Weighing of the Heart (Volume 1)

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Weighing of the Heart (Volume 1) Page 8

by Jessica Florence

  “Hey there, dove! Sorry I missed you last night. Oh, and now I see why. Hey, Tristan.” He smiled as he waved at Tristan who was walking out of my room. Leander turned his face towards mine, and waggled his eyebrows at me. I blushed and walked towards the kitchen.

  “Do you want some pancakes?” I asked him.

  “Uh, of course, I don’t think it’s possible for me to turn down food.” He did have a point there.

  “Hey Leander, put some music on for me.”

  “You got it! Hey Tristan, wanna play some ‘Call of Duty’?” That was sweet, my two boys getting along. I got all of my ingredients out and started making us some blueberry pancakes.

  My hips were swaying along to the beat of whatever song he put on. I wasn’t a morning person. I needed to move around and do something; otherwise, I probably wouldn’t leave the bed.

  While the pancakes were cooking, I spared a glance at the boys. They were both intensely staring at the TV with the remotes in their hands. I was glad Tristan didn’t feel weird about Leander being only in his boxers. Most men would probably be jealous.

  Once the pancakes were done, I divided them up and put them on plates and set the table.

  “All right guys! Come and get it!” I let them know. Leander practically ran over. He had a problem. Tristan laughed and walked over. They both sat down and started scarfing down their food. I shook my head and started to eat. It tasted awesome.

  “This in demincious, ove.”

  Oh, Leander and his food speak. “I’m glad you like it,” I answered.

  Tristan spoke next. “You’re a good cook, thank you,” he complemented. I gave him a tight lip smile. I didn’t want him to see all the food in my mouth. It wasn’t lady like.

  After breakfast, Leander went back to playing his game. According to him it’s when all of the “noobs” played. I walked back to my room and nodded for Tristan to follow me, which he did. I went and sat on my bed.

  “I’m probably not going to be much fun today. Whenever I get sick it seems like lots of rest helps.” He sat down next to me and brought my hand to his lips. God I liked his lips on me.

  “I have a few things I have to do today, but I would like to see you later.” He continued kissing my hand and then started to make his way up my arm, and then to my neck. Oh I couldn’t think when he did this. “Yeah,” Was all I managed to get out. He chuckled against my skin. He was getting me all hot and bothered.

  “I’m going to go. I’ll see you later, probably around 6:30 ish. We can order a pizza or something.” He kissed my cheek and finally settled those lips on mine. I hummed with delight.

  “Okay, you should go then before I make you finish what you are starting,” I warned him.

  He pulled back. “Yeah, sorry. I just missed you,” he told me.

  Missed me? We were just in bed together like an hour ago. Whatever. I wanted him to miss me. He was mine now.

  “All right, get out of here so you can come back!”

  He laughed and got up to leave. “Bye, Thalia.”

  “Bye, Tristan.” Then he left.

  Chapter 14

  I sat there for a few minutes just savoring the way he made me feel. I then got up and headed into the bathroom. I needed a nice shower with those little Vicks Vapor tabs that go on the bottom of the shower. I looked around in the cabinet and found what I was looking for, placed the little tab by the drain, and turned on the hot water.

  The menthol steam started to fill the room. I took a deep breath and let it fill my lungs. I hope I wasn’t too miserable tomorrow. I hated being sick. I shrugged out of my clothes and hopped into the shower. I just stood there and let the water cascade over me for who knows how long. I felt nice and pruney and decided it was time to get out. I dried off and wrapped my hair up to go into my room.

  Sadly, Leander was still just where he was before I went into the shower. I got dressed in some yoga pants and a tank top and headed back out to hang with my roomie.

  “Thanks for not being weird about Tristan being over,” I told him.

  He just looked at me and winked. “Anybody who makes you happy is ok with me.” He shoulder bumped me. “Want to play?” he asked. I wasn’t really feeling it today.

  “Nah, I’ll just watch you pwn some noobs.” I settled into the couch and watched him play.

