The Sculptor's Seduction (The Gentlemen's Guild Book 2)

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The Sculptor's Seduction (The Gentlemen's Guild Book 2) Page 5

by Dr. Rebecca Sharp

  Further to the left past the kitchen was his bedroom and bath. A giant frosted-glass wall (that had cost him a fortune) separated the bedroom from the living space, with an open doorway connecting them. The texture allowing only a vague image of what was going on behind the glass to be visible. Through his bedroom was the bathroom – another area he had splurged on. Similarly to the penthouses, there was an open rain shower on a tiled platform that led over to an extra-large Jacuzzi tub. Between his demanding, early-morning runs and the strength and tension it required to sculpt something as hard as marble, he used the tub regularly to relax his aching muscles.

  Aside from those minor upgrades, Sloane tried to keep his presence in the building on the down-low; only Tristan and the building manager knew that the owner of RSP lived there.

  RSP stood for ‘Real Success & Prosperity’. Or at least that’s what he claimed it did – and in part it was true. However, when he’d started the company, it had been born from the mantra ‘Restraint, Sloane. Please.’ Something that he’d probably repeated to himself hundreds of thousands of times over the years to remind his body of the costs of giving in to his desire.

  Yanking off his sweaty clothes, he turned the shower on and stepped into the cold stream. He always showered in cold water. The baths were always warm because his muscles needed them to be, but the shower was always frigid. He washed efficiently, trying to quickly remove what remained of Cyn’s effect on him from last night without dwelling too much on her delicious image. He just wanted to shower, eat, and maybe try to get a nap in – trying to refuel and re-energize before round two of torture tonight.

  Maybe he should have waited a week to have her come back to give him more time to mentally and physically prepare for her sexual assault. Then again, he didn’t like the feeling that he wasn’t strong enough to resist her – and he didn’t want to give her that impression either; although, there was a good chance he already had.

  It didn’t matter – all that would change tonight. No alcohol. No Pierce. All business.

  Cyn walked in the back entrance of the Paradise almost an hour before it opened. Her last showing had ended early, but not early enough for her to have time to go home and make it back to the club on time. So, she’d picked up some dinner along the way and a snack for later and walked into her private office. Six months ago, one of the other dancers had left, making Cyn the performer who had been there the longest – even though it had only been about two years. It wasn’t really a promotion, but the owners had given her this office/dressing room for her private use. Somehow, having her own space there had made her position feel more permanent… Given the similar timeframe, she had a feeling that it was what prompted her to fall in her current state in-between-ness.

  Was this really where she wanted to be? What she wanted to do… permanently?

  Those were the questions that she’d been asking herself over the past few months. She’d talked about it to a few of her close friends… ok, only two of her friends – Tash and…

  A knock on her door interrupted her thoughts.

  “Come in,” she yelled, slipping off her shoes with a sigh.

  The door opened as Terri, a very large, gay, black man – and also one of the managers of the Paradise – stepped inside. He was the only other person who knew that she was contemplating leaving the Paradise – much to his dismay.

  “Good evening, Miss Cyn,” he said with every ounce of flamboyancy his tone and hand gestures could muster. Cyn shot him a warm smile as he walked over to kiss her on both cheeks.

  Terri was a new manager as of… last year? Had it only been a year? It seemed like he’d been there for much longer. He’d immediately taken to her and was the only person who she worked with that knew about her past.

  “You look fabulous, as always,” Cyn complimented him, eyeing up his dark purple pants that coordinated with the purple and yellow paisley button-down shirt he was wearing. The whole ensemble was topped off with a bright orange silk scarf tied around his neck; Terri enjoyed making a statement… and knew just how to do it.

  Don’t be fooled though.

  It was rare, but once or twice in the past six months she’d seen him deal with a client who was being ‘inappropriate’ – as he liked to call it. Well, let’s just say that a bag of frozen peas would not have helped this gentleman’s face…

  “Thank you, thank you.” He pretended like the news came as a shock. “You look…” A giant frown came over his face as he noticed her work attire. “Well, like you need to get ready; I’ll just say that.”

