Ruby Ink (Clairmont Series Novel Book 1)

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Ruby Ink (Clairmont Series Novel Book 1) Page 13

by L. J. Wilson

  Abruptly, Aaron turned his back to the view.

  Enough… Stop… She’s never coming back… He wrestled calm into place. Even if Aaron’s brain wasn’t cooperating, at least he was making an effort. He was doing more than going through the motions. A date with Shauna had to mean that much. Aaron just had to convince his mind to follow through, find a way to a different life.


  He turned. Shauna stood in front of him, in her hands were two giant floor pillows, a small framed print was pinched in her fingertips. He grabbed most of what she was holding.

  “Will these do?”

  “Uh, sure,” he said, looking back over his shoulder. The woman on the beach was gone.

  “Aaron, you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  “I just thought… well, I felt like I saw someone down by the lake.”

  Shauna peered around him. “It’s possible. I’ve walked down there a few times. It’s beautiful. Have you ever been?”

  He turned, looking at Shauna as if she’d just asked if he’d been to the moon. It set off a deluge of visions, the kind Aaron could feel. The kind he couldn’t handle. His mouth opened. Nothing would come out.

  “It’ll be something,” she went on, “especially when Stefan gets done with all the landscaping. If you want, I can walk down there with you some time, show you around.”

  “That’s okay,” he said softly. “Years ago…” He had to stop and remove from his mind the visual of tanned silky skin and onyx eyes. His fingers crunched into a pillow, so close to feeling Ruby. Aaron mentally sidestepped the image of two sweet tattoos from the low-on-funds memory bank in his head. He couldn’t allow himself to hear a raspy gasp of ecstasy as Ruby would look up at him, on that beach, and ask, “Please…” “I… I’ve, um, seen it,” he said, hoping Shauna didn’t hear his voice pinch.

  “Well, we’d better get this stuff inside. Stefan and company will be down shortly.”

  Aaron followed, trying to get his mind to do the same. He wasn’t doing such a great job, almost crashing into Shauna as she stopped short, turning around.

  “Aaron, before… outside. I don’t know about you, but I definitely didn’t mind the, um tingle. It was a very sexy kiss.”

  Before, outside… a sexy kiss… Had she been reading his mind? Then he snapped back to reality. “Right… us… earlier.”

  “If you’re not doing anything this weekend, my son is spending the night with his grandmother.”

  Aaron’s brow furrowed, trying not to over read the inference.

  She laughed. “I just meant I’m free for dinner. I can do something besides mac and cheese and cut up someone else’s meat.”

  He kept appropriate conversation moving. “Sure, Shauna. Dinner tomorrow night.”

  “Great,” she said, heading back toward the private dining space. “That sounds really great.”

  An hour later, Aaron had steadied all parts—mental and physical. He’d put away wicked and wild visions of Ruby. To aid his effort, he even firmed up his date with Shauna. She seemed excited, telling him about a new restaurant Stefan had recommended. Honor had also mentioned the same place, wanting a report on the food. It was fine with him. Aaron was intent on forward motion. He walked through the dining room, seeing that the cream-colored panels to the private dining space were closed. But the afternoon sun beamed through, outlining two silhouettes. Aaron did a double take. Stefan appeared to be out of boss mode, leaning across the table and kissing a woman—a woman with a great ass. It was impossible to miss, Aaron’s eye going straight to the curve. He hesitated. Then he shook his head and looked away. “Great. Now I’m a Peeping Tom.” He quickly moved on to the kitchen. “How’s it going? Smells damn good.” He plucked an appetizer off a plate and popped it into his mouth. Even cold it was spectacular.

  “Fine… fine, I think. I don’t know,” Honor confessed.

  “Haven’t you checked in with Abstract Enchantment’s love nest diners? But knock first. And if you see a shadow of two people going at it, table top, you might want to pass.”

  “What?” she said, looking confused. “No. I haven’t been out yet. It’s not appropriate for the chef to visit until the meal is at least halfway over. Jose served.” As she spoke, Jose came back into the kitchen, returning with the soup course.

