The Fallen One

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The Fallen One Page 3

by Lexy Wolfe

  The woman sighed. "If I had to guess, Journeyman Tobias slipped off the temple grounds to seek out people in need of healing." Her eyes followed the interplay with Tobias. "I wish Arman would not do that to the boy. It is difficult enough for him, being so young a journeyman among the others. He chafes at being kept from practicing our art."

  "What marks the difference between a master and a journeyman?" Valerian wondered. "Are there skills a journeyman has yet to learn?"

  "No, Journeyman Tobias has mastered all the skills. It is more a matter of practice to grow in strength and awareness. Learning the techniques by lore is entirely different than using them in practice." A small smile touched the woman's lips. "Taylin was forever defying Arman. She always strove to bring comfort to those suffering." She glanced sideways. "It is why I taught our children the forbidden arts. If they are going to sneak out of the temple, I want them to at least be able to defend themselves if necessary." She looked at him. "I do hope you will keep that knowledge in confidence, Unsvet Guardian."

  Valerian smiled, and inclined his head. "I would not betray your secrets, Master Healer. I agree with your sentiment. While I can sympathize with the desire to shield those we love from the ugliness in the world, your temple's disciples should know the cold reality of the world. Perhaps it would inspire them." He paused and added, "Just so you know. I have seen Master Taylin. She has been a great boon to the Dusvet Guardian."

  "She is doing well?" The woman closed her eyes in a wash of utter relief colored with gratitude for the news. "Thank you. She may not believe it, but I have worried after her. She did not leave here on the best terms."

  "Have you taught any others these forbidden arts, Master Healer?"

  "You may call me Caryla. And I teach all those who aspire to step beyond the walls of our home the forbidden arts. As temple second, I would not consent to a journeyman or master promotion without that training, even if Arman is unaware of it. It is easy enough to unintentionally discover the skills for other sensations, given we teach how to suppress pain. Better to know than stumble in ignorance."

  She turned back to check on Ana, touching the too skinny girl's brow in concern. "She has not been eating, poor thing."

  Valerian studied Ana's pale and drawn face. "Is she indentured to the owner of this tavern?"

  "Unfortunately. Her parents were poor and could not afford to keep her. Despite the harsh life she endures, she has a good heart. Albeit," she qualified with sadness, "her spirit is… broken. But it is not the owner who abuses her. One of his bouncers. I am not certain why he keeps the man, except that it is a rough crowd that frequents the place."

  "When Ana awakens, have her remain here until I return from speaking with Grand Master Arman." His eyes reflected his simmering anger. "I will escort her home."

  The healer nodded with a knowing look in her eye. "I will have one of the acolytes escort you to Arman." She added after a pause, "Please do not mention Taylin to my husband. Remembering her defiance sends him into a fit of pique."

  "I have dealt with fits of pique by those many decades older than Grand Master Arman, Master Caryla. I will survive the encounter unscathed." Caryla could not help but laugh as he added, "I cannot make any promises for Master Arman's ego."

  Chapter 5

  "The utter arrogance and naivety of a man with his experience just utterly astounds me!" Valerian seethed as he stepped onto the street from the healing temple's steps, shadowed by the emaciated, skittish Ana. "I all but begged for the temple's help, but he thinks I am not enough protection for any of his healers? Foolishness!" He tugged his travel cloak harder than he needed. "I'd half a mind of showing him exactly how dangerous one of the Timeless One's Guardians truly is."

  By his side, Ana hunched deeper into her own travel cloak as he fumed. "I am sorry, Unsvet Guardian," she offered in a trembling voice.

  He looked sharply at her and sighed, rubbing his temple. "Forgive me for losing my temper, Ana. I am not blaming you in the least."

  After a moment, she said, "If you say so, Unsvet Guardian."

  As they neared the tavern, he paused, putting a hand on her shoulder, pressing his lips together in irritation when she flinched at his touch. "Ana." His firm voice drew her eyes up to meet his. "I promise you. You will not need to fear anymore."

  "But Chak," she began, falling silent when he put a light finger over her lips. Nodding, she lowered her eyes again, falling in step with him.