  Cyn just rolled her eyes, unzipping her gym back to prepare for her wardrobe – and profession – change.

  “We missed you last night. I must tell Tash that it’s completely unacceptable for her to insist that you take off like that. First off, Nikki is not… well, she’s just not you; I’ll leave it at that, girl. Plus, Sebastian and Cameron were in last night and specifically asked for you. Un – be – liev – ably disappointed that you weren’t here. They had an event today – last minute invite – that they wanted you to go to before they go on vacation and I just can’t believe…” Cyn bit her lip trying to suppress a laugh at the excessive drama he exuded trying to make her feel guilty about last night.

  Sebastian and Cameron were semi-regulars at the Paradise even though they were gay… and a couple. Sebastian was the more subdued between the two of them – and drop-dead gorgeous; and much to Terri’s dismay, he only had eyes for Cameron who was about as equally exuberant – both personality and fashion-wise – as Terri was.

  They’d first come to the Paradise right after she had just started; a business acquaintance of theirs was having his birthday party there and Cyn had been their main event. They’d been immediately taken with her fair complexion and jet black hair – ‘a veritable snow white’ Cameron had called her. After her performance, she’d spent the rest of her night in conversation with them. About a week later, they had shown up again, not to watch her dance, but to ask her if she would be willing to be Sebastian’s date to the premier party for Ted 2. She’d been slightly confused – they were definitely gay. But apparently, as she would come to find out, any time they were invited to an event or party they each brought their own separate female dates.

  To each their own.

  Over the past few years, she’d attended numerous social affairs with either one of them, Tash usually on the other’s arm, and now, they were all good friends. They didn’t come to the club as much anymore. Since they had her cell number, they didn’t need to search her out while she was working. But sometimes, like last night, they would pop in and surprise her.

  Over the past six months that was what most of her extracurricular activities consisted of – being someone’s gorgeous date to some big, important event. In fact, she’d only really accepted invitations from men that she’d already worked with before – and only some of whom she’d slept with in the past. She had a feeling it was because of that whole state of ‘in-between-ness’ that she’d been living in. She just hadn’t felt the desire to… well… she just hadn’t had any desire for anyone.

  Until last night.

  Until Sloane. Her body shuddered at the memory of him; an instantaneous ache forming between her thighs.

  Maybe Tash was right… maybe she should have a date with her vibrator before she saw him next.

  “Helloooo? Earth to Cyn!” Terri’s elevated pitch broke through her thoughts. “Are you there? I know you just didn’t zone out on me – nuh uh.” She laughed as he began to wave his finger at her in disapproval.

  “Sorry! I was wondering why they didn’t just text me if they had something they needed me for today!” she exclaimed, trying to exculpate herself. “I mean I had a bunch of apartment showings over at One57 this afternoon, so I probably couldn’t have gone anyway. But, they usually text me.”

  “Well, I don’t know anything about all that.” He shook his head. “Did you hear what I said after that?”

  Cyn groaned. �
�No… sorry.”

  “What is going on with you, girl? You are like super distracted today.” He crossed his arms over his chest and let his hip kick out to the side. “C’mon, we’ve got time. You can tell Terri.”

  “Nothing! It was just an interesting night, that’s all; then again, it usually is with Tash – you know…”

  “No. I don’t. In fact, you’ve never called a night out with Miss Natasha ‘interesting,’” he said matter-of-factly, pursing his lips and beginning to tap his foot, not buying her attempt to pull one over on him.

  Cyn sighed. “Fine. We met these guys at the Roof and the one I went home with was… interesting.”

  She really needed to come up with a better word to describe him.

  Overwhelming, arousing, intoxicating.

  Ok, she needed to come up with a better, more appropriate word to describe him.