  “Looks like that’s a menu keeper,” Aaron said, looking at the empty bowls. “Hey, Jose, ¿Cómo va ahí?” It was a small prison perk, the benefit of learning a second language.

  “It’s going great!” Jose said in perfect English. Then he winked at Aaron, his hand shaking in a heated gesture. “La novia, ella es caliente... muy agradable también.”

  “I know. I saw—well, enough to draw the same conclusion,” Aaron said in reply to Jose’s sexy observation of Stefan’s fiancée.

  “What did he say?” Honor demanded.

  “Uh, he said that they said the soup was the best they’d ever had.”

  “Good,” she said, nodding hard. “That’s good.” She looked at her brother. “Honestly, I don’t know why I’m so worried, especially now that it’s a done deal.”

  “Done deal?” Aaron asked.

  Honor dried her hands on a kitchen towel. “That’s what I wanted to tell you earlier. The reason Stefan brought me into his office was to sign the contracts.”

  Another inbound appetizer stopped halfway to Aaron’s mouth. “What?”

  “I know. It’s crazy. But Stefan said he didn’t want to wait. Vanessa Trudeau came up from the city this morning, just to take the signed contracts back to New York and have them finalized. Not only is Honor’s Guests the official caterer for Abstract Enchantment, Stefan has personally bought into my business.”

  “Whoa… I thought he wanted a full service first? What happened to that?”

  “We’re still doing that. But Stefan said he couldn’t imagine it would be less than perfect. He also said he thought it would take a lot of pressure off me. Wasn’t that great of him? Do you have any idea what his investment means? I can start Honor’s Guests franchises if I want—well, it’s just one idea.”

  Her brother only stared.


  “Uh yeah,” he said, forcing a smile. “That’s terrific. Congratulations.” There wasn’t time to think or say anything more as the kitchen door swung wide, Stefan striding through.

  “There she is…” he said. “The chef of the hour. I thought you might be out to see us, but I’m so impressed I had to come find you.”

  “That’s wonderful to hear, Stefan. I’m glad you’re both enjoying it.”

  Their boss turned to Aaron. “I wasn’t sure I’d find you in here. You seemed to have slipped off the radar this morning.”

  “I was giving Honor a hand, making sure the private dining room was ready.”

  “Fabulous job, Aaron. It’s as spectacular as the suite you’ve prepared. My fiancée is quite impressed. It was a long flight from the Coast.”

  “Right,” he said, avoiding Stefan’s personal life. None of it was his business—except Honor. For now, she looked happy—satisfied. Aaron refocused on small talk. “That is a long flight. I’m surprised she made it to lunch.”

  “You know, I thought perhaps later, but why don’t you come with me right now. I’d be thrilled for you to meet her. Both of you,” Stefan insisted.

  Two kitchen timers started to ding. They seemed to announce Chloe Pike, who came around the corner. “Mr. Gerard. I didn’t expect to see you in the kitchen.”

  “Miss Pike,” he said, and Aaron’s ears tuned to a tone that said familiar despite the formality. “Are you enjoying your job here at Abstract Enchantment?”

  Chloe answered but Aaron wasn’t listening. He was busy wondering if all bosses were always so interested in their employees’ enjoyment.

  “I’ll be out in just a minute,” Honor said. “I have to give Chloe some instructions, see to the next course.”

  Aaron wasn’t interested in meeting any fiancée, but he had
even less desire to stay in the kitchen with Chloe. “What, um… what does your fiancée do?” Aaron asked as they crossed through the dining room. I mean besides her hair and nails… “I don’t think you’ve ever said.”

  “Currently she’s taking time off. It’s been a stressful few years.”

  Aaron nodded, trying not to project too many preconceived notions onto a woman he’d never met.

  “She had a setback a while ago. Our meeting turned out to be the start of a new life for her—for us. I’m sure she’ll think about returning to work after we’re married. At heart, she’s an independent soul, self-reliant.”

