The Alpha's Virgin Possession

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The Alpha's Virgin Possession Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  “No, I wish for my own room.”

  He was annoyed but also happy. She offered him a challenge, and he looked forward to breaking down her resolve to get what he wanted.

  “Are you sure?” he asked, trying to tempt her. Unbuttoning his shirt, he left it to lie open for her to be able to see him.

  Her gaze wandered down the length of him before jerking back up to his face.

  She smelled fucking amazing. He couldn’t wait to bury his head between her breasts and then her thighs, to taste every single inch of her soft body. His excitement was hard to contain at the prospect of the future.

  “Yes, I’m sure. I’d like my own room.”

  “You’re not interested in finding out why I’m outlawed?”

  “I’m interested, but I’m also not stupid.” Her fingers were locked together in front of her. Trying to ward him off? He wondered. “You’ll end up doing more than talking in there.” She nodded into his room.

  “You’re right.” He shrugged. “We’ll see how long this lasts.” Brushing past her, the smell of her arousal increased. Hiding his smile, he opened the door to her bedroom. He’d gotten it ready over a week ago when he’d been in negotiation for his woman.

  Clara had no choice but to brush past his body in order to get past him.

  It took every ounce of strength not to touch her or draw her closer to him. The clothes she wore looked filthy, not to mention the red marks around her neck. He hated the sign of the pain she must have clearly gone through.

  The room was decorated in a lovely lilac color with matching sheets for the double bed he purchased. The walk-in wardrobe was empty, but he’d go onto stocking up on all the clothes she would need.

  There was a vanity table in the corner, and the doors opened up onto a veranda that overlooked the entire grounds. The property had been expensive when he bought it for the size of the land. Being an outlawed wolf didn’t stop him from needing to run.

  “You’re wealthy, or is all of this family money?” she asked, folding her arms.

  Glancing at her breasts, Nick let out a growl. She gasped, dropping her hands and taking a step back.

  “You’re a wolf?”

  “Of course I’m a wolf. I’m an outlawed wolf, but what’s more, I was an alpha until they kicked me out of my position.” He took a step closer, then another until they were standing close to each other.

  She held her hands up. “I’ve heard of humans who cannot turn being outlawed, which is why I didn’t know if you were a wolf or not.” Clara tried to ward him off, but he wasn’t having any of it.

  Reaching up, he sank his fingers into her thick red hair. His cock hardened painfully against the zipper of his trousers. Clara’s submission was going to be a challenge he looked forward to conquering. She’d be his reward at the end of the long fight.


  Clara waited for him to say more. She didn’t know why she asked him about being a wolf. Of course he was a wolf. The smell along with the depth of his voice told her he was an alpha. She didn’t know why there was no pack, and there certainly were no signs of a pack. Dean hadn’t been part of the pack either.

  “Are you a virgin?” he asked.

  Glancing down at the floor, Clara stayed quiet. Clara didn’t know why she didn’t tell him the truth. For once, she wanted to keep a little part of herself to herself. She wasn’t going to tell him the truth yet. Being a virgin within a pack wasn’t something to boast about. During the full moon of a female’s eighteenth birthday, many women lost their innocence. The men would surround them, take what they wanted, and come morning they’d be full women in every sense of the word.

  No man had gone near her on her eighteenth or nineteenth birthday. When all the pack were fucking, she’d scampered away to be alone and mourn what she could never have. Some of the pack females enjoyed teasing her and taunting her lack of love life. Shaking her head to clear the horrid images from her mind, she looked up at him.

  “You’re not going to tell me?” he asked.

  “No, why should I?”

  Stop fighting, you idiot. He can do anything he wants with you.

  He intrigued her. Nick was a mystery. She’d never heard about him before. Most outlaws were discussed in great detail amongst packs, but she couldn’t fit his circumstances with the name of any outlawed wolves.

  “We’re going to play this game, I see.”

