Rhett (Signature Sweethearts)

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Rhett (Signature Sweethearts) Page 13

by Kelsie Rae

  I feel terrible, and this is the worst timing ever. Rhett is supposed to pick me up in a few minutes, and my makeup is now ruined, because sometime during my mom’s long silence, I started to cry.

  “I’m so sorry, Mom.” I can’t apologize enough. I know how much my relationship with Tony meant to her. It’s stupid, but it’s true. A tear slides down my cheek at the disappointment she clearly feels regarding her only child.

  A sharp inhale travels through the speaker, and I can tell she’s trying to contain her sobs. “It’s okay, sweetheart. It’s okay. I’m just . . . a little surprised. That’s all.” She pauses for a second, gathering her words. “Umm . . . we’ll talk soon, okay? I love you.”

  The call disconnects before I have a chance to say goodbye.

  I drop the phone and sit on my bed in the silence for a handful of minutes as numbness takes over. I know I did the right thing, I just wish I didn’t have to break my mom’s heart in order to do so.

  It’s for the best. Even if it burns.

  My mind is busy traveling down a rabbit hole of self-loathing when there’s a loud knock at my door.

  My heart jumps at the knowledge that Rhett’s only a few feet away from me, and I rush down the hall to answer it. I’m craving his comfort, knowing it’ll be a balm to my aching soul.

  I swing the door open before remembering that my face is puffy and is covered in a mess of smeared makeup from crying.

  As soon as Rhett sees me, his face transforms from confident and sexy to concerned and caring.

  “Hey . . .” Rhett steps forward, wrapping me in a hug and pulling me against his chest. “What’s wrong?”

  I laugh dryly into his white dress shirt before rolling my eyes, even though he can’t see it. “It’s stupid.”

  Rhett plants a gentle kiss on the crown of my head. “If it’s important enough for you to cry over then it isn’t stupid, sunshine. What’s going on?”

  My teeth nibble my lower lip as I debate whether I should tell him. It isn’t normal to open up to a guy about a breakup. Especially when it’s to tell him that your mom took it as hard as your boyfriend did.

  So not normal.

  “You can tell me, Indie. You can tell me anything.” His honesty shines through his statement and is enough to push me into opening up.

  “My mom called.”

  “Is everything okay?”

  I swallow. “I think I just broke her heart.”

  “What do you mean?” he asks as his arms squeeze around me.

  I like that he hasn’t pulled away. That we can be so close physically while having such a draining conversation.

  “She didn’t know that Tony and I had broken up,” I whisper as a tear slides down my cheek, soaking into the crisp fabric of his shirt.

  His chin brushes my hair slightly, and I know he’s nodding his understanding.

  “Is it weird that I want her acceptance on this? That I want her support? I know that she’s disappointed, but I want her to be happy for me. I want to feel like I’m not a failure just because I ruined her lifelong dream of her daughter marrying her best friend’s son.” I exhale loudly before pulling away from the comforting cocoon he’s surrounded me in. “I mean, I know she wants me to be happy, and that she’s never really pressured me or anything, but I also know that her and Mary have joked about Tony and I getting hitched since we were toddlers. And what are the odds of that happening, anyway? So it didn’t work out. It isn’t that big of a deal.” The lie tastes bitter as it leaves my lips.

  Rhett grips my chin gently before tilting my head up. His intense gaze holds my own, portraying his sincerity.

  “It is a big deal, Indie. But that’s okay. You’re hurting—” I try to interrupt him, but he puts his thumb over my mouth, shushing me and making me listen. “Not because you’re still in love with him, or because you made a mistake by breaking it off. But because you disappointed your parents and hurt someone you care about, even if you don’t love him in that way. It’s okay to mourn the loss of your relationship, Indie. Even if it was a platonic one in the end.”

  I remain silent, allowing his words to sink in.

  “The question is, do you want me by your side as you do so, or do you need space?” His eyes close for the briefest of seconds as he murmurs the last bit, as if it physically pains him to consider giving me space. But somehow, I know he’d do it, anyway. For me.

