Pyxis: Book Three of The Stardust Series

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Pyxis: Book Three of The Stardust Series Page 22

by Autumn Reed

  “Good morning,” Jackson said as he approached the kitchen counter. “The butler left some delicious options in the fridge today, but you know you can always order room service if there’s something else you would prefer.”

  “Thanks, I’m sure we’ll be fine with whatever is here.”

  Jess turned to me and mouthed, “We have a butler?” and I laughed. Apparently she had missed that memo and didn’t realize where all the breakfast food and snacks magically appeared from.

  Jackson took a seat at the dining table while Jess and I prepared our breakfast.

  “How was the show?” he asked as we joined him at the table.

  “Fantastic,” Jess responded enthusiastically, and I nodded emphatically. “Liam really outdid himself with those tickets; they were awesome seats.”

  “I’m glad to hear you enjoyed it. Haley, what did you think?”

  “It was one of the craziest, most amazing things I’ve ever seen.”

  Jackson chuckled and crossed his leg over his knee while Knox came to join us at the table. “So you’re headed back to Coleville today?” Knox asked Jessica.

  “Yeah, I wish I didn’t have to leave today, but I told my mom I’d visit for spring break, and I know she’s looking forward to it.”

  “And I wish I could ask you to tell her hello for me,” I said regretfully. Mrs. Martinez had been the closest thing I had to a mother for most of my life, and I longed to reach out to her in some way.

  Jackson interjected in a gentle tone. “Haley, you know that’s not an option.”

  I waved a hand through the air. “I know. I just hate for her to worry, and I hate that Jess has to keep this a secret.” Knox gave me a sympathetic look, but we all knew there was nothing more to say on the matter.

  “Speaking of your mom,” Jackson said, “has she been contacted by anyone else since the fire or heard any more about Haley or her father?”

  Jess sipped her coffee and looked contemplative for a moment before looking to me. “I’m glad you reminded me. There was something I found out a few days ago, but I was waiting to tell Haley when I saw her in person.”

  My heart leapt at the thought of news, good or bad, and I gave her a subtle nod, indicating she could share whatever she was considering.

  “When I was on the phone with my mom the other day, she mentioned a conversation she had with Hank.”

  “Hank is the owner of the business my dad worked for as a wilderness guide,” I explained. “And Hank has been friends with Mrs. Martinez for years.”

  Jess continued, “Apparently a few weeks ago, two guys inquired about a fishing tour but were only interested in having your dad as their guide since he was touted as the best. When Hank told them he no longer worked there, they were almost weirdly insistent about finding out where he had gone.”

  “Did they end up taking a tour?” Knox asked.

  “Well, since fishing season hadn’t quite started, they took a wilderness ATV tour instead, but Hank got a weird vibe from them. I don’t think he believed their story.”

  Jackson and Knox shared a knowing glance. “Hmm,” Jackson said, tapping his fingers on the table, “thank you for the info, Jessica. We’ll look into it.”

  “Do you think there’s any reason to be concerned about Haley’s safety?” She paused. “Well, any more concerned than we already are.”

  Jackson remained serious. “I hope not, but it’s always best to be cautious. Haley knows how to defend herself, and the six of us are always looking out for her. Short of tying her to a bed and locking the door, I’m not sure there’s anything more we can do.”

  “Tying her to a bed, huh? That sounds like fun,” Jess said with a hint of suggestive mocking.

  Jackson looked at me and when my eyes locked onto his, I could see a fire burning within their cerulean depths. A vivid image popped into my head, and my body heated from the inside out at the thought of him tying me to a bed and then doing whatever he wanted to me. My lips parted and Jackson’s eyes darted to them.

  Knox cleared his throat, startling me and breaking the connection with Jackson. I let out a shaky breath. Holy crap, where did that come from?

  Jackson spoke, focusing his attention on Jess. “What I meant is that Haley, as you probably know, is very determined and can be quite resourceful. Which sometimes necessitates resorting to unconventional measures.”

  “Mhmm,” Jess responded skeptically.

