Weighing of the Heart (Volume 1)

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Weighing of the Heart (Volume 1) Page 1

by Jessica Florence

  Weighing of the Heart


  Jessica Florence

  This is a work of fiction. Names, Places, Characters, and Events are fictitious in every regard. Any similarities to actual events, and persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental. Any trademarks, service marks, product names, or named features are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if any of those terms are used. Except for review purposes, the reproduction of this book in whole or part, electronically or mechanically, constitutes a copyright violation.

  Weighing of the Heart

  Copyright © 2013 Jessica Florence


  978-0615932378 (Jessica Florence)



  Chapter 1

  Dark grey eyes were staring at me. I knew I should look away, but I couldn’t. Something in them held me. I was captivated. “Come with me, Thalia.” I was like a moth to a flame.

  The stranger lifted his hand towards me. His crooked smile was daring me to take it. I wanted to go to him, but my feet wouldn’t move. I just stood there staring at him. He was tall, with a broad chest, and a slim waist. I couldn’t see beyond his black shirt and leather jacket, but I just had the feeling like I knew that body. Every line of his chest, every bump of his abs, every single detail. I blushed thinking about it.

  His eyes grew dark, like he knew what I was thinking and could see into my soul. Who was this guy?

  His black hair was messy as it framed his face. I just wanted to run my fingers through it. I somehow knew it would be as soft as silk. What was wrong with me?

  A growl came from him. “Thalia.” His voice was getting rough now. I took a step towards him when an owl came out of nowhere and perched itself on the tree next to me. I looked at the owl; it was a beautiful white color with gold lines in the feathers. Incredible. I looked back at the stranger, and a jackal was in his place. I jumped back and fell.

  “Ouch!” I groaned. I opened my eyes to see I was on the floor next to my bed and the left side of my hip was sore. I must’ve fallen out of bed.

  Seriously? What twenty-five year old falls out of their bed? I turned over and stared at the ceiling to my bedroom.

  What a dream! It was so real and who was that guy? I didn’t know anyone in real life who looks like him. Well, he kind of looked like Damon from The Vampire Diaries, but Damon has blue eyes, not dark grey. The man in my dream was like nothing I have ever seen. My body shivered at the thought of him. He was definitely someone who only existed outside of reality.

  I heard a rustling noise outside my room when suddenly my door bursts open.

  “Thalia! I heard a loud noise. Are you ok?” Leander’s huge form was standing in the door way. His eyebrows pinched together as he saw my body lying on the floor “Seriously? You fell out of bed?” he started to laugh.

  I reached for a pillow and threw it at him. “Shut up,” I muttered while giggling at myself as well, and then got up.

  Leander was my best friend. He looked like he could be a Greek god. He was perfect with his shaggy blonde hair and blue eyes. His muscles rippled across his tanned abdomen. Even looking at him now when he was just in his boxers laughing against the door jam, I found no attraction to him. We had been best friends since I moved to Boston one year ago.

  I was on a date with one of his friends Greg when I met him. After Greg cheated on me, Leander kind of made it his life’s mission to protect me. We soon were inseparable. He never looked at me like a lover and I never saw him as more than a friend.

  “All right, quit your laughing and move your giant man body out of my way. Some of us have to go to work.” I stuck out my tongue at him as I passed by him towards the bathroom.

  “Hey, I work! Just not until two today,” he countered. “Happy birthday, by the way,” he said and then walked off towards his room.

  I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I ran my hand through the spray of water until it was just right and then discarded my clothing and stepped in.

  As the water flowed over me, I couldn’t help but think about the man in my dream this morning. I’ve never had that dream before. It was strange how I felt about him. It was like I knew him, but I know I didn’t. Weird.

  I finished my shower and stepped out to dry myself. After wrapping a towel around my body, I walked back out into the apartment.

  “I had a really nice time last night. We should go have breakfast,” a sweet feminine voice said from the living room. I looked over and saw a sexy brunette in a short dress in heels hanging on Leander. He was such a man whore.

