Pyxis: Book Three of The Stardust Series

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Pyxis: Book Three of The Stardust Series Page 11

by Autumn Reed

  He squeezed my arms and then pointed to the desk, indicating that he wanted me to hide under it. I huffed lightly and nodded, crouching beneath the desk as Theo moved silently down the hall. With shaky hands, I quickly typed a message to Jackson.

  Me: Potential intruder at Zenith - Patrick’s office. Come ASAP.

  Meanwhile, I waited under the desk for what felt like hours, on edge and trying not to fidget. What should I do? Every second I stayed there, my mind traveled further and further down a dark and scary rabbit hole of possibilities.

  When I heard a crash, I started and bumped my head on the desk. Worried about Theo, I peeked my head around the side of the cubicle; between the lamp and the opaque glass, I could see silhouettes dancing around within the office.

  My phone vibrated, signaling an incoming response.

  Jackson: Liam on the way. I’ll be there soon.

  I shoved the phone back in my pocket, grateful for the promise of backup, but for now, it was just the two of us. Theo wanted me to hide, but what had all my self-defense lessons been for, if not for a situation like this?

  I returned my attention to the scuffle in Patrick’s office. Creeping closer, I could hear grunting and a physical struggle between Theo and his unknown assailant. I bounced on my toes, torn between wanting to help Theo and worrying that I’d only make things worse if I intervened.

  Peering around the doorframe, I tried to improve my vantage point into the office without attracting attention. When I finally got a clear view, my jaw dropped—the intruder was massive. I worked to steady my breathing as I focused on the logistics of the fight. Theo had a speed advantage and was doing a remarkable job of attacking despite the size difference. In fact, it appeared that Theo was wearing the man down; I had never seen him so aggressive, so focused, and I was definitely impressed. I remained in the hallway, my heart pumping furiously while I debated my options if the man exited Patrick’s office.

  Theo was swift and effective, and his opponent was clearly taken aback by some of his moves. But then, the intruder threw a hard punch, and Theo was unable to avert it. Caught off-guard, I heard the air rush out of him before he staggered backward. The intruder, seeing his opportunity to escape, sprinted toward the door, and I pressed myself against the wall, unsure which direction he would go. It’s now or never.

  When he rushed past me, I thrust my leg out, aiming for the back of his knees with as much force as I could muster. He tumbled to the ground, landing with an oomph, thankfully so focused on escaping that he hadn’t noticed me. Theo was seconds behind him, almost tripping over the giant man, who was now lying on the ground. He attempted to get up and run, even kicking at Theo, but Theo immediately restrained him.

  I can’t believe I just did that.

  “Can you grab some zip ties? Check the supply closet.” Theo grunted as he shifted the intruder in place, snapping my attention back to the situation at hand.

  I darted to the supply closet, relieved to find it unlocked, and frantically scanned the shelves full of staplers, pens, and pads of paper, anxious to return to Theo even though he was a short distance away. After running back to him, Theo secured zip ties around the man’s large wrists before moving him to a chair and doing the same to his ankles. The intruder started to speak, his deep voice tinted by an accent, but Theo promptly shut him down, the muscles in his jaw clenched.

  Theo’s clothes were rumpled, and he ran a hand through his mussed hair. I had never seen him like this—brooding, authoritative, protective. I felt a slight sense of relief now that the man had been restrained, but I was still on edge, adrenaline coursing through my veins.

  What now? I wondered while I stayed silent, trying to follow Theo’s lead. It wasn’t like there was a manual on disarming a trespasser and holding him hostage. Is there?

  How had he even gotten in? And, what did he want?

  Moments later, footsteps echoed down the hall and Liam came into view, running toward us. He glanced at the intruder and Theo, then stopped in front of me, searching my face and taking my hands in his.

  His tone was frantic, his movements nothing like the smooth, controlled Liam I was used to. “You’re shaking, love. Are you okay?” I nodded, and he brushed my hair away from my face, then pulled me into his chest and held me tight, whispering, “It’s okay. I’m here now,” as he stroked my hair.

