A Thief In The Night

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A Thief In The Night Page 22

by K. Sterling

  “This is amazing,” Quinn said as he looked around.

  “She can’t really leave the house anymore but she can still work back here most days,” Darius said as they reached the end of the garden. String lights criss-crossed over a small fountain in the center of a paved seating area. Brightly painted pots with polkadots were scattered everywhere and vines covered the back wall, making it feel like nighttime in a market in a small Romanian village. Darius lowered into a swinging glider and sighed contentedly as he relaxed. It was designed for two but it looked absurdly small as his arm draped along the back of the seat and his long legs stretched and crossed. He was tall and lean with wide shoulders like Roman but he was more solid. They could have passed as brothers and Quinn wondered if Roman would look even more like Darius if he put on more weight.

  “Antoni lived here?” Quinn asked as he turned and his eyes followed the strands of lights over his head. The stars glowed much brighter in the cool night and their breaths made wisps of clouds as they spoke.

  “He ran away from an orphanage and Marius found him and brought him home. My father took him in and we sent him to art school. Toni was too slow to run with us, he lived in here too much,” Darius said as he touched his brow. “But the worlds in his head were so beautiful.” His voice crumbled and he shook his head. He was done talking about Antoni.

  “Did Marius spend a lot of time here?” Quinn asked as he lowered and sat on the edge of the fountain. It was drained for the winter but the lights reflected and danced in the rainwater.

  “Not at first. We didn’t see him until my father kidnapped him for bunică’s birthday. Our fathers wouldn’t speak and his father refused to let the family see Marius. He didn’t want him to be like us. My father never forgave him and he didn’t want anything to do with Marius. But bunică wouldn’t cook and she said she wasn’t going to let us give her a sixty-fifth birthday party unless she could meet her grandson. She had two sons and four daughters and all her daughters had daughters. Marius and I were her only grandsons and she pined for him. She wouldn’t talk to Marius’ parents but she longed for him, Quinn,” Darius said then chuckled. “My father went to take Marius and he thought he’d have an easy time of it but he fought like a wet cat and he lost him three times on the way home. All he had to do was tell him who he was, once he did, Marius was happy to go with him. I was so jealous of him before that day and I should have been even more jealous. He picked my father’s pocket and stole his heart but I knew he belonged with us, that we were brothers. My father would steal him away until he started finding his way on his own. His parents tried to stop him at first but Marius wouldn’t stand for it, it was the only time he defied them. He swore he’d quit school and do nothing if they didn’t let him see us. My father loved us as if we were the same and I wouldn’t have had it any other way,” he said. “Marius is a lot like him but without the temper. He’s a better thief than me because he’ll never get trapped. Ask him the dimensions of your sitting room or how many combustible chemicals you keep in your flat, he knows. He got that from my father. He told us to never, ever walk into something you can’t get out of and Marius lives by that rule. He’s always prepared and he always has a plan.”

  “Your father sounds like an amazing man,” Quinn said and Darius’ head fell back as he laughed. It was a brittle, rasping wheeze and it made Quinn tense.

  “Now, he was a scary, dangerous man,” he said as he pointed at Quinn. “There was nothing he wouldn’t do to protect the family. Our grandfather was considered a Romani king, of sorts, in Romania. My father followed Marius’ father to London and when he decided to stay, our family became Romanian. My father knew we’d never be allowed to thrive as Romani, openly, so we only used the words when we were together until we forgot most of them,” he explained. Quinn nodded in understanding. The Romani were traditionally referred to as gypsies and discriminated against wherever they settled. “My father had a wicked temper and I think he must have kept it all for himself. I’m not nearly as bad and Marius and his father didn’t get any of it. My father ran all of London, back when the police wouldn’t go into Hackney after dark, before it started getting respectable,” Darius said then sighed as he stretched his neck and rubbed his throat. “He crossed paths with the only man big and fast enough to get the drop on him and he was the only man in Hackney who didn’t know who he was. Cut his throat in a pub over a spilled pint. He spilled his beer on my father’s boots and he swung on him. No one saw it coming but the bloke was dead before my father hit the floor. The big bastard looked like a porcupine when they carried him out and pissed all over him, every knife in the room was in his back,” he said and Quinn’s hand dragged down his face.

  “Woooooow. Our dad had another family in Nebraska,” he whispered.

  “That’s vile,” Darius growled and Quinn shrugged.

  “Some dads are crime bosses, some dads are vacuum cleaner salesmen,” he said and Darius looked stunned for a moment then ducked his head.

  “A fair point. Your mother?” He asked and Quinn’s nose wrinkled.

  “I think she’s in Vegas. My aunt took care of us until she passed away. We were seventeen and kind of drifted until our grandmother left us her place in London. We never got to meet her but she’d send us cards when she had our address,” he said and Darius wagged his finger at Quinn.

  “You didn’t drift. I know about your brother,” he reminded him and Quinn held up his hands.