  Aaron nodded at the description, altering his take—maybe she wasn’t as Kardashian as he envisioned. As the men broached the edge of the Japanese screen, Aaron realized Stefan hadn’t answered his question. His boss slid the opaque panels aside and stepped back, almost an unveiling. Aaron blinked, focusing on a dark-haired woman in a red dress. She was seated with her back to him. For a split second, he projected the woman in the post office, his daydream confusion about how much she’d looked like Ruby. His breath wouldn’t move in or out, his ears absorbing Stefan’s voice. None of it was making sense—a surreal out-of-focus moment. “My darling better half, when she’s not busy being engaged to me, is a registered nurse.”

  She was talking on her cell. She didn’t turn, not right away. She didn’t have to. Aaron’s gaze cut to Stefan. His smile was brilliant—expectant. A shudder plunged through Aaron.

  “Sorry,” she said, standing and turning.

  “Darling, come meet the man who’s responsible for much of the beauty you see before you. Ruby, this is Aaron Clairmont.”

  It was only her hand that moved, a death-grip on the wicker chair, the punishing squeal of tiny laced fibers filling the air. “Jesus…” she said in a whispery gasp, her eyes going wide.

  Stefan laughed. “No, Aaron, dear. I’m sorry, did we startle you?”

  Aaron’s face, his body, felt like it was on fire. He couldn’t move. He couldn’t react. He just stared. This was impossible. And yet, sure as that cell door had slammed for seven solid years, Ruby Vasquez stood opposite him. He wanted to feel nothing. He’d wanted the death penalty. Request finally granted. There were waves of confusion, his brain splitting, trying to move in two different directions. Half spiraled back, remembering everything he’d lost. Half plunged into the moment, trying to put the fucked-up present into some kind of order.

  This time her proper noun was more direct, though the sound coming from her throat tremored. “Aaron.”

  He still didn’t speak, his gaze nailed to a Ruby who wasn’t in a dream.

  “Do... do you two know each other?” Stefan asked. “It never occurred to me, but I suppose it’s possible. I know Ruby once lived in the area. But that was a lifetime ago.”

  One thing came clear. Ruby was as blindsided as Aaron. It was instinct that reacted, a mode that required no questions, just whatever it took to protect her. Aaron gathered his emotions and looked at Stefan. “Yes. We knew each other… once.”

  Stefan nodded, the smile fading from his face. “Old friends?” he queried.

  Neither spoke or moved. Ruby finally answered. “Some… something like that.” He could see her fighting a frown. “Until we were old enemies.”

  “Pardon?” Stefan said, looking utterly confused.

  Her explanation hit Aaron hard. Along with loving Ruby in a way that made his insides ache, he was also the man intent on killing her father. And, obviously, that was the man she saw before her. “Nothing,” she said curtly, offering Stefan a small smile. “It’s, um… To answer your question, Stefan, yes, I knew Aaron when I lived here.”

  “I see. Absolutely amazing! Well, you’ll have to fill me in on the details.”

  Ruby’s gaze, so dark and anxious, steered back to Aaron. He felt it. They could communicate without speaking. I’m sure as hell not saying anything out loud… Don’t you dare… Her chin quivered. Then it steadied, Aaron watching a long breath fill her. “There aren’t any details—none that matter.”

  “Right,” Aaron added. “None that matter.” Her gaze gripped tight to Stefan, as if he was her source of comfort. It made Aaron want to grip his hands around his boss’s clean-shaven throat.

  “Stefan, I’m feel—”

  “Finally! I was able to slip out of the kitch—” Honor gasped loudly as she rounded the corner. Her hand clamped to Aaron’s forearm, like one of them was in danger of fainting. While Aaron and Ruby’s reactions flew under the radar, Honor’s told a greater story. She couldn’t have appeared more shocked if she’d seen Rowen’s ghost. “Ruby…” she said, her pool-water eyes open wide. “What in the world…”

  Stefan stepped farther into the frame. “My goodness, I take it you’re acquainted with the entire Clairmont clan?”

  “Tribe of Five,” they said in simultaneous whispers.

  Ruby answered Stefan head on, no hesitation. But Aaron knew it was bullshit. He could see right through it, Ruby struggling for composure. She didn’t want him asking questions. “Yes, of course. I knew all the Clairmonts. Everyone who’s lived in Nickel Springs does. I’m not sure why that’s so surprising, Stefan. You know this is home for me.” She smiled and said breezily, “Take me to town. I’ll introduce you. First-name basis, Main Street to Lakeshore Drive.”