  I shake my head from side to side in protest. “I want to be with you, Rhett.” The pressure on my chin heightens slightly at my confession. “What I feel for you is . . .” I laugh dryly while trying to find the right words. “It’s the most foreign feeling in the world, but I want it. I want it so badly that when I think of not pursuing what we could be . . . it hurts worse than anything else in the world.” My gaze drops to his lips. They’re only an inch away from mine, and I’m dying for a taste. “Please don’t make me go through this alone. Please don’t take away the warmth that I only feel when I’m with—”

  My words are cut off when Rhett kisses me, sweeping me away to never be found again.

  He releases my chin and grips my ass, hauling me against him. The feel of his muscles pressed against my breasts is almost more than I can bear. My heart races from the swirling emotions, combined with his overwhelming touch, and I struggle to keep standing. I dig my hands into his hair and grab the short strands with wild abandon. I’m licking. Nipping. Sucking. Like my life depends on it.

  Hell, maybe it does. He’s quickly becoming my oxygen. My reason. My world.

  Rhett leads me to the bedroom, not needing a tour because our apartments have similar layouts. He drops me onto the bed before caging me in with his thick arms and peppering open-mouthed kisses along my neck and collarbone.

  “Your pain”—another kiss—“is my pain.”

  I nod as he continues showering me with heated affection. “Your hurt”—another kiss—“is my hurt.”

  I squirm as he slides the cotton dress that I’d chosen for our date up my body. “This thing between us is”—he plants kisses along my lower ribs—“inevitable. But when you fight for us, I fight for us.”

  My hands grip his short dark hair and pull him back up to my mouth. He’s exactly where I want him, our bodies perfectly aligned. I don’t say a word as I wrap my legs around his waist and show him what he does to me. How he makes me feel. We’re both panting like we’ve run a marathon. Clothes disappear, and our bodies connect the way our souls have.


  Chapter 19


  Yesterday definitely didn’t go according to plan. I had shown up at Indie’s apartment ready to take her out and sweep her off her feet. But what I found was her on the precipice of tears and heartache.

  All I wanted to do was comfort her. Make her feel better.

  I didn’t plan on us sleeping together. But I wouldn’t change it for the world. I haven’t known her for long, yet she’s gotten under my skin in ways I never could’ve imagined.

  We spent the night rolling in the sheets, binging Netflix, and eating Chinese food straight from the takeout containers.

  And I spent the night. I never spend the night. But with Indie, it felt so natural that I couldn’t help myself.

  Rolling onto my side, I scan the beauty before me. Tousled blonde hair. Pouty red lips. And silky tan skin I want to get lost in all over again this morning.

  She wakes when I place a gentle, open-mouthed kiss on her bare shoulder. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I pull her into me so that we’re spooning. The morning light filters in through the window.

  The moment is picturesque. Perfect. So perfect, I begin to question if this is real. If the girl of my dreams is really snuggled into my arms. If a sucker like me really gets to keep the princess, or if she will end up escaping my grasp.

  “Morning,” she murmurs, her voice groggy from sleep. The sound is like a vice around my heart.

  “Morning,” I whisper as I brush the hair from her neck. Lazily, I scatte
r more kisses along her exposed skin.

  She giggles softly before rolling onto her back and peeking up at me.

  Carefully, Indie pulls the bed sheets up until they’re covering her mouth. The stark white of the cotton fabric combined with her midnight-blue eyes glazed with vulnerability is . . . breathtaking.

  “You really are a masterpiece,” I mutter under my breath.

  Her eyes crinkle in the corners, and a soft pink spreads across her cheeks.

  “Thank you.”

  Leaning forward, I kiss her button nose. “Well, sunshine. It seems we have a date to make up for.”

  “We do?” she mumbles into the sheet.

  I laugh. “Yup. We sure do. I’m going to go let Harry out then shower. Why don’t you get ready, and we can grab a bite to eat on the way?”

  “The way to what?”

  “To the surprise, of course. Wear a swimsuit and some sweats or something, okay? I don’t want you to get cold.”