  Normally, I probably would have found his statement arrogant and presumptuous, but at the moment, I found it comforting and buried my head in his chest. When I pulled away, he scanned my face before releasing me.

  “Why don’t you sit for a minute while we get our new friend situated,” Liam said in a cool tone.

  Still speechless, I nodded again as I watched Liam and Theo roll the intruder into Patrick’s office. They closed the door, and I could hear muffled voices but none of the specifics of the conversation. Then, the door reopened and Theo and Liam emerged.

  “Sorry for not asking immediately, but are you okay, Haley?” Theo asked while Liam kept an eye trained on Patrick’s office.

  Finally forcing myself to speak, I responded, “Yeah, I’m fine. You were amazing.”

  “You weren’t so bad yourself, although you really should have stayed hidden,” Theo said and then pulled me into a hug, squeezing me tight.

  “Where’s Jackson?” Theo finally asked.

  “I’m here,” Jackson’s voice called as he sprinted down the hall. He caught up to us and looked into Patrick’s office and cringed.

  “What a mess. Are you both okay?”

  Theo answered. “He got a good punch in, but Haley stopped him by kicking his legs out from under him.”

  Jackson turned to me, a storm of emotions quickly passing over his face before he finally said, “Good work. Theo and I will take care of things from here.”

  Take care of things? What did that mean? Were they not calling the police? I debated asking, but I was feeling tired and more than ready to leave, so in the end, I decided to keep my mouth shut and let them handle the situation as they saw fit. Maybe I would find out more tomorrow.

  Jackson’s voice broke me out of my thoughts. “Haley, are you okay with going to Liam’s for the night?”

  “Sure,” I sighed.

  “Don’t sound so excited,” Liam chided as he wrapped an arm around me and led me to the elevator.

  Once we were in the safety of the elevator, I relaxed into Liam’s embrace and let myself reflect on the past hour. Considering Zenith’s business was security, I knew that their system was top-notch. So, how did something like this happen? And, how had Theo managed to hold his own against that monster of a man? Clearly I hadn’t given him enough credit; while I always knew he was fun and smart, I’d considered him one of the less physical guys on the team. Knowing with certainty that he was okay, I wondered if it was bad that I found the whole thing totally sexy.

  Red & Green

  I balled my hands in the pockets of my coat in a futile attempt to stay warm. Judging by the many rather expensive cars lining the street, a number of guests had already arrived at the Zenith Christmas party. Knox was forced to park halfway down the street from Patrick’s house, and even with our brisk pace, the cool night air was giving my bare legs goosebumps. Despite my reluctance to step into a party bustling with people, I hoped we would reach Patrick’s house soon.

  Questions about last night’s events crept in, and I found myself wondering about the outcome. Had Theo and Jackson obtained any answers from the intruder? Did they end up calling the police? Distracted by my errant thoughts, I halted when I finally caught sight of the house, in awe of its splendor.

  “Wow,” I whispered, not even sure I had said it aloud until Theo turned back and grinned at me.

  “Pretty awesome, huh?” Theo asked as he and Knox led the way up the path to Patrick’s home.

  Pretty awesome was an understatement; while Patrick’s house was always beautiful, this evening it shined like a brilliant star. White lights outlined the roofline and yard and blanke
ted the landscaping. The festive glow from inside the party silhouetted figures of the guests against the windows.

  Chase extended his arm and I gladly took it, almost stumbling when he flashed me a smile complete with dimple. His typical casual attire had been replaced by a suit, and he looked sharp in the tailored navy slacks and jacket that seemed to intensify the blue of his eyes. Glancing at Knox and Theo, I was struck again by how fantastic all three of them looked; clearly, they could have their pick of girls, but I was inordinately pleased none of them brought someone to the party. Am I a terrible person?

  The front door opened as we approached, music and chatter pouring out from the house and welcoming us inside. I released Chase’s arm, and he automatically moved to stand behind me in the foyer.

  “Can I take your coat, Haley?” Chase offered.

  His knuckles grazed my shoulders as he slid my coat over my arms before folding it over his forearm. Such a gentleman. Chase was pulling out all the stops this evening, almost acting as if he was my date. I tried not to let myself get too wrapped up in that fantasy.

