Ruby Ink (Clairmont Series Novel Book 1)

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Ruby Ink (Clairmont Series Novel Book 1) Page 27

by L. J. Wilson

  “That’s just it. One of them isn’t consenting. I don’t know if it’s obsession motivating Stefan, but marrying him is not what Ruby wants. So think fast and tell me what you know… anything that could help us. ”

  “I admit,” she said slowly. “I found his fascination with her unlikely. But Stefan and I, we had an agreement long before she ever turned up. Our relationship… It’s complicated. We both work for Windamere. There was a time when a no-strings, pleasurable commitment was our mutual desire.”

  “From the way you threw that lamp, I’d say it turned into something else along the way.”

  Her tears had dried, but the frown hadn’t eased. “I’m not even sure how it happened,” she said. “But I know when it did… or when I realized it. Last year, I had marriage proposal, a man I’d been seeing for a while.” She swirled the tea-colored liquid, her gaze lost in the rich waves that splashed against the glass. “He was a good, decent man… Marcus. I turned him down. I said no because I was in love with Stefan.”

  Instead of ambushing her with “Are you insane…?” or “Lady, you should have taken the offer and ran…” Aaron kept a cool head. “So according to Stefan, how is this supposed to work? You play the role of the mistress, on call up here, while Ruby gets cast as the wife?”

  “I never imagined this is how things would end up. When Stefan first mentioned Ruby, I thought she was a trite amusement. That it would play itself out quickly, and he’d move on. I’d never seen him act that way before. Stefan’s always been driven and ambitious. But suddenly instead of making the next Windamere property his goal, Ruby was. I have no idea why.”

  Aaron stared into Vanessa’s pale, shaken face. It was an excellent question. Why? Aaron hadn’t thought about it from that perspective—by the time he was blindsided, it was a relationship in motion. From the second Stefan had introduced his fiancée—so surprised the two had known each other—Aaron had been playing catch up. But Vanessa’s point of view, it was a different angle. Even Shauna admitted Ruby wasn’t Stefan’s usual fare when it came to women. So what would Stefan Gerard gain by marrying Ruby?

  Aaron had spent seven years in prison. He’d made no worthy enemies. He would have sat another twenty years on the inside, especially if it meant Ruby was safe. He’d never met, nor had he heard of Stefan Gerard before Honor introduced him. In that context, his sister’s boss hardly seemed like a threat. Until now…

  Aaron gasped loudly, his past catching up with the present. “Fuck no,” he whispered. In one heinous moment of realization, he knew who Stefan Gerard was. Aaron’s eyes widened and strands of tiny coincidences bound into thread. Aaron squeezed his eyes shut. The threads grew thicker… heavier, turning string into rope. And Stefan Gerard—Jerry—held just enough to hang Aaron. When he was arrested for attempted murder, Silas Brikk vanished—reassigned or erased from the planet. With Nickel Springs off the drug map, it made sense that whoever Brikk worked for—whoever Jerry was—would move on as well. His business was ruined, the place crawling with feds and media. But now Aaron understood. What Jerry had been doing—for who knew how long—was meticulously plotting his revenge.

  “What’s the matter,” Vanessa said. “You look more sickened by this than me.”

  Aaron’s heart began to pound, beginning with Ruby and continuing onto Honor, the future that she’d signed away to Stefan Gerard—her business partner, her mentor. And Troy. Aaron had seen it himself, Troy running drugs for whatever scene was working Nickel Springs. He’d never imagined it was Jerry. His old boss, the same man who’d patted Troy on the shoulder in the dining room. Stefan—Jerry, he had his hooks in Aaron’s brother too. “Jesus…” he said in a terrified whisper. Stefan Gerard had Ruby and a good chunk of his family right in his cross hairs. Vanessa leaned forward. Her hand squeezed Aaron’s—it was just the right pressure, the perfect angle to send a razor-sharp pain through screws and pins.

  Aaron surmised the rest. Ruby knew. Ruby was marrying Stefan to protect Aaron, probably his family. Damn, she’d said it herself, the last thing she’d asked before he’d drifted into that peaceful slumber: “I understand now, what it took to protect me—the sacrifice. Tell me you know that I’d do the same thing for you?”

  “Seriously, Aaron, you look like you’re going to be sick.”

  A panicked-filled gaze looked at Vanessa. “Ruby. She’s marrying Stefan to save my ass, keep my family safe.”