  She nods with a mixture of excitement and curiosity. Her gaze bounces around my face like a pinball, searching for clues about our plans for the day.

  Sorry, sunshine. Not happening.

  “Perfect.” I grip the sheet covering her mouth and slide it away from her. The motion is so fast that she doesn’t even put up a fight when I plant a hard, demanding kiss on her tantalizing lips. I’m jumping out of bed and grabbing my clothes that are scattered throughout the bedroom faster than she can say, “What the hell was that?”

  Dressing quickly, I give her one more crooked smirk then head to my apartment and let Harry outside.

  Excitement zings through my veins as I consider our activity for the day.

  She’s going to love it.

  An hour later, I’m knocking on Indie’s door. I haven’t been this excited for a date in . . . ever.

  The door opens and she grins from ear to ear. “Hi.”

  Her easy smile is a stark contrast to how I found her yesterday. I’m glad I was able to alleviate her pain from disappointing her mom, and I pray they’ll be able to figure their crap out.

  “Hey, are you ready to go?”

  She’s in a gray zip-up jacket, thick leggings, and her hair is in a loose side braid. It hangs over the same shoulder I kissed this morning.

  “Yup. Although you didn’t give me much to work with . . . I threw some sunscreen in my bag . . . .” She looks at me questioningly, silently pleading with me to give her a hint about our activities.

  “I have everything covered, sunshine. But nice try.” I motion to the duffle bag by my side before continuing. “So, where do you want to get some food? I would normally suggest this awesome little bakery a block away, but I think you’ve already heard of it.”

  Her tinkling laughter is like music to my ears. “Yeah, I’ve heard of it a time or two, but let’s go! You can meet Julio, my weekend manager. Without him, I’d have absolutely no life outside of Get Baked.”

  She links her fingers with mine as we head in the shop’s direction. Like spending our Saturday together is a completely normal occurrence for us, when in reality, it’s as foreign as walking on the moon.

  I like it though. A lot.

  We walk hand in hand, chatting about everything and nothing at all. A few minutes later, we reach our destination.

  “Hey, Julio!” Indie greets her employee. She walks behind the counter and makes us two cups of coffee to go.

  Julio has olive skin, dark hair, weighs about three hundred pounds, and has the friendliest smile I’ve ever seen.

  “Hola, Indie! What are you doing here?”

  “Just grabbing some coffee and a few pastries,” Indie replies as she presses the lids onto our hot beverages.

  “And who’s this?” Julio asks as his head tips in my direction.

  “Oh. That’s Rhett,” Indie answers, giving the worst introduction I’ve ever heard. She makes it sound like Julio should already know me or something.

  I take a step forward and offer my hand to Julio.

  “Hey. I’m Rhett, Indie’s . . .” I pause. What am I to her?

  I know what she is to me. But are those feelings mutual? Is she ready to label something that’s still so new? Especially when she just got out of a relationship? My head is swirling, trying to come up with an answer when, Indie replies for me.

  “He’s my Rhett.” She shrugs and grabs a few cronuts. Placing a flaky glazed pastry into her mouth, she mumbles, “Thanks, Julio! See ya later!”

  Then we’re off. Like that wasn’t the weirdest introduction I’ve ever had with an absolute stranger.

  We take the subway to Staten Island with Indie bouncing up and down like a little kid. She’s oozing with curiosity and throwing questions at me every thirty seconds.

  Lacing our fingers together again, I lead her to Cedar Grove Beach on the east side of the tiny island. When she finally starts piecing together our activity, her eyes light up with excitement and adoration.

  Gleefully, she jumps into my arms and wraps her legs around my waist.

  “You brought me to a beach!” she squeals.

  I laugh in return. “I brought you to a beach.”

  “I haven’t been to the beach in forever. I cannot believe you remembered that!” She slides down my body and plants her feet on the boardwalk. Then she smacks my chest playfully. Her eyes are practically glowing as she scans the sandy shore.

  It’s autumn in New York, which means the weather is starting to get chilly. But that doesn’t stop Indie from unzipping her jacket and rushing toward the waves with wild abandon.

