Unexpected Top (Ball & Chain)

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Unexpected Top (Ball & Chain) Page 2

by Carr, Cassandra

  Stop being such a pansy and just tell him what you want. Do you expect him to respect you enough to control him if you act like this?

  Len’s brow furrowed. “What?”

  Cissy walked closer and reached out a hand. “I want you.”

  “Oh. OH.” He rose with a grin, clicking the TV off as she tugged on his hand.

  She walked him up to their bedroom, not letting go of him even as it seemed he wanted to yank his hand away. “Take off your clothes and get on the bed. I want to play a little.”

  Despite her firm tone, he didn’t object, quickly peeling his clothes away and then scooting up on the bed before lying on his back. She turned down the lights, both so her imperfect body wasn’t glowing in the harsh overhead lights and because she didn’t want Len to have an exact idea of what she was doing when she pulled out the cuffs.

  Starting at his neck, she kissed, licked and sucked her way down his body. Len laced his hands behind his head as if he were some sheik expecting to be serviced, and while that normally would’ve annoyed her, at the moment it played into her hand perfectly. Cissy flicked his nipples with the tip of her tongue before moving lower, placing wet, open-mouthed kisses along his abdomen.

  Len’s cock was already hard. Reaching down, she grasped it and stroked from root to tip. He jerked with a hiss and Cissy had to school her expression as a Cheshire smile threatened to break free. God, men were so easy to figure out in bed. She scooted down farther and took him into her mouth, licking and sucking in turn, and as usual, Len grabbed her hair, guiding her.

  When she got him all worked up and knew he was pretty close to coming, she pulled off and straddled him. “I want to play some more. Would you let me use the cuffs so I can have my way with you?” She smiled and tried to look non-threatening and playful.

  Len’s expression darkened and Cissy held her breath. “Why do you need to cuff me to do that?”

  Cissy shrugged, hoping the action looked as casual as she wanted it to. “I thought it might be fun to just pleasure you without you having to worry about reciprocating.”

  He grinned and she knew she had him. “When you put it that way…” Before he could change his mind, she reached under the pillow and pulled out the cuffs. “Feeling pretty sure of yourself, huh?”

  She smiled again. “Hopeful.”

  Len allowed her to snap his wrists into the cuffs with not even a whisper of protest. Then, since he couldn’t stop her, she grabbed the blindfold and secured that around his eyes as well.

  “I’ve never done this before,” he told her, his voice thin and reedy. Cissy wasn’t sure if it was from nerves or excitement.

  “You just let me take care of you.”

  Much as she wanted to roll him over and burn his ass for the way he was behaving lately, she knew she had to go extremely slow for this idea to work. He had to trust her enough to give up control in the bedroom, and then they could move on to other things. The more she thought about it, the more she was convinced it was the only way to save their marriage. Hopefully Len would respect her more, and she’d at least feel appreciated and noticed. They would both get what they needed, in and out of the bedroom. The thought ratcheted up her arousal another notch.

  Len moaned as she licked up the shaft of his cock, but she didn’t take him into her mouth again, instead bypassing the now-leaking head entirely to focus on his balls. She moved his legs this way and that as she pleased on purpose to assert her control, but he complied without comment each time, probably just grateful she was actually lavishing attention on his full sacs, since it wasn’t a favorite activity of hers. Finally, after several minutes, she pulled away completely.

  “Where are you going?” He sounded panicked and it was hard not to snicker.

  “Not far.” Reaching into her nightstand, she withdrew her vibrator and turned it on. After briefly touching it to his balls and eliciting another hiss, she kneeled over him and fucked herself with it.

  “What’re you doing?” His tone belied his rising frustration level. “Take the blindfold off so I can see.”

  “Not right now.” Pulling out the vibe and hearing the sound it made as it left her soaked pussy, she ran it up one side of his cock and down the other before reinserting it into her body.

  Working it in and out faster and faster, Cissy couldn’t hold in a long groan. “Shit, are you fucking yourself with that thing? I’ll fuck you,” Len growled.