  I laughed anxiously, wondering how this conversation had taken such a sensual turn. “Ha, I wouldn’t put it past you guys. It’s not like you’re above kidnapping.”

  “I thought you were over that; you hadn’t brought it up in months,” Knox said to Jessica’s wide-eyed surprise. “And you know it wasn’t a kidnapping . . .”

  I jumped in before he could finish, parroting back what he had told me on my first day at the loft. “More like an involuntary transfer of my person to an alternate location for the benefit of my personal safety and welfare.” I bit back a grin.

  Knox stared at me. “Um, wow. That was scary—I’m almost positive that’s what I said word for word.”

  “No doubt about it,” Jess said proudly. “Haley has amazing recall and is not afraid to use your words against you.”

  “Well that explains a lot,” Knox responded.

  After breakfast, Jess and I got ready and she packed up her things.

  “I’m so glad I got to see you, Haley. The phone calls and e-mails are nice, but they don’t compare. You know you always have a place to stay with me if you want or need it.”

  “I know, and thanks. I really needed this and am so glad you got to meet the guys.”

  “Me too,” she said, waggling her eyebrows suggestively. “And, I expect updates on the situation.”

  “Don’t worry, you’ll be the first to hear.”

  “Try not to stress too much about it. You’ll make a good decision—just follow your heart.”

  “Easier said than done. My heart leads me to more than one of them.”

  “Yeah, what was that erotic exchange with Jackson earlier? If I didn’t know better, I’d say you two were mentally playing out his little fantasy.”

  I felt my skin flush at the memory and Jess’s perceptiveness. “I have no idea. Jackson’s never said anything like that before.”

  “Well, clearly, there’s a lot more going on in his head than you realize.”

  I shrugged. “Until a few months ago, he always kept me at arm’s length. He’s never really intimated an interest in anything more than friendship, and even that seemed like a distant possibility.”

  “Oh, he’s interested in a lot more than your friendship, trust me. Jackson totally wants to jump your bones. And while I’d love to keep talking about this, I have to get going.”

  “I know,” I pouted.

  Jess said goodbye to Chase and Knox on her way out of the suite. I walked her to the elevator and tried not to feel overwhelming sadness as I wished her goodbye and returned to the room. The rest of the day was fairly uneventful. Theo and I spent time at the pool, and then I watched movies in the suite and ordered dinner with Ethan and Liam.

  Monday morning, the seven of us boarded the private jet for the return flight to San Jose. I settled back into the comfortable leather chair, feeling much less anxious than I had only a few days before. Knox and Jackson were already seated with me when Chase came to join us. I reminded myself to act natural, even though I was feeling more confused about Chase—and the rest of the guys—than ever.

  Once we were in the air, I leaned over to Jackson. “Thank you for inviting me. I had a fantastic time, and I really, really enjoyed seeing Jess.”

  “Of course. I’m glad the timing worked out for you to see her.”

  “I know it makes you nervous that I talk to her regularly, but I hope after meeting her you feel that she can be trusted. She would never do anything to hurt me or my dad.”

  “She seems like a good kid; apart from a few parking tickets and a quickie marriag
e and annulment, she’s clean.”

  “Why am I not surprised that you checked her record, even though she’s my oldest friend that I trust with my life?” I narrowed my eyes at him. “But I am seriously debating whether the quickie marriage is made up.”

  Jackson’s expression remained enigmatic, so I scowled at him. “Anyway, do you think it was necessary to dig into Jess’s background? Don’t you trust my judgment?” I was sure he could tell from my tone that I was annoyed.

  “Haley.” He leaned forward, putting his hands on my knees, invading my space. “Please don’t be upset. Your safety, as well as the safety of the guys, is always paramount. And since she was going to be staying with us in the suite, we had a duty to ourselves and to Zenith to verify her background.”

  When he put it that way, I couldn’t be so offended, and I nodded.

  “While we’re on the subject of background checks,” Jackson said, “there’s something else I want to talk to you about.” Jackson sat back in his chair and looked expectantly at Chase.