  Nearing the noon hour, the tavern was teeming with customers, the air hazy with smoke from oil lamps and pipes. Parting from Valerian's side, Ana had taken only a few steps inside when a rough, booming voice cut through the din. "There you are!" A huge man, more fat than muscular with bloodshot eyes lurched out of his corner seat and stalked towards her. "Where the hell've you been? Can't you see how busy it is?"

  The eyes that had turned to look at the confrontation quickly looked away as people did their best to ignore the bullying. Ana trembled as she replied, "I-I was at the healing temple. Did-didn't Master tell you?"

  "Bah. Damned healers. You thought you needed a healer before, girl?" Chak raised his hand, ready to backhand Ana. She cringed, instinctively putting her arms over her head. "I'll give you a reason—"

  "Excuse me," Valerian interrupted, putting a hand up to block Chak's blow. "I would like to speak with the owner of this place about this woman."

  Chak glowered at Valerian, looking him over and noting his garments were far better than what most present wore. He glowered over at the older, slender man behind the bar who started to come out from behind. "You have business here, you can take it up with me."

  Valerian narrowed his eyes at Chak. "I am given to understand Ana is indentured to this tavern." He reached into his pocket, pulling out a pouch swollen with coins. "I would like to pay her debt."

  Ana looked up sharply in shock. "Pay my debt?" she echoed in a disbelieving whisper.

  Chak's face darkened with fury as he fixed his look on the girl. "You think you're going to escape just because you gave this pansy a blow?" Pulling back his fist, he aimed a punch at the cringing girl. But the blow did not connect as Valerian raised his hand in a casual gesture. The man's arm became immobile, frozen in time.

  Reaching up to lower the cowl of his cloak, Valerian narrowed his eyes on Chak. The entire tavern went dead silent after a ripple of whispered "Guardian!" raced through. "Ana did not ask me for her freedom nor 'do' anything to convince me to do so." With a gentle touch, he took Ana by the arm and pulled her out of the path of Chak's punch. The Guardian made a dismissive gesture. The massive man stumbled a few steps to regain his balance when his arm was released. "Any man with a shred of honor would protect a child such as this. Abusing someone weaker than you just proves you are a coward and unworthy of your gender."

  Chak growled at Valerian, inebriated to the point that he either could not clearly see the mark on Valerian's cheek or his pride was greater than his sense. With an inarticulate shout, Chak started to rush Valerian with the clear intention of doing him severe bodily harm. Valerian stepped to the side, keeping Ana behind him as he grabbed Chak's greasy hair and jerked back. The Vodani glared into Chak's eyes. The man's eyes went wide in terror as his flesh rippled and began to sag as he aged years before everyone's eyes.

  Shoving Chak away in disgust, he turned his back on the now decrepit old man struggling on his hands and knees on the floor. As he wiped his hands on his tunic, his eyes scanned the room, his anger vivid on his face. All eyes quickly focused on drinks, meals or knotholes in tables. He fixed his attention on the nervous owner who approached, unable to speak. Valerian offered the pouch of coins to the man, dropping it in his open palm. "This should settle Ana's debt. I will also require food and a room for the night. There should be plenty left over to generously cover everything. I will be leaving Surthan in the morning after I send my report to Fortress."

  The owner nodded, stammering, "Of-of course, Unsvet Guardian. I will… I will have Ana bring your meal to you

  "Find someone else. Ana is no longer your concern," Valerian stated tonelessly. Putting his hand on her shoulder, his demeanor gentled. He guided the stunned girl towards the stairs, snatching the key from the equally stunned older woman at the bar. Locking the door to the room, Valerian grumbled under his breath. However, when he turned towards the room, he stared at Ana for a moment, the young woman having started to take her clothes off.

  He jumped to catch her by the wrists. "Don't do that."

  She looked up, stricken. "But… but, master—"

  "No. I do not want you to call me or anyone else 'master' ever again, Ana," Valerian stated firmly. "Not unless it is a title earned by skill mastery." He saddened as the young woman looked even more lost, realizing that if he left her behind, he would be abandoning her to the mercies of this merciless city. He considered the options for a time. "You know how to wash and mend clothing? How to prepare food and drink?" When she nodded, he stated, "Then that is how I wish you to serve me."

