lower my body over hers. In her eyes I see... love?

  It can’t be.

  “Say it again,” the words force themselves from my mouth in a whisper.

  I move inside of her, slowly, waiting for the sound of my name on her lips once more.


  The tear deep within me grows deeper. My chest gets tight. It throws me off my game, but only for a second. As if my cold, dark soul could sense my heart was beginning to thaw, it blasts another layer of ice around it for good measure.

  My brothers may be able to forgive her easily, but I can’t. I won’t. Shaking my head to clear it, I squeeze my eyes together and regain some of the vigor I had a moment ago. I speed up, grabbing a hold of her lip between my teeth, and pounding into her until she cries out again.

  I look down, watching my cock as it slams in and out of her. It’s slick, coated in her blood-tinged cum and all I can think about is taking everything she has left. I don’t like the feeling that it invokes in me; the sadness that tries to take me over.

  I’m a fucking bastard.


  As Henry and Harry silently ply my body to relax from above me, James relentlessly plunges himself inside of me with no end in sight. This isn’t the way I pictured saying goodbye to my innocence. Granted, that would have also been a production with witnesses present to see the consummation through. But, I came to set things right and that’s what I’m going to do.

  No matter what.

  The initial push from James was excruciating, as though my insides were being torn to pieces. I suppose they were. It took a moment for the pain to subside. When it did, it bloomed into pleasure very similar to what I felt earlier in the kitchen. As if sensing my desire and not wanting to be the odd man out, Benji steps forward and works his magic on my breasts and my clit.

  I watch as James wars with himself over his feelings. He thinks I can’t see it in his stare, but I do. His motions begin to slow slightly and I think that he’s finished. I’m ashamed at myself for feeling let down that the desire pulsing through me has to come to an end.

  This isn’t about me.

  My gaze rises to his as he stands over me. Meeting his eyes, I see vengeance. I see resolution. I see a strong, proud man who needs to heal. If this is what he needs to do to mend his soul, then I will give myself to him over and over again.

  “James,” I pant.

  My eyes still locked on his, what I see next is… doubt? My eyebrows furrow with confusion as he bends his body over mine, bringing us nose to nose.

  My confusion is echoed in his stare. I watch as his cold, dark eyes soften. They evaporate into a smooth, chocolate brown with tiny flecks of gold mixed in. They comfort me in their warmth. In them, I see a young boy who was forced to grow up too quickly. One who had everything he’s ever known stolen out f
rom under him. A boy who should have a wife, a family, and an entire kingdom in his future.

  “Say it again,” he whispers so softly, I don’t know how I heard him.

  He moves inside of me again, very slowly, bringing me closer to the bliss that I’m seeking.


  For a second, I believe he’s going to make love to me, sending the force of my desire over the edge.

  Instead, he lunges forward, pushing himself inside of me harder than any of his other thrusts previously. Grabbing my bottom lip between his teeth, he tugs on it as he grunts his release. He closes his eyes and doesn’t move for several minutes.

  Finally, they open and I feel the blood rush from my face. Gone is the warm stare that comforted me moments ago. It’s been replaced by a darkness that threatens to cut through my soul like a diamond cuts glass. He pulls himself from inside of me, leaving me just out of reach of the pleasure he was about to deliver.

  Quietly, tucks his shirt in and refastens his pants. I watch his sharp stare as he meets the eyes of each one of his brothers, before turning it on me again.

  “Get her out of here,” he says, finally. “She can go to bed hungry. And get that fucking bird back in the oven. I’d like to eat sometime tonight. Fuck.”

  I close my eyes and the tears fall as his words shatter me. I can’t bring myself to look at the other boys. I’m too gutted. Too embarrassed. Too furious. I want to run after him, pull him to me, and tell him how much he means to me. I want to let him know how big of a place he holds in my heart. I want him to dive back inside of me and make me cry out his name again.

  I want them all to know exactly how I feel. I won’t stop until I’m certain they do.

  I can feel one of my brothers pull my shirt down, covering my body, and the tears fall faster. I don’t deserve their compassion and I shouldn’t want it anyway. I don’t know which of them scoops me up off of that table, but I’m brought down to my cellar and placed, tenderly, on my bed of hay. He covers me up and sleep overtakes me before he’s back through the door at the top of the steps.

  Chapter Eight


  After I placed Jocelyn on her bed in the cellar, I re-lit the fire in the oven and placed the chicken back in to finish cooking. Then, my brothers and I ate in silence and went to bed. It’s been a few hours and I still haven’t been able to get to sleep. I can’t stop thinking about her. I purposefully didn’t tell her how long she needed to leave the meat in the oven for when I showed her how to prepare it.

  Why didn’t I? I honestly don’t know. My feelings have never been so divided before.

  I want to hate her.

  I want to love her.

  Maybe I didn’t tell her because I wanted to see if she would figure it out. Maybe because I wanted her to fail. Maybe because I wanted James to be able to find some release when he got to punish her for it. That backfired though. At some point in the middle of him fucking her, she accepted it. Accepted his rage and bitterness.

  I watched as she accepted James while he forcefully tried to fuck away nearly twenty years of anger and pain. I watched as she accepted the support that Henry and Harry offered her in order to get through it.

  I wanted to be the one holding her hand.

  I wanted to be the one fucking her.

  I wanted to be the one she accepted.

  I couldn’t keep away from her any longer, so I joined my brothers.