  “It’s not a game. I don’t have to tell you anything.” She was terrified and couldn’t stop the words from spilling out of her mouth. The grip in her hair tightened pulling her head back, exposing her neck. Stop goading him.

  “No. I’m an expert in getting what I want, Clara. I’ll have you begging for me to fuck you by the next full moon.”

  “How dare—”

  She didn’t get to finish her statement when his lips smashed down on hers, cutting off any angry protest she wanted to start with him. Outraged by the kiss, she opened her mouth, getting ready to push him away with her fists, and he took advantage, plundering her mouth with his tongue.

  Pressing her palms to his chest, Clara had every intention of pushing him away when his free hand curved around her ass. She’d never been touched in such a passionate way before. There was no control over her responses. Her nipples budded against her shirt as her pussy melted. The wetness seeped into her panties. She was mortified at her response to him. The man who bought her shouldn’t be getting this kind of response from her. In that moment she hated herself and her body for being so weak.

  He held her tightly. She felt the evidence of his happiness pressing against her stomach. His tongue stroked her lips before sliding inside, meeting with his own.

  She had every intention of pushing him away from her. With his hands and tongue exploring her body, she couldn’t bring herself to push him away. Her body felt odd, different with his touch.

  Nick pulled away first, smiling. “See, I can smell how wet your pussy is, baby. You want me, and I’m going to find out soon if you’re a virgin. Don’t worry, I can wait.” He put his hands between her thighs, cupping the evidence of her need.

  Swatting his hand away, she glared, hoping he’d stop tormenting her. “You’re a hateful man.”

  “No, I’m not. I’m a man who knows what he wants and goes after it without thought.” He claimed her lips once again, showing her who was boss. “Don’t think to hide or fight me. You’ll lose.”

  He stormed out of the room in the next breath.

  Lips tingling, breasts tight, and a heat between her legs that made her feel like she was burning alive, she turned away from the door. No, she refused to let the man who bought her like she was some kind of possession affect her. She wrapped her arms around her body, trying to hold onto some kind of sanity.

  You like him.

  She shook her head. There was no way she could like him. He was a monster who’d bought her. She opened two doors discovering the en-suite bathroom. Entering the room, she turned on the shower before removing her clothes. Being bought didn’t mean she couldn’t be clean.

  Standing under the hot water, she ran a hand down her naked body feeling his touch once again.

  Her nipples were rock hard even with the warm water. Nick Long, he was going to get under her skin and infuriate her. He was used to getting what he wanted while she was used to being ignored. Their circumstances were completely the opposite and scared her.

  The unknown always scared her. The men and women in the pack took great satisfaction in ignoring her apart from ridiculing and mocking her. Wiping a hand over her face, she let out a breath. Her life had changed in a blink of an eye.

  After she finished washing, she wrapped the large white towel around her body then headed toward the mirror. She wiped away the steam and checked out the red sores around her neck. They would disappear soon, but they irritated her.

  She ran her fingers over the red line, gritting her teeth.

  You’re away. You’re free.

  Clara wasn’t free. She
was at the mercy of a man she didn’t know. Was Nick hiding some horrid secret? Why was he outlawed?

  None of the answers she wanted would come to her through her reflection. Letting out a frustrated growl, she left the bedroom.

  Coming up short, she saw an oversized shirt resting on the bed. The shirt hadn’t been there when she left the room. She checked the door before standing before the bed. Clara couldn’t help but be touched. He’d left her a shirt to wear.

  Drying her body, she quickly put the large shirt over her head, smelling him instantly. She was shocked the fabric fit over her large body. Smiling, she climbed into bed and settled down. Maybe he wasn’t so awful after all.

  Chapter Three

  Nick left the shirt, but he didn’t leave without looking at her lush body first. He found her naked in the shower with eyes closed looking up at the shower jet. Her body was so full and round, she made him ache with need to possess her. She’d take the fucking he so wanted to give her.