  After sitting there for a few hours Leander spoke up. “So, will you take me to the airport tomorrow morning?” he asked me.

  “Yeah, I will. What time do you need to be there?”

  He took a sip of his drink then answered. “I need to get there by five-thirty in the morning. You know how checking in and security can take forever some times.”

  I nodded. “No problem, I’ll take you.” I tell him.

  He just nods. “So what do you have planned for the rest of the day?”

  “There is this book I’ve wanted to read. I think I’ll start it today.” I got up and went to my room to grab my book. I was always a sucker for a good read.

  After sitting back down, I coveedr myself in a nice fluffy blanket and cracked open the book. Who knows how much time had passed.

  A knock on the door startled me out of my imagination. I was really lost in the world of fallen angels and Nephilim. I looked at Leander who had fallen asleep a while ago on the couch. I shook my head and got up to answer the door and was once again swept up into the strong arms of Tristan.

  “I missed you,” he murmured into my neck. I smiled against his chest. I strangely had missed him too. It was that weird pull, like my soul had been lost and now with him here, it felt complete.

  He pulled back and kissed me with a fiery passion beyond anything I had ever experienced. I kissed him back with the same passion. God, he tasted so delicious, heavenly even. Much to my disappointment he pulled back those lips from mine. His fingers slowly traced my face as if committing it to memory. My body warmed towards his touch.

  “Oh, good, you’re here. You can feed me.” Leander’s sleepy voice broke through my fog of lust. He was slowly stretching his muscles that were locked up from sleeping on the couch. I giggled. Silly man.

  “Of course. You took good care of my girl all day. You deserve payment,” Tristan teased. Probably knowing both Leander and I never left the apartment.

  “Oh, yes, he protected me from the evil dust bunnies.”

  “Hey, shut it!” Leander laughed.

  Tristan ordered us a pizza and we all settled at the table and ate.

  “So, how is your company going?” Leander asked Tristan as he chewed a slice of pizza.

  “Really well.I was just going through some paperwork for a family. A widowed husband with two kids: three and seven. Their mother was killed in Iraq three months ago. They have been struggling, even though the government has been taking good care of them. I’m trying to get them a little more breathing room,” he answered.

  My heart melted. Was he for real? He looked like a god, and he was unbelievably sweet and caring. It felt like my heart was going to burst from the emotions I felt towards him. “Nice.” Leander mumbled. Was he just as taken as I was?

  “How are you feeling, Thalia? Throat any better?” Tristan asked. I was starting to feel more and more like crap.

  “Tomorrow will be the worst I know it.” I shrug. Stupid little kids.

  “I called into work and told them I would be taking a few sick days,” I continued. We talked about little things here and there. Tristan and Leander were slowly becoming friends. I was happy. Sick, but happy.

  Tristan decided he and I should take a little walk around the complex’s garden,to get some fresh air. His fingers intertwined with mine as we took the elevator and walked to the gardens. It was a nice night. Not too muggy or hot. “This is nice.” I raised my hands to gesture what I meant. Being here with him was nice.

  He smirked. “Yes, although anything with you is nice,” he said as he brought our joined hands to his lips. I loved it when he did that!

  He walked us over to a little be
nch by a pond with water lilies. The sounds of the water fountain bubbling filled the silence around us. We sat there just listening to the breeze, the fountain, and little crickets calling for their mates.

  “I am in awe of what you do for people,” I confessed. “It must be hard, seeing all of those people in their grief.”

  He looked at me and half of his lips lifted into a smile. “Death is not easy, but it is part of nature’s circle. One must understand death and grief if they’re to overcome it. I understand the whole process, and because of that, I am one of the most qualified to help.” He was so strong, and brave for doing what he does.

  I leaned in and kissed him gently. “You are pretty amazing,” I told him. He just smiled against my lips and gave me one last kiss before pulling away and standing up.

  “Let’s get back inside; I wouldn’t want you to catch a cold or anything,” he winked. Jerk.

  “So thoughtful of you.”I shook my head and stood up.