  Removing it once again and touching the head of his cock, making it slap against his stomach, she said, “Say please.”

  Len snarled and Cissy had to concentrate not to laugh. Through clenched teeth he managed to bite it out. “Please.”

  She lined up his dick with her passage and plunged down until he was balls-deep inside her. Her pussy clamped down on him and with a roar, she felt him come inside her. Cissy found her own release taking over, plunging her into a maelstrom of sensation unlike anything she’d felt before. It was long moments before she could think enough to climb off him.

  As Len came down from his own orgasm, she ripped off the blindfold, wanting to see his eyes. Len could never lie to her and she wanted to know how he felt about what had happened. She stared at him and saw lust mixed with genuine surprise. Thankfully he wasn’t running screaming, because with this newfound knowledge of what turned her on—when Len gave her control—she wasn’t sure she could go back to the “old” way they’d been having sex.

  Cissy uncuffed him and he rolled onto his side. “Holy shit, baby, you killed me.”

  With as much nonchalance as she could muster, she answered, “It looked like you were into not having control.”

  He wouldn’t meet her eyes. “Maybe.”

  Good enough for me.

  With a little smack to his ass that she just couldn’t resist, she said, “I’m gonna go take a shower.” He grunted, whether from the blow or the lingering effects of his orgasm she didn’t know, and Cissy walked into the bathroom, thinking how different the end of this night was than the previous night. As she stood under the hot spray, she thought about the encounter and what she should do now. Cissy knew some of the women used sex as a reward and decided to go that route.

  When she came back into the bedroom, Len was propped up, flipping through channels on the small television on his dresser. Without taking his eyes from the screen, he asked, “Feel better?”

  “Yes, much. I’d like to talk to you about something. Can you put the remote down?” He lowered it to his lap. “I think we should discuss some things, like how you don’t help around the house enough.” She put up her hand when he started to argue. “I’ve come up with a solution I think you’ll like.”

  “Okay…” His voice betrayed his suspicions, and she plowed on, not wanting to give him too much time to think.

  “I’m going to make a list of chores, and attach rewards to them. If you do the chore to my satisfaction,” Len made a face, which she ignored, “you’ll get the reward.”

  “What if I don’t do it?”

  “No reward. Pretty simple.”

  “What are these chores and the rewards?”

  Cissy anticipated he’d ask this, and she had a few examples ready to go. “Well, you mow the lawn when you’re supposed to, but you leave grass clippings all over the sidewalk and hardly ever weed whack. So if you mow and weed whack, then clean up after yourself, I’ll suck that cock.”

  Len’s eyes widened and she grinned inwardly. Maybe these women were onto something. “You’ll blow me if I do yard work?” He sounded incredulous, and she could see his throat working as he swallowed.

  “Yep. If you do the dishes, including emptying the dishwasher, refilling it, running it, cleaning the pots and pans by hand and wiping down all the surfaces, I’ll give you a hand job.”

  “Every day?” His voice broke on the last word.

  God, men are so freaking easy. She could get him to do the chores and fulfill this newfound want. No doubt after she started stroking him he’d want to have sex, which soun
ded like a win-win situation to her.

  “Every day.”

  “So, wait a minute, let me make sure I understand. If I do the dishes every day like you said you’ll give me a hand job?”

  “If you do them to my satisfaction, yes.”

  “Well, shit.”

  “Oh that’s one thing. If you swear more than twice a day within my hearing, any rewards are null and void. I really hate your potty mouth and I’ll take away rewards for it.”

  Amazingly, he appeared to take the possibility of losing a reward in stride and she let out a relieved breath.

  “Let me make sure I understand. Even if I do all this yard work, but then swear, you won’t give me my reward?”


  Len appeared to think about it for a moment and Cissy swore her heart stopped. Then, he nodded with a small smile, obviously feeling confident. That was fine, as long as he did what she asked of him. “Okay. I can live with this deal. Where’s the list?”

