Weighing of the Heart (Volume 1)

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Weighing of the Heart (Volume 1) Page 10

by Jessica Florence

  “No plans,” I tell her.

  “Wrong answer. You are coming with me for a girl’s day. I need a pedicure really badly; my feet are all scratchy. And I need a new outfit.”

  I smile. “I think that sounds good. I felt my heel scratch my sheets last night before bed, so I’m desperately in need too.”

  She giggles on the other end of the line. “Okay, I’ll pick you up in like fifteen minutes get ready.” We said our goodbyes and then I rushed around and got dressed. I picked a cute black top and some jean shorts. Combine those with my studded belt and some cute boots to match and I felt like a bad ass.

  It kind of became my theme today. Not going to let shit bother me. I put on a little bit of makeup but not much and threw my hair into a pony tail. I got a text from Lacey shortly after saying she was almost there.

  I walked out into the apartment to get a sip of something to drink before I left. “Damn dove, aren’t you just the little badass today.” I giggled, Very bad ass of me to giggle.

  “I’m going out with Lacey today, we are going to do a girls day.” He walked back into his room and came out with some shoes. He sits down and starts putting them on.

  “I’ll walk you down. Gotta make sure you have company if the elevator stops or something.”

  I looked at him curiously. Then pointed my finger at him. “You have a thing for Lacey, don’t you!” Oh this is going to be good.

  He winked at me. “She intrigues me.”

  I laughed. “Oh, I can’t wait to see how this plays out. All right, elevator protector, let’s go.” I grabbed my purse and headed out.

  We made it down the elevator safely. As soon as I walked out the door to the building, Lacey was pulling up in her purple BMW. She was so cute. She rolled down the window as she came to a stop in front of us.

  “Damn girl! Are you channeling your inner Sarah Connor or what? Are we going to kick some machine’s ass while getting our toes done?” I laughed. Really I didn’t think I was looking like that much of a bad ass, seriously. I shook my head.

  “Hey Leander, you going to come get a pedicure too?” she teased him.

  “Nah, I just wanted to get a glimpse of your pretty face before you guys left.”

  My jaw dropped. He just came right to the point. But I guess that was what girls found attractive about him. He didn’t beat around the bush. Lacey’s eyes bugged out of her head. She looked like she was trying to talk but nothing was coming out.

  I decided to save her. I smacked Leander on the arm and got inside her car. “See ya punk!” I told him. I poked Lacey in the arm. She shook her head and somehow brought her eyes to me.

  “What?” she asks.

  “You’re hopeless. Let’s go.”

  She looked back to the road and pushed the gas. “Right, pedicure. Girls day.” She was definitely flustered. “Sorry, he is just so hot, and he said I was pretty,” she confessed.

  “I heard. Congrats; you are now on his radar,” I teased her.

  “I would lick that man’s entire body,” she purred. Oh lord. The last thing I needed was to think sexual things. I hadn’t seen Tristan in a few days and I was craving him. We hadn’t gone any further than the one mind-blowing orgasm he gave me last week, but I was looking forward to changing that.

  “Anyway, thanks for going out with me. You know I hate shopping by myself.”

  I nodded that I did. She always went overboard if there wasn’t anyone to stop her from buying things she didn’t need. Last time she wanted to buy a dashboard chandelier. Really? “It’s going to be fun,” I told her.

  My feet were soaking in nice warm water. The smell of lavender surrounded me. “Mm, this is the life,” I said to Lacey , who was setting her back massager on the chair to vibrate. Her whole upper body starts to shake.

  “We should do this like every week.” Her voice sounded like a robot with the vibrations going through her.


  After our feet were soaked, scrubbed, primed and painted, we waddled over to the drying table and let our feet sit under the UV lights. “So, how is it going with Tristan?”

  A smile tugged at my lips. “Good. He is on a little business trip now. He should be back tomorrow.” My body was highly anticipating his return.

  “Oh, I see. Dish, Thalia. I can see the blush on your face. What’s the deal?” She stared at me waiting for my response.

  “Uh, I’m just excited to see him. That’s all.” It was the truth; I was excited to see him.

