Unexpected Top (Ball & Chain)

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Unexpected Top (Ball & Chain) Page 6

by Carr, Cassandra

  She needed to dust. Len was allergic to dust, so she hadn’t put that on The List, and she decided she’d dust with the windows open to get some fresh air into the house. With that task completed, she went upstairs to sort laundry and pull the sheets off their bed. From the upstairs bedroom window, she saw Len with the weed whacker and couldn’t help but smile. The man might not relish doing yard work, but he also hated it when the stuff he couldn’t get with the mower got out of hand.

  By the time she’d sorted the laundry and started a load, Len was coming back inside. He’d never put on a shirt, and it looked as if his shoulders were burning.

  “Did you put on sunscreen?”

  He looked chagrined. “No.” Cissy sighed. Her grandfather had died of skin cancer and he knew how she felt about sunscreen. “I’m sorry. I was preoccupied.” Len shifted his weight from foot to foot. “So, um, I was thinking…”

  Cissy’s eyebrows rose. “Yes?”

  “I, um, I want you to spank me.”

  Her vision went fuzzy and all she got out was, “Really?”

  Way to make him feel comfortable…

  “Yeah. I feel really bad about everything and I think I’ll feel better if you do this. I need the pain. I need to feel it, you know?” He bit his lip briefly, looking at her and then at a spot over her left shoulder. “Do you think you’d feel better? I mean, do you want to?”

  “If you think this is something you need, I can try.” She thought about those pictures on the website of all the guys’ asses after they’d been punished and wasn’t at all sure she could do that to Len. “But I need a little bit of alone time first. Is that okay?”

  “Yeah, sure,” he answered quickly as if he was relieved she didn’t want to haul him over her lap right then and there. That was not happening. “I’ll clean the downstairs bathroom. Just, um, let me know when you’re ready.” In what was surely an unconscious move, he briefly ran his hand over his ass and headed for the downstairs half bath.

  Never in a million years did Cissy think she’d be in this place in her life. She knew she was as much to blame for letting their marriage get out of hand by not standing up for herself sooner. Cissy was glad she had now, but was afraid their marriage would be totally different after today. She wanted different, but did she want this kind of different? Would Len agree to an FLR? Would spanking him be a one-time thing? What would happen whenever he broke any rules she set forth? They had so much to talk about.

  After thinking everything through Cissy still wasn’t sure how far she wanted to take this, but Len had specifically asked her for a spanking and she couldn’t let him down. She glanced at the clock. Fifteen minutes had passed. With a deep breath, she left the room.

  Chapter Five

  By the time she thoroughly perused that website and a few others, her pussy was throbbing and her breathing was shallow. She wanted this to work for so many reasons. With a deep breath, she went downstairs. Len was sorting the recycling, which was scheduled to go out that night.


  She bit her lip. “Hey.” Taking another deep breath, she then asked, “So do you still want to do this?” He nodded. “I need you to say it, Len. I need to have no doubt this is something you want, something you asked me to do. This isn’t going to be easy for me, despite what you might think, and I need things to be really clear.”

  Len pulled out his phone and showed her what was on the screen. It was a BDSM website, and the page he was on talked about dominance and submission. “When I finished with the bathroom, I pulled this up on my phone. It makes me uncomfortable as all hell to admit this, but I think our marriage will be better if we try this. I work a lot better with rules and structure, I think, and if you can give me those I truly believe our marriage will improve. Part of those rules and structure is consequences when I break them. I hate the silent treatment you give me when I’ve done something wrong. I’d much rather have you tell me how pissed you are and then spank me. After that, I’d be forgiven and we could move on.”

  “I’m not sure how dominant I really am.”

  “That’s okay. The website said the level of dominance is different with every couple.”

  Cissy blew out a loud breath. “Okay. If you want to try this we’ll have to talk a ton and get things out in the open about what we both want and what we’re willing to do.”