  “What are you talking about? What do you or your family have to do with Stefan?”

  Aaron felt more cornered than before Vanessa had arrived in the carriage house suite. To hell with his day in court. This was it, right here. “Vanessa, I need you to listen to me. I need to tell you about Stefan Gerard. He’s not what you think. He’s—”

  She shook her head. “Aaron, stop talking right now. I don’t give a damn what sort of desperate claims you make about Stefan. I won’t do anything that puts him at risk—even if it means watching him marry your Ruby. I won’t help you. I can’t.”

  Aaron watched Stefan Gerard from a shadowy alcove inside Abstract Enchantment. Out of all the images in his head, and the ones that had seeped into his nightmares, Aaron had never pegged Jerry for this—an impeccable, Yale-educated businessman. Stefan leaned closer to Shauna, the two reviewing paperwork. Aaron heard snippets of conversation. There was talk of tomorrow, and how a honeymoon would be postponed—there was too much Abstract Enchantment business going on. Shauna asked if Ruby needed anything. Was there a stylist, at least a beautician coming to help her get ready? Stefan smiled. “Ruby doesn’t care for a lot of fuss. She’s so naturally beautiful, it’s simply unnecessary. She’s in our suite now, preparing. Tandy will be along shortly.” He checked his watch and glanced around the office. Aaron ducked back into the alcove. “I’m headed to the lakefront. I want to keep an eye on things.”

  “Stefan, I assure you, I’ve taken care of…”

  “Let him go,” Aaron murmured. “Just let him fucking go.”

  “I’m not questioning your effort, Shauna. Not at all. In fact, I highly doubt we’re concerned about the same details.” Stefan asked if Shauna had made arrangements with the local newspaper. Why yes—they were thrilled to be invited and planned front-page coverage in the Nickel Springs Press. Aaron focused on the floor, aware that one way or another, Stefan was determined to put his marriage on public display.

  For years, Aaron had nothing but time on his hands. Now minutes were precious. Each one that ticked away put Ruby closer to an altar and out of Aaron’s reach. His movements were stealth-like, acting like the criminal he’d never been, reaching the executive suite without shadow or footsteps. He didn’t knock, but quickly used a master key still in his possession. He snickered at the ease. It was all part of Stefan’s plot. Once his prey was in place, he wanted as few obstacles as possible between Aaron and Ruby. And then… then he would snatch her away.

  The living room was empty, only a glass of something he doubted was water sat on the bar. He moved toward the bedroom, gently pushing open the door. The world was a mess, but there was a shred of beauty inside. Ruby stood by the window. The sun spilled in like it had no clue, bright and cheery, washing over her. She wore a short white slip, her thick dark hair pinched in a clip, the way she wore it in no-nonsense settings. On the bed lay a short, off-white dress—the kind you’d wear if marrying in haste. She stared aimlessly out the window, dabbing once at her nose with a tissue. Aaron couldn’t recall such a lost look, not even the night they dragged him away in handcuffs. “Hey, I don’t know much about weddings and brides, but I don’t think you’re doing it right.”

  Ruby turned so fast she nearly lost her balance. Aaron swore he could see her heart pound as if shocked into beating. She didn’t speak, racing the distance and casting herself into his arms. For a few moments, Aaron held on. She smelled of dusting powder and delicate daydreams. Then Aaron remembered the minutes. The ones that were slipping away. His hands cupped her face. Damn. He’d gladly burn one more kissing her. Neith
er had said a word. They didn’t need to; the kiss was enough. Ruby’s body pressed hungrily into his, her lips repeating the sentiment. It had only been hours since they’d shared the same bed, though it felt close to all those years in prison.

  Finally, she let go, backing up. “Aaron,” she said huskily, “you can’t be here. For so many reasons, you… you just can’t.”

  “I’ve figured most of them out.” He shook his head. “It’s not going to happen, Ruby. You’re not doing this, marrying that scumbag to save my ass any misery.”

  Her glassy eyes narrowed. “You… you know who Stefan is?”

  “Silas Brikk’s boss. It’s a setup. Everything from slithering into your life to what Stefan’s done here at Abstract Enchantment, even Honor. What? Prison wasn’t enough for busting up his heroin gold mine?”