  “Oooo!” Terri practically squealed. “Now this is what I want to hear.”

  “No, trust me. It’s not what you think.” His arched eyebrows entreated her to continue. “Well, nothing happened. He didn’t want me. Well, he did. But, he didn’t. He needed a model and I agreed—”

  “Woah there, girl.” Terri held up his hands, halting her rambling. “First off, you need to slow it down. What do you mean he didn’t want you, yet he wanted you?”

  Cyn sighed before explaining a little more coherently what happened between her and Sloane. “So, this guy, Sloane, was there with his friend who called us over to their table. Push comes to shove, Tash leaves with the friend and I’m there with Sloane, except he’s not happy about it. He’s curt, bordering on rude, and makes it very clear – verbally at least, that he has no interest in sleeping with me – even though, I mean, you know how I look when I go out and I was definitely coming on to him. But he wanted nothing to do with it.”

  “Was he gay?”


  “Was he dead?”

  Cyn laughed. “No, I don’t think he was a vampire although it wasn’t light outside so I couldn’t really check to see if his skin sparkled in the sun.” She held up her own hand before he could interject again. “But when we stood up to leave, it was very obvious that at least part of him wanted me.” Cyn watched as Terri’s mouth formed a giant “O”.

  “How obvious – in inches would you say?”

  Cyn rolled her eyes at him. “He still had pants on.”


  “Extra large – I would say he was extra-largely obvious.” She laughed. “And, he was fighting it the entire time we were together. Pretty sure he was going to be suffering all night with that one…” Cyn smiled a little to herself as she began to change out of her work clothes to get ready for the evening ahead.

  “But, he didn’t want to do anything about it?” Terri shook his head in disbelief.

  “No,” Cyn bemoaned. “I mean, you’re a guy… what do you think?”

  If his eyes got any larger, Cyn was sure they’d fall out of Terri’s head. He stared at her flabbergasted, his mouth opening and closing several times before his head turned towards the door and then back to her. “Me?!” He practically shrieked. “Honey, let me tell you a little secret. If I understood the idiocy that is the straight male, well… I’d be making millions.” His hands waved around all flustered by her question. “Just because I may dress and act like the Mad Hatter, doesn’t mean that I am crazy enough to go anywhere near that rabbit hole.”

  Cyn raised her hands in surrender, unable to help herself from doubling over in laughter at his response. “All I will say, girl, is that there must be something wrong in his head if he didn’t want to tap that.” He nodded up and down at her almost-naked form. “Now what was this whole model business?”

  “He needs a model for a sculpture he’s doing… I’m not exactly sure for what – an exhibit, I presume – but it must be important because I had to sign an NDA. So, I’m seeing him again tonight after work.”

  “Now, most important, what does he look like?”

  “Tall. Hard. Handsome. With the clearest blue eyes I have ever seen. He puts Sebastian to shame.”

  “Oh dear, well then I’d definitely pursue that in spite of the clear mental handicap that he seems to be suffering from. Unless, you don’t really want to sleep with him, but judging from your tone, I would venture to say that he’s keeping those panties of yours in a hot, wet bunch.” Terri chuckled at her frown.

  “Figures that the first guy that I’ve desired in the past six months is the only one who doesn’t want to screw me.” Cyn huffed and she wiggled into the glitzy gold bra and thong that she was wearing for her dance tonight.

  “Girl, I don’t even want to hear it.” Terri huffed, heading back over to her door. “If you knew the dry spell that I’ve been going through… mm mm… I can’t. I can’t even talk about it; I’m in denial. Now, I need a drink.” He opened her door and began to walk out before sticking his head back in. “Just wear that tonight when you go see him. No way he’s turning you down then.” And with a wink, he closed the door behind him, leaving her to finish getting ready to entertain a room full of males who would probably pay anything to get into her panties.

  Why did she have to want the one who was paying her not to?