  “Well, you asked me to spank you, and I’m going to.” She saw Len’s throat work as he swallowed. She was sure he was nervous, it was a natural reaction, but she wondered if he’d realize he was crazy and stop her. “There are three items they recommend we try since we’re both beginners.” Knowing she needed to take control, at least for right now, so she didn’t frustrate either herself or Len, she said, “Go upstairs and get my hairbrush, and then go into the office for a ruler. Meet me back in the living room.”

  He startled but then moved toward the stairs. “Be right back.” She saw him swallow thickly once more, and her own stomach was churning. All she could do now was pray this brought them closer together, rather than tearing them apart. Cissy very much feared if that happened, the next step was divorce.

  Spotting her utensil holder on the counter near the stove, she chose a medium-sized wooden spoon and took it into the living room. Sitting on the couch, she waited for Len, who returned a moment later with the hairbrush and the ruler. He handed them to her silently and then stood in front of her, wringing his hands and shifting from foot to foot like a little boy sent to the principal’s office. Cissy figured this wasn’t far from that, actually.

  “I’m going to spank you with each of the three implements.”

  God, I’m already using the lingo.

  “O-okay. All three?” His voice cracked on the last word, and Cissy nodded.

  “Then afterward we’ll talk about the differences between them and about your feelings about the spanking itself.”

  Len cleared his throat. “You’re the boss.”

  I am the boss. Cissy was startled to fully realize it, but she was. And she couldn’t wait to see how Len responded to her taking him truly in hand.

  “I’m going to spank you on your bare ass so I can easily see the effect the spanking is having.” Len snorted, but she ignored him. They had also said the man should be made to expose his own ass. It was part of getting him in the submissive mood he’d need to be in to take the spanking, and she thought it was an important step for Len. With a deep breath, she said, “Take down your shorts and boxers and lie over my lap.”

  He looked as if he wanted to cover himself up as he did as she bade, and appeared to be struggling not to. Cissy’s eyes narrowed as she assessed him. His cock was hard. Huh. Gingerly he lay over her lap, putting much of his weight on the plump couch cushions and keeping his feet on the floor.

  Placing a hand over her rioting belly, she picked up the wooden spoon with the other. Lifting it about up to shoulder height, she brought it down in the middle of Len’s right ass cheek. He jerked and she drew in a breath. Was that too hard?

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah. Yeah, it just startled me.”

  A very small pink blotch bloomed on his ass, and she struck in about the same place on the other cheek. Another pink spot appeared, and she began to pepper him with smacks, sometimes alternating cheeks, sometimes repeating on the same cheek and even a few on the same place. His ass blushed to pink quickly, but his only response was a small grunt as the spoon hit each time. She decided to switch implements. Clearly the spoon wasn’t having the desired effect. This spanking needed to be painful for Len, both to feel remorse and to relieve stress. Cissy had never felt so much power over someone else’s physical and emotional reactions, and it was a huge turn-on.

  Picking up the ruler, she gripped it firmly, not wanting it to fly across the room and take out something breakable. She landed the first smack, and a longer vertical line appeared right on the fleshy part of Len’s ass, eliciting a louder grunt. Cissy spanked him several more
times, moving more methodically with the ruler, down over the curve of his ass and onto the tops of his thighs. When the ruler bit into the crease between his ass and thighs three times in a row Len hissed and tried to move away. Cissy grabbed him around the waist with her free hand, knowing if he wanted to get away he still could, but maybe the psychological factor of having her hold him down would be enough.

  He immediately stopped struggling but turned his face into the back of the couch. She glanced down. His eyes were squeezed shut and his face was frozen in a grimace. Was she really hurting him? She didn’t know how far she should go, and she hadn’t even started on the hairbrush yet. If she didn’t keep her word and spank him with all three implements it would be hard to get him to accept her as his disciplinarian.

  Abandoning the ruler, Cissy got a good hold on the hairbrush and smacked it down on the fullest part of his ass. Len cried out and she repeated the action on the other cheek. Between the spoon and the ruler, his ass was now turning a darker pink, and the hairbrush left even darker marks. But she had a feeling she shouldn’t end the spanking just yet. Though Len was obviously in pain, he wasn’t crying or making promises or any of those things the website talked about.