  Somehow, I’d known she’d want to take a quick dip in the water. And that is why I brought my compact duffle bag. It’s filled with a thermos of hot chocolate and a few fluffy towels. She’ll be needing them.

  “Come on, scaredy-cat!” she tosses over her shoulder before stopping abruptly a few feet from the wet sand. Bending at the waist, she strips off her thick leggings while simultaneously giving me a stroke. I stop a few feet behind her, soaking up the view in front of me like a dry sponge.

  Those legs. Those curves. Those tiny pieces of string holding up her bikini bottoms.

  Indie slides her arms out of her already-unzipped jacket before turning around and giving me a view of the whole package.

  I swallow.

  She smirks knowingly. “Come on, horn dog. Let’s cool you off.”

  “Naw. I think I like this view just fine.” I scan her delectable body from head to toe. “Plus, it’s freezing, sunshine. I’ll be waiting right here when you’ve finished with your little swim session.”

  She shakes her head. “Nope. How about I make you a deal? If you can strip down and get in the water by the time I touch the first wave, I’ll find a different way of warming you up.” Her voice drips with sexuality. My blood instantly rushes south.

  Damn it. That woman drives a hard bargain.

  Slowly, she takes a step back, closing the distance between her and the cool water without waiting for me to agree to her terms.

  I stand.


  For about two seconds.

  Then I’m stripping like my life depends on it.

  I’m down to a pair of boardshorts when I rush toward Indie. Her victorious smirk is short-lived because in the next second, she’s in my arms and plunging into the water with me.

  Her gorgeous lips form a tiny ‘o’ of pure shock when our drenched heads break the icy water’s surface.

  “Holy shit, that’s freezing!” She clings tighter to me as her lips start turning a light purple color. “Get me out, get me out!”

  I roar with laughter before turning back toward the shore and setting her feet back onto the ground. We both make a mad dash for the duffle bag as the glacial droplets roll down our bodies. Pulling out a towel, I wrap us up in the dry fabric, making a tiny cocoon for us to warm up in.

  Indie wraps her arms around my waist. Her skin is pebbled with goose bumps.

  “That was freezing! Why did you let me do that?” she a
ccuses me, but it’s all sugar and light teasing.

  “Hey. I had nothing to do with it. I just wanted to walk along the beach and hold hands. You were the one that suggested swimming.”

  She giggles then squeezes her arms tighter.

  “It was a terrible idea, and I take full responsibility. Now warm me up, Rhett.” Her tone is light and bossy. The sound knots my stomach in the best way possible.

  I rub my hand against her back, trying to create some friction to heat her body faster. “To be fair, I believe you were the one to offer warming me up if I joined you,” I joke.

  A soft love bite on my pec is her only response. The unexpected nibble takes me by surprise and makes me jolt.

  “Hey!” I grunt before smacking her ass in mock discipline.

  She giggles then places a soft kiss on the red skin she’s just bitten.

  “I’m teasing.” Indie looks at me with pure adoration shining in her vibrant eyes. Her cheeks are flushed from the cold. She looks absolutely stunning with a few sparkling drops of water clinging to her thick lashes. “Thank you for bringing me here, Rhett. It’s one of the most thoughtful things anyone has ever done for me.”

  “My pleasure, sunshine.” I lean forward and place a gentle kiss against her still-purple lips, savoring the unique flavor that’s so Indie hidden beneath the salty water clinging to her skin.

  We spend the rest of the morning and early afternoon snuggled in the towels while sharing hot chocolate from the thermos. We’re laughing and loving every minute together before we head home to get ready for the business dinner.

  Chapter 20


  What does one normally wear to a dinner party with their not-boyfriend’s most important client?

  Good question. I have absolutely no idea.

  I’ve been standing in front of my closet, naked, for the past twenty minutes. Searching through options that range from a dress suit to a floor-length gown. Rhett mentioned going to a Broadway play before our dinner at a fancy schmancy restaurant, so I’m going to assume sweats are out of the running.


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