  Her eyes narrowed more, as if she was trying to read my mind. “Has he rocked your world yet?” she asked, her face is so serious it makes me laugh.

  “He has, I knew it!” she squealed. I shushed her, the last thing I wanted people in the nail place hearing was how Tristan was rocking my world.

  “We haven’t done it yet. He said I have to be his when he takes me, whatever that means,” I said in hush tones.

  Her face scrunched up. “What does that mean?”

  I shook my head. “I don’t know.”

  She sat back in her chair and pondered on it. I wiggled my toes. I was ready to get out of here. “Ready to go?” I ask her. She looks down at her toes. “Yep, let’s go.” We paid for the services and walked out. We walked past a bunch of little shops, and bistros. I liked down town Boston.

  We walked into a few shops, trying on some clothes but nothing was standing out for us. “Oh! Let’s go in this one!” She grabbed my hand and dragged me into this cute little store. I liked it; they had pretty dresses hanging from the racks. Lacey had her eyes on the corset table. Corsets weren’t my style but a Grecian style dress to the right was.

  I walked over and ran my fingers over the material. It felt like silk. The material was so fine, so soft. I grabbed the dress and hauled ass to the fitting room. I was dying to see it on me.

  As soon as the door closed behind me, I stripped my clothes off, and slid the smooth dress over me. I zipped it up and looked at myself. The dress had thick straps that came to a deep V below my breasts, where the material looked like it tied together in the front. It stopped just above my knees, making my legs look extra-long. Oh, I wanted this! I did a little twirl before lightly taking it off and got dressed.

  As I was exiting the dressing room, Lacey popped out of a room wearing a tight green corset with a black mini skirt. “You look hot!” I told her.

  She beamed at me. “I like it too. We should go out somewhere so I can wear it.”

  I thought about the dress I was going to buy. “Heck yeah ,we should.” I kissed her on the cheek and walked towards the desk to pay for my dress.

  Chapter 18

  We walked around, had lunch, and just had a good time together. I definitely did need this.

  “I really have to pee Thalia! I can’t walk any further! I’m going in this next shop, or I will pee out in the street!” Lacey was practically bouncing as she walked briskly towards the next shop. She opened the door and ran inside. My eyebrows came together with the shop she chose to empty her bladder in.

  It was a new age shop. I walked inside to wait for her. Multiple scents came out at me as soon as I stepped inside. Lavender, patchouli, vanilla, and lemongrass. It was nice, but strong. I slowly walked around, taking in the hippie clothing, meditation cards, crystals, and candles. I saw a little hall with multi-colored beads hanging in the doorway. I was surprised no one was at the desk trying to sell me on something. I could have stolen something and left. Of course I wouldn’t, but I was expecting someone to come out and greet me.

  My curiosity and something else fueled me to check out what was down the little hallway. There were three doors down there. The last room though, something about it called to me. Not sure what, but I just knew I had to look. God, if that wasn’t a stupid thought I don’t know what was. That was how people died. But I couldn’t resist it.

  “Come on in, dear!” a voice called from the other side of the door. I gripped the handle, took a deep breath and opened the door.

he woman was beautiful, I mean like she looked like a freaking supermodel! She looked like she was in her late twenties, maybe early thirties, but that was pushing it. She was looking at me with golden blonde hair cascading down to her naval, and the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen. She was beauty incarnate in her white dress and wedges.

  “Welcome Thalia, have a seat. I know you have a lot of questions.” She gushed. I was too busy staring at this woman to realize she had said my name. I sat down in the little plush chair in front of her.

  “Wait, how do you know my name?” I looked at her curiously.

  “I know everything dear.” She winked at me.

  I laughed. “Okay, I get it. You are a psychic.” I continued to laugh. She just sat there and smiled at me while I practically laughed at her.

  “You have such a lovely laugh, Thalia; you should do it more often.” My laughing slowed, and I decided to just go with the flow here. It’s not like she was a real psychic or anything.

  “Thanks.” She leaned over and placed her hand over mine. Love and comfort flooded in my veins from her touch. What in the world was going on?