  He sounded like a kid asking for his Christmas list and it was difficult not to roll her eyes. “I’ll make it tomorrow and put it up on the fridge, along with the associated rewards.”

  Len grinned. “I can’t wait to figure how I can get my dick sucked every day.”

  Little does he know…

  Chapter Two

  Cissy spent a couple of hours the next day concocting The List, as Len had referred to it that morning. She didn’t put every chore in the house on it. That wouldn’t be fair. All she wanted was for Len to start doing his share, not all of it. So on went the daily, never-ending chores like dishes, as well as a few chores that were hard on her, like cleaning the bathrooms, since she was asthmatic. As she finished and put it up, Cissy wondered how Len would take it, and how he’d feel once he found out the rewards would be harder and harder to get as she placed more rules and restrictions on him.

  After she finished The List, Cissy took some time to do more research into this whole control thing, and found an interesting definition—Service Top. A Service Top was someone who only topped when it benefitted both the top and the bottom, or the dominant and the submissive. Even though at times the idea of tanning Len’s hide appealed to her, and she was doing this for both of them, she didn’t consider herself a hardcore, natural Domme.

  She was more like a switch, she supposed, someone who could top or bottom depending on the situation. The term Service Top seemed to have some negative connotations in the BDSM world, but what did it matter if it worked for her and Len? The way she looked at it, her being a Service Top meant she “topped” Len for both her own purposes and to fulfill a need she suspected he had after recent events, even if he hadn’t recognized it yet.

  There was also an entire lifestyle they called “Female-led Relationship” or FLR, which sounded a lot like what Cissy wanted. Basically, it revolved around one person being in charge—in this case, the female, obviously, and making some form of rules that the male agreed to abide by. There was a system of rewards and punishments that varied from couple to couple. Many reported their marriages were saved when the man agreed or asked his wife to engage in an FLR. It was worth a try.

  Cissy definitely didn’t want Len to be her slave, or call her Mistress or anything like that. He didn’t need to lick her pussy three times a day, though wouldn’t that be something, or wear a dog collar like she’d seen in some of the videos online. She didn’t want to emasculate him, and she didn’t think he yearned to be emasculated or humiliated like some of these male submissives online did. There wasn’t anything wrong with that. Who was she to judge? But overall, Cissy just wanted him to start respecting her and their marriage.

  Len got home from helping a friend move a few moments after five and made a beeline for the fridge. Cissy had purposely left several chores undone, things Len should be helping take care of anyway but never did, which left her to do them and resent him. Not this time. Nope, the trash wasn’t collected and out to the curb, the recycling wasn’t sorted, and the returnable bottles hadn’t been brought to the store.

  She’d even let some of the things she’d normally do slide, like folding the three loads of laundry sitting in baskets on the family room floor and loading the dishwasher. Cissy sat on the couch with a cup of tea and waited for him to decide what he wanted to do. The way she looked at it, even if she had to blow Len a couple of times that night, the house would be clean. A sore jaw was a small price to pay, especially since she knew it was only the first phase of her plan.

  Besides, as she was finding out, it was pretty freaking hot to take away Len’s control. The way he responded to it, to her—there was no way to describe it that actually caught the essence of how it made her feel. All she knew was that she wanted to feel that more often.

  Soon she heard banging and then Len walked past her with a bag, presumably to collect garbage upstairs. Cissy smiled, hiding her grin behind her tea mug. A few moments later, Len returned.

  “I did the garbage and recycling.” He began to unzip, but Cissy stopped him with a wave of her hand.

  “Remember, I inspect, and you only get your reward if you’ve done the job to my satisfaction.”

  Len grunted but backed up a step. Hopping to her feet, Cissy went outside and then made a show of checking out the job he’d done, though really, how could someone mess up garbage and recycling? She stayed out on the street for a few moments, making Len sweat, before returning.

  “Was everything okay?” The amount of trepidation in his voice made Cissy want to chuckle, but she fought to keep a straight face.


  “Can I have my reward then?”

  “Well, it depends.”

  Len’s face fell. “On what?”