  He left the bathroom before she scented him close by. The smell from the bath soaps along with the noise of the shower would stop her from hearing him. Nick closed all the doors so she wouldn’t know he’d been in apart from the nightshirt.

  Sitting down on the edge of his bed, he ran a hand down his face. His cock was rock hard and showed no signs of diminishing even though he wanted it to. There was no female close enough apart from Clara to fuck.

  The game was set. She would fight him at every turn, but he felt the need inside her body. In no time at all she’d be begging him for more, and he intended to give her everything.

  Removing his clothes, he didn’t bother with a shower. He changed into a robe then left his room to check through the whole house. No one ever bothered him out here. His security was tight, the electrical systems top of the range.

  Going into his security room he checked the cameras and made sure the codes were all in place before locking the front door at the press of a button.

  He tried not to think about the kiss or the feel of her lush body pressed against his own. Blocking all the thoughts from his mind, he headed back upstairs, pausing outside of her room. There was no sound coming from behind the door. He half expected her to come out, cursing and shouting at his audacity to enter the room.

  Turning the knob, he opened the door to find her curled up in the center of the bed. He entered the room, closing the door behind him. She didn’t make any move. From the sound of her breathing she was in a deep sleep.

  Leaning down, he stroked her cheek, hearing her sigh and roll over. Unable to resist holding her, he climbed in beside her, lifting up the cover. She didn’t wake up. Clara must be exhausted not to wake up at the slightest movement.

  If anyone tried to get into bed with him, he’d be up like a shot. Years of being an alpha had cemented his own protection.

  He eased down then touched her arm. Again, she didn’t wake at all. Frowning, he hated her lack of response.

  Why? You could come here every night, and she wouldn’t wake up to push you away.

  Smiling at the sudden fun he could have, Nick wrapped his arms around her. She muttered something but curled up against him. Her hand rested underneath her chin. Staring down into her lovely face, he stroked the length of her red hair. The color looked like fire against the lilac pillow. He wondered what it would look like spread across his lap as she took his cock deep into her mouth.

  The kiss they shared had been hot, fiery, and set his pulse ablaze with the feel of her against him. When she gave into him, their passion would be epic. There was no other word he could think of to describe their few precious minutes together. Pushing the blanket down, he saw she wore the shirt he gave. So, she would take gifts from him, providing he left them for her and gave her little choice but to accept them. The shirt he’d given her was one he wore late at night when he worked at home. It looked good on her.

  From the size, he saw he was bigger than she was in a lot of ways. Running his fingers down her arm, he heard her sigh again. Her response to his kiss had to be a sure sign she was a virgin. There was no way a woman used to the attention would feel that way.

  Buying a woman online had left a bitter taste in his mouth. Many times he looked at the price of a pack female wondering how many packs had given up wolves for money. When he’d controlled a pack, he had never put any of his pack members up for auction. Each person was to be cared for, loved. Selling them to some stranger would have incurred his wrath, and he’d have taken care of them. It had been well over ten years since he was in control of a pack, so things must have changed since he was last in charge.

  Pushing the nasty thoughts out of his mind, he thought only about how wonderful Clara felt against him.

  When she lifted a leg to rest near his cock, he almost lost control. The full moon was far off, but he didn’t need the full moon to turn into his wolf form. He stared at the harsh red mark around her neck, thinking about the silver curse in his flesh. She had no right to be cast out, but he knew it was because of her weight.

  Plenty of pack females were thin, slender, anorexic looking because of their fast metabolism. Some packs looked down on a woman with curves. He was not one of them. In fact, if he’d not been outlawed and had still been an alpha of a pack, he’d have taken a fancy to Clara regardless.

  Her curves, her smell, drove him insane. From the moment she climbed out of the car, he’d been intrigued by her.

  Kissing her forehead, he saw how vulnerable she was. Anyone could have hurt her in the old pack. He was never going to send her back home.