  “I know you are unsure, and frightened Thalia, You have been through a lot. I want to help ease your mind.” I just stared at her. Who was this woman? Why did she care? Love and adornment gleamed out of her eyes. I wish I understood it. I have been feeling so confused lately.

  “What is wrong with me?” I asked on a whisper.

  She threw her hand in the air. “Nothing is wrong with you, dear. You are alive and healthy.” This woman was cute and she made me feel comfortable. Whatever, why not?

  “I keep having these dreams.” She just nodded as I continued on. “There is the owl and a lady that claims to be my aunt, but I get the feeling she isn’t friendly, and then there is Tristan. I keep having dreams like I am in the past and there is this guy, but he looks like Tristan.” I took a few breaths because I had blurted that all right away.

  “Oh, Thalia, those are not dreams, silly. Those are memories,” she said through her smile.

  “Uh, what?” My jaw hit the floor.

  “What you are having are flashbacks. Everyone has past lives.” She said it all nonchalantly, like we were talking about the weather.

  “I don’t believe in past lives.”

  She let out a little giggle. “Well, you should. You, my dear, have a very interesting past life.”

  I paused. It was like time stood still. “What do you mean?”

  She looked at me and smiled again. God, this woman was nothing but happy. “Oh, I think you should just keep watching these flashbacks and see, trust me. O,h and as far as that woman, who claims to be your aunt. She is your aunt, but she isn’t a friend to you. Next time she tries to talk to you, just walk away.” She looked more serious when she told me about the other lady. She was my aunt? No way. My parents had no siblings that I knew of.

  “I’m sorry, Thalia. I know how confusing all of this is. But hopefully once you have seen the last of the flashbacks, you will remember.” Her gaze flitted downwards as beautiful shoulders lifted and came back when she let out a sigh. “I wish I could tell you more, Thalia, but sadly, I am limited.”

  I wanted to comfort this woman. There was a tug to please her trying to crawl out of me. “Thank you.” I told her.

  She looked at me her eyes were warm, and welcoming. She looked full of emotion that was just trying to bust out, but then her eyes flashed and she had reined in her emotions. “I’m so glad to see you, Thalia. Sadly, it is time for you to go. Don’t worry, dear. Everything will happen as it is meant to. In the meantime, just enjoy life, and love with all of your heart. Love is the most powerful force in the world.”

  “Thalia? Where are you?” Lacey’s voice called me outside of the door. I turned around towards the voice.

  “What is your name?” I asked and turned back towards the lady. She was gone! I just stared at the spot where she was. Okay, I must have eaten something bad for lunch. What the heck do they put in California club sandwiches now a days?

  I took a breath. Okay, we can just add this to the Thalia’s list of weird occurrences. I put on my brave girl panties and went back out to find Lacey.

  She was just standing there tapping her toes. “Where have you been?” she demanded as she walked over to me and hugged me tightly.

  “I was just looking around, sorry I didn’t hear you.” She continued to hug me.

  “Hey, what is going on?” I cooed to her.

  She pulled back, looking upset and relieved all in the same sentence. “I’m fine; I just didn’t know where you were. Let’s go.” I nodded. We left and she drove us back to my apartment where we played dress up and talked about how she was going to seduce Leander.

  Chapter 19

  Later that night, Lacey, Leander and I all went out dancing. We both wanted to wear our new outfits, and she wanted her chance to dance with Leander. Which was exactly what she was doing right now. Lacey was getting her freak on with Leander, who seemed to be enjoying every second of it. She was pulling out all of the special dance moves designed to snag a guy. I took a sip of my drink when a pang of jealousy hit me. I missed Tristan. I hadn’t seen him and I felt like I was missing something, something only he can bring to me.

  I missed his dark eyes staring at me like I was the only girl in the world. Then my thoughts took a turn into the gutter. My body warmed as I thought about his lips and his hands on me. How he made me feel more pleasure than anything I had ever experienced.

  Warm breath blew against my neck. “Miss me?” my body practically convulsed at that voice. I leaned back against his warm, chiseled chest, while his signature cinnamon scent wrapped around me. His hands wrap around my waist and bring me closer. “I’ll take that as a yes,” he murmured against my skin.