  We walked back through the little garden, and back up to my apartment. We settled down, deciding to hang out with Leander. Both he and Tristan played a game while I rested against Tristan’s legs and continued to read my book. I was slowly drifting in and out of sleep when Tristan smoothed his fingers over my forehead.

  “Let’s get you into bed, beautiful,” he whispered. I nodded. I gradually got up, kissed Leander’s cheek goodnight and walked towards my bed. “I’ll see you in the morning, Leander.” I told him.

  I still had to take him to the airport tomorrow morning, sick or not. I snuggled into my bed. Tristan kissed the top of my head.

  “Take your clothes off and get in this bed with me,” I demanded. I heard him chuckle. He crawled in next to me. I rolled over as he wrapped his arm around me. I nestled myself against his chest. “You smell like cinnamon,” I mumbled to him as I fell asleep.

  I woke up, having no dream last night, but I felt like shit. My head was pounding; my throat felt like someone had rubbed sandpaper on it all night. Ah, my ears itched. Little assholes. I didn’t feel any warmth from a body around me.

  “Tristan?” I spoke as best I could, which wasn’t very loudly. I sat up and looked around. He wasn’t in the room.

  Wait? Why was it light outside? Oh shit! Leander! I somehow, even with my body screaming at me not to do it, got up and ran towards his room. He wasn’t there. Crap! I went back into my room and noticed there was a piece of paper on my bed. How did I miss that?

  You looked too peaceful to wake up.

  I took Leander to the airport.

  Go back to bed beautiful, I’ll see you soon.


  Seriously? I swear, my heart was going to get cavities from his sweetness. I clutched the paper to my chest and did a little wiggle of excitement.

  Oh bad idea. My joints felt so sore. I got up and went to the bathroom to get some cold medicine. Now for some tea.

  The warm liquid coated my sore throat, giving me some relief. I walked over to the window with my cup of tea and to look at the cars go by.

  I heard the front door open and turned to see Tristan walking in. He gave me a little smile. Not a full pearly white smile, but it was still stunning nonetheless. “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  “Like shit.” I shrug. “Thank you for taking Leander to the airport. You really didn’t have to do that.” He stopped just in front of me and did his thing of grazing the back of his hand along my jaw line. I loved it.

  “I wanted to; you need your rest. Plus, I need to make sure the best friend approves of me if I want to be with you,” he teased. He was right. Leander’s opinion did mean something to me.

  “Now, why don’t you go pick out a movie and sit that fine ass of yours on the couch? I will make up some breakfast, and we can just relax to get you better. Sound good?” he asked.

  I could get used to this treatment. I felt like a goddess.

  About thirty minutes later, Tristan plopped a nice plate of eggs, toast and orange slices in front of me. I looked at him. “I’m impressed,” I confessed.

  He smirked then winked at me. “So what are we watching?” I grabbed the remote and pressed play. “The Princess Bride?” he mused.

  “Yes, The Princess Bride. It’s the perfect sick movie! They all read it to each other when someone is sick in the movie; I watch it every time I am sick. It’s kind of been my little tradition since I was little,” I confessed.

  He leaned over and kissed my forehead. “As you wish, buttercup.”

  He was just saying that. He didn’t actually mean what those words meant, right? In the movie ‘as you wish’ meant ‘I love you.’

  Oh geez. I grabbed an orange slice trying to not look like his saying that had me all jumbled inside. The food was delicious. As soon as I was done, he gently pulled me against him so my head was on his chest with his arm around me. I decided not to overanalyze what he said and just enjoy being with him, even though he was probably going to get sick from being around me, but it was his choice, so whatever. I just clicked off my brain and watched my movie.

  After about an hour into it, the cold medicines were making me very drowsy. I gradually gave over to them. Once again I fell into that same strange dream.

  Chapter 15

  “Thalia, he is a fine suitor. He’s one of Alexander’s finest warriors. He will be a fine husband for you.” My father was pacing in front of me. “We just want what is best for you.” He had been pacing in front of me for a while now, lecturing me about how this warrior they found for me was the best decision for me.