  “I have it right here,” Chase said, staring intently at his laptop.

  Knox glanced up from his book. “What’s going on?”

  “I had Chase check into what Jessica said yesterday about the incident at Taylor’s former office,” Jackson said.

  Knox responded. “I take it you found something?”

  “Yes,” Chase replied. “Since client IDs get scanned into the system with a liability waiver, I searched for groups of two men during the relevant time period. This time of year isn’t a busy tourist season, and I was able to narrow it down to a handful of candidates. I cross-referenced those results with anything remotely linked to Vincent DuBois or Gerald Douglas. There weren’t any hits on Douglas, but two of them had a link to DuBois.”

  “What?” I said on a gasp.

  Knox reached over and held my hand. Chase’s eyes flashed to our hands and an indecipherable look crossed his face before he continued speaking. “The two men are employees of DuBois’s construction business.”

  “But most of his businesses are just fronts, right?” I asked, glancing between Knox, Jackson, and Chase while I thought about the file on DuBois that I’d read so many times I practically had it memorized. Chase said nothing, but his expression hinted that he agreed.

  “This is the first time in months, that we know of, where someone was actively looking for your father. And the first time we can definitively link it to DuBois.” Jackson paused for a moment to let that sink in. “Haley, we’re concerned for your safety, and I think we need to consider some additional precautions.”

  Knox squeezed my hand before releasing it. “Theo and Ethan can go to Mexico without me; I’ll stay home with Haley.”

  I didn’t realize it, but at some point Theo, Ethan, and Liam had stopped talking. Liam leaned over the back of Jackson’s seat. “That’s not necessary. Haley can stay with me.” Surprisingly, there wasn’t a hint of flirting or playfulness in his tone.

  Jackson added immediately. “And me.” What?

  I looked at Knox to gauge his reaction. I didn’t want him to miss out on his trip, and although I wasn’t sure that staying with Jackson or Liam was strictly necessary, it was a nice offer.

  “Fine,” I sighed. “Knox, if I stay with Jackson and Liam, will you go on your trip?”

  He ran a hand through his hair and then agreed. “I guess it’s settled then.”

  “Enjoy your trip, and don’t worry, I’ll keep Liam and Jackson safe.”

  Knox chuckled. “Safe perhaps, but not out of trouble,” he said, and shot Liam a pointed look.

  * * *

  “Did you have a good trip?” Kara asked as we waited in front of an elevator bank at the Zenith training facility. She was giving me a tour as part of our preparation for the upcoming Zenith Youth event. I had yet to visit the space and was very curious about it, hoping it would give me some insight on the inner workings of my secretive employer.

  After driving outside of town, Kara had pulled into a well-hidden entrance that led to a large underground parking garage. Her badge granted us access to the garage and the elevators, and we were now waiting to be taken to the main lobby.

  “I did. It was a whirlwind, but I got to see my best friend who goes to college there.”

  “That must have been nice. And now it’s back to the grind, eh?”

  “Yep, for some of us at least.”

  “Oh yeah, Logan mentioned that Theo and several of the guys are taking a trip for spring break. Well, if you get lonely or want to hang out, feel free to text me.”

  “Okay,” I said, thinking that between staying with both Jackson and Liam this week, I wasn’t going to be very lonely. Tonight was my first night at Jackson’s, and while I was looking forward to the beach views and playing with Penny, I was anxious at the prospect of spending so much one-on-one time with Jackson. Although we were finally in a better place, I still wasn’t as close to him as the other guys.

  Kara and I entered the lobby, and I glanced over the stained concrete floors, large thick-glass windows, and minimalist furniture. I followed Kara’s lead, staying silent as she checked in at the front desk and then led me through a set of doors. We passed several gym facilities filled with males and females anywhere from age fourteen to twenty. The classrooms were also well-occupied, the recruits focused on the instructors and the materials. I was impressed by their evident focus and diligence.

  “Wow, everyone here seems very dedicated,” I said.

