The Sculptor's Seduction (The Gentlemen's Guild Book 2)

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The Sculptor's Seduction (The Gentlemen's Guild Book 2) Page 34

by Dr. Rebecca Sharp

  “Sloane,” she moaned his name again and he felt the last shreds of restraint evaporating.

  His left hand clasped the firm flesh of her ass as the fingers on his right searched for the sweetness between her thighs.

  His mouth released her as the tips of his fingers found the evidence of her desire. His forehead rested on her sternum as his gaze remained trained on his finger tracing the slit in her folds.

  “God, Cyn,” he rasped. “You are so wet.” His fingers drew back, glistening with her moisture, before he searched for her core.

  He felt her quake as he rubbed over her aching bud.

  “Sloane…” she said breathlessly. “Please… taste me…”

  Maybe she had said ‘take me’ and his mind heard what he wanted to hear, but either way, his head bent, his tongue drawn to the taste of her honey. His fingers moved off of her center just as his mouth took their place. He groaned, pushing two fingers inside of her as his mouth took its fill of her intoxicating sweetness.

  She said his name over and over again as his pulled her quickly and relentlessly towards her peak. He felt her hands pushing his head harder against her, her passage tightening harder and harder around his fingers. And then he took one long pull on her core and she exploded, collapsing – literally – around him.

  He did everything he could to keep his mouth on her, riding out her orgasm, even as his finger had to pull out of her so that his arms could wrap around and hold her up, otherwise she would have collapsed onto the floor.

  Slowly, he pulled his lips from her and made a move to stand. He wasn’t about to take her on the floor when there was a bed in the room next door – no matter how much his erection begged him to.

  But, her hands planted firmly on his shoulders kept him where he knelt.

  He looked up at her. “I want to take you to bed,” he rasped, his need still blazing through him.

  Sloane watched as she slowly knelt down in front of him. “But, I want you to take me right here.”

  Chapter 28

  Cyn smiled at him, her body tingling all over from the incredible orgasm that Sloane had just given her. Now, she wanted to give him the same thing.

  His eyes widened at her words. She knew that he wanted to make this perfect, to make up for his hurried desire. But, that’s not what she wanted. She wanted him completely unbridled; she wanted him to take her… and not tamely.

  Her hands went to his belt, undoing the buckle and pulling it through the loops and tossing it to the side.

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  She bit her lip and in response, cupped her hand against the giant bulge in the front of his pants.

  His body immediately convulsed. “Fuck,” he swore and she knew that she’d made him see stars.

  Slowly sliding her fingers up the length of his denim-covered erection, she undid the front of his jeans, grabbing the edge of them and his boxers and pulling them down carefully over his length.

  His head tilted back with a groan as she freed him, his jeans bunched around his knees.

  “Take them off,” she whispered. He stood to follow her command. Grabbing his hips, her eyes darted up to his as her face was now level with his arousal that hung long and hard out in front of him. She kept her gaze locked with his as her mouth closed over his head, feeling a small amount of liquid release from the tip as he groaned her name.

  “Cyn, I won’t fucking make it…” He sucked in a breath. “If you keep that up.”

  She sucked on him again in defiance and his hips jerked back, pulling himself from the hot heat of her mouth. Sloane dropped back to his knees before she could capture him again, his left hand grasping her chin, holding her face to him.

  “As much as I love your mouth… I need to be inside you,” he growled. Her stomach flipped at the hotness of his words. “It’s all I’ve thought about.” And then a new surge of moisture rushed down between her thighs.

  She pushed back away from him, holding his burning, blue stare. She sat back onto her heels, resting her hands on the floor behind her, and began to slowly lower herself back to lie on the floor, watching as his expression fumed and flared at the blatant exposure of her body to him.

  She stared up at him, at the hard planes of his body that were poised on the edge of losing control. “I need you,” she whispered, uncaging him.