  “What about what I want? I want to fall in love, not to be handed to the first soldier that comes along,” I huffed out. I hated being treated like a prize. That was one of the reasons why I practiced fighting rather than learning the arts, or making babies. I wasn’t like the other girls. I wanted to do different things. Break the mold of what has been set for me.

  “Thalia, you haven’t even met the warrior. Give him a chance. He might be the man you are looking for. Please, Thalia.” I didn’t know what to do. No matter what I did, I was going to marry this man. There was nothing I could do. I gave in.

  “I have no choice. I’ll meet this great warrior. I’m going to go practice.” With that being said, I turned on my heels and walked towards the armory.

  The only thing I got pleasure in was when I was able to learn and practice with a sword. It was a short walk, finally I round the corner and run into Acastus.

  “Good morning, lady. Wanting to sharpen up your skills?” he asked. He was one of Alexander’s warriors, and a frequent sparring partner of mine. He had brown hair, and brown eyes. I considered him a good friend. His wife Thea was a sweet woman. She was always there for me if I needed a shoulder to cry on and there to listen.

  “If you’re up for it, yes.” I told him with a smile.

  “Of course.” He nodded and held his arm out for me to take. I did, and then he led us inside. “Pick your weapon and I will meet you in the yard,” he said and walked off towards the court yard.

  I turned towards the wall of weapons. There were spears, bows, swords, and axes.

  Which to choose? I was in the mood to really exert energy. I grabbed a kopis and walked out towards Acastus.

  The sun was bright. Apollo must have been happy today. “Ah, a good choice. Shall we?” He got up from where he was sitting. I nodded. Then he came at me first. His swing packed a punch. I used both of my hands to hold the sword against his. He would never hurt me, but he also wouldn’t go easy on me just because I was a woman. I used all of my weight and pushed my sword towards him, pushing him away. He regained his footing and struck again. I moved to the side and elbowed him in the shoulder as he passed me. We went back and forth until the high sun was setting and both of us were covered in sweat.

  “You’re doing well today Thalia. I pity the poor soul who has angered you.” He teased. I was taking my anger out in the fight, and he knew it.

  “I think that will be enough for today. We don’t want
you to get another scratch before your big dinner tonight.” I looked at my legs. They had a few scratches from falling in on the sand.

  My dress had been torn around my legs, showing more skin, but I didn’t care.

  “Yes, we wouldn’t want that.” I mumbled. I walked over to the column and grabbed a bow.

  “I think I will shoot a few arrows before heading back inside to be a prize,” I told him. He gave me a look of sadness.

  He and Thea found love together. There was no arranged marriage; that was only for nobles. Like me. “Of course, I will leave you.” He tried to smile for me, but his lips wouldn’t budge upwards. He turned and walked back inside.

  I grabbed a quiver of arrow and walked towards the wooden targets. I drew an arrow out and put it against the bow. Slowly, I took a breath and pulled the string to the corner of my lips. I released my breath and the arrow at the same time. In seconds, the arrow pierced the heart of the target. Perfect! Maybe I’d have my future husband watch me with a sword and a bow. He might change his mind seeing that I was more of a fighter than a housewife.

  “You are a very skilled warrior, beautiful Thalia.”

  That voice.

  Shivers ran down my body. I turned as fast as I could towards the voice. The same man from the festival last night was leaning against the wall. I thought about him all last night. I was beginning to think I imagined the whole thing. But here he was, in all of his masculine glory.

  He was wearing just his shendyt and sandals. A look of amusement came upon his face. “You seem surprised to see me. I said you would see me around now.” He smirked and pushed himself off the wall.

  I somehow found my voice and spoke to him. “What are you doing here? Are you an Egyptian soldier?” I wanted to know who this mystery man was. I couldn’t deny the strange feelings I had towards him. He shook his head.

  “I feel a heavy lure towards you. I desired to see you, and so I find myself in your presence. No, I am not a soldier.” He continued to walk towards me, a predator to his prey. His eyes grew dark as he took me in; he followed the lines of my body. I felt alive, like a spark to my dying heart.


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