  “Not nearly. Incarceration wasn’t cutting it. Stefan said he finally figured out the one thing that would make you suffer more than time served. He orchestrated all of it, Aaron—right down to your early release.” Her glance moved cagily toward the door. “You can’t be here. He’ll—”

  “Stefan went down to the lake. Tandy’s arrival is our biggest concern right now.” He hesitated. “Ruby, she… He manipulated her too. Do you know she was a prostitute, hooked on heroin?”

  “I knew about the drugs. Well, I figured it out. But when I confronted Tandy, she said she didn’t want to talk about it. It was a dark time in her life. She didn’t want to relive it.”

  “Yeah. Maybe for a while. Stefan took her away from all that. He must have paid for rehab, given her a brand-new life in exchange for her loyalty.”

  Ruby shook her head. “Another shrewd token of persuasion. I’m not surprised.”

  “Well, also know she’s slipped pretty bad. You can’t trust her, Ruby. Tandy’s busy putting smack back in her arm, which I’m sure Stefan is funding. At this point, like any junkie, she’ll do anything he wants.”

  Ruby reached for her cell phone. “She’ll also do anything I want.” She dialed. “At least I can buy us more time.” In seconds she was talking to Tandy, rattling off a list of things the bride needed before the big event: hairspray, wrapping paper—for Stefan’s gift—nail polish remover and a candy bar. Her blood sugar was a little low. Ruby looked at Aaron. Pharmacy goods weren’t enough of a delay. “And blue!” Ruby said, making panic sound like excitement. “Oh my gosh, I’ve completely forgotten something blue! Would you be a love and come up with something last minute spectacular?” Then she listened for a few moments. “Don’t be silly, Tandy. If Aaron shows up here, security will show him the door. I don’t care what he told you. I haven’t given Aaron a thought since bumping into him.” She reached, taking his hand in hers. “He’s… that’s all in the past.” Aaron saw the lump slide through her throat as she hung up. “I’m not sure what that gets us, except a little more time before I have to go.”

  “Go?” Aaron said. “The only place you’re going is out of here… with me.”

  It was clear to Ruby they were on two different pages. She let go of Aaron’s hand. Her heart wasn’t pounding any less, though surprise was turning to fear. “What? No… Aaron, I can’t. I can’t go anywhere with you.” She looked at the clock. “I’m marrying Stefan in a couple of hours. Do you have any idea what will happen if I don’t?”

  His confidence was winning, even in light of their doomed circumstance. “I’d imagine my next meal will be back at Biddeford. I don’t give a damn about that, Ruby. I’d rather spend the rest of my life in that fucking hole than see you married to him for one second.”

  She closed the distance, her arms wrapping solidly around him. Then she whispered in his ear. “I knew that’s exactly what you’d say. And that’s why I’m going through with this.” Ruby shuffled back, her fingers fluttering over his cheek—the side she knew he could feel. “And if Stefan thinks being married to me will be some sort of bargain, he may be in for a surprise. Making him miserable will become my life’s work. I can be quite the bitch if I put my mind to it.”

  “I appreciate the offer, but like I told Vanessa, ‘over my dead body.’”

  “Vanessa? What does she have to do with this?”

  “This is exactly why you can’t play the role of the bitch—you see too much good in people. Stefan… Vanessa, they’ve been having an affair for years. From what I can gather, a wife isn’t going to deter that relationship.”

  “Shocker,” Ruby said. “I always did think she was overly attached. But I also thought it odder that it didn’t bother me.”

  “I went to her before coming here,” Aaron said. “If anybody has anything on Stefan, it would be Vanessa. I was hoping once I explained who he really was, she might be on our side.”


  He looked defeated. “Apparently being Stefan’s whore is preferable to not being with him in at all. She wouldn’t budge. I confronted her with everything. While she didn’t plan on hanging around for the wedding, she wouldn’t roll on him. Last I saw she was dragging out a giant suitcase and heading back to the city.”

  Instead of mirroring his disappointment, Ruby smiled. “All right, so Vanessa’s out in terms of a solution. But what about a double cross? What if we let Stefan think he’s getting what he wants?”


  “Aaron, if we were very discreet and I give into what Stefan wants… Let him think he’s won… Well, you and I could wait it out, manage to see each other—”

  Aaron grabbed her abruptly. “Tell me you’re fucking joking? For one, I’d never put you in that kind of danger. Do you realize what this prick is capable of?”

  “I do. Stefan didn’t hold back when it came to Silas Brikk’s eventual fate.”

  “So where’s the question, Ruby? If you think you’re ever standing alone in a room with that fucker again… then, baby… You never really knew me at all. I don’t care what it costs—”

  Ruby jerked away. “Well, I fucking do!”