  “Can’t, sorry. I promised my sister Thalia I would do breakfast with her,” he answered, gesturing towards me. He used me a lot when he needed to get rid of a one night stand or if he didn’t want female attention. I didn’t mind. He kept a lot of losers away from me, so we kind of helped each other out.

  The sexy brunette pouted as she looked at me; I just waved and walked into my room and closed the door. The clothes in my closet were just staring at me. I didn’t know what I wanted to wear today, but for some reason I felt like being dressed up. Maybe because it was my twenty-fifth birthday and every girl wants to dress up for her birthday. I dug through all my clothes and found what I was looking for. I pulled out a cute tan dress with cap sleeves, coming in at the waist and flaring out to the knees. Now all I needed to find was the perfect shoes.

  I put on my dress and strappy blue heels I found and then went back into the bathroom to do my makeup and fix my hair. Thirty minutes later, my long, light brown hair was manageable in its little messy bun on the back of my neck. My brown eyes were highlighted by gold eye shadow, and my pouty lips were glossed to perfection. I winked at myself and strutted out of the bathroom. I felt on fire! I was super-hot today! Maybe I would even go out later and try to find a date.

  Leander wolf whistled from the kitchen as he poured us some coffee. “Looking hot, dove. Got an important date or something?” he asked.

  “Nope, just felt like it.” He just admired my look and moved on. “So, how was the party last night? I see you found a new friend,” I teased him. He turned back to me with a piece of toast in his mouth. Boys.

  He took a bite and started telling me about his night. “Id wah Awum; I kicked Tom’s ahh un ool.” It was kind of sad that I understood his food-speak. He said, “It was awesome; I kicked Tom’s ass at pool.” I mentally sighed to myself. I needed more girlfriends.

  I looked over at the clock; I had about ten minutes before I had to leave for work. I leisurely took my time to drink my coffee and have a muffin.

  “Do you want to go out later? I kind of feel like doing something tonight,” I ask him. He took a minute to try to convince me he was thinking it over when, of course, I knew he was going to say yes. “Heck yeah! I’ll call you after I get done today,” he answered.

  I just nodded and continue to eat my muffin.

  Afterwards, I grabbed my purse, walked over to him, gave him a big kiss on the cheek and headed out the door.

  Chapter 2

  I walked out of the elevator into the lobby of the apartment complex. “Hey Thalia! Happy birthday!” Michelle, our desk lady, said.

  “Thank you!” I yelled out as I stepped out into the Boston summer air. My little black Civic coupe was sitting in its parking spot waiting on me. I got in and headed to work, which only took me, like, five minutes to get to.

  After finding a spot to park, I made my way up the stairs and into the Fine Arts Museum. I have always had a fascination with art, but my favorite area was the ancient collections here, Egyptian and Greek collections to be more spe
cific. I’m not sure why, but I always loved them. Even as a kid I was reading books on the gods and goddesses. My parents got a kick out of it growing up. My throat closed at the thought of my parents. I missed them.


  I was startled out of my thoughts by all of my co-workers screaming at me. “Ah!”

  They were all wearing little birthday hats and had a cake with twenty-five candles. My eyes were getting watery. This was really sweet.

  “Thanks, guys! This is really nice.” They just waved it off like it was nothing and brought the cake up to me.

  “Make a wish!” someone shouted out. Hmm, what should I wish for?

  I instantly thought about the mystery man in my dream. Sure, why not? It was just a dream. I blew out the candle and wished for the mystery man from my subconscious. Cheers erupted from the little crowd. Lacey, who was holding the cake, put it on the front desk and cut everyone little slices. It was a good chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and twenty-five candles.

  “All right everyone, it’s almost time to open up. Let’s get a move on,” boss-man James interrupted. He waddled his heavy body back to his office after dismissing us. Everyone groaned and scarfed down the rest of their cake before heading out to their stations. I hid my purse in a little cubby behind the desk and waited for the doors to open.