  I smoothed my skirt and turned around, surprised to find Knox, Theo, and Chase staring at me. Theo swirled his finger, so I bit my lip and twirled in my cranberry-colored dress, the skirt fluffing and sparkling with the movement. I felt a little like a ballerina in the scoop neckline that was fitted through the waist and accented with a jeweled belt. I had opted to wear my hair in a ponytail, the top pulled back high and away from my face, with curls cascading down my partially-exposed back.

  Facing Theo, Knox, and Chase once more, I felt my face fall as I took in Theo’s serious expression. “Well shoot, you did such a good job, you’re not going to take me shopping with you anymore.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief. I knew I didn’t need Theo’s seal of approval, but it was nice to have it. “Don’t be silly.” I smiled and squeezed Theo’s bicep.

  Chase gave me a lingering glance, then whisked off to the coat check and promised to find us again. When I turned back around, Theo had already joined a conversation with a few guys who looked vaguely familiar.

  Knox leaned toward me. “Of course. We’re here less than two minutes and the social butterfly is already fluttering around.”

  I shrugged. “At least he’s not forcing us to mingle with him.”

  Knox’s lips curled into a grin. “Good point. Let’s find Jackson; in the meantime, you can try and guess how many fresh trees Patrick had delivered.”

  I followed Knox to the back of the house, admiring the decorations along the way. They were tasteful and beautiful, classic but not overdone. The fireplaces were blazing, and the smell of fresh pine wafted through the air. I counted at least one tree in each room we passed; all were lit with white lights and covered in ornaments, and while they varied in the specifics, each fit within the color scheme of gold, silver, and cream.

  We stopped briefly in the dining room. Large cream pillar candles lined the center of the dining table, surrounded by glass hurricane lanterns and greenery. Moving into the living room, I noticed a few faces I recognized and smiled in greeting but wondered where the rest of the guys and Patrick were.

  Scanning the room, I caught sight of Ethan looking handsome in a black suit set off by a tartan tie. When the crowd shifted, I realized that his arm was around the waist of a tall girl with blonde hair that had been curled in large waves and ended close to her ample cleavage. She was wearing an almost obscenely short gold sequin dress with an equally low neckline; it reminded me of the dress I’d seen on the mannequin in San Francisco, the one even the saleswoman said she’d never be caught dead in. Why am I not surprised that she is his type?

  When Ethan leaned down to whisper in her ear, I forced myself to look away and attempted to ignore the jealousy pinging through my body. Would he use the same “sharing body heat” line on her that he’d used on me only a week before? Considering she was wearing next to nothing and likely to get cold sometime tonight, I wouldn’t be surprised. That glimpse of Ethan with his mystery date was enough to make me glad I’d pulled away from him in San Francisco; I didn’t want to be another girl panting after him.

  “Good evening, Haley.” I turned to find Jackson at my side, his indigo eyes caressing me. “You look absolutely exquisite.” Ethan who?

  “Thank you. You look quite dashing yourself,” I replied, noting the way his black curls were swept back, making him resemble a model even more than usual.

  “Punch?” he asked, holding up a small crystal glass containing red liquid.

  Pleasantly surprised, I took the glass. “Sure, thank you.”

  “None for me?” Knox asked in a sardonic tone.

  “Are you drinking punch these days? I didn’t realize,” Jackson responded glibly.

  “You never know. I could develop a taste for it.”

  “You’re more than welcome to sample mine,” I offered with a smile, assuming he would never go for it. “Just avoid this side of the glass,” I said, pointing to the slight lipstick smudge on the rim.

  As Knox captured the glass in his large hand, I fought the urge to laugh at how delicate it looked, almost like he was a grown-up playing with a child’s tea set. Raising it to his mouth, he looked pointedly at me before placing his lips directly over the lipstick stain. Oh my.

  “Sweet,” he said simply, handing the glass back to me. “Now I’d better go hunt down a bourbon before someone questions my masculinity.”

  “I don’t think you have anything to worry about,” I muttered, trying not to fixate on the way his shoulders filled out his perfectly-fitted jacket.