  Aaron’s sea-green eyes went wide.

  “I’m not catching the red-eye back to California while they drag you back to Biddeford. If that’s what you think, then you don’t know me too well either. Over my dead body, Aaron Clairmont.” Ruby shook her head and whispered. “I swear, it would be over my dead body.”

  A sigh heaved in and out of him. “That puts us at one hell of an impasse.”

  “Not really. Not at all,” Ruby said. “Honor and Troy. They’re the trump cards, Aaron. They pay if we don’t. I understand what you’d give up for me.” She kissed him softly. “But if I don’t follow through, he’ll come after all of you. Stefan was very clear. You can’t let that happen. I know you won’t.” Ruby looked into his solemn face. Standing in the courtroom, she remembered seeing pain, humiliation, and loss. This time she saw something else—hopelessness.

  Ruby couldn’t hold back the tears. But she also thought maybe Aaron didn’t see them as he kissed her—kept kissing her. The wedding dress was sent sailing carelessly to the floor as their bodies fell onto the bed. Ruby had never felt such an all-consuming desire—because it was this time, because it was the last time. Inside each kiss lived a future moment they’d never have, the places they’d live, the children who should have been, the holidays, the every-days, the fights, and the making up. Ruby closed her eyes and sunk deep inside the fantasy. She indulged in the fleeting reality of their future as Aaron touched her, sweet and overwhelming.

  The slim strap of the slip fell from her shoulder, Aaron’s lips following the path and gliding over her neck. A downward trek, past the lacy edge of fabric. She felt his hand on her leg, then easing between satin panties and tender flesh. She gasped, the rush of Aaron’s touch surrounding her, tempting every nerve, inside and out. Ruby’s hands held his face, kissing him. In between the kisses, she told him the story she’d lived on since they’d been apart. “Did… did I ever tell you about the day I married you?”

  Aaron stopped, his face confounded. Then, he too, sunk willingly into the tale. “No
, baby. I don’t think you ever did. Remind me.”

  Ruby rolled over, leaning down and staring into his eyes as Aaron’s hands ran like fire over her backside. She could conjure up those pale-green irises on a whim, in her mind and in the dark. If she had to, Ruby would do it for the rest of her life. Aaron reached for the clip and Ruby’s hair fell free.

  “It was a beautiful June day,” she said as Aaron found a miniscule zipper on the side of the slip. “There were daisies and wild flowers and champagne and everyone we knew.” With the zipper open, the sleek fabric moved as fluidly as the story. The garment slipped from Ruby’s body and onto the floor.

  “Is that right?” he said, never missing a beat, the clasp on the bra opening. It too went the way of the slip.

  On his back, Aaron inched down, suckling each breast while Ruby kept the dreamy visuals in motion. “I wasn’t a nervous bride, either. Not at all. I was so happy. I marched right down that aisle. You were waiting.”

  “I’ll bet.” Aaron rose back to eye level, his hands moving lithely over her backbone and bottom. Ruby took in her commanding point of view, as though she controlled the moment. He smiled and asked, “Was I trussed up in some kind of monkey suit that you insisted on?”

  “You didn’t mind, not really.” She tugged at his T-shirt, their bodies barely parting as it slid over his head. “You were so handsome.” Ruby kissed his chest, her hands splayed hard against him. He was so warm, so real. “And while you paid attention to the getting married part, I knew you were thinking about other things. After things…”

  “Like what?” he said as Ruby shimmied down the mattress, pausing to unbuckle his belt and shuffling off his jeans.

  “I knew you were thinking about later.”

  “Maybe where we went on a honeymoon?”

  “Aaron, you didn’t give a damn where we went on our honeymoon.” A full mast erection throbbed in her face, and Ruby didn’t hesitate, taking Aaron in her mouth. At first it was slow and gracious, Aaron not doing a damn thing but enjoying it—just like he would have if there had been a honeymoon. She teased and tempted, remembering what he liked, reliving the hardness and how it felt to have this wicked control over Aaron. His fingers tangled through her hair as his body shared the rhythm of her mouth. She could feel him grow harder, one hand assisting her effort, the other moving over his rigid abs and the quick breaths that were pumping in and out of him. Their hands locked together, squeezing. With unimaginable strength, he let go of Ruby’s hand and the pending moment. In one deft movement, she was under him, their eyes connecting.


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