  Cissy’s arm was starting to burn, but she continued on, laying the brush into every inch of Len’s ass and a few inches down the backs of his thighs. He was gasping and groaning at each contact, and when his ass started to turn from pink to crimson and she heard a strange noise, definitely involuntary, leave his mouth, she stopped.

  Len turned and hugged her, wincing as he put weight on his spanked ass. He was crying. She hadn’t seen it or even heard it since he’d tried to bury his face in the couch cushions, but he was. He burrowed into her neck and she felt his lips skim over her skin. “Thank you.”

  Her head snapped up and away so she could look at his face. “What?”

  “Thank you.”

  “I-I hurt you.”

  “I asked you to. And I needed it.”

  She felt tears well up in her eyes despite her best intentions to remain in control. “Are you sure?”

  He turned more fully, wincing again. “Yes, I’m sure. Honey, I need you to be strong. There are so many freaking emotions running through me, I can’t handle you breaking down. You didn’t hurt me. Well, I mean, the spanking hurt like a, well, I know how you hate hearing me swear, so let’s just say it hurt a lot. But you didn’t injure me. I’ll no doubt feel this for a couple of days, but with how much I’ve hurt you, I should feel some of it back. And more.” Len swiped at the tear starting to streak down her cheek. “So am I forgiven? At least a little bit?”

  Cissy took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “Yes, honey.”

  “Good, because I’d really like to make love to my wife if that’s okay. If you don’t want to so soon after spanking me, that’s okay too, but for some reason even though you spanking me hurt like the dickens it kinda made me horny too.”

  Cissy looked down. Either Len’s erection hadn’t flagged during his spanking or it had recovered quickly. Truth be told, she was puzzled how he could’ve gotten off from something like a spanking. It had to be humiliating, didn’t it, not to mention painful? Her husband had been over her lap with his shorts and boxers down around his ankles, his ass bared, getting spanked by his wife. What was sexy about that? She knew there were different types of spanking, but she hadn’t intended for this one to be a sexy spanking. It was a punishment. Maybe it didn’t matter to him.

  For her part, in some ways it was exciting sexually to see her husband finally get his comeuppance. Cissy had spent so much time trying to get him to do his part around the house, to pay more attention to her, and as she’d turned his ass red, it felt like vindication, but it was also such a heady feeling to have him under her control.

  * * * * *

  Len stepped into the bathroom and dropped his shorts and boxers off his scalding ass. Turning, he looked over his shoulder. Cissy had blistered his ass good. It was bright red with some angrier-looking dark lines. He wasn’t sure which implement had caused them, but even as he probed them gently with his fingertips they hurt like a motherfucker. Try as he might, he hadn’t been able to hold in the tears. He was sure Cissy thought they were because of the spanking, and while that had hurt like hell, hurt worse than anything else he could think of in recent memory, it was the fact he’d let her down, he’d let their marriage down, that had really upset him.

  Now he wanted to show Cissy how much he cared about her, how much he loved her. His dick felt as if it could be a third leg, since despite the pain of the spanking, knowing his wife was dominating him had been one of the hottest experiences he’d ever had. He decided he’d do whatever it took to make Cissy come, preferably more than once. The knowledge he’d been failing her in bed all these years and hadn’t even realized it cut a swath through his heart, not to mention how much less of a man he felt like. He needed to prove to both of them they could make this marriage work, and as Cissy had said in regards to controlling him, the bedroom was a good place to start.

  Len heard her ascending the stairs and quickly shed the rest of his clothes. He considered showering, since he’d sweat like a pig during the spanking, but decided the idea of hot water on his already-burning ass was too much to contemplate. By the time Cissy entered their room he was lying on his side on the bed, his erection already leaking pre-cum.

  She frowned and headed into the bathroom, and he was hit with a bout of insecurity. Did she not want to have sex? Maybe she thought it would be like the other times. He hoped he could convince her he’d try harder, that he’d do anything to make her feel good.

