Terry W. Ervin

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Terry W. Ervin Page 41

by Flank Hawk

  After a while Road Toad walked up and kicked my foot. “Flank Hawk, supper is ready.” He stared at me a second and then glanced at Lilly. “I think it’s time you told me what happened.”

  “What?” I asked. “The sun will be down soon.”

  “We’re safe. The enemy is in disarray, for now.” He placed a hand on my shoulder. “If you don’t let it out, it’ll gnaw at your insides until it ruins you.”

  “What will?”

  “I’ve seen that gaze before, Flank Hawk. Wake your friend. She’s got a decision to make too.”

  Road Toad and Corporal Drux listened with interest as I told of the mission. Lilly supplied details when she was able. Then Road Toad told of his trek back to Keesee with Prince Reveron. Their ordeal was shorter but no less harrowing. With grim satisfaction he also described Colonel Brizich’s fiery execution for treason.

  Before readying for the night’s flight, Corporal Drux and Road Toad examined Lilly’s crushed hand. We were days from a healer powerful enough to repair it and Road Toad explained they should amputate it before rot set in and spread up her arm. Lilly refused and later that night at the rise of the moon her transformation reformed the crushed bones.

  Road Toad would keep Lilly’s secret just as he’d hidden the knowledge that I was a rogue healer. Drux, a member of the Sun-Fox brotherhood, would too.

  While Lilly dressed and Corporal Drux led Flame Lance up from the nearby stream, Road Toad and I exchanged thoughts. He predicted that the bomb would break the Necromancer King’s momentum and, with dwindling support of panzers and Stukas, the Crusaders would land and march as they had twelve years ago. This time with the support of Keesee.

  As to why Prince Reveron might one day retrieve the Blood-Sword, Road Toad had thought on it, but wasn’t able to piece together a reason. He said, “Flank Hawk, you can discuss it with the prince when you deliver the pocket watch and return his signet ring.”

  Corporal Drux chuckled as he walked with Lilly, leading Flame Lance back to us. “If Flank Hawk is certain to meet the prince, hadn’t you best carry out his royal orders?”

  Road Toad scowled before grinning. “It was a request, not an order, Corporal.” He looked from me and back to Drux. “You’d ruin this one surprise an aging soldier might grant?”

  Other than the purple and gold armband, the colors of Keesee, I didn’t see any sign of official rank. Still, I asked, “You’ve been granted recommission as a serpent cavalryman?”

  Road Toad frowned, but quickly replaced it with a toothy grin. “When you speak with Prince Reveron, ask him if you might visit the royal stables.”

  My mind raced, trying to guess why I should ask the prince about the royal stables. As I scratched my head Road Toad gave me news that unraveled a long held concern.

  “If you don’t,” he said, “it’ll delay reuniting with the newest stable hand, your father.” He slapped me on the shoulder. “Well, the old boy had to find some way to support his family while awaiting his mercenary son’s return.”

  The End

  About the Author

  Terry W. Ervin II is an English teacher who enjoys writing Fantasy and Science Fiction. He is an editor for MindFlights, a guest columnist for Fiction Factor and is the author of over two dozen short stories and articles. Flank Hawk is his debut novel.

  When Terry isn’t writing or enjoying time with his wife and daughters, he can be found in his basement raising turtles. To contact Terry, or to learn more about his writing endeavors, visit his website at www.ervin-author.com.




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