  Jackson slapped Knox on the back and pointed to the bar set up in the corner. “You’d better not risk it. And grab one for me while you’re at it.”

  Once Knox walked away, Jackson looked at me intently, and I realized that he wanted time alone with me. “How are you doing?” he asked with noticeable concern.

  “I’m fine,” I responded, knowing he was referring to the break-in and that this was neither the time nor place to discuss anything in detail.

  Jackson answering smile was warm and reassuring. “If you’re free tomorrow, perhaps we can catch up since I’m sure you have questions.” I nodded and he continued speaking. “Also, I know we were interrupted before finishing our discussion in San Francisco, but I hope you now feel comfortable contacting me anytime you want to talk about things.”

  “Thank you. I would like to discuss it further, but we can do that after the first of the year.”

  “Okay, I’ll pencil you in.”

  I scowled playfully. “What happened to ‘anytime I want to talk’?”

  “You must have misheard,” he said with a grin. “That doesn’t sound at all like something I would say.”

  Before I could respond, I heard an unfamiliar voice right behind me. “Hello, Jackson.” When I turned around, I found Kenneth James watching me. “Why don’t you introduce me to your lovely companion.”

  Jackson’s posture stiffened almost imperceptibly. “Kenneth James, this is Haley Jones. Haley is a friend and a member of our administrative staff.”

  I couldn’t help but notice Jackson’s use of “friend.” Did he say that so I would sound like more than a fellow employee or less than a girlfriend? Maybe both?

  Mr. James held out his hand. “Miss Jones, it’s a pleasure to meet you. How long have you been working for us?”

  “It’s nice to meet you as well, Mr. James. I’ve been at Zenith almost three months.”

  “Excellent. I trust everyone is treating you well?”

  “Of course.”

  “Glad to hear it. Well, I’m going to head outdoors and enjoy the California weather. D.C. is beastly this time of year.”

  “That was odd,” I said to Jackson, watching Kenneth James walk away. Remembering how tense everyone at the office had been the last time he visited, I stated curiously, “But he didn’t seem so bad.”

  Jackson lowered his voice. “He can be quite a tyrant when things don’t
go his way, but the rest of the time he’s generally pleasant. Still, I wonder how he and Uncle have managed to stay friends for so many years. A mystery that may never be solved.”

  “What’s a mystery?” Knox asked, handing Jackson a glass of amber liquid.

  “Kenneth James. He came over and insisted on meeting Haley,” Jackson replied with a quirk of his brow.

  Knox grunted. “I’m glad I missed him.”

  When a waiter walked by with a tray of canapés, Jackson waved him over and selected a few for each of us. He held out a small plate topped with tempting bite-sized treats from sourdough bread topped with a cucumber and spicy shrimp to tiny herbed biscuits with creamy ricotta and onion jam. I couldn’t wait to try them all, but so far my favorite was the date stuffed with goat cheese and wrapped in bacon.

  “Liam must be thrilled that Uncle hired his favorite caterer again,” Knox commented. “Although, I hope there’s some real food hiding around here. Man cannot survive on hors d’oeuvres alone.”

  “You should check the game room; I heard something about a table of food being set up in there,” Jackson responded.


  “So, how long has Patrick been hosting the Christmas party?” I asked as I let my gaze wander around the room once more, noticing how at ease most of the guests seemed.

  Jackson appeared thoughtful for a moment before responding, “About ten years now. Ever since he moved into this humble abode,” he added dryly.

  “It is rather grand,” I agreed, “especially since Patrick doesn’t seem the type to flaunt his wealth.”

  “He’s not. It’s more of a status thing; showing off Zenith’s success is good for business. And, now he also uses the excuse that it’s large enough to house the entire team, which is a benefit even I can admit to.”

  “Good point.” Turning to Knox, I said, “What about you, Knox? How many of these parties have you been to?” It wasn’t the subtlest way to ask him how long he’d been involved with Zenith, but I wanted to hear the answer, nonetheless. Jackson, Liam, and Knox were the only ones who referred to Patrick as “Uncle,” which suggested to me that Knox had been around longer than Ethan, Chase, and Theo.


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