  I grab ahold of my dick through my pants as my mind floats back to the image of her laid out on the dinner table like a holiday feast. Reaching underneath the fabric, I grip my erection and start rubbing my shaft.

  Bringing myself closer to release, my concentration is broken by the sound of noise coming from downstairs. I let it go and try to bring the vision of her back to the forefront of my mind, but I hear another noise. Annoyed that someone is keeping me from getting off, I get out of bed and go down stairs to confront whoever it is. Turning the corner, I lock eyes on her as she frantically paces across the floor.

  Sadness quickly washes away the pleasure I felt a moment ago, when I see how distraught she is. She shouldn’t be here. She shouldn’t carry the burden of our parents' sins. It’s not right. It’s not her fault.

  “You wake up James and you’ll be worse off than he last left you.”

  She jumps at my words, not expecting someone else to be here.

  “I’m sorry. I woke up and couldn’t fall back to sleep. Even with the chill in the cellar, my body feels like it’s on fire. I thought I would come up here and get a start on breakfast.”

  “Breakfast isn’t for another five hours.”

  She looks at me with a broken expression and tears running down her face.

  “I just wanted it to be perfect. Dinner, I mean. I wanted to show you all that I can take care of you. So, I thought I would practice while you slept. I’m sorry.”

  I walk to her and grab a hold of her gently, stopping her movement.

  “Hey, it’s okay. I’m sure you understand that James’ anger wasn’t because of undercooked meat. Well, most of his anger wasn’t, anyway.”

  She nods her head, ringing her hands together. I wonder why she’s so fidgety.

  A flash of her splayed out on the table, writhing with pleasure as she cries out, passes through my mind again. I think I know why she’s so worked up.

  “Did you come?”

  “Excuse me?” she says, embarrassed.

  “Earlier, with James.”

  She looks confused by my question.

  “Have you ever had an orgasm before? Do you know what it feels like?”

  “I—,” she looks away from me, embarrassed by my question.

  “Answer me, Jocelyn.” I place my hand on her chin, turning her attention back to me.

  Forcing our bodies together, I don’t allow her to look away again.

  “I don’t know. I’ve had good… feelings… before. I don’t know if that’s what it was.”

  “Has a boy ever touched you until it felt so good you nearly passed out? Did he drive you wild until flames licked up and down your body? Until fireworks burst in your vision? Until you were left drained and you couldn’t remember your own name?”

  I watch her eyes as I speak to her. Her pupils dilate the more I describe the passion one often feels when thrown over the edge of euphoria.


  Her response is barely audible. She swallows nervously. She’s practically vibrating from the lust that I know is swirling through her body.

  “Don’t move.”

  Turning away from her, I rush to the shed and grab the tool I need to remove the chain from her ankle. When I get back into the kitchen, she’s in the same spot. I kneel before her, making quick work of the bolt that holds the cuff around her ankle.

  When it’s off, I place everything on the counter, take her by the hand, and lead her up the stairs. When we get to my bedroom, I close the door behind us and sit on the bed. Looking up at her, I see her brain churning. I wait to see what she’s going to do before I say anything.

  “Why don’t you like when people call you Benjamin?”

  Her question comes out of nowhere and I furrow my brow.

  “I noticed you cringe this morning, when James called you by your full name.”

  Taking a deep breath, I answer her.

  “It reminds me of Mother. She made up a song that she used to sing to me when I was sad. It always used to make me feel better. It had my name in it.”

  I hear Mother’s voice float through my mind as though it’s only been days since the last time I heard it instead of years.

  Benjamin, Benjamin, don’t be blue. Benjamin, Benjamin, I love you.

  Silence falls between us and I know she’s wishing she could say something that would make everything better. When she takes a step in my direction, I finally speak.

  “I’m not going to force you.”

  She stops walking, but doesn’t’ say anything. Our eyes still locked on one anothe
r. She takes another step and sits down on the bed next to me. For several minutes, neither of us speak.

  “I know it’s wrong,” she says finally, her head hung low.

  Turning my head, I stare at her. I’m not sure what she’s referring to, but then she continues.

  “Our kiss. The way Harry and Henry ran their hands over my body in the kitchen; playing me like an instrument. Everything that happened in the dining room earlier. I shouldn’t have liked it. I shouldn’t have missed your touch when it wasn’t heating my skin any longer. I made myself believe that I deserved it, as punishment for their sins. To ease my mind. To make myself feel better about wanting more. I didn’t expect cruelty when I came here. But when my body reacted so strongly to my brothers’ touch, I told myself that it was punishment for accepting sin into my life.”

  Her admission makes my heart ache for the way I let James’ treat her. For the role I played in her failure. Not able to hold back any longer, I climb on top of her, ready to show her how sorry I am. Our lips crash together and I feel her hands roam my body. I welcome her touch. My mind begs her not to stop. My hands explore her golden blonde hair, her perky tits, her pebbled nipples, her pulsating clit, her swollen, wet pussy.

  I stand up just long enough to remove my clothing. Reaching for her, I remove her grimy shirt, which is stained by the sins my brother’s and I committed hours ago. I feast my eyes on all of her glorious body at once. Her eyes darted to my cock. As if it can feel her gaze, it twitches in excitement and her eyes widen with pleasure.

  But I didn’t bring her here to focus on me. Climbing on top of her once again, I cover her in kisses. Licking my way down her body, I bathe each nipple in the heat of my tongue. Moving further down her gorgeous body, I finally get a taste of what I’ve been craving since I picked her up off of the ground in the woods.


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