  “If you do the dishes too, I’ll blow you instead of giving you a hand job.”

  “But I thought—”

  “Take it or leave it, Len. I don’t have to do any of this.”

  He looked about to say something, but then nodded. “Let’s eat and I’ll do the dishes. But then I want my dick sucked.”

  “And if you’re a good boy, you’ll get it.” Cissy left the room and went to check on the dinner she’d put in the Crock-Pot earlier. “Can you set the table?”

  Len grumbled something about there being no reward for that, but Cissy ignored him. After dinner was over, Len quickly gathered the stuff on the table and loaded everything into the dishwasher. He was jamming things in haphazardly, obviously anxious to get on with his night, and Cissy stopped him.


  “Honey, you can’t just throw everything in there. Things will break, or they won’t get clean.”

  “You’re never happy with how I load the dishwasher,” he groused, and Cissy suppressed a sigh. Really, how freaking hard was it to load a dishwasher in a manner where all the items could be properly cleaned?

  She moved a couple of things around, showing him why the dishes would be better cleaned in that setup than the way he’d been doing things, then left him to it again as she wrapped the remains of dinner and put it away in the fridge. Cissy had no intention of getting on her knees right there in the kitchen to suck Len’s cock, so she retreated to the bedroom, where Len joined her a few moments later.

  “I started the dishwasher.” Cissy wouldn’t be able to inspect his work that way, and she suspected he knew that, but still she went out to the kitchen and checked that he’d hand-washed the Crock-Pot properly and wiped down all the counters.

  “You did well tonight,” she remarked as she entered the bedroom. Sliding onto the bed, she lay down on her back. This way was more comfortable for her than kneeling on her bad knee and she doubted Len would care what position she was in. Cissy crooked a finger at her husband and it didn’t take him long to catch on. Unzipping his shorts so quickly Cissy was afraid for the viability of the erection tenting them, he then dropped them to the floor along with his boxers. With a grin, Len climbed onto the bed.

  “Reward me, baby.”

  She met his stare
levelly. “I keep my promises.”

  His hands fumbled with his cock until he finally managed to take himself in hand, guiding the fat head toward her waiting mouth. When she took him inside, he let out an agitated hiss and she sucked a little harder, eliciting a groan. Cissy didn’t care what conventional wisdom said, when a woman was sucking a man’s cock she was the one in control. Sure, he might be the one getting pleasured, but even on her knees she firmly believed the woman held the reins.

  Urgency guided his movements as he thrust shallowly in and out of her mouth, never going very deep before withdrawing most of the way again. Cissy gave herself over to him and felt a small surge of fluid as his pre-cum began to flow. With another groan, Len began to drive relentlessly inside, pushing farther and farther into her mouth until the head of his cock hit the soft palate. He knew from experience not to try to go farther. It didn’t matter. Len was still losing his mind and her panties were soaked with her juices. She couldn’t believe she got off this much from controlling him, but it was obvious she did.

  His face was contorted and it was difficult to tell if it was in pleasure, pain or a mixture of both. “Fuck…”

  She would’ve chuckled if her mouth wasn’t full. Men were so easy. Sure, all he’d done was the dishes, garbage and recycling, which some women might not think was worthy of a blowjob, but it was way more than he’d ever have done in one night. Already she was achieving her aim of getting him under her control, of taking him in hand. Granting a few sexual favors was well worth it to meet her ultimate goal.

  Len clutched the headboard and a sharp creaking noise proved how tight his hold on the wood was. He was very close. Normally Cissy wasn’t much of a swallower, but she figured if she was going to do this she’d need to bite the bullet, as the case may be. He looked down at her, his face taut with tension.

  “Close.” Cissy didn’t pull off and his eyes widened. A litany of swear words streamed from his mouth and a few seconds later he came in a roar. She had to concentrate to swallow as stream after stream of hot, salty cum landed on her tongue. Never one to enjoy swallowing, she found it ratcheted up her arousal even more to know she was doing this for Len, whereas before she would’ve pulled off. Surely he’d been expecting her to.


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