  A whimper came from my lips. His lips touched neck, grazing the sensitive skin with his warm breath. I felt alive. I spun in his arms so fast everything became a blur except Tristan’s face. As soon as my eyes locked on his, I crashed my lips to his. My soul felt complete again.

  “I thought you weren’t coming back until tomorrow,” I whispered out.

  He smiled. “I couldn’t wait another twenty-four hours,” he murmured against me. I felt desperate for his lips to part. He groaned into me as he gave me the access I wanted. I melted into him. His hands gripped my waist, knocking my blood from boiling to being as hot as lava. With everything I put into this kiss, he gave me the same amount of passion back.

  Breathing into each other, as our tongues tangled together. I wanted to rip his clothes off and claim him, this man, who had found his way into my dreams, my life, my heart.

  “Get a room!” Lacey yelled at us from the dance floor. We pulled back and stared at each other. His eyes were dark, full of desire and need. I knew my eyes showed the same things. Tristan’s gaze travelled down my body.

  I felt his gaze like a caress, leaving a burning trail where he looked. His eyes came back to mine, and I swear I turned into an ash pile on the ground. I needed him. This feeling was so intense. He brought his hand to my cheek.

  “I’ve missed you, Thalia,” he told me.

  His voice wrapped around me like the softest silk. I needed to do something about this heat, and the wanting that had built up inside of me. I couldn’t ignore it any longer.

  I leaned into him, bringing my lips up to his ear. “Can we get out of here?” My voice was seductive. I was proud of myself. When I pulled back, he was staring at me intensely again.

  “Dance with me first? You look so beautiful.” He gave me a sweet smile. How could I resist? It would be hard not to just jump his bones on the dance floor, but maybe I would be able to drive him wild for once.

  “Okay,” I agreed.

  He took my hand and led me to the floor. He brought me close to him as he started moving with me.

  Oh, swoon.

  He had all the right moves to make a woman orgasm with just the flick of his hips. I wanted that. But I ne
eded to take a down girl pill. This was about driving him crazy, not the other way around.

  I channeled my inner stripper and went with what felt right. I closed my eyes and gave over to the music. My hands found my thighs where the bottom of my dress was. My fingers skimmed my skin and my dress came up slightly. I heard a growl from Tristan. Good.

  I continued running my hands up my body until they were above my head reaching towards the ceiling. My head rolled back as I moved my hips from side to side. I did a slow turn to the beat, my hips swinging me around until my back was to Tristan. His hands snaked out and around me to bring me flush against him. I felt his erection at my backside and felt power surge through me. I ground my ass against him. My hands came over his and gripped him into me. Another growl came from him.

  I gripped his hands and moved them with mine across my body. His fingers clenched into me. He rolled his hips into mine as I ground back against him. This was so erotic, taboo even. His nose travelled the length of my neck, teasing me with the thought of his lips on me. But that never happened.

  “You win, Thalia. Where should we go?” His hands continued to coast around my body as I brought my fingers to his soft rustled hair.

  I didn’t even hesitate to answer him. “Your place.”

  I felt him smile against me. He slowly turned me around to face him. His lips closed in on mine. Sweet, but full of promises.

  “Go tell your friends you are leaving. Then you are mine.”

  I shuddered. My core clenched at his possessiveness. He gave me a light push in the direction of my friends. I’m glad he did because my feet didn’t want to move. I floated over to my besties and told them I was heading out with Tristan. Lacey winked at me and Leander gave me a quick hug. “Have fun.” He whispered to me. Thankfully, we all rode together with Leander, so I wouldn’t have to come back later for my car. I was truly in Tristan’s capable hands. I strolled back to where I left Tristan.

  My heart clenched and my vision turned red. There were two women dancing close to Tristan trying to catch his eye. I looked at his face; thankfully, he had no interest in these women. His eyes darted to me and held my gaze. I knew he didn’t want them, but it didn’t stop me from walking right up to him and pulling his lips to mine. I was staking claim, and every bitch around better know it.


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