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Bonded Page 3

by April Zyon

  She could only do what she did every day—open her shop and take care of the people that wandered in and spent their hours there using the Wi-Fi she had readily available. Emily smiled. The shop had been a whim for her. She’d purchased a cupcake store that had been failing, bought it because she honestly loved the cupcakes, and even more than that, the familial feel of the bakers and workers.

  Emily thought of the people she had purchased the shop from. The older couple was obviously totally in love and had always worked together in the shop. They’d only had a couple of workers. They’d taught Emily how to not only bake cupcakes but make scones as well as an amazing array of teas.

  She smiled as she went through her morning ritual. She thought of how they had always seemed to brighten the day when they were around. They hadn’t questioned her need to wear gloves but had accepted it with ease, just as they had her. They’d taken her into their home as a boarder, and she had enjoyed their hospitality, until they sold the shop to her and moved away. That day had been bittersweet.

  Once downstairs, she flipped the sign to open and pulled on her gloves. It was better to protect herself from the stray thoughts others left behind on objects from the start of the morning instead of having to battle the headache and fatigue after.

  Allowing Elmer out of his cage, she gave him a pet, then pulled out a steak for the large cat. Closing off the area where he would spend his day, she got started making the coffee and pies. Fresh cookies would be baked all through the day, with most of them being given to the children that came in and out of the shop all day long because they knew that she would have cookies and treats for them to take for free.

  With her cat taken care of and the small nibbles that she served made, she took her normal seat and began to work the puzzles at hand in her Sudoku book.

  Her mind wandered while she worked. She glanced over at Elmer Fudd, comforted by his presence. Years ago, she had found poachers, who had killed off far more of the jaguars than disease ever could. The man who’d run the preserve had been very grateful to Emily, and because of the way that Elmer had automatically taken to her, he’d gifted her the large cat so that she would always have a protector that couldn’t be bought off with money.

  From the corner of her eye, Emily watched as Elmer Fudd padded from his food bowls to lie at her feet behind the counter. She had to step over him several times when customers came in to get tea and scones, but she didn’t mind. She had done it more than once and would continue to do it because that was just how she and Elmer worked together.

  Finally, she settled back in once more, with his large head perched on her foot as it so often was when they were seated. She leaned down, scratched the back of the jaguar’s ears, and smiled. She loved him. He was an integral part of her life, and she was happy to have him in it.

  * * * *

  Gaius looked up at the building. The sign in the lace-curtained window simply read, The Shoppe. Opening himself to the universe, he breathed in and out. There was a taste on the back of his tongue, something spicy yet sweet that had him wanting more.

  “Oh, now,” he said when his eyes opened, bright and blue. A grin appeared on his face, a small scar making the sly expression even more crooked. “It seems as if the little birdy does have quite a bit of power.” He licked his lips. The anticipation of meeting the woman who had plagued his thoughts and kept his cock hard had him moving forward.

  Without another moment’s hesitation, Gaius walked into the shop, his long, leather-clad legs eating up the short space between his SUV and the entrance. The closer he got, the more he sampled a taste of the power that the little minx had at her fingertips. Gaius’s fingers curled, the muscles on his arms flexing as he walked along toward the shop.

  He had to get in there. There was a driving and desperate need to see her. To feel her, and more than that, to taste her. He was confused and skeptical about this draw to her because he had never felt it before, but he wanted to know more. He had certainly heard about the pull that a warrior would feel toward his VV but he never dreamed that he would have one. Life had pretty much given him the shit end of the stick when he was alive so why would it offer him something so good now? There had to be a catch because he didn’t believe in life giving people like him happiness.

  Opening the door, he was assaulted with the scent of fresh coffee, a massive vice of his, as well as the sweet smells of rolls and other types of dessert-style foods. What held him captive, though, was the visage of the woman behind the counter. Her long hair was the color of dark honey, shining as the light caught it. He watched the way that she reached up and nervously pushed her hair behind her ear as she worked on something before her.