  “I’m sorry,” Honor said, taking the casual remark as a cue to tone it down. “I was just surprised. When I heard you had a fiancée, Stefan, I never thought it was someone we knew.”

  “Then I suppose the old cliché fits, small world and all.” He crossed to where Ruby stood and put his arm around her. Aaron’s body was poised to move forward. Honor’s grip tightened around his arm, her nails digging in—hard. It barely held him in place.

  “You know, Stefan, lovely as lunch is…” She looked at Honor, avoiding Aaron. “And it is lovely. You always were a fabulous chef… But,” she said, turning back to her fiancé, “I’m not feeling all that well right now. Would you mind if I went up and lay down?”

  “Of course not,” he said. “If you two will excuse us.” Ruby shuffled a step forward and hesitated as if realizing that Stefan would be going with her. A split-second glance in Aaron’s direction told him as much. Even after everything that had happened… The idea of Ruby traipsing off to a bedroom with another man was impossible. But a moment later they were gone.

  Honor slowly let up on Aaron’s arm. It was like taking the bridle off a wild horse, her hand moving cautiously away. “Breathe,” she said. “Just breathe.”

  Aaron’s jaw slacked. He blinked fiercely at the table, at the salads left half eaten. A small clutch purse Ruby had left in her hasty exit. “Honor, what… what the hell just happened?”

  “I… I don’t know.” She looked up at him. “I had no idea… An incredible coincidence? Could… could it be what Stefan said, a crazy small-world fluke? He looked as surprised as the three of us.”

  Aaron peered into Honor’s fair face, her innocent features and forgiving heart. He could only say what his gut had to offer. “About the same chance as me waking up two seconds from now to find out that the last seven years were nothing but a bad dream.”

  It was the longest night of Aaron’s life. Longer than the night before the sentencing, longer than all the nights behind bars. He couldn’t close his eyes. Aside from the stunning turn of events, there was the thought of where Ruby was spending the night—his worst nightmare unfolding on the other side of Butterfield Lake. He knew where she was, and the man she was sharing a bed with. Aaron’s stomach clenched like a vise every time he imagined Stefan Gerard’s hands on Ruby.

  At midnight, he couldn’t bear it another second. Aaron cursed himself for letting her walk away earlier that day. He darted from his bed bound for Abstract Enchantment. But Aaron ran headlong into Troy, who plodded heavily up the stairs. The smell of him was four steps ahead, booze and slutty perfume—or maybe just perfume that belonged to a slut. Troy held up a hand, standing
a few steps from the top.

  “Don’t even fucking say it,” he slurred. “Chloe drove. I may have had a few, but I’m not stupid enough to get arrested for something as lame as drunk driving. We aim higher in this house.”

  Aaron ignored the remark. “At least she had sense enough not to let you get behind the wheel of a car.”

  Troy came the rest of the way and stopped. The two stood shoulder to shoulder in the hall. Neither were interested in eye contact.

  “Yeah, Chloe falls short on common sense when it comes to pathetic, post-prison guys coming onto her, inviting her into their showers.”

  “I heard that’s what she told you.”

  Aaron didn’t say anything. He could feel the hate pulsing off his brother. “Ever occur to you that it’s one side of the story?”

  “From a guy convicted of attempted murder?” A low snicker rumbled out. “Not so much.”

  “You ought to get to know your girlfriend better, Troy. She’s not what you think. She’s just another bad mistake you seem to be headed for.”

  “Hey, Aaron,” Troy said, his voice louder. “When you’re done fucking up your life, then you can give me advice on mine. Okay?”

  It was a tough point to argue. “Yeah… sure.” Troy took a step toward his bedroom. Instinctively, Aaron grabbed his arm. They were one snide remark from a brawl in the middle of the hall. Sebastian Clairmont flashed through Aaron’s head. He wouldn’t have put up with that kind of shit for a second. He would have bashed both their heads together as a means of breaking it up. Aaron gathered his cool. “Just… just try not to make any more noise while stumbling into bed. Honor’s got enough on her mind and a huge day tomorrow. Give her that much of a break.”


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