  His body covered hers and she felt the hot hardness of him pressing demandingly between her thighs. His mouth covered hers, his tongue immediately diving inside as his hips lifted slightly. But instead of his arousal, she felt his fingers dive into her slickness again, expertly teasing her core to a frenzy as she gasped feverishly into his mouth.

  “Sloane, please…” she begged.

  “Just wanted to make sure I didn’t hurt you this time, vixen.” And then his fingers were gone, replaced by the large, blunt head of his arousal as he thrust completely inside of her. He tore his mouth from hers to release a shout, and she took that moment to gasp in air as he filled her beyond measure. There was no pain this time; she’d been more than ready for him. But, it had been weeks since she’d been stretched like this and he knowingly held himself still for a moment while her passage acclimated to his size.

  He was waiting too long.

  She saw the strain and sweat on his face and knew it was killing him not to pound into her. More than that, her body – her release – begged for him to move; it begged for the delicious friction of his skin sliding into hers. She jerked her hips up against his and heard him hiss.

  She pulled his face to hers and whispered, “Please...” before her lips claimed his.

  Sloane needed no further encouragement. His hips began to pull out and thrust into her with abandon. He plunged into her wildly, touching the deepest part of her with each thrust.

  Cyn was lost in the sea of sensations that swallowed her. His mouth was locked on hers, one hand clasping her breast, as his hips pushed his arousal furiously into her. It wasn’t like that for long, the burning pleasure between them was too great. She felt herself closing in on her release when the hand on her breast moved swiftly to her core and with a firm rub of his thumb over her sex, she exploded into what felt like a million perfectly pleasurable pieces, screaming his name.

  He didn’t last much longer. The feel of her muscles contracting around him sent him over the edge. His huge length shuddering inside of her as his release spilled from him. His mouth fell to suck on her neck as his hips continued to jerk against her, the strength of his orgasm requiring a few minutes before he could finally think about breathing normally again.

  With a groan, he rolled to the side. “Sorry for crushing you, angel.” Her skin tingled at the coarseness in his voice, feeling it caress her body just as surely as his touch.

  “If I ask you to do it again, will you realize that you don’t need to apologize?” she murmured, turning on her side and tracing a finger down the thick muscles of his arm, enjoying the feel of his blood pumping furiously just underneath his skin.

  White heat flared in his ice-blue eyes and in the periphery of her gaze, she could see how aroused he still was.

  Maybe she wouldn’t even ask…

  As she began to scoot closer to him, Sloane pushed himself up to sit.

  “Cyn,” he rasped. She watched his eyes look down the length of her, feeling the pressure begin to build between her thighs watching him become even more aroused at the sight. The tone of his voice tempered her and she knew that there was something more important that needed to happen between them; there were more important things that needed to be said.

  “Sloane,” she began, seeing that he seemed at a loss. “You can tell me. Whatever it is, I will be here for you.”

  She pulled herself up too, bending her knees and holding them in front of her. She wasn’t ashamed of her nakedness, by any means, but she covered herself to show him that she respected his needs right now and didn’t want to let his unresolved desires distract him from the weight on his heart.

ing his knees up, he rested his elbows on them and ran one hand through his disheveled brown locks.

  “Where do I even begin?” He sighed.

  “Wherever you need…” She reached over and grabbed one of his hands, threading his fingers through her own, letting them come to rest on the floor between them. And then she sat in silent comfort until Sloane was finally ready to unburden himself of everything that had been tormenting him.

  “I told you about how my dad was… with my mom.” He started with the past. His face became shadowed as though he wasn’t just telling her what had happened, he was reliving each memory as if it were happening in this moment. “When I said that she and I used to cook together, that wasn’t the complete truth. We did for a little while and it made her so happy, but eventually, the way my dad treated her made her so depressed that she didn’t want to. It got to the point that if I didn’t cook for her… for us… I’m not sure that we would have eaten many nights.” He cleared his throat. “It got worse. She wanted his love so badly that when trying to please him by cooking or looking nice or making the house nice didn’t work, she resorted to the other end of the spectrum; she began to hurt herself in order to get his attention.”