  She was stunning. That was the one and only thing that Gaius could think. The woman was spectacular. She wasn’t what one would call tall, not by a long shot, but she had the demeanor of a queen. Her bearing, the way she looked at people, everything about her was utter and sheer poetry in motion. The brown eyes that lifted from her book and pinned him in place had him instantly harder.

  For a moment the blood rushed from all parts of his body and to his cock. All he could think of was drowning in her gaze and nibbling on her perfect lips. He wanted her, all of her.

  He took a moment to soak her in, but it was more than her physical looks. It was her soul. The very soul of the woman looked out at those around her, her chocolate-brown eyes taking in everyone and everything at a glance. He was staring, but he couldn’t help himself. The instant he’d seen her, his cock had become hard. But it was more than that. It was a visceral reaction. A need and hunger that couldn’t be denied.

  The medallion that rested over his heart began to heat. Warmth spread over his body, and his senses seemed to come alive and tremble with their power. His eyesight, hearing, sense of smell—all of it seemed to explode. Every sense that he had was amped up.

  The medallion that was a part of him practically sang from the knowledge that he was near her. He would later think on why that was. For now, all he could do was listen to his medallion and his heart and hope that his dick would calm down for a bit and let him actually do his job.

  For a moment he stood there, transfixed by the sheer beauty that stood before him. Never before had someone as spectacular as her crossed his path. Without another thought he approached her. He saw the way that the few people looked at him, knew the effect he had on people and wasn’t surprised when the first woman finished her drink and left. His boots made a loud noise on the floor, which caused the remaining couple to quickly stand and move out of the shop, something he was perfectly fine with. He had been told before that he was intimidating when he was in hunter mode as he was now.

  Gaius watched Emily as he approached her. He watched the way that her eyes widened. When she licked her lips, he felt like he had been kicked in the gut. He wanted to kiss her too-perfect lips. With everything inside of him, he wanted to pull her into his arms and hold on to her, hold on to her for more than protection, because he needed her. He, Gaius Julius Alexander, needed the woman more than he needed his next breath.

  Sweeping a look over her from head to what he could see of her body, Gaius inventoried everything that was calling to him. Rich, dark honey-colored hair, wary brown eyes, and youth. She had the appearance of a Gypsy about her, with a hint of something more exotic. There was some muscle on her, but the sort that highlighted her womanly curves and thin frame rather than detracting from it. She was a goddess given form.

  * * * *

  Emily had watched the large man come in. He towered over her five foot, four inch frame by at least a foot, and oh, what a delicious foot it was! He was superb, his dark hair cut military short on the sides and back, with dark skin and golden-brown eyes. She had to fight herself to keep from biting a knuckle at how good he looked. Damn, does he ever!

  Every single inch of the man seemed to be roped muscle … and deadly. She didn’t know why, but she saw him as far more deadly than her jaguar. Every move he made was purposeful.
Without question, he had the gait of a predator. Smooth, lethal, and completely focused. He looked like a man on a mission.

  Closing her puzzle book, she watched him watching her. Her pussy was slick with the heat of need. Her palms were damp under her gloves, and her flesh seemed to break out in chill bumps. The way that he gave her the once-over was enough to make any man or woman come without a moment’s hesitation. He licked his lips, one side kicking up ever so slightly in a crooked grin for a small moment. After that, his expression was one hundred percent serious, and his focus seemed even more intense.

  Holy. Hell. Emily was glad she was seated, because if she hadn’t been, she was sure she would have jumped the counter to attack him the second his tongue ran over his lower lip. Then that lip quirked up in a cocky smirk. Oh damn, he knows just what the hell he’s doing to me.

  She cleared her throat a couple of times. When he approached, she cocked her head and put on a smile. Thank God, I have a sweater on that covers my hard nipples. Or life would have been very embarrassing when she asked him, “Can I help you?”