  After giving people tours all day, I was on my last tour of the day and we finally got to where I wanted to be: the ancient collections.

  Sculptures were placed throughout the floor. Artifacts surrounded us encased in glass on pedestals. I could just stare at them all day. A little boy spoke up and asked a question. “Who are these people?” he said, pointing to the sculpted heads of the gods and goddess of the Egyptian mythology.

  “Those are gods and goddesses of Egypt,” I informed him. He nodded and pointed towards one.

  “I like the guy with the bird’s head! Oh, I like this guy; he looks cool!” I walked over to look at which one he was pointing at. Ah, a personal favorite of mine too.

  “That is Anubis. He was one of the gods of the underworld. He would help the souls go through the underworld and weigh their heart on a scale against the feather of Ma’at to decide whether you were worthy for a blissful afterlife or to be eaten by Ammut, the devourer of the dead.” I tried to make my voice spooky. The kid seemed unaffected. Boo.

  “Seems like a cool guy,” another voice said.

  I froze and felt like the walls were closing in on me. Was I crazy? I must have imagined that voice. I turned around to see dark grey eyes and a crooked smile.

  Then everything went black.

  I felt safe; I felt power flowing through me, a sort of warm feeling.

  I’m embarrassed to say I fainted.

  I opened my eyes to see the same grey eyes from my dream.

  “Are you okay?” he said. His face was full of concern. I tried to speak but my throat locked up. He couldn’t be real! This had to be a dream! He ran his hand over my forehead. His touch caused my body to shiver. I unconsciously leaned into his hand, wanting more. What the hell was wrong with me? I moved my head to the side after that.

  “I’m fine. I have no clue what happened there.” I tried to get up but swayed as soon as I was fully erect. His strong hands held onto my shoulders to help steady me. His touch was euphoric. I looked up at his face and was caught by those eyes again. He was staring at me. I saw the same hunger and authority in his eyes as in my dream. Most of the people from the tour were in a circle around us. I stepped away from the stranger quickly.

  “I’m all right, everyone. Maybe we should have a snack break half way through the tour.” I was trying to be funny to ease the tension.

  Some people laughed and some muttered about how it wasn’t such a bad idea. Then they all went back to looking through the exhibit.

  My eyes drifted back to the stranger. “Are you sure you are okay?” he asked again. I just nodded.

  “Excuse me.” I turned and walked away towards the water fountain in the hall. The water felt refreshing. It must’ve been my low blood sugar, and not because of the stranger that I fainted right? I mean he exists! Was it my wish? If wishes always came true where was the unicorn I wanted for my birthday when I was six? I walked over to the bench by the exhibit and sat down.

  “May I?” I guess he followed me, his voice was so smooth. It was like silk wrapping around me. He was gesturing to the seat next to me. I gave up.

  “Sure.” He was wearing the same outfit from my dream. A black shirt covered by a black leather jacket, light colored jeans, and boots. He was the epitome of a bad boy. The boy who your mother warned you about, and your father would never allow you to date. Yep, that was this guy.

  “My name is Tristan Jacks,” he said as he sat beside me. I could feel the heat coming off his body like a tidal wave to mine. I turned towards him.

  “Thalia Alexander. I’m sorry; you seem so familiar to me. Have we met somewhere?” He just stared at me. I saw something in his eyes. Hope? Then he ran his fingers through his hair and answered.

  “No, we haven’t met. I would have definitely remembered you.” I blushed at his words. I hope I didn’t look like a crazy person to him. He was just being nice and wanted to make sure I was okay after my fainting spell and that was it.

  “Sorry.” I still was a little freaked out by him being here, so I didn’t really know what to say. So you were in my dream last night just didn’t seem like a good thing to break the ice with. Luckily, he broke the silence.

  “You are a really good tour guide. I drifted in and out of the group. You seem to really know your stuff. It’s impressive.” I felt like ten feet tall.

  “Thank you. I really enjoy my work,” I said blushingly.