  “It’s a challenging program, and many of the recruits that thrive can be very competitive.”

  “I’ve seen the admissions application, but what does it really take to stay in the program?”

  Kara and I stood in the hallway facing a large window overlooking a gym. A group of girls were practicing a number of combat positions, much like Ethan’s self-defense training.

  “Hard work, excellent grades, physical stamina, and mental toughness.”

  “That’s all?” I joked. “Were you recruited through the youth outreach program?”

  “No, several members of my team were, and I know how important it was to them.”

  I nodded, thinking of all the guys, but especially Theo. “So, all Zenith recruits are trained here, right? Not only the youth outreach participants.”

  “That’s correct, although this is the Zenith Youth wing. The youth program accepts applicants as young as fourteen, but limits their involvement time- and intensity-wise for a few years. Once participants turn sixteen, they are allowed to join the full-fledged training program where they are mixed in with other recruits.

  “All recruits have two years to complete the necessary requirements for graduation and, if they’re hired, then they can form a team. The youth outreach program helps prepare members to be successful at Zenith but does not give them actual credits toward graduation. Once you’re hired, you are expected to join a team within a year. It’s rare, but some new employees remain ‘floaters’ without joining a team, moving between offices and teams as necessary.”

  She resumed walking. “The rest of the facility is much of the same, just designated for recruits or employees. There’s also an outdoor area with an obstacle course and other implements for practice. Why don’t we head over to the space where we usually hold the event so you can get an idea of what’s left to be done.”

  Throughout the tour, I kept visualizing the guys in their mid-teens, studying and training in their free time. Taking in the numerous gym facilities, it was no wonder that they all had fantastic bodies; they clearly developed good habits during their recruit days. Once Kara finished showing me around, she dropped me off at the office. I was feeling more confident about the event, but I knew there was still a lot that needed to be done. I sent a quick text to Jackson, letting him know I was on my way.

  About thirty minutes later, I pulled into Jackson’s driveway; I rang the doorbell and waited. Is he home? Glancing at my phone, he still hadn’t responded, and it was nearly seven o�
�clock. I was still getting used to the time change; the sun was lowering, but it was still relatively light out. I hesitated, debating whether to use the key Jackson had given me earlier, but it felt like an intrusion despite his invitation.

  After waiting a minute or two more, I heard barking coming from the back of the house. I pushed my duffel bag higher on my shoulder and opened the gate to the side yard, the wind picking up as I neared the ocean. Walking down the grass pathway toward the back of the house, I was soon greeted by Penny, her tail wagging excitedly.

  “Hey, girl, I’ve missed you,” I said, crouching down to pet her as I looked around, assuming Jackson must be nearby. “Where’s Jackson, huh?” I ruffled her fur and stood, continuing along the path to the back deck.

  I was admiring the view of the ocean with the sun setting on the horizon when Jackson approached from the other side of the house, rubbing his head with a towel. His dark curls sprung away from his face and water beaded down his sculpted torso and off his swim trunks. His golden skin was flushed with color, and he draped the towel over his shoulders, faltering when he noticed me standing on the deck.

  “Haley, have you been here long?” Penny nudged my hand with her head, begging to be petted.

  “Only a few minutes. Were you out surfing?” I returned my gaze to the ocean, trying to ignore the tingly feelings sparking through me.

  “Yes, amazing waves today, and I didn’t think you’d be back for a while. Why didn’t you use the key I gave you?”

  Shrugging, I replied, “I heard Penny and figured you were back here.”

  Jackson toweled off his legs and feet and then unlocked the back door, Penny and I following behind. “I need a quick shower and then do you want to have dinner?”

  “Sounds good.”

  Jackson pulled on the edge of a bookshelf in the living room and it opened like a door. My mouth fell open, and I couldn’t help but look through the doorway. There was a hidden staircase that led to the open loft that I had noticed on my last visit.

  “Guess I didn’t show you the loft the last time you were here,” Jackson said with a chuckle. “Come on, I’m sure you’re dying to see what’s up there.”


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