  Chapter 4

  Unlike drawing or painting – the mediums that Tristan and Pierce worked in – lighting didn’t really matter for sculpting. Obviously, he needed light in order to be able to see, but it didn’t matter what shadows or highlights were cast over his subject as he worked because he wasn’t capturing those. Which meant that he could work any time day or night – and many times, he worked well in the early morning hours long after his subjects had left. His studio was just more peaceful then. There were less cars and commotion outside and none of the bustle going on in the shop below. The fragrant scent of the fresh flowers would waft upstairs giving the entire space a heady, floral aroma. The lighting, while not crucial, was predictable as he worked underneath the incandescent bulbs that sparsely illuminated the space. The studio became a serene sanctuary, feeling like it was somewhere else other than in the middle of the city.

  However, it had been a mistake to tell Cyn to come back tonight… and it had been downright moronic to say she could come after work at midnight. While many things about his studio were calmer, safer, and more soothing at night – having Cyn there was not. Even now, he stood in front of the frosted glass windows staring at nothing; his body was wound to the point of pulsing waiting for her to arrive.

  He was ready.

  Restraint, Sloane. Restraint. Please.

  His mantra repeated over and over again in his head, loud enough that he missed the footsteps ascending the stairs outside the door. He turned on a dime at the soft knock behind him. His eyes flared, a deep exhale forced from his lungs at the sight of her.

  Cyn was wearing simple black yoga pants and a fitted tank with a track jacket over it. Even though her attire was much less formal than the night before, her hair hung in long, loose curls down her back, her make-up still in perfect place from… wherever she’d come from; his hand clenched at that thought. Their eyes locked, fire rushing right to his groin. But with renewed resolve, he managed to keep that part of his body from reacting to her presence.

  Or at least reacting to the point where she would notice.

  “Come in,” he said gruffly.

  His gaze followed her as she moved into the room, the softness of the lights giving her an ethereal glow as she approached him. The scent of lavender invaded his nostrils, as though she’d brought it up with her from the shop below.

  “Hello, again.” He wondered if her voice was just naturally seductive or if she continued to do that on purpose to him. Before she got too close, he put his hand up and motioned to the couch. “You can sit and we’ll get started.”

  Cyn glanced over at the sofa and he took the opportunity to walk directly around her and back over to the piece of marble, using the huge slab as a partial shield between them.
  He reached down and yanked the stool away from the stone, grabbing his sketchpad and pencil in the same motion. He felt her eyes on him, slowly trying to break through the barrier of restraint that he’d been crafting all day.

  “I thought you were doing a sculpture…”

  Sloane turned his head and glared at her. “Are you an artist?” His tone wondering why she was questioning his process.

  “No,” she retorted back. “That’s not what I meant.” Annoyance. Good. Annoyance he could handle – arousal he could not. “I’ve obviously never done this before. I’m just wondering about the process. Or am I just supposed to sit here silently?”

  He stared at her, tempted – oh, so tempted – to say yes and hope that would save some of the strain on his traitorous body.

  “No.” But, he needed to talk to her if he was going to sculpt her; he needed to know her. “First, we talk, I do some sketches, figure out how I want you posed. First, we plan. Then, I’ll sculpt you.” His gaze left hers to focus on opening up to a blank sheet of newsprint, propping the back of the pad against the marble as a makeshift easel.

  She nodded in understanding. “Are you going to sculpt me in the nude?”

  His eyes slowly drew to hers - and the unmistakable dark desire that rolled in their depths. “I haven’t decided yet.” He clenched his teeth, annoyed at how deep and hoarse his voice had come out as.

  “I would if I were you…” The vixen had the nerve to wink at him and bite that delectably full lower lip in a poor attempt to conceal her smile. Sloane didn’t respond – mostly because the only responses he could think of were a variety of circumstances involving that enticing mouth of hers. “I thought that might be what the NDA was for,” she continued.


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