  Cyn squeezed his hand.

  “At first I didn’t realize what was happening because I was at school most of the day. I’d see her with bruises and cuts and scrapes, but she’d tell me that she’d tripped or cut herself cleaning. I believed that they were all accidents which is why I couldn’t understand why my dad would get even more mad at her for them; I don’t think I put two and two together until we were at Terri’s the other day.”

  “Oh, Sloane…” Cyn felt the tears creep down her face, but she made no move to brush them away lest it distract him or make him too concerned for her that he didn’t get this all out.

  “Part of me always knew that the way my dad treated her was responsible for her death, but until the other day, I didn’t know… or couldn’t remember… to exactly what extent. Seeing Tash like that, all I could picture was my mom that morning; she was so much worse than I’d ever seen. I’d heard them arguing the night before when he’d come home with a blond woman. There were so many banging noises, I assumed they were him and I tried to block them out. That morning though, she looked like someone had used her for a punching bag.” Her heart broke for the small boy that had seen so much pain.

  “They argued again and I went to the bus. When I ran back inside through the fire, I crawled to the kitchen because of how bad the smoke was. I never remembered before the other morning, but now I do. I remember laying on the floor, hardly able to breathe, and seeing my mom on the kitchen floor with an empty pill bottle in her hand. The last thing I saw before I blacked out was my parent’s wedding photo on the stove burning.”

  Cyn felt her heart stop at the truth that she knew was coming. Sloane turned to face her, his turbulent gaze holding onto hers as though it was the only thing that would see him through this.

  “She started the fire, Cyn. She set our home on fire and then overdosed herself just in case she changed her mind about wanting to escape the flames.” A tear fell from his eye. “No one knew. By the time they pulled me out, they couldn’t go back in for her; but it wouldn’t have mattered because she was already dead.” He shuddered. “When I woke up in the hospital, I had inhaled so much smoke that I couldn’t remember much after running inside of the house; they told me that the fire had been ruled an accident and that she must have been trapped inside.”

  She bit her lip in an attempt to restrain her sob.

  “I wonder if the Fire Marshall and the policemen knew the truth. Maybe they did and just didn’t want to tell a ten-year-old boy that his mom committed suicide and took his home with her in the process.”

  “Oh, Sloane,” she whispered. Unable to stop herself, she shifted her position, turning to sit next to and facing him. She pulled his hand up to her lips and kissed it, her other hand reaching for the side of his face. Her heart clenched as he turned against her hand to kiss her palm. “I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine… Your poor mother.”

  Tears swept down her face.

  “And it was all because of him… because he couldn’t control himself. And because she wouldn’t give up on him.”

  “What… what happened to you?” All she could think about was the little boy in the hospital whose mother was gone and whose father was…

  “I was in the hospital for a few days. He never came for me.” She didn’t have to ask who ‘he’ was. “Finally, an older couple who lived two houses down from us came and arranged for me to go home with them. They weren’t related to me, but they didn’t have any kids or grandkids of their own so, my mom used to send me over there once or twice a week to spend time with them. I think it was when my father had just started bringing home other women… she didn’t want me to see.”

  Taking her hand from his face, he held both of her hands in his; his large fingers encasing hers.

  “Did he ever—” She didn’t even get the rest of her question out before she had her answer.

  “No.” His mouth thinned. “He never checked on me. Never came back for me. They hoped that he would, but after a year, finally adopted me. I wouldn’t have wanted to see him anyway.”

  “So you haven’t seen or heard from him since then?” How could someone abandon their child like that?