  Oh, Emily wanted to help him all right. She wanted to help him out of his leather pants. And out of his silk shirt.

  When he spoke, Emily was certain she came a little in her panties. “Are you Emily Duncan?” His voice was deep. His gaze latched onto hers, and she was sure there were sparks or flames spitting between them.

  If sex had a voice, if sex had a body, it was this man. Holy. Hell. “Uhm.” Normally, she would know if someone was there for her services. She had a sixth sense. But she didn’t feel it with this man. “Yes?” Okay, so she could have been more certain in her tone, in her reply, and it showed by the expression he gave her. Who knew that a smirk on a man could be so damn sexy?

  “I know how dramatic this will sound, how cheesy, and as much as I hate to quote movies, I’m going to.” His voice was whiskey-soaked honey, smooth yet with a kick. “If you want to continue to live, you need to come with me. What’s coming for you will walk right through that cat of yours and destroy you. It would be a shame to allow someone as beautiful as you to be harmed by the darkness that’s even now stalking you.”

  “Seriously?” That fast, it was as if a cold bucket of water had been spilled over her body. “Do you hear how overly dramatic that sounds? I mean, seriously? Do women buy that trash you’re spouting?”

  Emily was positive she heard him growl at that. What the hell?

  “I’m not being overly dramatic. I never have been in my life, and I never will be. I’m being deadly serious. I know what you can do, Emily Duncan, and I know that there’s at least one killer out there who’s looking for you right now.”

  Seeing the honesty in his eyes, Emily frowned. “How do I know you aren’t just blowing smoke up my rump to get me out of here so you can take me and do nefarious things to me?”

  He grinned, a real and honest smile that lit his eyes. “Oh, trust me, venustas, there is danger out there.” Leaning in, he got as close to her as he could, his lips at her ear as he whispered, “And when I do nefarious things to you, ma petite, you are going to enjoy them. You will scream my name … Gaius, by the way. That’s the name you will cry out in pleasure.”

  Where his lips touched her, a sizzle raced along the shell. But it was the licking, then the small bite, that had her practically melting right there before him.

  * * * *

  Gaius watched her carefully. She was a wary one, and that was good, but the little taste he helped himself to was enough to make his cock so hard that he could have driven nails with it. He wanted her. No, he needed her. Something inside of him was calling out to her. This case that had all but been shoved into his lap had become so much more than he could have imagined. It had become personal the moment he’d walked into the little shop.

  The moment his medallion had heated, he’d known that he would never be whole without her. All he had to do was get her out of the shop and to safety. Then, he would have the time to explore the connection he was already feeling to the exotic beauty.

  “Come with me, little one. Call a friend to come and look after the cat, then come and let me shelter you. I’ll tell you everything, even though you won’t believe me. I’ll protect you with my life. That is my solemn vow. I’ll never allow anything, or anyone, to hurt you as long as I’m there to prevent it. You are mine to look after, Emily.”

  And he would kill Mercury or any of his underlings if they tried to take this woman from him. Gaius was well aware of just how the others often thought of him. They all disliked and distrusted him on some level, even though he had given his life for the cause and fought just as hard as everyone else did.

  Because of the fame of his name, they believed him to be what history painted him to be … which was false. Of all of them, Mercury should know that best. But he was becoming soft in his old age, staying hidden away in his mountain bunker from the actual war they were fighting.

  Gaius watched as Emily darted her pretty, pink tongue out over her sultry, full lips. He itched to lean in and kiss her, but couldn’t. Not until he had her secure. When he was certain she was going to be safe in his care, he would show her exactly how a Roman emperor loved his woman. And she would be his, in every way a man could own a woman. What she didn’t yet realize was that she would own him, too. For all of time.

  “I don’t know if I should,” she said to him.