  “He’s all I have and I try to make the best of it,” he explained and Darius groaned as he stood. Quinn became concerned as Darius pressed his hands together and tapped them against his lips.

  “I found Dash and I thought it was best if I told you first,” he said and Quinn couldn’t move.

  “Why does it sound like this is bad news?” He asked carefully and Darius shook his head.

  “I don’t know if it’s bad news but I figured he’s got enough on his mind tonight,” Darius said as he glanced at the house then slid Quinn a wry grin. “I couldn’t find Dash because he wasn’t in England. He arrived at Heathrow this afternoon on a flight from Malaysia,” he said and Quinn wasn’t sure what the significance of that was but it felt like a development and he was desperate for one.

  “Do you know what he was doing in Malaysia?” He asked and Darius reached for his shoulders and began to knead. Quinn knew it was coming.

  “He was traveling with a mule,” he said and waited as Quinn processed his words.

  “I take it you don’t mean a pack animal,” he mumbled as the lights flared and the garden turned around him.

  “Breathe, Quinn.”

  “Jayce was a mule and he didn’t come back,” he said to himself but the words sounded muffled as his heart raced.

  “You should sit,” Darius said and Quinn slowly lowered and sank onto the edge of the fountain. “I know this is overwhelming but you should wait until we find out more before you panic or get your hopes up,” he advised. “He could have overdosed in transit, been arrested or ran with the drugs,” he added and Quinn laughed weakly.

  “I guess two out of three aren’t bad. He’s somewhere in Malaysia or dead.”

  “Actually, Dash’s passport has been stamped all over Southeast Asia,” Darius said and Quinn needed Roman. He was too cold and he couldn’t pull enough air into his lungs as his heart slammed wildly against his chest. It’s too big. I’ll never find him out there. It took me this long to search London. “We will find him and we will bring him back,” Darius vowed as he crouched in front of Quinn. “I don’t know if he’ll be alive but Marius and I will return him to you,” he said and Quinn could breathe. He didn’t have to do it on his own anymore. “Two out of three, Quinn. I’m not a betting man but I’d like those odds if I were,” Darius said and Quinn’s lips curved and he felt lighter.

  “He’s still out there,” he stated and Darius ducked his head.

  “Then we’ll find him,” he said simply then offered him a hand. “Are you re
ady to make an old woman happy?” He asked as he pulled Quinn to his feet.

  “God, I hope she likes me,” he muttered as they walked through the garden and Darius hummed as he put his arm around him. It was so much like Roman, Quinn relaxed immediately.

  “Marius looks like he did before he lost Toni. He’s happy again and that’s all she cares about. And you can’t fool her, she’ll figure you out but I’m not worried,” Darius said then stopped Quinn and patted his chest. “I had concerns but I think you’re what he needs. I trust you but I’m going point out that this would be the time to tell him, if you have doubts or don’t plan to stick around. And this is the obligatory big brother warning: if you hurt Marius there is no place in this city or in any city in the world where you’ll be able to hide. I’ll find you and then I’ll break every damn bone in your body and crush your heart in my bare hands. Then, I’ll eat you. They won’t find anything. I’ll eat your motherfucking eyelashes because that’s what I do to people who hurt my family. I kill them then eat them so there’s nothing left but a fat, steaming pile when I’m through with them.” He waited as Quinn’s life flashed in front him and gave him a reassuring shake. “You good?” He asked and Quinn blinked several times then exhaled hard.

  “Yeah. My ass is about as watertight as a duck’s right now but I’m ok,” he said and Darius shook his head.

  “That’s the sort of information you save for Marius,” he pointed out and Quinn laughed before he became serious again.

  “Is he going to be all right?”

  “Let’s take a look,” Darius said as he waved Quinn up the stairs. They slipped into the dining room and it was transformed. The table was covered with food and Roman was seated in the corner with his grandmother. Their heads were bowed together and Roman was holding her hand in his and his lips brushed absently across her knuckles as he listened to her. The rest of the women were crowded around the table, laughing and passing dishes as they heaped food onto Roman’s plate. Room was made for Quinn next to bunică so she could examine him closely. She squinted at him under the light and tilted his face from side to side then declared he had the eyes of a mother. Quinn wasn’t sure if it was a compliment until Darius’ mother explained it meant he was a nurturer, he watched people with concern and anticipated their needs. Roman’s grandmother’s hands were always cupping and patting cheeks and Quinn understood what Darius meant about her recognizing Grigore. She didn’t speak a word of English but she was able to communicate with Quinn with the touch of her hands on his face. Her grandsons did it too and Quinn was enchanted. She would have been content to shovel food into him and Roman until her arms fell off but Quinn eventually begged for mercy. There was nothing to drink. The only beverage on the table was ţuică, a homemade plum brandy that was similar to moonshine. He was able to find bottles of mineral water in the kitchen and Mr. Bishop was being force-fed soup and cabbage rolls by one of Roman’s elderly aunts.

  “I think it’s time for you to take Mr. Waverly home, Mr. Bishop,” Roman said as he captured Quinn and pulled him into his arms. He was drunk but he was full of color and his eyes glowed and sparkled with laughter.