  "I am sorry I am so ugly," Ana whispered. "That you don't even want to touch—"

  Valerian tilted her chin upwards, waiting until he caught her tear-filled gaze. "You are not ugly, Ana. A good person does not impose themselves on a gentle soul such as yours. Your company and your assistance while I travel is all I ask for in return for your freedom. But for now, I wish you to go gather all of your belongings and bring them here. I doubt anyone will be fool enough to harm you, knowing I am here watching over you, but take care regardless." Ana managed a timid smile and nod, waiting for him to unlock the door to leave the room.

  Latching the door again, Valerian turned back and dropped his backpack on the table with a gusty sigh. "How things have changed in so little time, mistress. It has only been perhaps twenty years since I was last here! I remember when no one would dare deny a Guardian anything.

  "But regardless of my request, for the Zeridian temple to deny their masters and journeymen the opportunity to leave the temple at all! It is unconscionable, regardless of whether any might have chosen to travel with me or not." Dropping to the bed, he leaned forward, covering his face with his hands. "Was I being arrogant, trying to fashion myself to be even slightly as great as Dusvet Almek, my lady? I thought to take a page from his journal and have a healer travel with me, but now—"

  He raised his head when a knock sounded at the door. Expecting one of the servers from downstairs bringing up the requested meal, Valerian blinked several times in surprise. "Journeyman Tobias?"

  "I'll go," the formerly lighthearted young man stated with the utmost gravity. "As your healer." He stepped inside when Valerian gestured for him to come into the room. "I know I am just a journeyman, and you wanted a master, but—"

  "It is fine," Valerian reassured, unable to keep from smiling at the young man. "I am pleased to have you join me on my journey." Tobias smiled brightly with relief at the Guardian's easy acceptance.

  When Ana stepped into the room, the young man looked at her in surprise, throwing his arms out in an expansive greeting. "Ana! I heard that Valerian had walked you back home. I was so worried about you, how are you doing?"

  The poor girl dashed to hide behind Valerian, scared at the unexpectedness of both the young man and his exhuberant greeting. With an inward sigh, Valerian put an arm around her. "Relax, Ana. Tobias will be traveling with us. So if I burn myself while trying to make a campfire, he can ensure I am mended while you make sure everything else is mended." Ana could not help but stare at him, but it was Tobias's odd expression that finally drew a giggle from her.

  Chapter 6

  Near the southern border of Ithesra's territory not far from the main road crossing into the Sevmanan territory, a group of mage guardsmen stalked through the giant trees. "Are you sure it's here, Master Nolyn?" one of the younger mages asked, his doubt as audible as his disdain. "I haven't seen any hint of a rabid lyon."

  "A good woodsman could have dealt with a simple rabid lyon," Nolyn replied, pausing to rub at the still tender places across his chest. "From the reports we got back, this is anything but a naturally behaving beast." With growing impatience, he snapped, "You could try helping by reaching out to the forest instead of complaining like a pretentious twig, Lukan."

  The mage crossed his arms. "Listening to trees? I am a member of the Havkor family! Listening to trees is the work of tree mages." He either ignored or was oblivious to the eye rolling of the other members of the party. "I am in line to inherit the Mosacia's Edai seat. If not for that Avarian's order that journeymen cannot attain their mastery rank without running around the forest with lowborn guards—"

  "Listen to him," a woman archer said to the others, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Look, 'Journeyman' Lukan Havkor, you aren't going to cut it in the guard here banking on your bloodlines, highborn or not. Everyone has to pull their own weight here."

  "Archer Rayven! Journeyman Lukan!" Nolyn snapped, narrowing his eyes at the two. "I would not be able to hear a herd of stampeding tri-tail deer over the two of you." The pair subsided, glowering at each other. The Edai Magus rested his hand on the side of a tree, closing his eyes as he concentrated on listening to the tree's voice. "This way," he stated. "It is nearby."

  Lagging behind the group, Lukan continued to complain petulantly. "I think this is a waste of time. If there was really some monster lyon out here, it would have—" He cried out when a massive spotted great cat tackled him. The maddened beast sank its teeth into the mage's middle. It shook its head hard until bones snapped and the mage went limp, only to be tossed aside like an unwanted rag doll.