  “You know you should. You have doubts, though. I understand and can even respect that. Touch my hand to know the truth. Know me, Emily,” he whispered softly to her. “I know you must have someone you trust that will come get your cat. It was to protect you until another came that could do a better job. That’s me. Let me do what I was born to do.” Gaius held his hand out to her, palm up, as he studied her. He assumed that she had some sort of plan for what to do with the large cat in case of an emergency.

  “I do, the man who gave him to me will take care of EF.” She was watching his hand, still wary. “I have an intricate escape system for EF should it be needed.”

  There was still hesitation in her eyes. Gaius sighed and shook his head. She had the right not to trust him, for now. He would allow it for a time, but only for so long. She was his. He knew it, and soon enough she would know the truth of it, too. “Take off a glove, sweeting. Touch my hand. Know the truth.”

  Fortunately, the shop was completely void of other customers since his arrival had chased them off. He worried a little about her reaction to whom and what he was. “Know my truth. Know the truth that history has skewed. Know me, Emily.” She would be the first.

  He whispered his request very, very softly, so that she had to lean in closer to hear him. Her sensual scent wrapped around him. His body tightened, need thrumming through his veins.

  Gaius had to fight the urge to reach for her, yank her into his arms and take her as every fiber of his being was screaming for him to do. She was too skittish, not ready, yet none of that mattered to the inner demand. This woman was his, and he would have her, sooner rather than later. All he had to do was get her to take that first, scary step. Lifting his hand a little more, he tipped his head to the side.

  * * * *

  Emily wanted to know him. She truly did, which was a massive surprise to her. She didn’t want to know anyone, not deeply like she wanted to know this man. She wasn’t so certain this was a good idea, not with the knowledge that would come to her from a touch but when she looked up into his eyes she felt the warmth spreading into her very soul, almost felt as if he were reaching out to pull her in, soul to soul. Taking a deep breath, she steadied her nerves and told herself that whatever was going to happen was going to happen, one way or another. She was going to go with her gut and with her heart that was whispering to her for the first time ever. Peeling off a glove without taking her eyes from his, she held out her hand to him. “Then touch me,” she breathed out and leaned against the counter. Not many people would offer their skin up to her if they knew what she could do, and it was clear in the way
he had stated his words that he knew exactly who she was.

  When he laid his heavily calloused hand on hers, palm to palm, Emily shook. Her eyes closed automatically, and she lived through his lives. Not one life, oh no, this man was so much more than that. He was also so much clearer than any being before him had ever been.

  A flash of light revealed a group of people gathered around her … no, him. He was speaking, and they were listening in awe. The manner of dress was something she could only relate to movies. Then the scene changed, and she, as Gaius, felt the whoosh of a sword slashing down, the rush of air to her face as she stood looking down a mountainside at an approaching army bent on destroying everything in their path.

  The clothing transformed in flashes, the times altered in a blink. Cities rose, others fell, but the passage of the decades was clear.

  Without opening her eyes, she whispered, “How?” Right then that was the only question she could articulate. Her mind was whirling. She was in an utter and complete fog.

  “Emily, come on, love, open those gorgeous brown eyes of yours.” Gaius’s words pierced through the haze in her mind.

  Shaking her head, she cleared the rest out with his voice as her tether. “Wow. You weren’t kidding. History painted you completely wrong, didn’t it?”

  “For the most part. But that’s unimportant. What is important is you, Emily. Grab your bag, and let’s get out of here. I’m assuming that the person who gave you the cat has keys to the place?” When she nodded, he smiled. “Good. Give the jaguar a goodbye for now, and let’s get out of here. Later, we can send for the beast if you want him to live with us.”

  “Hold the phone—live with you? I’m all for the protection that you’re offering right now because I sense the presence of the monsters that you’re saying are after me. But moving in with you? Isn’t that just pushing it a little too far?” She was quiet for a moment. She felt it then, that the darkness he had been battling all of his life was the same dark feeling she had felt earlier. Odd. But still, moving in with him after just meeting him was odd, too.


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