  For Clara, her future would be filled by him, and he’d give her everything her heart desired.

  Relaxing beside her, Nick closed his eyes waiting for sleep to claim him. He wrapped his arms around his new possession, happy and settled for the first time in his life.

  If his parents could see him now, they’d be so happy for him. Clara was a fine female to call his own.


  Waking up, Clara groaned against the reality of her situation. The sudden smell of Nick had her jerking awake, rubbing at her eyes. Glancing around the room, she expected to find him lurking, ready to pounce at any time. Going to her knees, she looked left and right then down at her body.

  The smell had to have come from the shirt she was wearing. There was no sign of the man in the bedroom she slept in. Climbing off the bed, she looked around, finding no more clothes. Her own were filthy, and she wasn’t wearing them.

  Heading to the bathroom, she sorted through her morning routine of going to the toilet, washing her hands, then brushing her teeth to combing through her hair. She left the length to fall around her shoulders. Clara usually bound the length up to keep it out of her way.

  Blowing out a breath, she grabbed a robe and walked downstairs. The sun was shining brightly through the kitchen. The double doors were wide open. She heard Nick arguing with someone. Stepping closer, she found him on the phone, yelling and pacing the patio.

  Looking past his shoulders, she saw a table laden with food and drink. Her stomach growled. He jerked at the noise, staring right at her.

  “I’ve got to go. Be ready for my call within the hour or it’s your fucking job.” He growled the last word into the phone then hung up.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

  “Come outside. Breakfast is served.”

  Checking to make sure the robe was closed, she walked outside. The heat hit her, wishing she left the robe and had clothes in place of it.

  “No one can see us. Take the robe off. You’re going to sweat and start to stink badly,” he said, taking a seat.

  She watched him lift a large glass to his lips. How did he make drinking look so erotic? Fidgeting with the belt, she glanced at him seeing the smile on his lips. He was teasing her, testing her. She took the seat opposite him, and when he couldn’t see her legs, she removed the robe.

  His lips twitched, clearly happy with her.

  “I may not be able to see your
thighs, but I’ve got a clear view of those nipples, baby. You’re turned on or cold, I wonder?”

  “It’s a little chilly,” she said, hating him.

  “I imagine you are.” He sipped some more juice smiling at her.

  Linking her fingers together, she stared at him, waiting.

  “Eat, Clara. This food is yours as much as it is mine.”

  Gazing over the table she was shocked by how much was available. There were two piles of pancakes, breakfast cereal in many varieties, toast, butter, jam, and fruit.

  “Erm, I can’t eat everything.”

  “I don’t expect you to. I want to see what you eat so I know for next time,” he said. His elbow leaned on the handle on the chair, and he was leaning his head on his hand.

  “You prepared this? Don’t you have a housekeeper or something?” She reached for the cereal, milk, and a bowl.

  “No, I’ve got a cleaning lady to come in twice a week. I can’t be done with having someone around for so long. I hate the invasion in my life.” He poured some more juice into a glass.

  “Do you have to leave the house?” she asked.

  “No. My business can be done from anywhere.”

  Great, she wouldn’t be alone.

  “Don’t you want any sugar?” he asked, pointing to her cereal.

  “No. I don’t like sugar on my cereal.” She wasn’t lying either. Sugar made cereal too sweet for her.

  He handed her a drink of juice before sitting back. She felt his gaze on her at all times. Clara tried to ignore him, chewing and staring off to her left to look around the garden.

  “How did you sleep?” he asked.

  Glancing back toward him, she saw he was smiling once again. “Fine.” Did she miss something? His smile seemed to mean something. “Did you?” Her manners were never going to be destroyed even if she did hate him.

  Why did she hate him? He’d not done anything to her. All he’d done was take her out of a bad situation. Her family hated her. The pack had been awful to her at every opportunity. None of them liked her in their company. Her life’s meaning had been about avoiding them all at every opportunity.


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