  "Archers! To the branches!" Nolyn ordered sharply, drawing his own bow and loosing an arrow that only clipped the lyon's shoulder. Glittering eyes narrowed on Nolyn. The lyon had a sickly appearance, normally smooth fur was ratted and patched with bare spots. The foul stench of rotted meat hung heavy in the air around the animal. Maddened eyes shone with an awareness not normally seen in beasts.

  A cold knot of fear closed around Nolyn's heart as he realized what the beast was. "Oh, shit, Ash," he muttered. "This is what you had been facing all the time?" He focused on casting a spell, but the beast dodged the spike of stone that erupted from the ground to halt its advance. He took a step back as the monster's lips curled into a malevolent, unnatural smile, stalking towards him. Before he could dodge, the monster leapt at the mage, claws ripping into Nolyn's raised arm, cutting almost to the bone, but not enough to capture the human.

  Uttering an anguished cry of pain, Nolyn staggered back, clutching his now useless arm. Rayven jumped down to Nolyn's level, drawing her bow. She called out, "Archers! Now!!" The beast roared as several arrows impaled its body to little effect. Red eyes flashed with menace as it turned its attention to her, flexing its claws.

  Nolyn's eyes went wide and with single-minded fortitude, he got to his feet and drove his shoulder into its side to deflect its leap. Staggering to his knees, he raised an arm in a futile attempt to protect himself as it turned its attention back to him when it uttered an unearthly shriek. He looked up to stare as the beast convulsed grotesquely before what seemed to be a grey mist oozed out of it. The mist hovered above the lyon a minute before it dissipated and the lyon went limp.

  "What...? What... the hells...?" He gasped as pain blinded him a moment when he put weight on his savaged arm. The pain suddenly vanished and he looked up in amazement to see a young Sevmanan man kneeling by him. The gashes closed under the other's hands as the pain vanished. "Uh. Thank you. I'm not ungrateful, but..."

  The Sevmanan healer looked up and smiled brightly. "Who am I?" he asked in a carefree, friendly manner. Standing, the healer offered his hand to Nolyn to help him up. "I am Journeyman Tobias. Looks like we got here just in time, too."

  "We?" Nolyn echoed in confusion. He looked over Tobias's shoulder, his eyes widening before he reflexively offered a bow, hand over his heart. The others followed suit, dropping to one knee in respect for the tall Vodani man as he walked closer. "Unsvet Guardian!" />
  The Vodani man patted Rayven's shoulder in reassurance, drawing her back to her feet before he turned to regard Nolyn. His turquoise Guardian mark gleamed in the sunlight on his right cheek. "Edai Magus," the slender man responded in even tones. "I'm Valerian. These are my companions, Journeyman Healer Tobias Zeridius and my servant Ana of Surthan." The shy woman peeked around Valerian, ducking back when Nolyn's gaze moved to her.

  Valerian toed the now inert creature. "The Dusvet was not joking that you Forenten need help. That was a particularly nasty time shifter you were contending with. Only very strong ones can keep a dead body animated. Normally, they subvert their host. However, when the host dies, they are either trapped in the corpse or forced out and dissipate if they cannot take a new host." He pressed his lips together. "It is no wonder the Dulain and the Dusvet Guardian both worried. Illaini Magus Avarian would no doubt be distracted with anxiety his absence would allow such as this to flourish in his homeland."

  Both Valerian and Tobias caught Nolyn when his knees gave out from shock at the mention of his spirit brother compounding with the recent trauma of the attack. "Ash...? You came because of…?" Nolyn leaned against the broad wall of the root, covering his face for a moment before rubbing his cheeks, tilting his head back and laughing.

  Tobias and Valerian traded quizzical looks. "Why... are you laughing?" the Guardian asked in a careful manner, as if afraid the question would push the Forenten over the edge of insanity. He frowned at Tobias. "There was not some head trauma you missed, was there?" Tobias shook his head quickly, eyes wide as he stared at the Edai Magus. They glanced at the Forenten dressed in black trimmed in forest green as they climbed down to the forest floor. They chuckled in a mixture of relief and amused affection for Nolyn. Rayven waved them to go attend to Lukan Havkor's body, hovering near her superior.


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