  “You’re not coming with us?” Quinn asked then recalled Roman’s plans with Darius. “Are you sure it’s a good idea for you to do whatever you’re planning to do? It’s getting late and you’ve had a lot to drink,” he reminded him sensibly. He was more worried about the nagging twitch in his ass and the hard-on he spent the evening hiding.

  “I promise I could find my way from Havering to any point in London, walking on my hands and blindfolded,” Roman said and Darius was just as drunk as he rested his arm on Quinn’s shoulder and leaned.

  “I’ve made him do it,” he said and he was really heavy. There was nothing for Quinn to do but act like he could stand that way for days but he was silently pleading for someone to say something that would make him move. “I haven’t killed him yet but I have a good feeling about tonight,” Darius said then hissed and ducked behind Quinn. “I’ll meet you behind the church,” he whispered then evaporated. Quinn looked behind him and around the refrigerator and the laundry area was dark and empty.

  “Is Darius in here?” His mother demanded as she ran into the kitchen and Roman hummed as he turned.

  “Just us but we’re about to leave,” he said. She scolded him in Romanian as she kissed his cheeks loudly and pinched and poked him then turned on Quinn.

  “You come early on Sundays so you learn how to cook,” she reminded him then kissed his cheeks several times.

  “He’s a wonderful cook, mătuşă, but we’ll come early. Teach him to make papanași for me so I can get fat like Darius,” he said and she squealed giddily as she patted both of their cheeks.

  “Find him a wife, Marius! You’ll both be happy and then I can rest,” she said and Quinn and Roman exchanged loaded glances.

  “I’m keeping an eye out,” he said then winked at Quinn. “Come along, Mr. Bishop,” he called and Mr. Bishop was already mumbling thank yous as he backed out of the sitting room. He made a much quicker exit. Quinn and Roman had to make a blood oath to bunică to visit by the end of the month before they ran the gauntlet of every female relative in the house. Quinn’s face ached and his cheeks were raw by the time they made it out. “I’m afraid I won’t see you until tomorrow morning,” Roman said as he pulled Quinn to him and kissed him under the street light.

  “Are you sure you have to do this tonight?” Quinn asked as he fought the urge to hump Roman’s leg in front of his grandmother’s house and most of his relatives. He cleared his throat as he rested his chin on his shoulder. “You’ve got to fuck me soon,” he whispered and Roman chuckled hoarsely as his hand pressed against Quinn’s back and he stroked along his spine tenderly.

  “I have to do this tonight. I don’t get to do this very often and I feel strong and clear right now,” he explained softly. “It’s going to take hours for me to find my way back, even with as fast as we move. But I’m going to be in so much pain,” he complained as the car stopped next to them and Mr. Bishop got out to get the door for Quinn. “All I’ll be able to think about is tasting you and losing myself in your tight arse,” he breathed against Quinn’s ear and he grinned wickedly.

  “You shouldn’t say things like that. I won’t be able to think about anything else during the drive home. I’ll be so turned on and then I’ll have all those hours alone, it’s going to be so hard to sleep,” he predicted and Roman swallowed loudly.

  “You could try some warm milk,” he suggested and Quinn shook his head.

  “I’m all out. I don’t think I’ll be able to help myself, Roman. I’ll keep thinking of you until I can’t keep my hands and fingers off my cock or out of my ass. I won’t be able to stop and I’ll need to fuck myself with that vibrator. I’ll think about you fucking me as I come all over my stomach and chest and then I’ll smear my hands in it and lick them clean,” he said and Roman groaned as his head fell.

  “You have no idea how much harder this is going to be tonight,” he whimpered and Quinn chuckled as he patted him on the back then released him.

  “Nothing you can’t handle,” he said as he backed away. “Have a good night.” He winked then turned and jogged to the car then stopped at the door. “I’m about to,” he said and he thought he heard Roman cry as he got inside.

  Chapter 20

  Roman didn’t begin until he met his family. He started as simply Marius, the tiny spark that leapt to life from his parents’ lonely, defiant love. He was enough to keep them warm but he didn’t catch and truly glow and grow until his uncle took him home and gave him a reason to burn. He was too young to understand it but he felt that his heart was like his father’s and it was the same as Darius’ and his uncle’s.

  He may have locked it up tight and buried it at the bottom of the deepest trench but Roman knew it was waiting, his Olinescu heart. He saw what it did to his father. He loved his mother so deeply and completely, he chose her over his
family and scraped and struggled every day to keep her. He saw it in his uncle. He feared no man but Darius’ mother could easily bring him to his knees and bend him to her will. Darius knew he would be no different so he hid from love and vowed he wouldn’t be taken easily.

  Roman didn’t fear love but he knew an Olinescu could only fall in love once so he treated his heart like it was precious and sacred. It made him cold and allowed him to use men and break their hearts remorselessly and it made him capable of burning down a house if someone tried to break him and steal it.


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