  “He found me when I was in college. He approached me and it only took me a split second to realize who he was before I beat the living shit out of him.” Cyn felt her mouth drop. “Pierce pulled me off of him otherwise I think I would have killed him and I can’t say that I would have regretted it.” He sighed. “I don’t know what happened to him. He had to go to the hospital, but I didn’t even see them come and take him and I haven’t heard from him since.” His gaze dropped to their hands. “There are just some things that even if you can forgive them, it will never be ok.”

  A sob escaped her and his eyes darted to her face; she couldn’t stop the tears as they poured out.

  “I’m… so sorry… Sloane,” she sobbed. She wasn’t just sorry for what he’d been through, but also the fact that she was bawling her eyes out right now when she should be the one comforting him; instead, now she was the one needing to be comforted.

  And he didn’t miss a beat.

  His hands disentangled from hers to cup her face, his thumbs drying the wetness on her cheeks. “Don’t apologize, angel, and don’t cry. God, I hate seeing you cry… and knowing that I’m the reason.” He leaned in and brushed his lips over hers. “This is why I’ve been trying to keep myself away from you… because what I feel for you… what you feel for me… I can’t bear the thought that I could end up making you suffer like my mother did.” He rested his forehead against hers as though the weight of his confession was taking all of his strength to finally get out. “Especially after the other day when I finally remembered the last piece from that morning; I was a mess. I saw you wanted to pull me closer, begging me to confide in you; you wouldn’t give up on me. And at the same time, I remembered what happens when someone that close refuses to give up on you no matter how fucked up you are; I remembered how it killed her.”

  Cyn tasted blood in her mouth as she bit even harder into her cheek.

  “On top of all that – of all those emotions – all I really wanted to do was lose myself inside of you; I wanted to forget everything except the feel and taste of you because in those moments, I feel no guilt. I feel no pressure or fear… I only feel your love.” His face hardened slightly. “And in my barbaric attempt to find that refuge, I hurt you – the one thing I’ve been trying to prevent this entire time.”

  “No, Sloane…” She shook her head frantically, trying to swallow over the lump in her throat. He couldn’t continue to think that he’d hurt her. “You didn’t hurt me.”

  His gaze narrowed. “Cyn, I saw the blood on me. I know I hurt you.”

  She sighed in frustration. “I know, but you didn’t. I mean, not in th
e way that you think. I wanted you that morning… then… in the elevator. Sloane, there was nothing that I wanted more than to give you that intimacy.” Her hands clasped his as they rested on her cheeks. “You are just very… well-endowed… if that’s the right word.” She watched with a small smile as it almost looked like a blush was spreading over his cheeks. “Honestly, I hardly even felt the sting. Mostly, I just felt all of you, all of a sudden, and what I needed was just a moment for my body to catch up to where my mind already was – which was hot and hard elevator sex.”

  Sloane growled at her words and she saw his erection twitch between his thighs, trying to interject its needs into their conversation.

  “You didn’t hurt me, Sloane,” she reassured him again. “And, honestly, it’s so incredibly sexy to see you lose control for me… kind of like you just did. Sometimes, I like you rough and unrestrained. Especially that morning, when in the depths of your pain and confusion, even when you were trying to mentally pull away from me, your heart… your body… knew that the only place you needed to run to was my arms.”

  “Christ, angel, what did I do to deserve you?” And then he kissed her hard, at first, with the force of his feelings, but then it quickly softened and deepened.

  “I love you,” she whispered against his lips.

  He pulled back to look her in the eyes. “Cyn, loving you has shown me that I could never hurt you like I was afraid of – that I could never be like my father. He never loved her… and I never realized that until I fell in love with you.” He looked at her as though she had given him the most precious thing in the world – a deep physical connection to someone that knew his past and freed him from the weight of it.

  Tears welled, spilling over down her cheek again at his sweet, heartfelt words.

  “Please don’t cry again, angel,” he said, pleading.

  She smiled. “But these are happy tears.” She leaned in and kissed him, sighing against his mouth as he deepened the kiss, his touch reaching straight to her heart.


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