  I looked at him and he looked as if he wanted to say something but was holding back. I looked back towards the group that was still looking about the exhibits. It was probably time to move on and finalize the tour at the gift shop.

  “Well, it was nice meeting you, Mr. Jacks, but I must finish my tour.” I rose up to my feet. He stood as well.

  “Actually, before you go, I would like to see you again. Maybe tonight?” My body warmed at the thought that he wanted to see me again. Should I take a chance? My body’s reaction to him scared me. I barely knew him. I looked up at his face and I couldn’t say no, as much as I knew I should.

  “Um, I’m going out with some friends tonight if you would like to join us, though I’m not sure where we are going.” I hoped confidence came through my voice instead of the nervousness I felt around him.

  “Here is my number.” He handed me a card with his number on it. Why did he have a card with just his number on it? That’s strange, and it should have been a warning to me to just throw that card back in his face and walk away. But that strange feeling I have towards him made me hold onto it. Ugh, this is so weird. He is a stranger!

  He raised his hand and ran his fingers along my jaw. My body practically convulsed. I wanted to fall into his arms and never leave. My breathing grew rapid. My blood started to boil. I just stared at his eyes. Captured again.

  “Thalia.” My name came on a whisper through his lips. His eyes showed the same hunger as before, but yet there was a tenderness I didn’t understand. It was a look of adoration, a look of lovers.

  I panicked. This was too much! “I’ve got to go.” The words were barely audible. I somehow managed to tear my eyes away from his face.

  “Goodbye, Thalia,” he said. I felt it like a caress over my body. I couldn’t spare a glance back at him. I knew that if I looked into his eyes again I wouldn’t be able to walk away.

  “All right everyone, it’s time to move on to the gift shop!” I spoke to the crowd. They looked ready to go and I needed to sit down. My feet were feeling sore, and my brain hurt from seeing Tristan in real life. After everyone left the gift shop, the day was finally over. I sat down behind the front desk to take a breather.

  Lacey came and sat down next to me. She was a r
eal sweetheart. She started around the same time I did, she was always there for me whenever I needed something at work. She was a petite girl with tan skin, red spring curly hair, and green eyes. She was feisty too; someone who would could kick butt if she had to.

  “So who was that guy I saw you talking to?” she asked. I didn’t have to ask who she was talking about.

  “His name is Tristan. I had a weird fainting spell and he was making sure I was okay.” Oh and you know, turning me into a puddle on the floor, but no big deal right?

  “He was a real hottie, but he had a dangerous feel to him. Like big time bad boy.” She looked a little concerned for me. I thought the same thing and I don’t need that right now. My life was good. I love my apartment, my roommate, my job, my car! I didn’t need a bad boy to mess things up. I was not going to let him know where we are going tonight!

  Well, maybe I would. That wouldn’t be nice of me to not tell him, and I was raised better than that. I would let him know, just like I said I would, but he probably won’t show anyways. I mean, he had to have a harem of women keeping him busy. Plus if he did, I just would have to show him I was not interested. That’s all.

  “I’m not interested in messing up my life with a bad boy,” I said to her. She just looked at me like Yeah, okay.

  “So tonight, we are going out to celebrate my birthday. Want me to let you know where we are going once we figure it out?”

  She beamed at me. “Yes!” She was really cute.

  “Okay, I’ll text you once I hear from Leander.”

  She started fanning herself. “Leander is so dreamy.” She swooned; I laughed. Everyone thought that, except me. I just shook my head at her. I was used to it though, everyone swooning over my bestie.

  “I think I am gonna head out of here. Go home and eat something before we go out later.” I grabbed my purse and stood up. As I started to scoot around the desk, she smacked my butt and said goodbye.

  The apartment was empty, as I suspected it would be. Leander was probably still at work. He was an engineer for the military. He was great with making guns and weapons to better suit the soldiers. Somehow he always knew what they needed. He made a lot of money doing it too. Sometimes he was gone for a week or more. I always missed him when he was gone, he was great company. I looked at the clock on the stove, the little red lights flashing 6:30.


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