  She came back into the room and approached him. “Lie on your stomach. And no, I’m not going to spank you again.” He eyed his erection and she rolled her eyes. “It’ll only be for a minute, and I promise you’ll like this.” In her hand was a vial of aloe vera lotion. He turned over. “Good boy.”

  His dick jumped, slapping against the sheets underneath him. Why did that turn him on? After all this, he was going to have to do some serious rethinking about his sexual needs. With a sigh, he settled his face on his hands and tried to accept her touching his scorching skin stoically, but it wasn’t easy. Even the cool gel felt like lava on his ass and he wondered how long he’d feel the spanking.

  He’d said a few days downstairs, but was now betting it would be longer. Despite how humiliating it had been to pull his pants down and bare his ass for a spanking from his wife, he’d felt at peace once the spanking had begun. It had been cathartic, and crazy as it seemed, he could see himself asking her for another one. Just not soon. Of course, if he broke a rule he might not have a choice about when the next spanking was coming. The thought made him clench his cheeks, whether with anxiety or anticipation he wasn’t sure. There were so many emotions flitting through his brain he could hardly make head or tail of them.

  Cissy finished and went to wash her hands. When she came back he rose, pulling her down until she was underneath him. Even just for a little while, he needed some control, and being on top would serve that purpose. Plus then his searing ass cheeks would be exposed to the cool of their air-conditioned bedroom rather than rubbing on the bed sheets. “You’re wearing too many clothes.”

  Grinning, she said, “So change that.”

  “With pleasure.” Carefully he peeled her clothes off, finally paying attention and discovering how much she probably hated it when he pawed at her. When his beautiful wife was finally, blissfully naked, he sat back to look his fill. What kind of an idiot was he to not appreciate what was right in front of him?

  Granted, he’d never wanted to cheat, but he hadn’t treated her like she deserved, and for that he was sorry. His ass was very, very sorry, and no doubt would be again. Strangely, the thought didn’t terrify him. Oh he wasn’t relishing another spanking, but he did really like this feeling of contentment, as if he’d paid for his sins.

  Len spread Cissy’s legs and pushed between them, keeping her thighs
spread with his shoulders. After taking a good look, he speared his tongue into her pussy and she gasped. He fucked her with his tongue, continuing long after his throat was burning and his jaw was sore. The pain was more penance. Len had so much to make up to her.

  Zeroing in on her clit, he took it into his mouth and Cissy moaned. Any blood that had left in other parts of his body beelined for his groin and he shifted, trying to take some of the pressure off. He was drowning in her heat but paid no quarter to his pleasure as he fought for hers. Using every trick he’d ever heard of to get a woman off orally, Len worked his wife with lips, teeth and tongue.

  When she began to writhe, he slipped one finger and then two inside her pussy, angling them until he felt her G-spot. Len rubbed the bundle of nerves without mercy while continuing to suck hard on her clit. She was obviously enjoying herself, her features taut as she tossed her head from side to side, but he still wasn’t sure she was going to come. With trepidation, he pulled away from her and opened his mouth to speak, willing her with his mind to agree to his suggestion.

  “Would you let me do something?”

  Cissy looked down her body at him, suspicion clear in her gorgeous hazel eyes. “What?”

  He squirmed and he knew it had nothing to do with the continued discomfort from the spanking. They’d talked about this a long time ago, but she hadn’t seemed into it and he hadn’t brought it up again, but now he wanted to try it. “I was thinking we could maybe try…” Could you be more of a pussy? Just say it. “Um, I thought we could do some anal stuff.”

  Len was still slowly pumping in and out of Cissy’s pussy with his fingers, and he imagined what it would be like to have those fingers instead lodged in her tight ass. Since he and Cissy had gotten together so early, he’d never had the chance to fuck a woman’s ass, but from what he’d seen in pornos it looked pretty fucking hot.

  “Anal stuff?” she repeated, and he wondered if he’d gone too far.


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